Thursday, September 12, 2013


A. Shoulder press, 5 x 3-5; 2:00 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 15-20/arm heavy w/a little cheat; :30 rest between arms
For time:
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
10 wall walks
50m KB front rack walking lunge, 35/hand
10 wall walks
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
Front leaning rest on rings, accumulate 210 seconds

A. 75-80-85-90-95
B. 25-30-35

Holy shit, I am sore and tired. I'm happy with how the shoulder press went, I'm surprised I was able to press 95# five times because I think my 1RM press is 100 or 105. The 1-arm DB row was tougher than I thought it would be, I haven't done dumbbell work in awhile. The farmers walk/wall walk workout was really tough and took me a lot longer than I thought it would. I did the first farmer's walk in about a minute, knocked out the first set of wall walks, then the walking lunges took awhile. I didn't have to put them down as much as I thought I would but I was still resting too much. The second set of wall walks took forever, by that point I was breathing heavy and my arms were really tired so those took a long time. I was able to finish the last farmers walk relatively quickly but the whole workout still took a lot longer than I thought it would. I was also supposed to do a 35:00 Z1 airdyne this morning but I slept through my alarm, oops. It has been a tough couple of weeks and I feel a little beat up. Glad tomorrow is just a Z1 airdyne. 

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