30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 5/side light DB upright rows, 31x0
A. Snatch pulls, build to a heavy, crisp single
B. Back squat, 4-4-4, 40x1; 3:00 rest
C. Weighted strict CTB pull ups, build to a 1RM
AMRAP in 10:00
5 muscle ups
10 glute-ham sit ups
.5 mile assault bike
3 rounds for time:
200m ski erg
40 double unders
A. 195
B. 195-205-215
C. 205 (142 BW + 63) PR!
DNF, explanation in the comments....
DB upright rows were cool, I don't think I've ever done these before.
Snatch pulls were weird today, it felt like I hadn't snatched in a really long time. 195 was heavy and getting slow so I called it there.
I was looking forward to the 10:00 AMRAP but I didn't finish it. I had just started my first round and I caught my fifth muscle up really weird, my hands were almost in front of me instead of to the side and I had to press out more than normal out of the dip. When I came down off the rings, my left shoulder blew up, I guess I tweaked it on that last muscle up? I did the GHD sit ups and assault bike but my shoulder was really bothering me so I just stopped. I didn't think I could do any more muscle ups. Sorry Stevo. I have never had this happen on the left shoulder before and that's why I got a little freaked out. I don't know if I didn't warm up enough or didn't do enough mobility? But that was the first time it has ever happened.
I took a really long rest before I started the ski erg piece. My shoulder was still feeling a little weird but I tested out the ski erg and it didn't bother me so I went ahead and did the workout. I didn't want the training session to be a total bust. I thought I did relatively well on this, my transitions were quick and I tried to do the ski erg as fast as possible. I really need to learn how to do the ski erg correctly, I'm pretty sure my form is all wrong. My lower back always gets really sore. Double unders were unbroken on the first and third set, I tripped on the 25th rep during the second set.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
4-6 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60ski erg band pull-downs
:60 single unders
4 sets complete
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 single unders
4 sets complete
30:00 assault bike @Z2, same pace/time as last week for 210 cals
A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow & controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlifts, 8x3 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C1. Standing 1-arm DB shoulder press, 3x4-5/side, 21x1, :30 between sides, :30 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3x6-8/side, 20x0, note pause @top this week, :30 between sides, :30 rest
D1. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x10-12m unbroken, :30 rest
D2. Front leaning rest on rings, 3x :30, :30 rest
10:00 @90%
10 CTB pull ups
200m run
10 pull ups
200m run
10 TTB
200m run
complete, 210 cals
A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225
C1. 30-35-40 (5 on R, 0 on L....)
C2. 45-50-55
D1. complete w/100#
D2. complete
AM session was tough this morning, I felt like I was working a lot harder than I needed to stay on pace.
1-arm DB shoulder press was really good until it wasn't. Everything was going much better than the previous week until I got to the third set. I was able to get five reps at 40# on my right arm but zero reps on my left. I just couldn't get the momentum going and I didn't want to dip and use my legs. Is this bad?
Axle lunges were tough today, I was shaky and unstable.
10:00 piece was fine, if I'm being totally honest I was a bit distracted by what was going on with the sudden regionals debacle and I wasn't pushing as hard as I should have been. Everything was good though, pull ups and toes to bar were easy. My toes to bar are definitely getting better!
30:00 assault bike @Z2, same pace/time as last week for 210 cals
A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow & controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlifts, 8x3 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C1. Standing 1-arm DB shoulder press, 3x4-5/side, 21x1, :30 between sides, :30 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3x6-8/side, 20x0, note pause @top this week, :30 between sides, :30 rest
D1. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x10-12m unbroken, :30 rest
D2. Front leaning rest on rings, 3x :30, :30 rest
10:00 @90%
10 CTB pull ups
200m run
10 pull ups
200m run
10 TTB
200m run
complete, 210 cals
A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225
C1. 30-35-40 (5 on R, 0 on L....)
C2. 45-50-55
D1. complete w/100#
D2. complete
AM session was tough this morning, I felt like I was working a lot harder than I needed to stay on pace.
1-arm DB shoulder press was really good until it wasn't. Everything was going much better than the previous week until I got to the third set. I was able to get five reps at 40# on my right arm but zero reps on my left. I just couldn't get the momentum going and I didn't want to dip and use my legs. Is this bad?
Axle lunges were tough today, I was shaky and unstable.
10:00 piece was fine, if I'm being totally honest I was a bit distracted by what was going on with the sudden regionals debacle and I wasn't pushing as hard as I should have been. Everything was good though, pull ups and toes to bar were easy. My toes to bar are definitely getting better!
8 sets:
500m row @2:09.0-2:09.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
:45/side 1-leg balancing
30:00 easy
200m row
10 assault bike calories
200m ski erg
15m overhead axle carry
:15/side 1-arm passive hang from fat bar
:30 bear crawl- alternating back & forward set to set
Crossover Symmetry recovery
90# on axle
Ehhhh I know I keep going too fast on my AM rows. I think I just get worried that I'm not going to hit the target pace so I end up going a little faster, just to be sure. I'll try to work on this.
PM sesh was cool, I really enjoy the 30:00 sessions. I liked the axle overhead carry, this was neat.
8 sets:
500m row @2:09.0-2:09.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
:45/side 1-leg balancing
30:00 easy
200m row
10 assault bike calories
200m ski erg
15m overhead axle carry
:15/side 1-arm passive hang from fat bar
:30 bear crawl- alternating back & forward set to set
Crossover Symmetry recovery
90# on axle
Ehhhh I know I keep going too fast on my AM rows. I think I just get worried that I'm not going to hit the target pace so I end up going a little faster, just to be sure. I'll try to work on this.
PM sesh was cool, I really enjoy the 30:00 sessions. I liked the axle overhead carry, this was neat.
