Monday, July 6, 2015


A. Front squat, 12x2 @50-55% 1RM, 10x1; begin a set every :60
B. Weighted pronated CTB pull ups, 2-1-1, 31x0; 2:00 rest
C. CTB pull ups, 4x12 unbroken; 2:00 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
2 rope climbs
20 unbroken wall balls, 14 to 10
200m run
Not for time:
1200m sled drag outdoors, adjust weight so you can be steady throughout

A. complete @125
B. 15-20-30
C. complete except last set was 7/5
2 rounds + 125m
complete w/65# on sled

Front squats were enjoyable as per usual. 

Weighted CTB pull ups felt great today! I definitely could have gone heavier than 30 pounds, this was very easy. 

The four sets of unbroken CTB pull ups were good until the fourth set, I slipped off the bar on the 7th rep and just lost my grip. Other than that they felt good, all butterfly. 

The AMRAP sucked. I'm realizing that my Saturday AMRAPS are made up of all the movements I'm bad at. I definitely could have gotten three rounds, and I know the exact moment when I screwed myself over. It was on the third set of rope climbs and I rested way too long between climbs. Dammit. I was breathing hard the entire time. I feel like I used to be pretty aerobic at one point. For the past two weeks I have felt like garbage during the AMRAP. 

Sled drag was MUCH better than last week. I went ten pounds lighter and was able to stay moving the entire time, only stopping to switch directions. I also had a lot more energy. Heather came out and walked with me for the last 600m and she will tell you I wasn't complaining one bit. I'm not sure what was going on last week. 


45:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 to walk around for 5 burpees

A. Power snatch clusters, 4x1.1.1.1, :12 between singles, 2:00 rest
B1. Halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below knees on way up and down) 2-2-2-2 @100-105% snatch max; :60 rest
B2. DB bench press, 4-4-4-4, 41x1; 2:00 rest
4 sets for even times:
3 strict handstand push ups, 2-3" deficit
400m row
50 double unders
3:00 walk rest


A. 105-115-125-130
B1. complete @175
B2. 35-40-45-50(3)
HSPU & DU unbroken for all sets

Power snatches felt excellent today, I was happy to hit 130 pretty easily for four reps with little rest between singles. 

Snatch grip deadlifts were good.

DB bench press was really hard today, a lot tougher than last week. I didn't time my meals correctly today and I was already hungry by this point and losing energy. I was bummed I only got 50 for three reps since last week these were feeling really easy. 

Four sets for even times felt pretty awful. Again, the result of poorly timed meals and not enough energy. Strict deficit HSPU were actually pretty easy and all unbroken so that was cool. The rows felt like shit today and I was rowing at the same pace as the 500s last week. Double unders were all unbroken. My time on the last set was so much slower because I rested too long between the rower and double unders. Merrrr. 


(Making up AM session from Tuesday)

10 sets:
:30 airdyne @600 cals/hr
:30 airdyne @50%
3 rounds:
:10-:15/side 1-arm passive hang from bar
20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry, tough
10 sets:
:30 airdyne @600 cals/hr
:30 airdyne @50%

complete, DB 45-50-50

I liked having a specific pace for the airdyne, that made things easier. 

1-arm passive hang was MUCH easier this week. Still only :10 for each arm but not a lot of spinning and my arm didn't feel like it was going to tear off. 

DB overhead carry was really solid on the right arm, the left arm was the limiter. The first set at 50 was a little shaky so I stayed at that weight for the next set. 

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