Monday, March 28, 2016


30:00 easy aerobic work

40:00 hike @Ault Park w/Heather

Spring is here!


A. Hang power clean, build quickly to a crisp triple 
For time w/a partner @easy effort- only 1 working @ a time:
80 toes to bar
1600m row
240 double unders
80 kettlebell swings
800m run
10:00 mobility work of choice

A. 165
17:38 w/Main Street Deet

Came to the gym feeling extremely sore this morning. Lats, shoulders, legs, you name it. It all hurt. 

It felt good to do heavy cleans, although I know 165 is pretty pathetic for a triple. This was as much as I could muster today. 

It was really fun doing the partner workout with Emily. We traded sets of five on the toes to bar, traded 400s on the row, sixty on the double unders, ten on the kettlebell, and 200s on the run. This was one of my favorite class partner workouts we've done so far. 


16.5 movement prep



13:24 (1:10 faster than 2014)

The final Open workout is finally here! Honestly, I was really bummed there weren't ring muscle ups in 16.5. I really thought there would be muscle ups and/or a max lift of some sort. But alas, it was another aerobic workout with burpees. I decided to go into this with a good attitude and a goal of beating my time from 2014. 

I broke up the thrusters into sets of two. 11/10, 10/8, 8/7, 6/6, 5/4, then the 6 and 3 were unbroken. I actually felt really good all the way through the set of 15. I was trying to focus on breathing and staying steady on the burpees. I could hear Jenn telling me to keep breathing and I was thinking to myself, "I'm actually doing really well on this!" and then the set of 12 hit. I totally hit a wall on the set of twelve burpees, they slowed down so much. The set of nine thrusters wasn't too slow, I know I probably rested too much between the set of five and four but the nine burpees were SOOOOO SLOW. I couldn't imagine finishing these, it seemed like they were going to last forever. I should have picked up speed on the set of 6 but I slowed down even more. I was able to kick it into gear for the final three burpees. This hurt just as much as I remember it, if not a little more this time around. 

I know this is not a stellar score, but I'm happy with it. I took over a minute off my previous time, so that's a huge improvement. I won't be redoing this again. There's no way I'll contribute on this workout and I'm happy with this time, even if it isn't competitive. I feel good about being one and done on this one. 

It's hard to believe the Open is already over. This Open was so.....weird. And different. It was the complete opposite from last year in both the workouts and atmosphere. Overall, I'm happy with my performance. I only contributed one week, but it was the week I knew I would contribute. The workouts just weren't good for me this year and I've accepted that. I know what I have to work on for next season and my plan is still the same: have fun with my training and work hard as usual. I'll be writing a much longer blog post in the next week about my overall Open experience, but for now I'll say I'm glad it's over and I'm ready to get back to normal training. It's always a good learning experience and I always love seeing my friends crush it. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. 


10:00 bike @Z1
10 sets:
:30 bike @high aerobic effort- sprint the last :15 of the last set
:30 bike easy
10:00 bike @Z1



30:00 airdyne @Z1
15:00 mobility 

A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a single @80-90% 1RM
3:00 @90%
1 muscle up
3 thrusters, 85
2 muscle ups
6 thrusters, 85
3 muscle ups
9 thrusters, 85
and so on...
:60 rest
3:00 @90%
box jumps w/step down
:60 rest
3:00 to build to a tough (not max) overhead squat triple from the ground


A. 145
40 reps
50 box jumps

Snatching wasn't great today, I was still really tight from 16.4 on Monday. Lower back and hamstrings were still really sore. I was able to build to 145 in three lifts but it wasn't the prettiest snatch I've ever done. 

The muscle up/thruster workout was tough, thrusters felt really heavy. Muscle ups were easy as usual but I was resting too much during the transition between thrusters/MUs. 

Box jumps were not great, my lower back was totally blown up for this. I know this is a pretty pathetic number but I tried to stay moving. Everything was just so tight.

The overhead squat was hard, although I should have started heavier. I did one set at 125 and one set at 145. I wish I would have started at 130 or 135 and gone to 150. 

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