Friday, May 27, 2016
A1. Front squat, 3-2-1-1, 22x1; :60 rest
A2. Weighed false-grip ring pull ups, 1-1-1-1, 21x1; :60 rest
B. Close-grip bench press, 3-3-3, 20x1, no pause @chest, 2:00 rest
10 rounds easy:
1 dead hang to inverted w/:02 pause @top
10 wall balls, 14 to 9'
200m run
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A1. 155-175-195-205
A2. 5-10-10-10
B. 105-115-120
Definitely came into the gym feeling very sore from the competition. Stephen told me to go real chill on everything.
Front squats actually didn't feel terrible, my legs weren't as sore as my arms. I was happy about working up to 205 although I think if I was fresh I could have gone heavier.
Weighted false-grip pull ups SUCKED today, I had no pulling power whatsoever. My shoulders were extremely fatigued from all the pulling/snatching we did on Saturday.
I went lighter on bench press because my arms felt like shit.
The ten rounds weren't terrible, breathing was actually pretty good. Wall balls were easy and the run wasn't bad. It just felt like it took forever, ten rounds is a lot.
A2. Weighed false-grip ring pull ups, 1-1-1-1, 21x1; :60 rest
B. Close-grip bench press, 3-3-3, 20x1, no pause @chest, 2:00 rest
10 rounds easy:
1 dead hang to inverted w/:02 pause @top
10 wall balls, 14 to 9'
200m run
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A1. 155-175-195-205
A2. 5-10-10-10
B. 105-115-120
Definitely came into the gym feeling very sore from the competition. Stephen told me to go real chill on everything.
Front squats actually didn't feel terrible, my legs weren't as sore as my arms. I was happy about working up to 205 although I think if I was fresh I could have gone heavier.
Weighted false-grip pull ups SUCKED today, I had no pulling power whatsoever. My shoulders were extremely fatigued from all the pulling/snatching we did on Saturday.
I went lighter on bench press because my arms felt like shit.
The ten rounds weren't terrible, breathing was actually pretty good. Wall balls were easy and the run wasn't bad. It just felt like it took forever, ten rounds is a lot.
Long, unplugged hike
I was exhausted from travel and competition so I slept in. No hike for me today. Had a nice time with all my gym friends at Austin's going away party. I'm going to miss that guy.
I was exhausted from travel and competition so I slept in. No hike for me today. Had a nice time with all my gym friends at Austin's going away party. I'm going to miss that guy.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
5/21/2016- Trifecta Competition
This was a great day.
I went into this competition super relaxed, mostly because I wasn't sure how I would perform after four days of not eating clean and not exercising. I figured I would just do my best and see what happened. AND WE FUCKING KILLED IT.
This was the type of competition where we executed every event exactly the way we wanted. I really don't think we could have done any better on any of the first three events. I'll write a quick summary of each one.
Event 1- Bear Complex
We all hit our planned weight on this so that was good. I'm actually glad we were in the first heat, a lot of people in the other heats were failing their complex and I think seeing that would have freaked me out a little. Emily got 120, Addi got 140 and I got 145. We actually finished with about five minutes to spare so I rested a little bit and then tried for 150. I got through two full rounds but the behind then neck jerk on the second round was veryyyyyyyy shaky and unstable so I just dropped it, I didn't think I would be able to get another set at this weight, especially going overhead. Emily really delivered on this one, most of the people failing were doing the set of seven. Addison and I each lifted the most for our complex category and we won the event. SWEET!
Event 3- Row/Thrusters/Pull ups
This was a great day.
I went into this competition super relaxed, mostly because I wasn't sure how I would perform after four days of not eating clean and not exercising. I figured I would just do my best and see what happened. AND WE FUCKING KILLED IT.
This was the type of competition where we executed every event exactly the way we wanted. I really don't think we could have done any better on any of the first three events. I'll write a quick summary of each one.
Event 1- Bear Complex
We all hit our planned weight on this so that was good. I'm actually glad we were in the first heat, a lot of people in the other heats were failing their complex and I think seeing that would have freaked me out a little. Emily got 120, Addi got 140 and I got 145. We actually finished with about five minutes to spare so I rested a little bit and then tried for 150. I got through two full rounds but the behind then neck jerk on the second round was veryyyyyyyy shaky and unstable so I just dropped it, I didn't think I would be able to get another set at this weight, especially going overhead. Emily really delivered on this one, most of the people failing were doing the set of seven. Addison and I each lifted the most for our complex category and we won the event. SWEET!
Event 2- Assault bike/KB snatches
This one hurt a lot, we basically sprinted the entire thing. We did 10/10 on the assault bike and 16/14 on the KB snatches. This one was about speed. At one point I looked over at the other teams in our heat and we were going much faster than all of them. I was in a lot of pain when this one was over, my glutes and legs were on fire. We took another event win on this one! At this point we decided we wanted to win everything.
BRB dying |
Event 3- Row/Thrusters/Pull ups
This workout was by far my favorite event of the day, I thought it was so fun. Emily was the first on the rower and I thought she would be way ahead of everyone but a lot of people actually got off at the same time as she did. That was probably a mistake on their part because most of them stood there staring at the barbell while Emily started chipping away immediately. I was able to hold my row pace around 1:52 the entire time and when I got to Emily she had already done 40 thrusters. I did two sets of ten and then smaller sets after that. By the time Addison finished rowing we were at 90 I think? We all did sets of ten pull ups the entire time until the very end. We finished in 8:53, a full 40 seconds faster than our practice time. I was so hyped after this event because I had a feeling no one would be able to come close to our time, and I was correct. Another event win!
