Long, unplugged hike or easy 30:00-60:00 bike
30:00 bike complete
10:00 mobility
Sunday, February 28, 2016
A. Power clean clusters, 3x1.; :10 between singles, 2:30 rest
Partner work TBD
10:00 mobility work of choice
A. 145-165-175
For time w/a partner:
120 row calories
30 wall walks
120 KB swings
240 double unders
800m run
18:03 w/Byrd
I forgot about the terrible "day after" feeling during the Open, I came in this morning tired and sore. Power cleans were okay but I was very indifferent about lifting today.
Byrd and I partnered up for the class workout. I was planning on doing this at a nice, chill, 85% effort but Byrd had other plans. He wanted to beat Duprie and Brandie's time of 19:23 so we pushed pretty hard on the workout. We split up the row calories 20 each. At one point I was rowing 1200 cal/hr and Mark's exact words were "why are you rowing so slow?" Classic. Wall walks were singles traded back and forth, those were actually the worst part. My arms and shoulders were extremely fatigued. KB swings were split up 10 each, these were basically a break before the double unders. I started out with a set of 64 double unders and then we both traded large sets. Mark ran first and then I finished. That 400m run was painful, I was hauling ass because I could hear Mark yelling at me to go faster so we could beat Brandie and Duprie. We ended up beating them by over a minute, but god, at what cost? My legs were BLOWN UP afterwards, to the point where I was almost concerned. My calves were cramping and I had to sit on a bike for about ten minutes to cool down. I probably went a bit too hard on this. I can't help it during partner workouts, that shit is the best!
Partner work TBD
10:00 mobility work of choice
A. 145-165-175
For time w/a partner:
120 row calories
30 wall walks
120 KB swings
240 double unders
800m run
18:03 w/Byrd
I forgot about the terrible "day after" feeling during the Open, I came in this morning tired and sore. Power cleans were okay but I was very indifferent about lifting today.
Byrd and I partnered up for the class workout. I was planning on doing this at a nice, chill, 85% effort but Byrd had other plans. He wanted to beat Duprie and Brandie's time of 19:23 so we pushed pretty hard on the workout. We split up the row calories 20 each. At one point I was rowing 1200 cal/hr and Mark's exact words were "why are you rowing so slow?" Classic. Wall walks were singles traded back and forth, those were actually the worst part. My arms and shoulders were extremely fatigued. KB swings were split up 10 each, these were basically a break before the double unders. I started out with a set of 64 double unders and then we both traded large sets. Mark ran first and then I finished. That 400m run was painful, I was hauling ass because I could hear Mark yelling at me to go faster so we could beat Brandie and Duprie. We ended up beating them by over a minute, but god, at what cost? My legs were BLOWN UP afterwards, to the point where I was almost concerned. My calves were cramping and I had to sit on a bike for about ten minutes to cool down. I probably went a bit too hard on this. I can't help it during partner workouts, that shit is the best!
30:00 airdyne
16.1 movement prep
AMRAP in 20:00
25ft overhead walking lunges (65)
8 bar-facing burpees
25ft overhead walking lunges
8 CTB pull ups
200 reps (7 rounds + lunges + burpees + lunges)
The Open has officially started.
16.1 is basically my nightmare of a workout. Burpees, lunges, AND it's 20 minutes long. I went into with no clue how I was going to perform. The first half went pretty well, I was moving steadily. I broke up the CTB pull ups 4/4 every round. Once I got about four rounds in I really started to slow down. I started resting a lot before I picked up the bar to do lunges, my burpees were agonizingly slow, and the biggest problem was all the rest during the pull ups. I would do a set of four and then stand there staring up at the bar for ten seconds. This was terrible. I couldn't wait for it to be over. When I do this again Monday I'm just going to try and stay moving. I need to cut the rest WAY down during the pull ups and I need to pick up the bar right away. Honestly I don't know if I can do the burpees or lunges any faster. I want to get into the eighth round on Monday.
30:00 airdyne
16.1 movement prep
AMRAP in 20:00
25ft overhead walking lunges (65)
8 bar-facing burpees
25ft overhead walking lunges
8 CTB pull ups
200 reps (7 rounds + lunges + burpees + lunges)
The Open has officially started.
16.1 is basically my nightmare of a workout. Burpees, lunges, AND it's 20 minutes long. I went into with no clue how I was going to perform. The first half went pretty well, I was moving steadily. I broke up the CTB pull ups 4/4 every round. Once I got about four rounds in I really started to slow down. I started resting a lot before I picked up the bar to do lunges, my burpees were agonizingly slow, and the biggest problem was all the rest during the pull ups. I would do a set of four and then stand there staring up at the bar for ten seconds. This was terrible. I couldn't wait for it to be over. When I do this again Monday I'm just going to try and stay moving. I need to cut the rest WAY down during the pull ups and I need to pick up the bar right away. Honestly I don't know if I can do the burpees or lunges any faster. I want to get into the eighth round on Monday.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Not for time:
10 dead hang to inverted
5 sets very easy:
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 row
:60 single unders w/heavy rope
:60 front leaning rest
A. Snatch pull, build quickly to a heavy but crisp single
For time @97%
21 handstand push ups
15 assault bike calories
9 power cleans, 125
10:00 rest
3:00 @97%
15 KB swings, 53
15 burpees
3 sets:
4-6/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
A. 195
complete w/8#
Snatch pulls felt great today, 195 got pretty high.
The assault bike workout was terrible. My goal was to finish under 2:00 and I barely made it. Handstand push ups were unbroken and pretty fast. I think I went as fast as I could on the assault bike? I thought I was pushing pretty hard on this, I was really tired when I got to the cleans. I definitely lost time on the cleans, I rested too long before the first rep. I also tried to string some together right out of the gate and that was a mistake, I did two in a row but they were slow. I realized I needed to switch to singles but I had already wasted too much time. Ugh. This was nasty. It took me awhile to recover from this.
I definitely wasn't fully recovered by the time I had to start the KB/burpees. This part was so slow. My muscles were extremely fatigued and I couldn't breathe (partially from still recovering from a cold). Longest three minutes of my life.
Last normal training day before the Open. Goodbye, heavy weight. See you in five weeks.
Not for time:
10 dead hang to inverted
5 sets very easy:
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 row
:60 single unders w/heavy rope
:60 front leaning rest
A. Snatch pull, build quickly to a heavy but crisp single
For time @97%
21 handstand push ups
15 assault bike calories
9 power cleans, 125
10:00 rest
3:00 @97%
15 KB swings, 53
15 burpees
3 sets:
4-6/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
A. 195
complete w/8#
Snatch pulls felt great today, 195 got pretty high.
The assault bike workout was terrible. My goal was to finish under 2:00 and I barely made it. Handstand push ups were unbroken and pretty fast. I think I went as fast as I could on the assault bike? I thought I was pushing pretty hard on this, I was really tired when I got to the cleans. I definitely lost time on the cleans, I rested too long before the first rep. I also tried to string some together right out of the gate and that was a mistake, I did two in a row but they were slow. I realized I needed to switch to singles but I had already wasted too much time. Ugh. This was nasty. It took me awhile to recover from this.
