Saturday, August 31, 2013


A. Squat snatch, build to a max
B. Clean & jerk, 12 x 1 @ 155; begin a set every :60
AMRAP in 10:00:
200m run
1 rope climb
25m Farmer's walk, 70/hand

A. 130
B. complete
4 rounds

Snatches felt awful today. As soon as I started warming up I had a feeling it was going to be an off day. For the first few reps I kept landing on my toes, then as the weight got heavier I kept catching it too high instead of a full squat. It was very frustrating, especially since my snatches have gotten so much better over the past few weeks. Everything just felt off today. I was hoping to hit 140 today but I had to stop at 130, it just wasn't happening. The clean and jerks felt really good, I was really happy with how those went. The AMRAP went well but I forgot to put on long socks for the rope climbs so now I have a giant red mark on my leg from the rope. Oops.


30 min airdyne @z1

Thursday, August 29, 2013


30 min airdyne @ z1

A. Shoulder press, 3 x 7-9; 2:00 rest
B. Weighted pull-up, build to a 2RM
AMRAP in 5:00:
5 burpees to target
10 pull-ups
3 rounds of:
:30 L side plank
:30 R side plank
:30 hollow rocks
:30 hip extensions
2:00 rest


PM: A. 65-75-85(5)
B. 45#
2 pull ups short of 6 rounds

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Every 4:00 for 2 sets:
5 touch-and-go power snatches, 75
5 burpees, as fast as possible
:10 AirDyne @ 100%
Every 5:00 for 2 sets:
10 kettlebell swings, 53 overhead
:20 prowler sprint, moderate load that allows foot turnover
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
:40 row @ 100%

complete with 90# on prowler
complete, 225 meters/223 meters


A. Front squat clusters, 3 x 2.2.2; :30 between doubles, 3:00 rest
For completed reps:
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
5:00 rest
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
AMRAP in 6:00:
3 hang squat cleans, 135
6 CTB pull-ups

A. complete @165
8/10 (+3 from last week)
4/10 (+3 from last week) 
4 rounds + squat cleans 

The muscle ups went much better this week than last week. I watched some of Carl Paoli's videos on non-false grip muscle ups and I think that helped a lot. Now I am trying to think more about throwing my hips towards the rings and keeping everything tighter. Sometimes I still bring my arms out too wide which causes me to fail. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get all 10 both times, I just need to keep doing these. They are starting to feel a lot more comfortable which is a good sign. The squat clean/CTB thing sucked, the cleans felt really heavy and got more difficult with each round. The CTBs were ok but I ripped my hand near the end. Oops. 

Monday, August 26, 2013


A. Front squat, build quickly to a fast single @ 70-80% 1RM
AMRAP in 12:00:
150 wall balls, 20/14 to 10/9'
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups

8:00 rest

12 sets for max total meters:
:30 row
:30 rest (stay in rower)

A. 170
wall balls + 30 double unders. This was an epic fail due to getting a nose bleed 30 wall balls in
142, 134, 133, 132, 131, 129, 128, 126, 127, 125, 125, 129

Well today did not go as I had hoped. I was looking forward to doing 13.3 again because I have been doing so many wall balls lately I knew I would be able to improve my Karen time. When I did 13.3 in March, my Karen time was like 9:40 or something and I wanted to beat that. Once I started, I felt like I was on pace to beat my old time because I was doing the wall balls in sets of 10 and they felt really good. Then about 30 wall balls in, I got a nosebleed. I'm not sure if I hit myself in the face with the ball, I don't really remember doing that, or if it was just a random nosebleed, but it threw everything off. At first I was confused as to where the blood was coming from, then it started dripping all down my shirt, all over the floor and all over the ball. I kept going because I didn't want to stop, but after about 50 wall balls I had to run and get a towel. Every 10 wall balls I had to stop and press the towel to my nose to try and stop the bleeding so I could get through another set of WB, then during the set of wall balls I was swallowing all the blood, it was gross. It got all over the ball, all over me, all over the ground, and now there is blood on the 9 foot target haha. I came off the wall balls around 11:00 and knew I wasn't going to be able to come anywhere close to what I got last time, which was all the double unders plus 3 MUs. I only got 30 double unders before time ran out. I was so frustrated because the wall balls felt really good (besides the whole swallowing blood part) but physically they felt great and I was disappointed that the nosebleed threw me off. I really want to do this again maybe in a few weeks because i know I can improve my Karen time. Stupid nosebleed. 