Final- Isabel/Karen/Amanda
This was the only event of the day I didn't really enjoy. After they announced the final event we had about five minutes to get our gear on and warm up, so everything felt terrible. Isabel didn't go well at all, Stephen told me to start out with sets of six but it went downhill pretty fast. Sorry Stevo. Instead of going to quick singles I tried sticking with bigger sets but I was resting way too long between sets (classic). The snatches felt heavy and awful and I put us behind right out of the gate. I was pretty disappointed with this. Luckily Emily and Addison crushed Karen to put us in contention with the other team. Amanda was also pretty terrible, my muscle ups felt so bad. I can't remember the last time I actually FAILED a muscle up. My shoulders had nothing left. The squat snatches were actually not too bad, Addison was clutch in this workout with her touch and go sets. In the end we finished ahead of the other team to seal the deal and take first place!
I can honestly say this was the most fun I've had a competition and probably the best I felt physically throughout the whole thing. I think taking four days off was actually a really good idea because I had no aches or pains and felt totally refreshed. I was relaxed the entire time, probably because my teammates were both super chill about the whole thing. It's not like we weren't taking it seriously but we just knew we were going to do well and we were very confident going in to every event. It's like my boy Garrett Fisher would say- "Check it out. We went in, and we just killed it."
But in all seriousness, this was a great day! I had a blast competing with Em and Addi, I think we all complimented each other very well and worked well together as a team. Also, they're both hilarious and awesome people. It's a pretty great feeling to win every event and take first place overall. It definitely boosted my confidence and lit a fire. I want to replicate that at every competition. I want to dominate and win. Winning is fun, especially when it's with your friends! Looking forward to the next competition. Onward!
Monday, May 23, 2016
5/17-5/20: New York City, Baby
NEW YORK WAS THE BEST. It was nice to get out of Cincinnati for a few days.
Tuesday highlights
-Dinner at Otto Enoteca & Pizzeria. We saw Judd Apatow standing there waiting for a table, so that was pretty cool. I also had the BEST Pizza I've ever eaten and also ate some amazing gelato. Plus it was good to see my brother!
Wednesday highlights
-Tommy's graduation. It was long as hell (four hours) but it was exciting to see him graduate! It was held at Radio City Music Hall so that was pretty cool as well.
-Dinner at Bodega Negra. I'm not usually a fan of tacos, but these were the most delicious tacos I've ever eaten. Holy shit. I can't even describe how good the food was. We also got a really cool and delicious dessert that was a giant ball of white chocolate, then the waiter poured steaming hot chocolate on top and the ball melted and there was chocolate cake inside! Amazing.
Thursday highlights
Friday highlights
Overall, this trip was the best. I ate a lot of really good food, hung out with my brother, saw two amazing shows, and got some much needed rest. I can't wait to go back!
Tuesday highlights
-Dinner at Otto Enoteca & Pizzeria. We saw Judd Apatow standing there waiting for a table, so that was pretty cool. I also had the BEST Pizza I've ever eaten and also ate some amazing gelato. Plus it was good to see my brother!
I love this city |
Salty peanut and dark chocolate gelato. The BEST. |
Broski |
The awesome view from my hotel room! |
-Tommy's graduation. It was long as hell (four hours) but it was exciting to see him graduate! It was held at Radio City Music Hall so that was pretty cool as well.
-Dinner at Bodega Negra. I'm not usually a fan of tacos, but these were the most delicious tacos I've ever eaten. Holy shit. I can't even describe how good the food was. We also got a really cool and delicious dessert that was a giant ball of white chocolate, then the waiter poured steaming hot chocolate on top and the ball melted and there was chocolate cake inside! Amazing.
Tommy's graduation at Radio City Music Hall |
The fam |
Seen during our walk on the high line |
-The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon! This was the best part of the entire trip. We woke up at 6:00 AM and got in line for standby tickets at 6:45. At 9:00 the NBC pages came out and handed us our tickets. It still wasn't a guarantee that we would get in. We came back at 3:30 PM to get in line and wait to find out just how many seats they needed to fill. We were numbers 20, 21, and 22 out of 40 people. They cut numbers 32-40 and then a few minutes later they said they could take numbers 1-22 up to the show! What are the odds! We were taken through security (my selfie stick got confiscated) and then we were directed to the holding area. After about thirty minutes they took us all into the studio. The Roots had a jam session before the show started to hype up the crowd, it was awesome. Then the show started and it was seriously amazing. It was so cool to actually watch it happening live right in front of me. The guests were Seth Rogen, Fred Armisen, and Corinne Bailey Rae. Jimmy Fallon was hilarious as usual and high-fived everyone at the end. It was an experience I will never, ever forget.
-Waitress, the musical. We had bought tickets to Waitress just in case Jimmy Fallon didn't work out. After we got into Jimmy Fallon we decided we still wanted to see The Waitress, and I'm so glad we did! It was incredible. The music was written by Sarah Bareilles and I'm a big fan of her. The cast was outstanding and the music was beautifully written. I loved it. They also sold mini pies at intermission!
Waiting in line for Jimmy Fallon tickets |
Loved this musical! |
-Breakfast at Sullivan St. Bakery
-Walked to a bookstore and my brother showed us two books with his photos published in them! Neat.
Delicious breakfast at Sullivan St. Bakery |
Bye New York! |
Overall, this trip was the best. I ate a lot of really good food, hung out with my brother, saw two amazing shows, and got some much needed rest. I can't wait to go back!
A1. Front squat, 3-3-3-3, 22x1; :60 rest
A2. Weighted false-grip ring pull up, 2-2-1-1, 21x1; :60 rest
B. Close-grip bench press, 4-4-4, 20x1; 2:00 rest
5 sets:
250m row
10 thrusters, 65
10 pull ups
2:00 walk rest
Crossover Symmetry Recovery
Bear complex- 145#
A1. 165-175-185-195
A2. BW-5-10-15
B. 105-115-125
Tried the bear complex again and hit 145 for three, same as Saturday. This is officially competition weight.