I definitely wasn't fully recovered by the time I had to start the KB/burpees. This part was so slow. My muscles were extremely fatigued and I couldn't breathe (partially from still recovering from a cold). Longest three minutes of my life.
Last normal training day before the Open. Goodbye, heavy weight. See you in five weeks.
5 sets of:
3:00 bike @ high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. Back squat, build quickly to a moderate double
For 24:00
1st- 1 bar muscle up + 2 CTB pull ups + 3 toes to bar
2nd- 12 wall balls, 14 to 9
3rd- :30 assault bike @90% aerobic
A. 245
Good day. It's amazing how easy back squats are now, I used to be terrified of these. 245 was relatively easy for a double.
The EMOM went well, I liked the gymnastics complex a lot. Wall balls were SUPER easy, I love throwing to a 9 foot target. About halfway through the EMOM I started having a weird feeling in my right knee after each set of wall balls. The first few steps afterwards were feeling sort of unstable and shaky. It was really weird. I don't know if I didn't mobilize correctly or what was going on. I need to make an appointment with Balza next week.
5 sets of:
3:00 bike @ high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. Back squat, build quickly to a moderate double
For 24:00
1st- 1 bar muscle up + 2 CTB pull ups + 3 toes to bar
2nd- 12 wall balls, 14 to 9
3rd- :30 assault bike @90% aerobic
A. 245
Good day. It's amazing how easy back squats are now, I used to be terrified of these. 245 was relatively easy for a double.
The EMOM went well, I liked the gymnastics complex a lot. Wall balls were SUPER easy, I love throwing to a 9 foot target. About halfway through the EMOM I started having a weird feeling in my right knee after each set of wall balls. The first few steps afterwards were feeling sort of unstable and shaky. It was really weird. I don't know if I didn't mobilize correctly or what was going on. I need to make an appointment with Balza next week.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m to walk around for a minute
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow & deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Power clean & push jerk touch and go on ground and shoulders, 5-5-5; :60 rest
3 sets:
15 touch and go muscle/power snatches, 55
30 double unders
:60 rest
3 sets:
15 handstand push ups
15 row calories
2:00 rest
2 rounds not for time:
9-12 light/moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
5 hollow to superman rolls (1=hollow to superman back to hollow)
was going to sub 30:00 airdyne @Z1, got 10:00 finished and then had to deal with a "shitty" situation, literally
A. complete
B. 105-125-135
DNS, subbed 10:00 bike
Today was awful. BEING SICK IS THE WORST.
I woke up feeling worse than the day before. I barely slept (this makes night #3) and knew the day was going to be rough. I didn't have the energy to row this morning so I decided to just sub 30:00 airdyne instead. I was about 10 minutes in when the other trainer at CF Leb told me there was water all over the floor in both bathrooms. It wasn't just water....it was water and.....other things. Yes, that's right. There was sewage leaking up from the drains and on to the floors. So the rest of my Z1 session was spent on the phone with Mark, trying to get a plumber to the gym, trying not to vomit from the smell, etc. So yeah, that wasn't a great start to the morning.
When I got to the gym for my PM session I was feeling ten times worse than I did when I woke up. I couldn't stop coughing, my throat hurt, my nose was running, etc. I knew it was going to be a rough day when I was winded after one weighted bear crawl. I completed my lifting portion and the weight wasn't heavy but I couldn't breathe. I was happy to get 135 for five relatively easy reps though. Muscle snatches were pretty fast and all double unders were unbroken. However, I was getting lightheaded after every set. I had to sit down between sets because I was trying to catch my breath. I decided to call it after this, the thought of doing handstand push ups made me want to barf. I couldn't take a breath without coughing. I sat on the bike for about 10 minutes and then went and got some tea before I had to coach classes. Meh. Not a good day at all. Hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can actually complete my entire day of training.
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m to walk around for a minute
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow & deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Power clean & push jerk touch and go on ground and shoulders, 5-5-5; :60 rest
3 sets:
15 touch and go muscle/power snatches, 55
30 double unders
:60 rest
3 sets:
15 handstand push ups
15 row calories
2:00 rest
2 rounds not for time:
9-12 light/moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
5 hollow to superman rolls (1=hollow to superman back to hollow)
was going to sub 30:00 airdyne @Z1, got 10:00 finished and then had to deal with a "shitty" situation, literally
A. complete
B. 105-125-135
DNS, subbed 10:00 bike
Today was awful. BEING SICK IS THE WORST.
I woke up feeling worse than the day before. I barely slept (this makes night #3) and knew the day was going to be rough. I didn't have the energy to row this morning so I decided to just sub 30:00 airdyne instead. I was about 10 minutes in when the other trainer at CF Leb told me there was water all over the floor in both bathrooms. It wasn't just water....it was water and.....other things. Yes, that's right. There was sewage leaking up from the drains and on to the floors. So the rest of my Z1 session was spent on the phone with Mark, trying to get a plumber to the gym, trying not to vomit from the smell, etc. So yeah, that wasn't a great start to the morning.
When I got to the gym for my PM session I was feeling ten times worse than I did when I woke up. I couldn't stop coughing, my throat hurt, my nose was running, etc. I knew it was going to be a rough day when I was winded after one weighted bear crawl. I completed my lifting portion and the weight wasn't heavy but I couldn't breathe. I was happy to get 135 for five relatively easy reps though. Muscle snatches were pretty fast and all double unders were unbroken. However, I was getting lightheaded after every set. I had to sit down between sets because I was trying to catch my breath. I decided to call it after this, the thought of doing handstand push ups made me want to barf. I couldn't take a breath without coughing. I sat on the bike for about 10 minutes and then went and got some tea before I had to coach classes. Meh. Not a good day at all. Hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can actually complete my entire day of training.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Long, unplugged hike or easy 30:00-60:00 bike
DNS, woke up with a raging cold this morning. It was pretty mild last night and I thought it would go away if I got enough sleep but when I woke up today it was a lot worse. Ugh. Hopefully it goes away in the next few days and is completely gone by Friday.
DNS, woke up with a raging cold this morning. It was pretty mild last night and I thought it would go away if I got enough sleep but when I woke up today it was a lot worse. Ugh. Hopefully it goes away in the next few days and is completely gone by Friday.
10:00 to establish both a moderate/tough snatch and clean & jerk
partner work TBD, will include wall walks, swings, row & double unders
For time @97%
35 assault bike calories
135 snatch
185 clean and jerk
complete w/my buddy Gruber
Very underwhelming lifting session today, I really underestimated myself on the snatch. I didn't think I would really be able to work up to anything super heavy in five minutes (I wanted have equal time for both lifts) so I went 105-125-135 and then it was time to switch to clean and jerk. 135 was SUPER easy and I should have jumped to 145 after 125. Clean and jerk was weird, I went 135-165-185 but I actually failed the first jerk at 185. What? Yes. I didn't punch underneath low enough and I was basically trying to press it up. This was super frustrating. I tried again and hit the jerk but it was very wobbly, my core was super unstable and I took a few steps forward with it. This is very unlike me and I'm not sure what the deal is, especially at this weight. I shouldn't be failing jerks at 185. Not cool.