Friday, August 23, 2013


rest day


A. Close-grip bench press, build to a max
B. Weighted pull-up, build to a 3RM
5 rounds of:
15 hip extensions
15m L-arm Farmer's walk, 75-90
15m R-arm Farmer's walk, 75-90
:30 front leaning rest on ground
:90 rest

A. 138 (PR+8)
B. 35# (got 2 reps at 40 but failed the third)
complete with 88# KB

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


For time:
20 squat snatches, 95#
3 sets of:
:35 prowler @ 95%, moderate load that allows foot turnover
3:55 rest
3 sets of:
:35 row @ 100%
3:55 rest

4:42 (did this on July 9 with 90# and it took me 8:23, so this is a huge improvement) 
complete with 90# on prowler

I can't even believe how much my snatches have improved in just the last month. I figured I would beat my previous time but I did not know I would cut it almost in half. I was able to do all of the snatches in sets of 2 except for the last rep. I also failed rep 10 (fell forward at the bottom) but other than that all of them were touch and go sets of 2. I think I was taking a bit too long of a break between sets because I figured at some point I was going to have to switch to singles so I was already preparing for that but I never had to go to singles, so I think next time I could do this even faster. The weight felt light and I was moving under the bar quickly. I am so happy with how well this went. I actually like snatches now, who would have thought! The prowler was also not as bad as two weeks ago, I think I have finally found a good pace where I can keep moving the whole time. I am also starting to recover a lot faster after the prowler, I noticed I didn't have to wait as long between the prowler and row sprints, which is a good sign. The row sprints sucked and felt like they were taking forever. Overall a good day!


A. Front squat, build quickly to a tough single, stop when speed out of the hole slows significantly
B. Hang squat clean, take your time and build to a max
For completed reps:
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
5:00 rest
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00

A. 205
B. 185 (PR+10)
got 5 MUs out of 10
5:00 rest
1 MU out of 10 (this was a fail. Still trying to work on doing them without a false grip)

Today was good and bad. I am very pleased that I was able to work up to 205 on the front squat because my max is 210, so that gives me hope that I can PR my front squat pretty soon. I am REALLY happy that I was able to PR my hang squat clean today! They all felt really good and I didn't really struggle with standing any of them up except for 185, Stephen said it looked like my head was going to explode. I think I could get 190 relatively soon. The muscle ups were an epic FAIL today. I am in a weird spot right now with my muscle ups. For the past few weeks I have only been doing them without a false grip and since i am still getting used to this they are hit or miss. And I haven't used false grip in so long that now when the non false grip ones start to fail I can't use false grip because it feels very awkward now. So I am in a weird limbo where I can't do false grip anymore but I am not that good at non-false grip to do them consistently. I just have to keep practicing them and I also need to start doing a couple every day. I have only been doing them once a week when they are programmed but they won't get better unless I do them more so I'm going to start doing them in my warm up or cool down. Also I realized I tend to do this thing where if I PR something then I'm like "oh well even if these suck I still PRd my hang squat clean so whatever" and I need to not think that way. Just because I PR something doesn't mean I can use that as an excuse to mentally check out of the rest of my workout. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


9:00 @ 85% of [1 rope climb + 3 wall walks + 15 AirDyne cals]
3:00 rest
9:00 @ 85% of [5 CTBs + 10 push-ups + 200m row]
3:00 rest
9:00 @ 85% of [25m Farmer's walk + 25m bear crawl w/low hips + 200m run]