Front squats were good today, the only tough set was 195.
False-grip pull ups were so much easier than last week!
Bench press was good, although the set at 125 was tough.
I really took a shit on the thruster/pull up workout. The first few sets were okay but after three sets I couldn't catch my breath and I wasn't recovering at all. On the fourth set I probably waited a solid ten seconds before picking up the bar for the thrusters (hence why my time is so long) and on the fifth set my pull ups totally fell apart. My breathing was just really bad throughout this entire thing and I felt awful.
A2. Weighted false-grip ring pull up, 2-2-1-1, 21x1; :60 rest
B. Close-grip bench press, 4-4-4, 20x1; 2:00 rest
5 sets:
250m row
10 thrusters, 65
10 pull ups
2:00 walk rest
Crossover Symmetry Recovery
Bear complex- 145#
A1. 165-175-185-195
A2. BW-5-10-15
B. 105-115-125
Tried the bear complex again and hit 145 for three, same as Saturday. This is officially competition weight.
Front squats were good today, the only tough set was 195.
False-grip pull ups were so much easier than last week!
Bench press was good, although the set at 125 was tough.
I really took a shit on the thruster/pull up workout. The first few sets were okay but after three sets I couldn't catch my breath and I wasn't recovering at all. On the fourth set I probably waited a solid ten seconds before picking up the bar for the thrusters (hence why my time is so long) and on the fifth set my pull ups totally fell apart. My breathing was just really bad throughout this entire thing and I felt awful.
Monday, May 16, 2016
A. Bear complex, build to a tough triple- goal is 155 today
B. Strict handstand push ups, 15x3 unbroken; rest as needed
Partner work TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 145 (155x2, lost it overhead)
B. complete
complete w/Cody, no idea how many rounds
used 45# DB
hammer curls and hollow rocks/flutter kicks
Oh my gosh, today sucked real bad. I was really low on energy when I came into the gym, I didn't sleep super great the night before so maybe that was the reason? I was feeling very drained and lethargic.
The bear complex was so much harder than I thought it would be. I thought I got off easy by just have to do three reps and I arrogantly asked Stephen if I could go higher than 155. I'm such a b-hole sometimes. I definitely underestimated this. I did one set at 145 and was shocked at how hard it was. The first two sets weren't bad but the third set was rough, I almost didn't lock out the last shoulder to overhead. I rested a few minutes and tried for 155. I got through (almost) two full sets, I tried resting with the bar on my back but couldn't lock out the last shoulder to overhead from behind the neck so I just dropped it without doing a third set. Then I basically pouted for twenty minutes. I feel like I should definitely be able to do three reps of this complex at 155. What the heck! I was surprised at how bad I felt during this whole thing. Legs and shoulders were exhausted even though I had a rest day Friday. I asked Stephen if I could redo this Monday and he said yes. This shook my confidence a bit, I thought I would easily be able to hit 155. I guess we will find out Monday.
Strict handstand push ups were fine, I slowed down on the last few sets but overall I thought my cycle time was pretty good on these. They're definitely getting better, that's for sure.
The partner workout was rough. The actual workout wasn't bad, I thought it was a cool workout. I just sucked at doing it. I was going to do it by myself but Cody graciously offered to be my partner because he's the best. I felt fatigued almost immediately and couldn't catch my breath at all. I was rowing pretty slow, probably between 1050-1150 cals/hr. The dumbbell snatches also got really hard by the end. I was just extremely tired and fatigued throughout this whole workout, and I'm sure I looked terrible as well. Legs and arms were toast.
Bis and tris are getting better, Austin said my curls actually looked like real curls. Did some hollow rocks and flutter kicks while watching regionals on the big screen, then got the eff out of there because today was poop.
B. Strict handstand push ups, 15x3 unbroken; rest as needed
Partner work TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 145 (155x2, lost it overhead)
B. complete
complete w/Cody, no idea how many rounds
used 45# DB
hammer curls and hollow rocks/flutter kicks
Oh my gosh, today sucked real bad. I was really low on energy when I came into the gym, I didn't sleep super great the night before so maybe that was the reason? I was feeling very drained and lethargic.
The bear complex was so much harder than I thought it would be. I thought I got off easy by just have to do three reps and I arrogantly asked Stephen if I could go higher than 155. I'm such a b-hole sometimes. I definitely underestimated this. I did one set at 145 and was shocked at how hard it was. The first two sets weren't bad but the third set was rough, I almost didn't lock out the last shoulder to overhead. I rested a few minutes and tried for 155. I got through (almost) two full sets, I tried resting with the bar on my back but couldn't lock out the last shoulder to overhead from behind the neck so I just dropped it without doing a third set. Then I basically pouted for twenty minutes. I feel like I should definitely be able to do three reps of this complex at 155. What the heck! I was surprised at how bad I felt during this whole thing. Legs and shoulders were exhausted even though I had a rest day Friday. I asked Stephen if I could redo this Monday and he said yes. This shook my confidence a bit, I thought I would easily be able to hit 155. I guess we will find out Monday.
Strict handstand push ups were fine, I slowed down on the last few sets but overall I thought my cycle time was pretty good on these. They're definitely getting better, that's for sure.
The partner workout was rough. The actual workout wasn't bad, I thought it was a cool workout. I just sucked at doing it. I was going to do it by myself but Cody graciously offered to be my partner because he's the best. I felt fatigued almost immediately and couldn't catch my breath at all. I was rowing pretty slow, probably between 1050-1150 cals/hr. The dumbbell snatches also got really hard by the end. I was just extremely tired and fatigued throughout this whole workout, and I'm sure I looked terrible as well. Legs and arms were toast.