I really enjoyed doing the class, can I possibly do this more often? It was awesome. I partnered up with my buddy Gruber, he did a great job. The first 8:00 AMRAP was 4 wall walks and 16 KB swings. I did my swings @53 pounds. We alternated wall walks on the first few rounds and then I started doing 2-3 in a row once Gruber got fatigued. We traded 8 reps each on the swings. I felt really aerobic during this workout and it was actually kind of a confidence boost. At one point when I was doing my KB swings, Austin said I looked really fit and aerobic. I felt good. The second workout was an 8:00 AMRAP of 1600m row between the two of us and then max double unders. We traded 400m each on the row and I started on the double unders. I did a set of 85, then 35, then 25 before time was up. This was really fun! It was a nice change.
The assault bike was just the worst. My goal was to be around 2:00 so I'm pretty pleased with my time but I think I paced it wrong. I went out pretty hot and started to fade around 21 cals. I picked it back up around 25 and just hung on for the last ten calories. This was awful. Is it possible to feel pain in your teeth while doing the assault bike? Because that's what was happening. This was rough and it took me awhile to recover. I think if I did this a second time and had a better plan going in, I could get it under 2:00.
partner work TBD, will include wall walks, swings, row & double unders
For time @97%
35 assault bike calories
135 snatch
185 clean and jerk
complete w/my buddy Gruber
Very underwhelming lifting session today, I really underestimated myself on the snatch. I didn't think I would really be able to work up to anything super heavy in five minutes (I wanted have equal time for both lifts) so I went 105-125-135 and then it was time to switch to clean and jerk. 135 was SUPER easy and I should have jumped to 145 after 125. Clean and jerk was weird, I went 135-165-185 but I actually failed the first jerk at 185. What? Yes. I didn't punch underneath low enough and I was basically trying to press it up. This was super frustrating. I tried again and hit the jerk but it was very wobbly, my core was super unstable and I took a few steps forward with it. This is very unlike me and I'm not sure what the deal is, especially at this weight. I shouldn't be failing jerks at 185. Not cool.
I really enjoyed doing the class, can I possibly do this more often? It was awesome. I partnered up with my buddy Gruber, he did a great job. The first 8:00 AMRAP was 4 wall walks and 16 KB swings. I did my swings @53 pounds. We alternated wall walks on the first few rounds and then I started doing 2-3 in a row once Gruber got fatigued. We traded 8 reps each on the swings. I felt really aerobic during this workout and it was actually kind of a confidence boost. At one point when I was doing my KB swings, Austin said I looked really fit and aerobic. I felt good. The second workout was an 8:00 AMRAP of 1600m row between the two of us and then max double unders. We traded 400m each on the row and I started on the double unders. I did a set of 85, then 35, then 25 before time was up. This was really fun! It was a nice change.
The assault bike was just the worst. My goal was to be around 2:00 so I'm pretty pleased with my time but I think I paced it wrong. I went out pretty hot and started to fade around 21 cals. I picked it back up around 25 and just hung on for the last ten calories. This was awful. Is it possible to feel pain in your teeth while doing the assault bike? Because that's what was happening. This was rough and it took me awhile to recover. I think if I did this a second time and had a better plan going in, I could get it under 2:00.
10:00 bike @Z1
3 sets:
:30 row sprint
4:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility
A. Front squat, 3-3-3 moderate/tough, 2:30 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
60 bar-facing burpees
30 overhead squats, 85
10 muscle ups
3 rounds not for time:
10 assault bike calories
10 unbroken CTB pull ups
A. 195-205-215
9 muscle ups
complete-ish. CTB pull ups broken up 5/5 due to fear of tearing
Front squats felt really good today, 215 was pretty easy for three.
I was super disappointed with my score on the 10:00 piece, I thought I would definitely make it back to the burpees after the muscle ups. I tried to keep the burpees as steady as possible, I probably should have gone a bit faster on the last ten reps. I finished the burpees right around five minutes and took a few seconds to put on my belt. My original plan for the overhead squats was to do three sets of ten. I did one set of ten and then that plan went out the window. My breathing was okay but my legs were toasted. I did 10/6/6/8 for the overhead squats. I wish I would have worn my knee sleeves and wrist wraps for these, my forearms were blown up when I got to the muscle ups and I think my knee sleeves would have helped me bounce out of the squat faster. My right knee was also feeling unstable during some of the overhead squats so I definitely should have worn my knee sleeves. I got to the muscle ups with two minutes left. I did 3/2/2/1/1 and then time was up. My muscle ups felt terrible, what the hell. My arms were so tired and I was catching VERY low, struggling to press out of the dip on some of them. I was also resting way too long between muscle ups. Overall I was not happy with this. My breathing was decent but my muscles were extremely fatigued on the OHS and muscle ups. Afterwards, Duprie and I did 2 muscle ups every :30 for two minutes, just to gain back some confidence. My muscle ups felt awesome and I was catching them super high, so I don't know what the deal was during the workout. I know if I was doing this during the Open and I had Stephen talking me through it I could definitely do better. I'm just frustrated with how tired I felt. I don't want this to happen during the Open workouts.
I broke up the CTB pull ups 5/5 each set, I could feel my palms getting ready to rip.
10:00 bike @Z1
3 sets:
:30 row sprint
4:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility
A. Front squat, 3-3-3 moderate/tough, 2:30 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
60 bar-facing burpees
30 overhead squats, 85
10 muscle ups
3 rounds not for time:
10 assault bike calories
10 unbroken CTB pull ups
A. 195-205-215
9 muscle ups
complete-ish. CTB pull ups broken up 5/5 due to fear of tearing
Front squats felt really good today, 215 was pretty easy for three.
I was super disappointed with my score on the 10:00 piece, I thought I would definitely make it back to the burpees after the muscle ups. I tried to keep the burpees as steady as possible, I probably should have gone a bit faster on the last ten reps. I finished the burpees right around five minutes and took a few seconds to put on my belt. My original plan for the overhead squats was to do three sets of ten. I did one set of ten and then that plan went out the window. My breathing was okay but my legs were toasted. I did 10/6/6/8 for the overhead squats. I wish I would have worn my knee sleeves and wrist wraps for these, my forearms were blown up when I got to the muscle ups and I think my knee sleeves would have helped me bounce out of the squat faster. My right knee was also feeling unstable during some of the overhead squats so I definitely should have worn my knee sleeves. I got to the muscle ups with two minutes left. I did 3/2/2/1/1 and then time was up. My muscle ups felt terrible, what the hell. My arms were so tired and I was catching VERY low, struggling to press out of the dip on some of them. I was also resting way too long between muscle ups. Overall I was not happy with this. My breathing was decent but my muscles were extremely fatigued on the OHS and muscle ups. Afterwards, Duprie and I did 2 muscle ups every :30 for two minutes, just to gain back some confidence. My muscle ups felt awesome and I was catching them super high, so I don't know what the deal was during the workout. I know if I was doing this during the Open and I had Stephen talking me through it I could definitely do better. I'm just frustrated with how tired I felt. I don't want this to happen during the Open workouts.
