Tuesday, April 30, 2013


A. Power snatch from high blocks; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 3 min
B. Squat snatch; build to a tough double
Power snatch 95#
Muscle up
A. 85-90-95-100
B. 105
I don't really enjoy snatching from the blocks, especially high blocks, it always feels kind of awkward but the snatches felt good today, nice and fast. The squat snatches felt pretty good, I think I could have gone heavier than 105. The power snatch/muscle up workout felt great, I was so relieved. Going into it, I was very worried because my biceps were in a lot of pain on Sunday during the muscle up portion of the workout and I was worried that would happen again today. My dad suggested I use Rock Tape on my biceps so I did, and that shit fucking WORKS. I don't know if it's placebo effect or if it actually works for real, but my biceps felt totally fine through the whole workout, there was no pain at all, completely different from Sunday. I was very happy with my performance in that workout, even though the RX rep scheme was 9-7-5-7-9, I'm glad Stephen had me do 7-5-3-5-7, I was able to keep moving the whole time with very little rest and keep everything at a good steady pace. All muscle ups and snatches felt really good. Overall I'm really pleased with how today went. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013


For time:
30 deadlift 315#
30 muscle ups
30 shoulder to OH 205#
30 meter hs walk
30 GHD sit ups
30 pistols

Deadlifts @ 205#
15 muscle ups instead of 30 
Shoulder to OH @125#
pistols assisted by weight on left leg


This was terrible. When I first saw this workout, I thought it wasn't going to be that bad except for the muscle ups, but I was wrong. I was extremely sore from all the dips yesterday and that definitely had an impact on my performance today. I had to do the muscle ups one at time because it just hurt to be in that dip position and I felt like I had no strength in my arms at all. The shoulder to OH wasn't terrible but once I got to the handstand walk I could barely do it because of all the shoulder shit I had just done. I just felt like I couldn't move. Pistols were decent, all the right leg pistols were fine but had to use a 10# weight under my left leg to assist me since my left leg is not as strong. I felt awful during the whole thing and felt even worse after. I feel pretty beat up from this past week of workouts, definitely looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. Pretty disappointed with how yesterday and today went but I just have to practice my skills and work on getting better. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013


20 min amrap:
Run 400m
20 wall balls 30#
20 CTB chin ups
Power snatch 65#
Ring dips

3 rounds + 100 meter run (accidentally used 14# ball instead of 20# ball, oops!!) 


Today was pretty rough. The AM session was fine, it was just long. And I accidentally used a 14# ball instead of a 20# ball for the wall balls.... I didn't really pay attention to the fact that the mens weight was 30# instead of 20#...meaning we should have used a 20# ball. Oops. The worst part was the CTB pull ups, they didn't feel great today. The PM session was terrible. Snatches felt good, did them all in sets of 5, but the ring dips were pretty bad, I still don't know how to kip my ring dips so I basically did all of them strict. They got really tough, especially near the end. I definitely need to practice kipping ring dips more. I feel like lately every time I do a workout I find another skill I have to add to the list of things to practice. 

Friday, April 26, 2013


A. Squat snatch triple gauntlet - beginning at 70# perform 3 TnG reps on the min adding 5# per minute until failure
3 rounds for time:
10 hang power clean 135#
10 parallete hspu
10 box jumps 30"

A. 100#. Got 2 reps at 105 but they were not TNG so I called it haha
complete. Did not do this for time since we were all sharing the paralletes 

The squat snatch gauntlet was tougher than I thought it would be. I got higher than I originally expected which is good, but it was very tiring changing out the weights and by the end I was very fatigued. I could tell my form was getting shittier and shittier as the weights got higher and higher, I am just not great at squat snatching but I think I'm getting better at pulling myself into the squat. I still need to spend more time on it though. The second half was awesome, I really liked every movement involved. I was able to do the hang power cleans in sets of 5 each time (except for the 2nd round, did 5, 4, and 1, sorry Josh) but they felt light and easy. My parallete HSPU are getting a lot better, today was a deeper depth than I usually do so that's good. Box jumps were high but felt good. Overall another good day. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


On the min for 20 min
Odd- 5 deadlift 205#
Even- 10 kipping hspu (did them in sets of 6-7)
15 min amrap @85%
Row 350m
10 kbs (1.5 pood)
5 burpees
30 double unders


Good day today. The first part was awesome, all deadlifts were easy touch and go and felt great. My handstand push ups have also gotten a lot faster and more efficient. I was doing them in sets of 6-7 each time, and I felt like I was able to pop out of the bottom of the handstand pretty quickly. The second part was good too, I think doing the 85% stuff helps me work on my engine and breathing. My rower kept shutting off during my last round which was annoying. But overall a really good training day. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


A. 1 1/4 front squat; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
B. Hang squat clean x1/Push jerk x3/Split jerk x1; build to a tough single of the complex
3 rounds for time:
10 shoulder to OH 120#
5 rope climbs

A. 115-125-145-165-175
B. 145
DNF. 2 rounds + Shoulder to OH, could not finish the last set of rope climbs :( 

The rope climb workout was very frustrating. The shoulder to overhead part felt fine, but the rope climbs were just bad. The first round was ok, the second round a huge struggle. I just do not use the right technique, I use all arms and no leg, so my grip and forearms were just fucking smoked. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get the third round of rope climbs. Stephen gave me some really helpful tips to change my rope climb technique so I'm using more legs and pulling a lot less with my arms. It's something I'm going to have to practice a lot because I am just not used to doing it the correct way. Also I have never done that many rope climbs in a row in a workout before so I was not used to that. Looking forward to getting better at this, just gotta practice. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