Bis and tris are getting better, Austin said my curls actually looked like real curls. Did some hollow rocks and flutter kicks while watching regionals on the big screen, then got the eff out of there because today was poop.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Comp prep with Addison and Emily
Fun day with my buds! I love training for team stuff.
We started by testing out the bear complex. We decided I would try the set of seven and Em would try the set of three. We quickly learned that was probably a mistake. I was able to get through five reps at 125 but then I banged the bar into my knee on my sixth clean and just dropped it. I could have definitely done two more sets at 125 though. I COULD HAVE, GUYS. Em got three reps at 130 and Addi did five reps at 140 I think? Then we decided that Stephen was right all along, and Em should be doing the seven reps and I should do the three. Lesson learned: Stephen is always right.
Next we did the 10:00 AMRAP of assault bike calories and KB snatches. I like this one, I think we'll do well on this. The key is to just go really hard on the assault bike. Luckily Stephen has been programming a shit ton of assault bike for me lately so I'm cool with it!
Then we tested the 500m row/100 thrusters/100 pull ups. I also really like this one. Emily rowed first, then Addison, then me. They were already done with 75 thrusters by the time I got to the bar, I sort of felt like a dick for not helping out more. Oh well. I did a set of ten and a set of five and then it was time for pull ups. We each traded sets of 10-12 and it seemed to work pretty well, we finished in 9:38? It's a ten minute cap. We decided I would row second at the competition since my thrusters are faster than Addi's. I also think I can do bigger sets of pull ups.
I'm really looking forward to this competition next weekend! Hopefully I'm not too out of shape from taking four days off in NYC.....NAH I'll be fine.
Fun day with my buds! I love training for team stuff.
We started by testing out the bear complex. We decided I would try the set of seven and Em would try the set of three. We quickly learned that was probably a mistake. I was able to get through five reps at 125 but then I banged the bar into my knee on my sixth clean and just dropped it. I could have definitely done two more sets at 125 though. I COULD HAVE, GUYS. Em got three reps at 130 and Addi did five reps at 140 I think? Then we decided that Stephen was right all along, and Em should be doing the seven reps and I should do the three. Lesson learned: Stephen is always right.
Next we did the 10:00 AMRAP of assault bike calories and KB snatches. I like this one, I think we'll do well on this. The key is to just go really hard on the assault bike. Luckily Stephen has been programming a shit ton of assault bike for me lately so I'm cool with it!
Then we tested the 500m row/100 thrusters/100 pull ups. I also really like this one. Emily rowed first, then Addison, then me. They were already done with 75 thrusters by the time I got to the bar, I sort of felt like a dick for not helping out more. Oh well. I did a set of ten and a set of five and then it was time for pull ups. We each traded sets of 10-12 and it seemed to work pretty well, we finished in 9:38? It's a ten minute cap. We decided I would row second at the competition since my thrusters are faster than Addi's. I also think I can do bigger sets of pull ups.
I'm really looking forward to this competition next weekend! Hopefully I'm not too out of shape from taking four days off in NYC.....NAH I'll be fine.
Friday, May 13, 2016
30:00 assault bike @Z2- goal is 210 total calories (7/minute again)
A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow & controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 6x3 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C1. Standing 1-arm DB shoulder press, 3x5-6/side, 21x1, :30 between sides, :30 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3x7-10/side, 20x0, note pause @top this week, :30 between sides, :30 rest
D1. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x12-16m unbroken; :30 rest
D2. Front leaning rest on ground, 3x:60; :30 rest
For time and movement quality:
30 toes to bar
10 alternating turkish get ups, tough
30 toes to bar
211 calories
A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225
C1. 25-30-35 (5 on L)
C2. 40-45-50
D1. complete w/90#
D2. complete (accidentally did this on the rings, oops)
10:48 w/45# KB
Definitely feeling better in training lately than I was a few weeks ago.
I'm glad to be done with the seated DB press, I like the 1-arm press more. I was only able to get five reps on the left side with 35, that was a struggle.
Overhead lunges didn't feel as good as last week, I was more unstable this time. I'm pretty sure we had to lunge with 105# for regionals last year which sounds insane to me.
I accidentally did my front leaning rest on the rings, OOPS. I totally missed the part where I was supposed to do this on the ground since I had been doing them on the rings the past two weeks. My B.
I thought the workout went pretty well. My toes to bar are definitely getting better, or at least it seems that way. I was able to do sets of 5 the whole way through until the last few reps of the second set, I had to break it up 3/2. I tried to stay as steady as I could on the turkish get ups, I was actually doing pretty well until the eighth rep, it took me forever to prop myself up off the ground. That was frustrating. Overall I was pleased with this. Breathing was totally fine.
30:00 assault bike @Z2- goal is 210 total calories (7/minute again)
A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow & controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 6x3 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C1. Standing 1-arm DB shoulder press, 3x5-6/side, 21x1, :30 between sides, :30 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3x7-10/side, 20x0, note pause @top this week, :30 between sides, :30 rest
D1. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x12-16m unbroken; :30 rest
D2. Front leaning rest on ground, 3x:60; :30 rest
For time and movement quality:
30 toes to bar
10 alternating turkish get ups, tough
30 toes to bar
211 calories
A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225
C1. 25-30-35 (5 on L)
C2. 40-45-50
D1. complete w/90#
D2. complete (accidentally did this on the rings, oops)
10:48 w/45# KB
Definitely feeling better in training lately than I was a few weeks ago.
I'm glad to be done with the seated DB press, I like the 1-arm press more. I was only able to get five reps on the left side with 35, that was a struggle.
Overhead lunges didn't feel as good as last week, I was more unstable this time. I'm pretty sure we had to lunge with 105# for regionals last year which sounds insane to me.