I broke up the CTB pull ups 5/5 each set, I could feel my palms getting ready to rip.
Not for time:
10 dead hang to inverted
10:00 @60-70% of [10 assault bike calories + 50m farmers walk @53/hand]
5:00 rest
10:00 @60-70% of [15 row calories + 16 single unders w/heavy rope]
A. Snatch-grip deadlift, build to a heavy single, 31x1; rest as needed
AMRAP in 6:00 of [10 handstand push ups + 10 kettlebell swings @53]
3:00 rest
:90 row calories
:90 rest
:90 burpees
3 sets:
6-8/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
A. 235
5 rounds + 2 HSPU
30 calories
27 burpees
5#-5#-8# for DBER
I really enjoyed the AM session, it was fun switching it up a bit.
PM session was just okay. Snatch-grip deadlift was better than last week but still very tough.
I was pretty disappointed with the AMRAP, I should have done much better than 5 rounds on this. I took too much time between the snatch-grip DL and the AMRAP so I was cold when I started this workout. Handstand push ups were unbroken the first two rounds? I can't really remember. They started feeling terrible pretty quickly, my arms and shoulders were toasted. I'm not sure if I went out too fast on this? I was pretty surprised how tired my muscles were during this entire workout. I thought I would smash this since my handstand push ups have been really good lately but alas, I did not.
I'm not sure if 30 calories is good for :90. I tried to row as hard as I could. I know 27 burpees is pretty lame, I was so tired by this point and wanted to be done. I felt very drained during this whole workout.
Not for time:
10 dead hang to inverted
10:00 @60-70% of [10 assault bike calories + 50m farmers walk @53/hand]
5:00 rest
10:00 @60-70% of [15 row calories + 16 single unders w/heavy rope]
A. Snatch-grip deadlift, build to a heavy single, 31x1; rest as needed
AMRAP in 6:00 of [10 handstand push ups + 10 kettlebell swings @53]
3:00 rest
:90 row calories
:90 rest
:90 burpees
3 sets:
6-8/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
A. 235
5 rounds + 2 HSPU
30 calories
27 burpees
5#-5#-8# for DBER
I really enjoyed the AM session, it was fun switching it up a bit.
PM session was just okay. Snatch-grip deadlift was better than last week but still very tough.
I was pretty disappointed with the AMRAP, I should have done much better than 5 rounds on this. I took too much time between the snatch-grip DL and the AMRAP so I was cold when I started this workout. Handstand push ups were unbroken the first two rounds? I can't really remember. They started feeling terrible pretty quickly, my arms and shoulders were toasted. I'm not sure if I went out too fast on this? I was pretty surprised how tired my muscles were during this entire workout. I thought I would smash this since my handstand push ups have been really good lately but alas, I did not.
I'm not sure if 30 calories is good for :90. I tried to row as hard as I could. I know 27 burpees is pretty lame, I was so tired by this point and wanted to be done. I felt very drained during this whole workout.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
5 sets of:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 overhead squat, 1-1-1-1-1 starting light and adding a bit, begin a set every :90
B. Back squat, build quickly to a moderate triple
6 sets even:
10 CTB pull ups
20 wall balls, 14 to 10'
:90-2:00 walk rest
10:00 bike cool-down
A. 85-95-105-115-125
B. 225
Today was better.
Snatches were super easy today and felt crisp. I kept overextending on the hang snatches though, it was a bit weird. Almost every rep was too far behind me. Overhead squats felt GREAT today!
Back squat was easy.
CTB/wall ball piece went well, much better than I was expecting. After my "episode" yesterday I wasn't sure how the CTB pull ups were going to go, but they weren't bad at all. I did the first four sets easily unbroken and then had to break them up 6/4 on the fifth set and 6/3/1 on the sixth set because I felt myself tearing. All sets of wall balls were unbroken and were pretty easy. Who am I?
5 sets of:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 overhead squat, 1-1-1-1-1 starting light and adding a bit, begin a set every :90
B. Back squat, build quickly to a moderate triple
6 sets even:
10 CTB pull ups
20 wall balls, 14 to 10'
:90-2:00 walk rest
10:00 bike cool-down
A. 85-95-105-115-125
B. 225
Today was better.
Snatches were super easy today and felt crisp. I kept overextending on the hang snatches though, it was a bit weird. Almost every rep was too far behind me. Overhead squats felt GREAT today!
Back squat was easy.
CTB/wall ball piece went well, much better than I was expecting. After my "episode" yesterday I wasn't sure how the CTB pull ups were going to go, but they weren't bad at all. I did the first four sets easily unbroken and then had to break them up 6/4 on the fifth set and 6/3/1 on the sixth set because I felt myself tearing. All sets of wall balls were unbroken and were pretty easy. Who am I?
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m to walk around for a minute
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips; :60 rest
B. Power clean & push jerk touch and go on ground and shoulders, 3-3-3-3-3 moderate; :60 rest
AMRAP in 5:00
750m row
max burpee muscle ups in remaining time
2 rounds not for time:
10-15 light/moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
5 hollow to superman rolls (1=hollow to superman back to hollow)
A. complete
B. 105-115-125-135-145
4 burpee muscle ups + 1 mental breakdown
45#/side for RH
Well, I mean......
Training started off really well. I crushed the TNG power clean and push jerks, there were awesome and so easy. 145 was no problem for a quick set of three. I would like to see how heavy I could go with this.
The row/burpee muscle up workout was basically a disaster. I did well on the row, I finished in exactly 3 minutes and had two minutes for burpee muscle ups. That's plenty of time. Isn't it? You would think. I chalked up my hands and did my first burpee muscle up. It felt impossible. My arms were so fatigued and I could barely press out of the dip. This triggered a weird emotional freak out that basically consumed me for the rest of the two minutes. I was like WHY WAS THAT MUSCLE UP SO HARD? and then I started worrying about ripping my shoulder out while doing a muscle up, and what if I have to get shoulder surgery? I did another BMU and it was pretty easy but it was also too late at this point, I had wasted so much time I just gave up. I only got four total in two minutes. That's embarrassing and obviously not how I would normally perform on a workout like this. I talked to Stephen afterwards and he basically told me I can't obsess about getting injured. It's tough not to worry about this from time to time, especially when you have seen your coach and your best friend undergo surgery due to injuries. And I know Stephen's was pretty rare. And I also know this is basically all in my head. I just need to keep up with my stability/mobility work and stop freaking out about it. Sorry Stephen. If I have to cover myself in tape during the Open to stop myself from worry about it, that's what I'll do.