A. Squat snatch, build to a heavy single for the day (only go for a true max if you're moving well and you know it's there)
B. Clean & jerks, 6 x 2 @ 150; begin a set every 2:00
4 sets of:
2:00 of [35 wall balls + AMRAP double-unders]
2:00 AirDyne spin
4:00 rest

rest 4 hours

800 meter sled drag, same weight as last week

A. 135
B. complete
complete. Wall balls were done in 35, 35, 30/5, 15/10/10. Double unders were 40, 45, 35, 0

rest 4 hours

complete with 105 on the sled

I am getting SO CLOSE to snatching 140. Today I worked up to 135 pretty easily, I didn't have any failed attempts and everything felt really good. I tried for 140 and the second time I tried, I literally had it over my head but I just couldn't hold on to it. Then I went for it about 3 more times but none of them were very close. I was very frustrated, I thought I had 140 and then I didn't, I was pretty mad. I know I will get it soon though. I am so happy with how quickly my snatch has improved over the last two months. The clean and jerks hurt a lot and felt heavy, I think because I snatched for at least an hour so my arms and shoulders were fried. The wall ball/airdyne was actually not as bad as last week, I was able to do the first rounds unbroken but had to break up the next 2 rounds, I just could not hang on to the ball anymore. I wasn't able to get any double unders in the last round because I broke up the wall balls so much so the 2:00 was already over by the time I got to my rope. The sled drag went WAY better than last week, for a number of reasons. I definitely felt like I had more energy since I had 4 hours before I did the sled drag, and Heather also did it with me so it was nice to have someone to push me, otherwise I would have stopped a lot more. Definitely a great day of training. 

Friday, August 16, 2013


8 sets of:
2:30 AirDyne @ Z1
2:30 mobility work of choice


Thursday, August 15, 2013


A. Hang squat clean, build to a 2RM
B1. Close-grip bench, 5 x 1-2 tough; :60 rest
B2. Weighted pull-up, 5 x AMRAP in :60 @ 20; :60 rest
3 sets of:
15 anchored sit-ups
15 hip extensions
:30 R plank
:30 L plank
2:00 rest

A. 165 (got 1 at 170 but failed the second rep)
B1. 105-110-115-120-125(1)
B2. 5-5-5-5-5

I was a little disappointed how the hang squat cleans went, I was hoping to get at least 170 or 175, I got up to 170 and got the first rep but went for the second and it wasn't even close. Oh well. The bench press felt a little heavier than usual, I was reading through my workouts from 6 months ago and in January I bench pressed 115 for 5 reps, but today it was a struggle to bench press 115 for two reps. What?! I don't think I ate enough today, I felt like I didn't have a lot of energy. The last part of the workout was good, except for the planks. Today I really proved how terrible I am at planks. I just can't support myself very well on one arm, I was wobbling and shaking all over the place, it was pretty funny. Stephen said he's going to have me work on these a lot more which is good because I am very bad at them. I can walk on my hands easily, so I should be able to hold a side plank for longer than 30 seconds. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


rest day


A. Front squat, build quickly to a tough single, stop when speed out of the hole slows significantly
B1. Squat snatch clusters, 3 x 2.2.2 @ 95; :15 between doubles; :90 rest
B2. Ring muscle-ups, 3 x 5 for time; :90 rest
3 sets of:
:35 AirDyne @ 100%
3:55 rest
10:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. 200
B1. complete
B2. complete, forgot to do these for time but I think it took me around 2:00 each time, except for the last round when I failed like 4 muscle ups in a row