I accidentally did my front leaning rest on the rings, OOPS. I totally missed the part where I was supposed to do this on the ground since I had been doing them on the rings the past two weeks. My B.
I thought the workout went pretty well. My toes to bar are definitely getting better, or at least it seems that way. I was able to do sets of 5 the whole way through until the last few reps of the second set, I had to break it up 3/2. I tried to stay as steady as I could on the turkish get ups, I was actually doing pretty well until the eighth rep, it took me forever to prop myself up off the ground. That was frustrating. Overall I was pleased with this. Breathing was totally fine.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
10 sets:
500m row @2:10.0-2:10.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 5&6)
3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
:30/side 1-leg balancing
30:00 easy:
200m row
200m jog 0.3 on the assault bike
200m ski erg
:30 dip support on rings (thumbs pointed forward)
:15/side passive hang from fat bar
:30 bear crawl- alternate forward & backward set to set
Crossover Symmetry recovery
Today was fun, a lot of people came in earlier than normal so there was a good energy in the gym.
Longest handstand hold today was :19. This is slowly getting better.
I really liked the 30:00 workout and felt great the whole time. Breathing was good and I enjoyed all these movements. Got rained out for the run so I had to sub assault bike. The dip support was tough, I was able to do it unbroken on the first round but had to break it up :15/:15 each time after that. Also I figured out I prefer the passive hang from the fat bar as opposed to the normal bar.
10 sets:
500m row @2:10.0-2:10.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 5&6)
3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
:30/side 1-leg balancing
30:00 easy:
200m row
200m ski erg
:30 dip support on rings (thumbs pointed forward)
:15/side passive hang from fat bar
:30 bear crawl- alternate forward & backward set to set
Crossover Symmetry recovery
Today was fun, a lot of people came in earlier than normal so there was a good energy in the gym.
Longest handstand hold today was :19. This is slowly getting better.
I really liked the 30:00 workout and felt great the whole time. Breathing was good and I enjoyed all these movements. Got rained out for the run so I had to sub assault bike. The dip support was tough, I was able to do it unbroken on the first round but had to break it up :15/:15 each time after that. Also I figured out I prefer the passive hang from the fat bar as opposed to the normal bar.
A1. Front squat, 5-5-5-5, 22x1; :60 rest
A2. Weighted false grip ring pull up, 2-2-2-2, 21x1; :60 rest
B. Close-grip bench press, 5-5-5, 20x1, no pause @chest; 2:00 rest
15:00 @90%
5 CTB pull ups
10 thrusters, 35
5 CTB pull ups
15m stone carry, small stone
5 CTB pull ups
15 assault bike calories
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A1. 145-155-165-175
A2. BW-BW-5-10
B. 95-105-115
3 rounds + 6 calories
It took awhile to get warm for front squats, (I've really been slacking with ROM WOD lately) but they weren't too bad.
False grip pull ups were weird at first, I can't believe I used to actually do muscle ups in a false grip. This is tough on the wrists. Like, how did I even kip with a false-grip?! This blows my mind. I did the first two sets at just body weight to make sure I was doing them correctly, then I added some weight for the last two sets. I can't imagine even doing a strict muscle up, it seems so hard.
Bench press was okay, I got a really weird stomach ache while I was doing this.
I really enjoyed the 15:00 piece. CTB pull ups were off today, they didn't feel smooth at all. They were choppy and clunky. Everything else was good. Overall I thought I did a good job of moving at a steady pace for the whole 15 minutes, there weren't really any breaks except to chalk my hands.
A2. Weighted false grip ring pull up, 2-2-2-2, 21x1; :60 rest
B. Close-grip bench press, 5-5-5, 20x1, no pause @chest; 2:00 rest
15:00 @90%
5 CTB pull ups
10 thrusters, 35
5 CTB pull ups
15m stone carry, small stone
5 CTB pull ups
15 assault bike calories
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A1. 145-155-165-175
A2. BW-BW-5-10
B. 95-105-115
3 rounds + 6 calories
It took awhile to get warm for front squats, (I've really been slacking with ROM WOD lately) but they weren't too bad.
False grip pull ups were weird at first, I can't believe I used to actually do muscle ups in a false grip. This is tough on the wrists. Like, how did I even kip with a false-grip?! This blows my mind. I did the first two sets at just body weight to make sure I was doing them correctly, then I added some weight for the last two sets. I can't imagine even doing a strict muscle up, it seems so hard.
Bench press was okay, I got a really weird stomach ache while I was doing this.
I really enjoyed the 15:00 piece. CTB pull ups were off today, they didn't feel smooth at all. They were choppy and clunky. Everything else was good. Overall I thought I did a good job of moving at a steady pace for the whole 15 minutes, there weren't really any breaks except to chalk my hands.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Long, unplugged hike
I was planning on going hiking later in the afternoon but it looked like it was going to rain so I decided against it. I mowed the lawn for an hour, does that count as active recovery?
I was planning on going hiking later in the afternoon but it looked like it was going to rain so I decided against it. I mowed the lawn for an hour, does that count as active recovery?
A. 1 power clean + 2 hang power cleans, build to a tough set
B. Strict handstand push ups, 5x max (-2), begin a set every :90
Partner work TBD- probably row, wall balls, double unders
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 200
B. 7-7-6-6-6 (completed after partner workout)
10 rounds complete w/Josh
Today was MUCH better than yesterday.
I'm SO HAPPY I hit 200 on that complex, especially because last week I struggled to hit 185. It wasn't too difficult, I'm curious to see if I could hit 205 on this.
I did the strict handstand push ups after the partner workout (the class was getting ready to go and Josh needed a partner). I probably could have done a few more if I was totally fresh but I guess these numbers aren't too bad.