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m to walk around for a minute
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips; :60 rest
B. Power clean & push jerk touch and go on ground and shoulders, 3-3-3-3-3 moderate; :60 rest
AMRAP in 5:00
750m row
max burpee muscle ups in remaining time
2 rounds not for time:
10-15 light/moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
5 hollow to superman rolls (1=hollow to superman back to hollow)
A. complete
B. 105-115-125-135-145
4 burpee muscle ups + 1 mental breakdown
45#/side for RH
Well, I mean......
Training started off really well. I crushed the TNG power clean and push jerks, there were awesome and so easy. 145 was no problem for a quick set of three. I would like to see how heavy I could go with this.
The row/burpee muscle up workout was basically a disaster. I did well on the row, I finished in exactly 3 minutes and had two minutes for burpee muscle ups. That's plenty of time. Isn't it? You would think. I chalked up my hands and did my first burpee muscle up. It felt impossible. My arms were so fatigued and I could barely press out of the dip. This triggered a weird emotional freak out that basically consumed me for the rest of the two minutes. I was like WHY WAS THAT MUSCLE UP SO HARD? and then I started worrying about ripping my shoulder out while doing a muscle up, and what if I have to get shoulder surgery? I did another BMU and it was pretty easy but it was also too late at this point, I had wasted so much time I just gave up. I only got four total in two minutes. That's embarrassing and obviously not how I would normally perform on a workout like this. I talked to Stephen afterwards and he basically told me I can't obsess about getting injured. It's tough not to worry about this from time to time, especially when you have seen your coach and your best friend undergo surgery due to injuries. And I know Stephen's was pretty rare. And I also know this is basically all in my head. I just need to keep up with my stability/mobility work and stop freaking out about it. Sorry Stephen. If I have to cover myself in tape during the Open to stop myself from worry about it, that's what I'll do.
A. 1&1/4 front squats, 4-3-2; 2:30 rest
For reps @95%
:60 muscle ups
:60 rest
:60 CTB pull ups
:60 rest
:60 toes to bar
:60 rest
Partner work TBD, will include rowing + thrusters
3 rounds not for time:
6-12 unweighted glute-ham raises
12 glute-ham sit ups
A. 175-185-195
9 muscle ups
9 CTBs (stopped early)
24 toes to bar
15.5 with Emily- 12:54
I think I definitely should have gone heavier on the front squats, 195 was not hard at all.
Muscle up were okay, I was not warmed up enough for these at all. I did 5/3/1. This doesn't seem like very many. I should be able to get more than nine muscle ups in one minute. Also, I should be able to string together more than five. This was definitely due to lack of warm up. I started the CTB pull ups and did 9 butterfly before I stopped. I felt something tugging in my right pec (the same one Balza worked on a few days ago) and it made me nervous so I just hung out until the next minute started. Thinking back, I should have tried kipping to see if that bothered it. A lot of this is probably just me being paranoid from watching my best friend get shoulder surgery, but it's also paranoia about getting hurt right before the open. I'm basically terrified of getting injured now. Shoulder didn't bother me on the TTB, these actually went pretty well. I guess it's just the butterfly motion that was bothering it? Merrrrr. I saw Balza on Thursday and he said I had a minor pec strain but it felt totally fine on Friday evening. I feel like a headcase right now to be honest.
15.5 with Emily was both awesome and fucking terrible. This hurt so much. I can't even believe how terrible this was. I'm really glad I partnered with Emily on this, she pushed me a lot. I definitely would not have made myself hurt that badly if I was partnered with anyone besides Emily or Megan. Emily started on the row and it was BLAZING fast. I tried to keep the first 27 calories around 1200-1300. I broke up the 27 thrusters 20/7, these felt fast and light. The 21 calorie row was pretty terrible, I didn't have much rest after the thrusters because Emily was ripping through the row. The 21 thrusters were broken up 15/6. By the time I had to row the 15 cals, I was in pretty bad shape. I remember Stephen telling me to stay standing. I tried to keep a good pace on the row and I broke up the thrusters 8/7. The last 9 thrusters were unbroken. I felt like garbage after this was over, and Emily was totally fine. She crushed it. I'm really glad we teamed up on this, we fucking destroyed it. This was a nice little preview of things to come in the next few weeks. I think if I did 15.5 by myself, my time would improve from last year.
I was too nauseous after 15.5 to do any GHD sit ups, the thought of doing that motion made me want to vomit.
For reps @95%
:60 muscle ups
:60 rest
:60 CTB pull ups
:60 rest
:60 toes to bar
:60 rest
Partner work TBD, will include rowing + thrusters
3 rounds not for time:
6-12 unweighted glute-ham raises
12 glute-ham sit ups
A. 175-185-195
9 muscle ups
9 CTBs (stopped early)
24 toes to bar
15.5 with Emily- 12:54
I think I definitely should have gone heavier on the front squats, 195 was not hard at all.
Muscle up were okay, I was not warmed up enough for these at all. I did 5/3/1. This doesn't seem like very many. I should be able to get more than nine muscle ups in one minute. Also, I should be able to string together more than five. This was definitely due to lack of warm up. I started the CTB pull ups and did 9 butterfly before I stopped. I felt something tugging in my right pec (the same one Balza worked on a few days ago) and it made me nervous so I just hung out until the next minute started. Thinking back, I should have tried kipping to see if that bothered it. A lot of this is probably just me being paranoid from watching my best friend get shoulder surgery, but it's also paranoia about getting hurt right before the open. I'm basically terrified of getting injured now. Shoulder didn't bother me on the TTB, these actually went pretty well. I guess it's just the butterfly motion that was bothering it? Merrrrr. I saw Balza on Thursday and he said I had a minor pec strain but it felt totally fine on Friday evening. I feel like a headcase right now to be honest.
15.5 with Emily was both awesome and fucking terrible. This hurt so much. I can't even believe how terrible this was. I'm really glad I partnered with Emily on this, she pushed me a lot. I definitely would not have made myself hurt that badly if I was partnered with anyone besides Emily or Megan. Emily started on the row and it was BLAZING fast. I tried to keep the first 27 calories around 1200-1300. I broke up the 27 thrusters 20/7, these felt fast and light. The 21 calorie row was pretty terrible, I didn't have much rest after the thrusters because Emily was ripping through the row. The 21 thrusters were broken up 15/6. By the time I had to row the 15 cals, I was in pretty bad shape. I remember Stephen telling me to stay standing. I tried to keep a good pace on the row and I broke up the thrusters 8/7. The last 9 thrusters were unbroken. I felt like garbage after this was over, and Emily was totally fine. She crushed it. I'm really glad we teamed up on this, we fucking destroyed it. This was a nice little preview of things to come in the next few weeks. I think if I did 15.5 by myself, my time would improve from last year.
I was too nauseous after 15.5 to do any GHD sit ups, the thought of doing that motion made me want to vomit.
Monday, February 15, 2016
10:00 bike @Z1
3 sets:
:30 row sprint
4:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility work of choice
A. Clean & jerk (any variation) build to a heavy (not max) single
AMRAP in 5:00 of [4 squat cleans @95 + 6 handstand push ups + 8 box jumps w/step down @20]
4:00 rest
3:00 to establish a heavy hang power snatch triple
2:00 rest
:60 max burpees
3 rounds not for time:
20m double KB/DB overhead carry
4/side moderate powell raises, 30x0
A. 185 (200 clean, failed the jerk)
5 rounds + 2 cleans
135 hang snatch
24 burpees
35# KB for OHC
12# for PR
Mehhhh. Today was okay.