Mehhhh today was not great. The front squats felt really good, 200 was very easy so I went up to 210 but as soon as I got to the bottom of the squat I knew I wasn't going to be able to come back up. That would have been nice to tie my PR but oh well. The snatches/muscle ups were a shit show today. Well, just the muscle ups. The snatches actually felt really good (except for one rep where I literally fell on my ass) but I can tell I'm getting under the bar so much faster and 95 pounds is starting to feel really light. The muscle ups on the other hand were pretty bad today. My arms were so tired and I was also jumping from the ground to the rings instead of stepping off a box because I'm trying to get in the habit of doing that. During the second round I failed one muscle up, and in the third round I failed like 5 muscle ups. It was very frustrating. I don't know if it's because I was jumping from the ground, and trying to do them without false grip, or what. I felt like I had no energy. The airdyne sprints were pretty terrible, but that was to be expected. Kind of a frustrating day but I need to learn to not freak out when something goes wrong. Sometimes certain days are going to be worse than others. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


8:00 @ 85% of [7 CTBs + 7 bar dips + 200m run]
3:00 rest
8:00 @ 85% of [3 wall walks + 6 strict toes-to-bar + 250m row]
3:00 rest
8:00 @ 85% of [50m tough Farmer's walk + 15 AirDyne cals]
800m sled drag, add weight from last week

complete with 105# on sled

The sled drag was so frustrating today, and I don't know why because it was only 5 more pounds than last week. I just felt like it was taking me way too long, I was stopping a lot more than I should have. I just felt really out of breath and my legs felt tired, I think from all the wall balls I did yesterday. It took me 30 minutes to do an 800 meter sled drag and I know it shouldn't take me that long. It is just something I have to keep working on so I can get better at it. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013


A. Squat snatch, build to a max
B. Clean & jerks, 6 x 2 @ 145; begin a set every 2:00
4 sets of:
30 wall balls as fast as possible
2:00 AirDyne @ 90% aerobic
3:00 rest

A. 135 (PR)
B. complete
complete. Wall balls done unbroken for the first two sets, then 21/9 and 10/10/10

I am so happy with the progress I am making on squat snatches. They felt a little tougher than last week, I failed one at 115 but I got it the second time. I didn't have any more fails after that, and I was able to drop into a squat on all of them, 135 wasn't as low as a I would have liked but its a mental thing I have to get over. When the weight starts to get heavy then I want to start power snatching because for same reason the thought of dropping under the heavy bar freaks me out. I know that will go away the more I practice them. I was really happy to get a PR today! I never thought I would be able to snatch 135 when back in June I could barely squat snatch 115. Progress! The clean and jerks felt really good and light, the second clean and jerk was a little tougher than the first rep because once I got tired it became harder to get tight in the set up, but they all felt good. The wallball/airdyne thing sucked real bad as usual. I was able to do the first two sets of wall balls unbroken and it actually didn't feel terrible, but the third round I had to drop it after 21, then the fourth round I had to break it up into 10/10/10 and it felt really bad. I can tell I'm getting better at wall balls but they still make me really tired. Overall it was a great day! 

Friday, August 9, 2013


rest day


A1. Close-grip bench press, 5 x 2-3, 20X1; :60 rest
A2. Weighted strict pull-ups, 5 x AMRAP in :60 @ 15; :60 rest
10:00 @ 80-90%:
1 rope climb
7 axle thrusters, 70
200m run
3 rounds not for time, keep torso position perfect on upper body work:
15 ring rows
15 hand-release push-ups
15 kettlebell swings, light

A1. 105-110-115-120-125(1)
A2. 7-7-6-6-5
complete with 35# KB

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


rest day


A. Front squat, build quickly to a tough single, stop when the speed out of the hole slows significantly
B1. Squat snatch clusters, 3 x 2.2 @ 95; :15 between doubles, :60 rest
B2. Ring muscle-ups, 3 x AMRAP in 2:00; :60 rest
20:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. 200
B1. complete
B2. 4-4-3 (all without false grip)

What a great training session today. I was happy to get the front squat 200 because last week I failed at that weight so it was nice to reassure myself that I can in fact front squat that weight. Then when I was getting ready to go the snatches/muscle ups, I asked Stephen if I should try doing the muscle ups without a false grip and see how it goes. I tried one and got it! It felt weird at first, especially the turn over and pushing up out of the dip. So I ended up doing all the muscle ups without a false grip and it's just so much better. It's a lot easier to hang from the rings and I know once I practice it more it will be so much easier to string them together. I am so excited. My snatches also felt really good today, I felt like I was moving fast under the bar, I only had 1 or 2 shitty reps. I am happy to be making progress! 

