5000m row @Z1
A. Paused front squat, build to a max, 22x1
B. Weight strict pronated pull up, build to a max (include body weight in score)
C. Wall balls, 1x max unbroken
10:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 225 (235 F)
B. 214 (144 BW + 70)
C. 55
AM session felt great today, usually it takes me awhile to get into a nice rhythm during longer Z1 rows but my breathing was really good throughout the whole piece.
I was so excited I got to front squat today! I haven't front squatted in a coons age. Seriously, it has been a very long time. The tempo definitely made it harder, I ended up 5 pounds below my current front squat max so I think I could probably PR my front squat if it was just at a normal tempo.
Weighted strict pull up went better than I thought it would, 70 pounds is the most I've ever done on a weighted pull up. I thought I might hit a PR on this today, the last time I did this I was pulling 65 pounds at 149 body weight. Today I pulled 70 pounds at 144 body weight so it came out to the exact same number. I almost had 75 pounds but I couldn't quite get my chin all the way over the bar.
I was pretty disappointed with the max wall balls, I thought I would get closer to 65-70. They were feeling pretty good up until 45, then my arms started getting really tired. My legs and breathing were never an issue, it was my arms. Once I got to 55 I felt like I couldn't throw the ball up to the target anymore. On my last rep I hit the very bottom of the target, which would have been a no-rep, so I called it there because I thought that's what I was supposed to do? If I would have kept going I maybe could have squeezed out 5 more reps. I'm not sure if I was supposed to keep going? Stephen said to go until I failed, and to me hitting the bottom of the target was a fail. Meh. Disappointing. I would like to redo this at some point, although I'm sure there are plenty of wall balls in my future *emoji with line across the mouth* *gun to head*
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
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