Disappointed with the clean and jerk. I cleaned 200 easily but failed the jerk, it was out in front and I didn't punch under the bar so it was basically a press out. That's annoying.
I was also sort of disappointed with the AMRAP, I wish I would have done this with other people. I did the cleans touch and go until the last round, these got tough. Handstand push ups felt slow and sloppy. Step ups were definitely too slow. I think if I had done with one with Brandie and Megan I would have pushed myself a lot more. My legs and lower back were blown up after this was over. I really surprised myself on the 3RM hang power snatch, I honestly felt so tired after the AMRAP was over I didn't think I would be able to hit anything over 125. I started with 115 and then jumped to 135. I actually got 135 pretty easily so Stephen told me to go to 145. I was able to snatch it once but it was ugly and unstable so I didn't try for another rep. 145 is actually my 1RM hang power snatch so I'm happy I was able to hit it under such fatigue. Burpees started out too slow until I heard Stephen say "Oh, faster than that!" and I sped up. I was flying along until I got to 18, then I could feel myself slowing down. I think I got 24? I feel like I should have had more than that. Overall, I felt like garbage during this whole thing.
10:00 bike @Z1
3 sets:
:30 row sprint
4:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility work of choice
A. Clean & jerk (any variation) build to a heavy (not max) single
AMRAP in 5:00 of [4 squat cleans @95 + 6 handstand push ups + 8 box jumps w/step down @20]
4:00 rest
3:00 to establish a heavy hang power snatch triple
2:00 rest
:60 max burpees
3 rounds not for time:
20m double KB/DB overhead carry
4/side moderate powell raises, 30x0
A. 185 (200 clean, failed the jerk)
5 rounds + 2 cleans
135 hang snatch
24 burpees
35# KB for OHC
12# for PR
Mehhhh. Today was okay.
Disappointed with the clean and jerk. I cleaned 200 easily but failed the jerk, it was out in front and I didn't punch under the bar so it was basically a press out. That's annoying.
I was also sort of disappointed with the AMRAP, I wish I would have done this with other people. I did the cleans touch and go until the last round, these got tough. Handstand push ups felt slow and sloppy. Step ups were definitely too slow. I think if I had done with one with Brandie and Megan I would have pushed myself a lot more. My legs and lower back were blown up after this was over. I really surprised myself on the 3RM hang power snatch, I honestly felt so tired after the AMRAP was over I didn't think I would be able to hit anything over 125. I started with 115 and then jumped to 135. I actually got 135 pretty easily so Stephen told me to go to 145. I was able to snatch it once but it was ugly and unstable so I didn't try for another rep. 145 is actually my 1RM hang power snatch so I'm happy I was able to hit it under such fatigue. Burpees started out too slow until I heard Stephen say "Oh, faster than that!" and I sped up. I was flying along until I got to 18, then I could feel myself slowing down. I think I got 24? I feel like I should have had more than that. Overall, I felt like garbage during this whole thing.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 bike
2 dead hang to inverted
2x[:10 double unders + :20 single unders]
A. 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 moderate, begin a set every 2:00
B. Snatch-grip deadlift, build to a heavy single, 31x1, rest as needed
12:00 @90%
12 hand-release push ups
15 KB swings, 35
18 row calories
3 sets:
8-10/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
subbed 30:00 assault bike @Z1 + 10:00 mobility
A. 115-125-135-145-155
B. 225
Decided to just sit on the airdyne for 30 min this morning, wasn't feeling it today.
Snatches weren't great today. They were crisp through 135 and then I failed my first attempt at 145 which was annoying. I hit it easily on the second try but then failed my first attempt at 155. I tried again and got it on the second attempt. This was frustrating. I wasn't confident in my set up, I think after the open is over I'm going to go to Columbus and work with Chelsea Kyle.
Snatch-grip deadlifts were super heavy today, 225 was tough.
The 12:00 piece went really well, breathing was excellent and transitions were fast.
I skipped the DB external rotation today, these really aggravated my right shoulder last week. Heather said I should still do them but just do them at a lighter weight since all the scap stuff is super important. She is right, as usual. I'll just go lighter this week.
6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 bike
2 dead hang to inverted
2x[:10 double unders + :20 single unders]
A. 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 moderate, begin a set every 2:00
B. Snatch-grip deadlift, build to a heavy single, 31x1, rest as needed
12:00 @90%
12 hand-release push ups
15 KB swings, 35
18 row calories
3 sets:
8-10/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
subbed 30:00 assault bike @Z1 + 10:00 mobility
A. 115-125-135-145-155
B. 225
Decided to just sit on the airdyne for 30 min this morning, wasn't feeling it today.
Snatches weren't great today. They were crisp through 135 and then I failed my first attempt at 145 which was annoying. I hit it easily on the second try but then failed my first attempt at 155. I tried again and got it on the second attempt. This was frustrating. I wasn't confident in my set up, I think after the open is over I'm going to go to Columbus and work with Chelsea Kyle.
Snatch-grip deadlifts were super heavy today, 225 was tough.
The 12:00 piece went really well, breathing was excellent and transitions were fast.
I skipped the DB external rotation today, these really aggravated my right shoulder last week. Heather said I should still do them but just do them at a lighter weight since all the scap stuff is super important. She is right, as usual. I'll just go lighter this week.
5 sets:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. Back squat, take your time and build to a heavy single for the day- only go for a PR if you KNOW you have it
4 sets even:
12 CTB pull ups
24 wall balls, 14 to 10'
2:30 walk rest
3 rounds easy:
3-5 muscle ups
15 assault bike calories
DNS- snow day
A. 285 (PR+5)
3 muscle ups each round
No AM session today, woke up to a lot of snow and wasn't able to make it to the gym to coach classes. Winter is just the living WORST.
Luckily the roads were all clear by the time I went in to do my PM session. I was SO HAPPY to finally hit a back squat PR! I knew I was going to get it today. I basically made 20 pound jumps starting from 205. 265 was really easy so I just went for 285. I had a little moment of panic when I first took it out of the rack, I was stepping back and the weight shifted me forward so I rocked forward on my toes. I was able to steady myself but it definitely took me out if mentally for a second. 285 was slow but I got it (video). When I watched the video it looked a lot faster on the way up than it actually felt. Isn't that always the way. I think I could definitely hit 290 if I made the correct jumps.
Sets for even times went pretty well....for the first two sets. I crushed it on the first and second set, all my pull ups and wall balls were unbroken. Things sort of fell apart in the third set, my pull ups were unbroken but wall balls were 18/6. Everything went way downhill on the fourth set, pull ups were broken up 7/5/3 and wall balls were 15/9 with way too much rest. I basically just mentally gave up. On the plus side, CTB pull ups felt really easy today.