Monday, August 5, 2013


7:00 @ 85% of [10 CTBs + 200m run]
3:00 rest
7:00 @ 85% of [25m bear crawl w/low hips + 250m row]
3:00 rest
7:00 @ 85% of [40 double-unders + 20 AirDyne cals]
800m sled drag, steady grind @ same weight as two week ago

complete with 100# on sled

I enjoy the sled, I just wish it wasn't so difficult for me. The first 400 meters was definitely more of a "steady grind" than the second 400, I was stopping a lot more. I felt like I was able to move the sled better than I have before but my lungs just get tired so quickly and also my legs were pretty burned out from all the wallball/airdyne I had done the day before. I listened to music this time and that definitely helped, I am going to do that from now on for sure. I look forward to the day when I just keep walking with the sled and not have to stop so often. This week when I drag the sled I am going to limit myself to the number of times I can stop. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013


A. Squat snatch from just below the knees (blocks), build to a max
B. Clean & split jerks, 10 x 1 @ 145; begin a set every :90
4 sets of:
25 wall balls as fast as possible
2:00 AirDyne @ 90% aerobic
2:00 rest
10:00 row @ Z1

A. 130 (PR)
B. complete

Wow, what a great day! I PRd my snatch and I am so happy about it. I didn't think I would hit 130 any time soon so I was really excited to get it today! And it was off the blocks which was pretty sweet. The clean and jerks felt nice and easy. The wall ball/airdyne thing was terrible as usual, I did all sets of wall ball unbroken but it was a struggle after the first round. I will never enjoy wall balls, it is just my least favorite movement. They are getting better since I am doing them a lot more but I still dislike them. Overall a great day at the gym! 

Friday, August 2, 2013


rest day


A1. Close-grip bench press, 4 x 3-5, 20X1; :60 rest
A2. Weighted strict pull-ups, 4 x AMRAP in :60 @ 15; :60 rest
10:00 @ 80-90%:
10 axle front squats, 70
10 burpees over axle
100m axle carry, any way you want
3 rounds @ easy pace:
:60 burpees
:60 AirDyne
:60 single-unders

A1. 85-95-105(4)-105(5)
A2. 7-7-6-6

I really enjoyed this today, I think my weighted pull ups are getting better. I am also really happy I got to work with the axle today, it's so fun to use. The axle carry was a nice way to catch my breath a little between rounds. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


A. 1 clean-grip deadlift +1 hang squat clean + 1 power clean, build to a max, you can drop and reset quickly after the hang squat clean
3 sets of:
:30 prowler @ 100%, moderate load that allows foot turnover
2:30 rest
3 sets of:
:30 AirDyne @ 100%
2:30 rest

A. 175
complete with 90# on prowler

Holy shit, what a day. Part A went well, I got up to 175 which was a lot higher than I thought I would end up since I'm not great at catching in a squat. Once I got up to 175 I got the hang squat clean but then when I went to power clean it, I failed. What! I was pretty annoyed because I know I can clean that, so Stephen let me do it again and I got it the second time. The prowler sprints were fucking awful and awesome at the same time. Mostly awful. 30 seconds is a long time to continuously push that prowler at a relatively quick speed, the first round went well but by the third round I was dying, it became tough to keep pushing it for the last 10 seconds. It also took me awhile to recover from that before doing the airdyne sprints. Surprisingly those did not feel as terrible as last week but I still got that puke feeling near the end. The prowler mixed with the airdyne right after is a tough combination but I know it will make my engine so much better and I am starting to like the prowler even though I feel like it will kill me some day. 

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