I really enjoyed the partner workout, this was my favorite one we've done so far. I liked how the partners switched movements, that was really cool. All double unders and wall balls unbroken, breathing felt great the whole time. I always enjoy partnering with Josh, he's a cool dude and he works hard.
Bis and tris were better this week, I did some hammer curls with Josh, ab wheel roll outs, and hollow rocks.
B. Strict handstand push ups, 5x max (-2), begin a set every :90
Partner work TBD- probably row, wall balls, double unders
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 200
B. 7-7-6-6-6 (completed after partner workout)
10 rounds complete w/Josh
Today was MUCH better than yesterday.
I'm SO HAPPY I hit 200 on that complex, especially because last week I struggled to hit 185. It wasn't too difficult, I'm curious to see if I could hit 205 on this.
I did the strict handstand push ups after the partner workout (the class was getting ready to go and Josh needed a partner). I probably could have done a few more if I was totally fresh but I guess these numbers aren't too bad.
I really enjoyed the partner workout, this was my favorite one we've done so far. I liked how the partners switched movements, that was really cool. All double unders and wall balls unbroken, breathing felt great the whole time. I always enjoy partnering with Josh, he's a cool dude and he works hard.
Bis and tris were better this week, I did some hammer curls with Josh, ab wheel roll outs, and hollow rocks.
30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 6 alternating DB snatches @40
A. Snatch pulls, 5x1 @185; :90 rest
B. Back squat, 6-6-6, 40x1; 3:00 rest
C. Weighted strict supinated CTB pull ups, build to a heavy double
AMRAP in 10:00
max muscle ups, 200m run every time you come off the rings
3 rounds for time:
300m row
200 ski erg
A. complete
B. 185-195-205
C. complete w/45# @145 BW
24 muscle ups
Today started off pretty well, snatch pulls and back squats were feeling good. Definitely happy to be done with the 3030 tempo on the back squats.
I think 45# is okay for a CTB double? I kind of rushed through this because I wanted to do the muscle up workout with Conner.
Speaking of the muscle up workout, I was super disappointed with my performance on this. I was hoping to hit at least 7-9 muscle ups to start but I only got 6, the rings were swinging all over the place and I tried to steady them at the top but I had to just come down. The running started feeling bad almost immediately, my breathing was terrible and my legs were really heavy. I was going sooooo slow on the run. Muscle ups were 6/5/4/4/3/2. These were okay, Stephen said they looked fast the whole way through. I definitely should have tried to push the rest more on these though, I was standing around a lot before jumping up to the rings, especially at the end. I should have gotten closer to 30 muscle ups on this. The running did me in today.
I was also not happy with how I started the row/ski erg workout. I don't know what was going on but I rowed the first 300m SO SLOW. Like, a 2:03 pace. I was casually talking to Austin as I was rowing. I shouldn't have been doing that and I don't know why I was going about it so casually. Luckily Stephen walked in after my first row and told me I needed to get that shit down to a 1:53. I'm glad he did that. I was able to pick up the pace on the second and third row and hold between a 1:53-1:55. I think I kept the ski erg at a solid pace for all three rounds. I wish I wouldn't have done my first row so slow. I don't know what my deal was on this.
Overall not happy with how I performed today.
30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 6 alternating DB snatches @40
A. Snatch pulls, 5x1 @185; :90 rest
B. Back squat, 6-6-6, 40x1; 3:00 rest
C. Weighted strict supinated CTB pull ups, build to a heavy double
AMRAP in 10:00
max muscle ups, 200m run every time you come off the rings
3 rounds for time:
300m row
200 ski erg
A. complete
B. 185-195-205
C. complete w/45# @145 BW
24 muscle ups
Today started off pretty well, snatch pulls and back squats were feeling good. Definitely happy to be done with the 3030 tempo on the back squats.
I think 45# is okay for a CTB double? I kind of rushed through this because I wanted to do the muscle up workout with Conner.
Speaking of the muscle up workout, I was super disappointed with my performance on this. I was hoping to hit at least 7-9 muscle ups to start but I only got 6, the rings were swinging all over the place and I tried to steady them at the top but I had to just come down. The running started feeling bad almost immediately, my breathing was terrible and my legs were really heavy. I was going sooooo slow on the run. Muscle ups were 6/5/4/4/3/2. These were okay, Stephen said they looked fast the whole way through. I definitely should have tried to push the rest more on these though, I was standing around a lot before jumping up to the rings, especially at the end. I should have gotten closer to 30 muscle ups on this. The running did me in today.
I was also not happy with how I started the row/ski erg workout. I don't know what was going on but I rowed the first 300m SO SLOW. Like, a 2:03 pace. I was casually talking to Austin as I was rowing. I shouldn't have been doing that and I don't know why I was going about it so casually. Luckily Stephen walked in after my first row and told me I needed to get that shit down to a 1:53. I'm glad he did that. I was able to pick up the pace on the second and third row and hold between a 1:53-1:55. I think I kept the ski erg at a solid pace for all three rounds. I wish I wouldn't have done my first row so slow. I don't know what my deal was on this.
Overall not happy with how I performed today.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
4-6 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg
:60 single unders
4 rounds complete
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg
:60 single unders
4 rounds complete
3 rounds nice & smooth throughout:
10 alternating turkish get ups, 35
3 dead hang to inverted
A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, slow & controlled keeping hips level, :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep, :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 12x2 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C. Seated on floor DB shoulder press, 3x4-5, 21x1; 2:00 rest
D1. 1-arm DB row, 3x4-5/side, 20x1, :30 between sides, :30 rest
D2. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x20m unbroken; :30 rest
D3. Front leaning rest on rings, 3x:45; :30 rest
25:00 assault bike @Z2, goal is 175 total calories, just 7 a minute, try to stay on that pace throughout
A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225
C. 30-35-40(3)
D1. 50-55-60
D2. complete w/80#
D3. complete
176 calories
Solid day!