5 sets:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. Back squat, take your time and build to a heavy single for the day- only go for a PR if you KNOW you have it
4 sets even:
12 CTB pull ups
24 wall balls, 14 to 10'
2:30 walk rest
3 rounds easy:
3-5 muscle ups
15 assault bike calories
DNS- snow day
A. 285 (PR+5)
3 muscle ups each round
No AM session today, woke up to a lot of snow and wasn't able to make it to the gym to coach classes. Winter is just the living WORST.
Luckily the roads were all clear by the time I went in to do my PM session. I was SO HAPPY to finally hit a back squat PR! I knew I was going to get it today. I basically made 20 pound jumps starting from 205. 265 was really easy so I just went for 285. I had a little moment of panic when I first took it out of the rack, I was stepping back and the weight shifted me forward so I rocked forward on my toes. I was able to steady myself but it definitely took me out if mentally for a second. 285 was slow but I got it (video). When I watched the video it looked a lot faster on the way up than it actually felt. Isn't that always the way. I think I could definitely hit 290 if I made the correct jumps.
Sets for even times went pretty well....for the first two sets. I crushed it on the first and second set, all my pull ups and wall balls were unbroken. Things sort of fell apart in the third set, my pull ups were unbroken but wall balls were 18/6. Everything went way downhill on the fourth set, pull ups were broken up 7/5/3 and wall balls were 15/9 with way too much rest. I basically just mentally gave up. On the plus side, CTB pull ups felt really easy today.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m for 8 fast burpees over the erg
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips; :60 rest
B. Power clean & push jerk touch and go @shoulders, build to a tough rep
For time:
20 ground to overhead, 125
10:00 @80%
5 wall walks
50m Farmers walk, 53/hand
10 assault bike calories
3 rounds not for time:
7-10 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
4-6 hollow to superman rolls (1=hollow to superman back to hollow)
A. complete
B. 165
80#/side for RH
Meh, power clean and push jerk was pretty pathetic, 165 doesn't seem very good. 125 and 145 were super crisp off the shoulders but the push jerk at 165 was basically a half press/half jerk. I'm already pretty awkward with push jerks and not being able to pause between the clean and the jerk was tough at the heavier weight. Once I felt the slight press out at 165 I called it there, even though I know I'm capable of more.
The 20 ground to overhead went really well! Brandie told me the competition time cap for this event was two minutes so I definitely wanted to beat that. I tried to basically not rest at all between singles, there were probably two reps where I had to take a few breaths but overall I was moving pretty well. Austin and Brandie said all my reps looked crisp, and I asked Austin if my knees were locked out on all my reps and he said yes. Sweet!
The 10:00 piece was nice and chill. Wall walks felt good.
The hollow to superman were pretty awkward at first, it was hard for me to roll from the superman to the hollow hold without rushing it. The classes had a good laugh when I demonstrated these hehe.
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m for 8 fast burpees over the erg
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips; :60 rest
B. Power clean & push jerk touch and go @shoulders, build to a tough rep
For time:
20 ground to overhead, 125
10:00 @80%
5 wall walks
50m Farmers walk, 53/hand
10 assault bike calories
3 rounds not for time:
7-10 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
4-6 hollow to superman rolls (1=hollow to superman back to hollow)
A. complete
B. 165
80#/side for RH
Meh, power clean and push jerk was pretty pathetic, 165 doesn't seem very good. 125 and 145 were super crisp off the shoulders but the push jerk at 165 was basically a half press/half jerk. I'm already pretty awkward with push jerks and not being able to pause between the clean and the jerk was tough at the heavier weight. Once I felt the slight press out at 165 I called it there, even though I know I'm capable of more.
The 20 ground to overhead went really well! Brandie told me the competition time cap for this event was two minutes so I definitely wanted to beat that. I tried to basically not rest at all between singles, there were probably two reps where I had to take a few breaths but overall I was moving pretty well. Austin and Brandie said all my reps looked crisp, and I asked Austin if my knees were locked out on all my reps and he said yes. Sweet!
The 10:00 piece was nice and chill. Wall walks felt good.
The hollow to superman were pretty awkward at first, it was hard for me to roll from the superman to the hollow hold without rushing it. The classes had a good laugh when I demonstrated these hehe.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Sunday, February 7, 2016
A. 1&1/4 front squats, 5-5-5; 2:30 rest
B. Thruster, build quickly to a tough but fast single out of the rack
6:00 @90% of [3 toes to bar + 3 thrusters @65 + 6 toes to bar + 6 thrusters @65 and so on...]
3:00 rest
6:00 @90% of [18 box step up/step downs @20 + 12 assault bike calories]
3 rounds not for time:
5-10 unweighted glute-ham raises
10 glute-ham sit ups
A. 145-165-175
B. 165
Today was awesome! Addi came in and trained with me. I forgot how much I missed working out with people. I enjoy doing my own programming but I like training with someone else every now and then. It was really cool having her hop in on my training.
Front squats were feeling good today, I think 175 is pretty solid for five? The one and a quarter squats always get a bit rough on the last two reps.
I wish I could take thrusters from the rack all the time! This was neat. Addi and I both worked up to 165 which is 5 pounds under my PR and I'm pretty sure it was a thruster PR for Addi.
The toes to bar/thruster piece actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thrusters felt better today than they have in a long time, my shoulders were holding up nicely today. My core totally gave out on the toes to bar. Merrrrr.
The step up/assault bike piece was terrible. Addi definitely pushed me on this one, she would hop off the bike and go right to the box so I tried to do that as well. The assault calories got nasty by the third round.
Overall this was a really good day. I think Addi and I are going to start training together on Saturdays. We make a good team, I push her on the strength work and she pushes me on the aerobic pieces. It's nice to have a training buddy every now and then.
B. Thruster, build quickly to a tough but fast single out of the rack
6:00 @90% of [3 toes to bar + 3 thrusters @65 + 6 toes to bar + 6 thrusters @65 and so on...]
3:00 rest
6:00 @90% of [18 box step up/step downs @20 + 12 assault bike calories]
3 rounds not for time:
5-10 unweighted glute-ham raises
10 glute-ham sit ups
A. 145-165-175
B. 165
Today was awesome! Addi came in and trained with me. I forgot how much I missed working out with people. I enjoy doing my own programming but I like training with someone else every now and then. It was really cool having her hop in on my training.
Front squats were feeling good today, I think 175 is pretty solid for five? The one and a quarter squats always get a bit rough on the last two reps.
I wish I could take thrusters from the rack all the time! This was neat. Addi and I both worked up to 165 which is 5 pounds under my PR and I'm pretty sure it was a thruster PR for Addi.
The toes to bar/thruster piece actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thrusters felt better today than they have in a long time, my shoulders were holding up nicely today. My core totally gave out on the toes to bar. Merrrrr.
The step up/assault bike piece was terrible. Addi definitely pushed me on this one, she would hop off the bike and go right to the box so I tried to do that as well. The assault calories got nasty by the third round.
