Monday, September 29, 2014


8:00 @ 75% of [200m row + 3 ring dips + 3 toes-to-bar]
4:00 rest
8:00 @ 85% of [200m run + 20m/side 1-arm Farmer's walk @ 70]
4:00 rest
3 rounds for time:
5 bar muscle-ups
5 squat cleans, 135
400m sled drag, very tough grind

complete with 170# on sled

I was a little nervous about training today since my back was still really tight from yesterday. I woke up and could barely move it. As I warmed up it got a bit better, and I didn't even feel it during my workouts so that's good. I was pleased with the bar MU/ squat clean piece, all MUs were 3/2. I might have been able to get 4 but I was afraid I would fail the fourth rep and waste more time. They felt really good though, I am definitely getting better at getting my hips toward the bar. Squat cleans were all singles. The limiting factor in this was definitely breathing, my muscles were never fatigued but I was breathing pretty hard through the whole thing. Sled drag was fine, took less breaks and didn't sit! Success! 


5-6 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
25m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
2:00 row
3/side light Turkish get-ups

A. Squat clean & jerk, build quickly to a tough single - not a max
B. Segmented snatch-grip deadlift (pause just off ground, just below knees, mid-thigh), 3 x 1 heavy; 3:00 rest
3 sets for even times:
500m row
15 handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
3:00 rest
6 sets:
50m sled sprint outdoors, 100 on sled
3:00 walk rest
Hollow rock, accumulate 100 reps

complete with 25# KB

A. 200 (PR+5)
B. 200-220-230
complete, forgot to record times

Finally clean and jerked 200 pounds!!! Woohoo!!! I am so pysched about that. I wasn't sure if I was going to hit a PR today, as I was lifting all the cleans felt really easy but the jerks were feeling off, I wasn't really punching under the bar. It has been a long time since I actually clean AND jerked instead of just jerking off the blocks. I cleaned 200 easily and barely failed the jerk so I wanted to try for it again. I got it on the second try, PR!! It was definitely a great start to the day. Snatch deadlifts are getting better. Row/HSPU workout went well but I tripped up on the double unders every round, that was frustrating because I hardly ever do that. HSPU were 8/4/3 every round. Sled sprints were same as usual. I forgot to record my times on these, ehhhhh oops. I would guess they were about the same as last week except for the 6th one, that was a little rough. During the last sprint I felt something in my back tighten up really badly. I could sort of feel it on the hollow rocks but barely. Those were done in sets of 10. 


A. 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat, 5 x 1; 2:00 rest
B. 1 push jerk + 4 split jerks, 4 x 1 tough; 2:00 rest
For 8:00:
Evens: 3 burpee muscle-ups
Odds: 15 unbroken wall balls, 14 to 10
3 sets @ 100%:
:15 pull-ups
:20 burpees
:25 row
6:00 rest

A. 115-125-135-145-155 (PR+5)
B. 145-155-165-170

My snatch balance is coming along slowly but surely. They started off a bit rough, I actually failed the first rep at 115, I fell way forward. That made me a little nervous, but they actually got better as the weight got heavier. I was happy to hit a 5 pound PR on that. Split jerks felt good, I think I could have gone to 175. The burpee/muscle up EMOM was definitely harder than last week, it's crazy how much harder it was with 1 extra muscle up and 3 extra wall ball. My breathing wasn't great on that. 

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