Saturday, July 12, 2014


For 45:00 @ Z1:
750m row
15 AirDyne calories
200m jog

A. Power clean, build to a touch-and-go 5RM
B. Double overhand axle deadlift, 2-2-2-1-1-1; 2:30 rest
AMRAP in 4:00:
3 rounds not for time:
6 glute-ham raises
12 reverse hypers
:30/side plank


A. 175 (PR+5)
B. 140-150-160-165-170(f)-165
67 burpees

I'm happy with the power clean 5RM PR, although the 5th rep was very ugly, rounded back and all. Bleh. That's not cool. The axle deadlifts were tougher than last week, I was having trouble holding on to the bar. I'm very pleased with the burpees, I thought I was going to do relatively poorly on that. Before I started, Stephen told me I had to get at least 64 and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to, but I ended up getting 67. The first three minutes actually weren't too bad, the last minute sucked. But I was able to keep a steady pace the whole time. 


A. 1 hang snatch pull + 1 hang squat snatch, 1-1-1-1-1-1; begin a set every :90
B. Back squat, 1-1-1-1, 20X1; 3:00 rest
C1. DB bench press, 3 x 7-9, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 12-15, 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Knees-to-elbows, 3 x 15 unbroken; 2:00 rest
3 sets:
:15 AirDyne @ 99%
2:45 rest

A. 105-115-125-130-135-140-150 (PR+10)
B. 205-215-225-235
C1. 35-40-45(7)
C2. 35-40-45
C3. complete

Really happy with the hang snatch PR. After I finished with the pull/hang snatch piece I was feeling really good so I decided to go for a hang snatch PR. I hit 145 and then went for 150. So excited! I thought a 150 hang snatch was way in the distant future. I kept the back squats on the light side due to the same discomfort I've been feeling for a few weeks now. I'm going to see if I can get an appointment with Pete this week and hopefully he can help me. I forgot how much I dislike DB rows, and the DB bench press was really difficult. The KTE were harder than usual because my arms were fatigued from all the DB work. 

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