A. Power clean; build to a 5rm TnG in 6 min
Deadlift 205#
HSPU strict 
(can't do strict HSPU so subbed handstand walk instead. 3 times down and back after the 21 deadlifts, 2 times down and back after the 15, then 1 time down and back for the last round)

A. 155

Today was SO MUCH BETTER than yesterday. I felt great during everything. The power cleans felt really good, did 150 then went up to 155 and it felt pretty easy, I think I could have done 160 but I ran out of time. I really enjoyed Heavy Diane, although I wish I could have been able to do the strict HSPU but I really liked doing the handstand walk, and it's a good skill to practice anyways because it could possibly come up in regionals. I was able to break up the first round of deadlifts into sets of 5, then for the 15 and 9 I broke them into sets of 3. All the deadlifts felt really good. I need to keep practicing my handstand walk because I felt like I was breaking it up too much but for the most part it felt better than the last time I practiced it. Overall today was so much better than yesterday and it was a great training session. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013


A. Squat snatch/double under gaunlet (regional workout #5 2012)
Muscle Ups
Squat snatch 95#

Airdyne 10 min for max calories

A. 105

130 calories

I think this morning was one of the worst training sessions I have had in a long time. The squat snatch/double under gauntlet went exactly as I expected, so that was fine. But Amanda was just a shit show. I was really looking forward to doing it because on Thursday my muscle ups felt so good, I was stringing them together easily and I thought that would happen for Amanda today, but no. I strung together the first two muscle ups and then it was all singles after that. And every muscle up felt terrible. Almost all of them were a struggle, and I even failed two of them, which really fucked with my head. The snatches felt really good, but the muscle ups were just so discouraging. I still PRd my time by over a minute, but I am very disappointed with how it felt. 

I was dreading the PM session, because no one likes doing 300 FY. But it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I got 8 calories less than my best, but I am still happy with it. I felt as though I had a really good steady pace throughout the whole thing and never let up. I am looking forward to Heavy/Strict Diane tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow is better. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013


On the min for 20 min:
Odd- 5 muscle ups
Even- 40 double unders
On the min for 20 min:
Odd- 10 burpees
Even- 30 seconds airdyne @85% 
On the min for 20 min:
Odd- 10 toes to bar
Even- 3 parallete hspu


Such a long day, but I am starting to really enjoy these 20 min EMOMs sessions. Did 2 muscle ups each time instead of 5 and I was able to string them all together except for rounds 8 and 9, I could only get a single but round 10 I was able to get 2. All the muscle ups felt GREAT and I'm happy I can string them together consistently, but I need to start working on doing them without a false grip. The second workout SUCKED, it went quickly because I felt like I was constantly moving but it was just terrible. I was able to do the burpees in about 30 seconds each time. The third workout was just long, I was so tired by this point it felt like it took forever but it wasn't too bad. Did the toes to bar in sets of 7 instead of 10 since I couldn't do sets of 10 unbroken every time. Overall another great day of training. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Airdyne 15 min
Row 15 min
Run 15 min
All @z1 pace


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


For time:

2k row
50 pistol squats
30 hang power cleans (135#)


Pretty disappointed with how this went. The row felt great and I came off the rower at about 9:00, then shit went downhill when I started doing pistols. It took me around 9:00 to do the pistols, and they felt awful. I was able to do the right leg perfectly but the left leg was terrible. I was able to get some near the beginning, but at the end I was failing. It was extremely frustrating. I got to the hang cleans around 18:00,  knocked out 5 in a row, then 3 then 2. I was able to do them in groups of 2 a few more times but then had to go to singles. I was just taking way too much rest between groups of cleans. The weight felt easy but I was so out of breath (as usual) that I was wasting too much time resting. Overall I am pretty disappointed in this performance, and I am going to start working on pistols much more. I need to be able to do these types of workouts much faster and be able to do every single movement well.

Monday, April 15, 2013


:30 @ 85% on airdyne
:30 @ 50% on airdyne
x 20


pistol squat and bar muscle up practice. Was able to string 2-3 MUs together every time

Saturday, April 13, 2013


5 rounds @85-90% effort:
Run 400m
Amrap unbroken muscle ups
30 wall balls

2-2 (bar MUs)-1-2-2

This wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Running and wall balls are basically my two least favorite things but since it was 85-90% effort everything felt really good. I was going to alternate between bar muscle ups and ring muscle ups each round but the when I did bar muscle ups the first time I ripped open a giant callus on my hand so I stuck to ring MUs for the last three rounds. I was happy I was able to string 2 muscle ups together almost every round since I have been having a lot of trouble with that lately so I'm definitely going to start working on that more often. Afterwards worked on some handstand walk, I need to do that more too, I haven't practiced that in awhile and I wasn't able to go as far as I usually do. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


EMOM for 20 min:
Odd- 3 power snatch 95#
Even- 40 double unders
EMOM for 20 min:
Odd- 5 burpee chin ups
Even- 5 thrusters 95#
EMOM for 20 min:
Odd- 5 deadlift 205#
Even- 3 parallete hspu


This was such a long day, but it was awesome. The first workout felt really good, all snatches were touch and go and all double unders unbroken. The second workout was AWFUL, the burpee chin ups took forever and the thrusters felt really heavy. That was definitely the worst one by far, and I ended up tearing my hand halfway through. The third one was pretty good, I was happy I was able to do all the parallete HSPUs, I was worried I would have to switch to normal HSPUs after awhile but they felt surprisingly good on the paralletes. The deadlifts felt heavier than expected but since it was only 5 reps it wasn't too bad. Overall this is one of my favorite workouts I have ever done, and I'm glad Josh was able to do it with me, it would have been terrible to do it by myself! Glad tomorrow is just a 30 min z1 airdyne session. 

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