DB shoulder press went much better than last week, I was able to move up to 40 pounds. However, I was only able to get three reps.
Axle overhead lunges were also a lot better this week, I tried picking up the pace a little bit on these.
I was really happy with the assault bike, I was only one calorie off the goal! I was keeping it at 49 RPMs the entire time and that pace felt very sustainable. This actually wasn't bad at all, I felt fine when this was over. Breathing was good and my body wasn't nearly as fatigued as last week. Success!
3 rounds nice & smooth throughout:
10 alternating turkish get ups, 35
3 dead hang to inverted
A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, slow & controlled keeping hips level, :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep, :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 12x2 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C. Seated on floor DB shoulder press, 3x4-5, 21x1; 2:00 rest
D1. 1-arm DB row, 3x4-5/side, 20x1, :30 between sides, :30 rest
D2. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x20m unbroken; :30 rest
D3. Front leaning rest on rings, 3x:45; :30 rest
25:00 assault bike @Z2, goal is 175 total calories, just 7 a minute, try to stay on that pace throughout
A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225
C. 30-35-40(3)
D1. 50-55-60
D2. complete w/80#
D3. complete
176 calories
Solid day!
DB shoulder press went much better than last week, I was able to move up to 40 pounds. However, I was only able to get three reps.
Axle overhead lunges were also a lot better this week, I tried picking up the pace a little bit on these.
I was really happy with the assault bike, I was only one calorie off the goal! I was keeping it at 49 RPMs the entire time and that pace felt very sustainable. This actually wasn't bad at all, I felt fine when this was over. Breathing was good and my body wasn't nearly as fatigued as last week. Success!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
8 sets:
500m row @2:12.0-2:12.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
:10-:15/side 1-arm passive hang from bar
:30/side 1-leg balancing
6 rounds @80%
10m handstand walk
200m run
40m indoor sled push, 45 on each upright
60 single unders w/heavy rope
Errrr I went just a bit too fast on the rows. They felt good though.
Handstand holds weren't as good as last week, my longest hold was :19 and I kept walking outside the mat.
The workout was okay, I was breathing pretty hard right from the start which was annoying. I tried keeping everything at 80% but the prowler always makes me really winded regardless of how fast/slow/light/heavy it is. The single unders were awkward at first and I kept tripping but I finally found a good rhythm in the fourth round.
8 sets:
500m row @2:12.0-2:12.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
:10-:15/side 1-arm passive hang from bar
:30/side 1-leg balancing
6 rounds @80%
10m handstand walk
200m run
40m indoor sled push, 45 on each upright
60 single unders w/heavy rope
Errrr I went just a bit too fast on the rows. They felt good though.
Handstand holds weren't as good as last week, my longest hold was :19 and I kept walking outside the mat.
The workout was okay, I was breathing pretty hard right from the start which was annoying. I tried keeping everything at 80% but the prowler always makes me really winded regardless of how fast/slow/light/heavy it is. The single unders were awkward at first and I kept tripping but I finally found a good rhythm in the fourth round.
A. Front squat, 5x2-3, 40x1; 2:30 rest
B. Close-grip bench press, 3-3-3, 22x1; 2:00 rest
3 rounds for time:
15 assault bike calories
50m farmers walk, 70/hand
10 rounds for time:
7 toes to bar
15m stone carry, small stone
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 165-175-185-195-205
B. 105-115-120
Really solid day. Today was the best I've felt during training in the last week.
Front squats were good, the tempo was pretty rough at 205.
Bench press was fine, although the two second pause at the bottom is starting to make things tough.
I was pretty pleased with the assault bike workout, breathing was really good throughout. I tried to keep my transitions short between movements. All three farmers walks were unbroken.
I really enjoyed the toes to bar workout! All sets of toes to bar were unbroken and felt great, huzzah! The stone is fun, I wouldn't mind if this kept popping up in my programming. I wanted to do this under ten minutes so I tried to go right from the stone to the bar and vice versa. I would consider this workout a success.
B. Close-grip bench press, 3-3-3, 22x1; 2:00 rest
3 rounds for time:
15 assault bike calories
50m farmers walk, 70/hand
10 rounds for time:
7 toes to bar
15m stone carry, small stone
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 165-175-185-195-205
B. 105-115-120
Really solid day. Today was the best I've felt during training in the last week.
Front squats were good, the tempo was pretty rough at 205.
Bench press was fine, although the two second pause at the bottom is starting to make things tough.
I was pretty pleased with the assault bike workout, breathing was really good throughout. I tried to keep my transitions short between movements. All three farmers walks were unbroken.
I really enjoyed the toes to bar workout! All sets of toes to bar were unbroken and felt great, huzzah! The stone is fun, I wouldn't mind if this kept popping up in my programming. I wanted to do this under ten minutes so I tried to go right from the stone to the bar and vice versa. I would consider this workout a success.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Long, unplugged hike
I wasn't able to hike today, unfortunately didn't have the time. I had a CFC coach meeting in the morning then had to write programming all day before I hung out with my bros Emily and Heather. We walked all around OTR, it was a great day! We went to Homage, ate at The Eagle (BEST FOOD EVER), went to a bunch of different shops, went to Graeters, and walked through Washington Park. It was a great afternoon with my pals.
I wasn't able to hike today, unfortunately didn't have the time. I had a CFC coach meeting in the morning then had to write programming all day before I hung out with my bros Emily and Heather. We walked all around OTR, it was a great day! We went to Homage, ate at The Eagle (BEST FOOD EVER), went to a bunch of different shops, went to Graeters, and walked through Washington Park. It was a great afternoon with my pals.
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