Overall this was a really good day. I think Addi and I are going to start training together on Saturdays. We make a good team, I push her on the strength work and she pushes me on the aerobic pieces. It's nice to have a training buddy every now and then.
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Buds |
10:00 bike @Z1
4 sets:
:30 row sprint- increase effort every :10 so last :10 is 100%
3:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility work of choice
A. Snatch (any variation), build to a moderate single in exactly 3 attempts above 105
B. Clean (any variation), build to a moderate single in exactly 3 attempts picking up where you left off in A
For time:
5 squat cleans, 155
10 bar muscle ups
100 double unders
For 10:00
evens- 9 kipping handstand push ups
odds- 9 touch and go deadlifts, 125
3 rounds not for time:
20-30m double KB/DB overhead carry
4/side moderate powell raise, 30x0
A. 155
B. 200
35# KB
12# for PR
Man, I was lifting like a real turd today. I was really looking forward to the lifting portion, I thought it was a cool set up and I definitely need to work on making larger jumps. For the snatches I went 105-125-145. The snatch at 145 was super easy so I jumped to 160 but I failed it. I tried again but failed. Merrrrr. I went down to 155 and failed that as well. At this point I was getting pretty pissed, I kept failing out in front. I took some weight off and hit 145 just for a confidence boost. I put ten pounds back on and snatched 155 easily. Jesus. This was super annoying. I started at 155 for the cleans, then went to 175. I decided to jump to 200 for my final clean but failed the first attempt. It was such a bad lift, I rushed my first pull and didn't fully extend before pulling myself underneath the bar. I rested for a minute and then cleaned it easily on the second attempt. This was not my finest lifting session.
The clean/bar muscle up workout was awesome, this went really well. This is a perfect workout for me and I wanted to smash it. The cleans at 155 were all quick singles and weren't hard at all. I was hoping to go unbroken on the bar muscle ups but I ended up breaking them up 7/3. My grip was getting fatigued and I figured it was smarter to just come off the bar than waste time hanging out at the top and risk failure. Double unders were easily unbroken. I was happy to get under three minutes on this and it's always a good day when I can come within five seconds of Megan and Mark on a workout.
The EMOM was easy, my handstand push ups are getting better every week.
10:00 bike @Z1
4 sets:
:30 row sprint- increase effort every :10 so last :10 is 100%
3:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility work of choice
A. Snatch (any variation), build to a moderate single in exactly 3 attempts above 105
B. Clean (any variation), build to a moderate single in exactly 3 attempts picking up where you left off in A
For time:
5 squat cleans, 155
10 bar muscle ups
100 double unders
For 10:00
evens- 9 kipping handstand push ups
odds- 9 touch and go deadlifts, 125
3 rounds not for time:
20-30m double KB/DB overhead carry
4/side moderate powell raise, 30x0
A. 155
B. 200
35# KB
12# for PR
Man, I was lifting like a real turd today. I was really looking forward to the lifting portion, I thought it was a cool set up and I definitely need to work on making larger jumps. For the snatches I went 105-125-145. The snatch at 145 was super easy so I jumped to 160 but I failed it. I tried again but failed. Merrrrr. I went down to 155 and failed that as well. At this point I was getting pretty pissed, I kept failing out in front. I took some weight off and hit 145 just for a confidence boost. I put ten pounds back on and snatched 155 easily. Jesus. This was super annoying. I started at 155 for the cleans, then went to 175. I decided to jump to 200 for my final clean but failed the first attempt. It was such a bad lift, I rushed my first pull and didn't fully extend before pulling myself underneath the bar. I rested for a minute and then cleaned it easily on the second attempt. This was not my finest lifting session.
The clean/bar muscle up workout was awesome, this went really well. This is a perfect workout for me and I wanted to smash it. The cleans at 155 were all quick singles and weren't hard at all. I was hoping to go unbroken on the bar muscle ups but I ended up breaking them up 7/3. My grip was getting fatigued and I figured it was smarter to just come off the bar than waste time hanging out at the top and risk failure. Double unders were easily unbroken. I was happy to get under three minutes on this and it's always a good day when I can come within five seconds of Megan and Mark on a workout.
The EMOM was easy, my handstand push ups are getting better every week.
Friday, February 5, 2016
6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 bike
2 dead hang to inverted
2x [:10 double unders + :20 single unders]
A. 1 squat snatch + 2 overhead squats, 1-1-1-1-1 moderate, begin a set every 2:00
B. Snatch-grip deadlift, 2-2-1-1-1 @105-110%, snatch 1RM, 31x1, 2:00 rest
7 rounds even:
7 handstand push ups
7 KB swings, 53
7 ski erg calories
:60 rest
3 sets:
4-6/side moderate DB external rotation
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
6 sets complete
subbed :60 bike for double unders/single unders
A. 105-115-125-135-150
B. 175-175-180-180-180
Right knee was feeling kind of sore today after all the squatting yesterday so I subbed in :60 airdyne instead of the double unders/single unders. I need to make an appointment with Balza so he can work out some knots in my knee and shoulder.
Snatches were definitely rough today, I was still pretty sore and tired. I was slow under the bar and wasn't being aggressive on anything. I didn't have any fails until my first attempt at 150, I caught it in the bottom and then basically just dumped it forward because I got lazy. I tried again and hit it on the second attempt but the overhead squats were tough. Oh well. I felt slow and fatigued but I was happy to at least hit 150, when I was warming up I didn't think I would be able to snatch anything over 135 today.
Snatch-grip deadlifts were easy.
I enjoyed the seven sets, these started out really well but got tough by the last two sets. Handstand push ups were all unbroken and very easy, same with KB. The ski erg is what made it difficult in the end. My lower back was also blown up after this was over, I guess from the kettlebell? I have no idea.
6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 bike
2 dead hang to inverted
2x [:10 double unders + :20 single unders]
A. 1 squat snatch + 2 overhead squats, 1-1-1-1-1 moderate, begin a set every 2:00
B. Snatch-grip deadlift, 2-2-1-1-1 @105-110%, snatch 1RM, 31x1, 2:00 rest
7 rounds even:
7 handstand push ups
7 KB swings, 53
7 ski erg calories
:60 rest
3 sets:
4-6/side moderate DB external rotation
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1
6 sets complete
subbed :60 bike for double unders/single unders
A. 105-115-125-135-150
B. 175-175-180-180-180
Right knee was feeling kind of sore today after all the squatting yesterday so I subbed in :60 airdyne instead of the double unders/single unders. I need to make an appointment with Balza so he can work out some knots in my knee and shoulder.
Snatches were definitely rough today, I was still pretty sore and tired. I was slow under the bar and wasn't being aggressive on anything. I didn't have any fails until my first attempt at 150, I caught it in the bottom and then basically just dumped it forward because I got lazy. I tried again and hit it on the second attempt but the overhead squats were tough. Oh well. I felt slow and fatigued but I was happy to at least hit 150, when I was warming up I didn't think I would be able to snatch anything over 135 today.
Snatch-grip deadlifts were easy.
I enjoyed the seven sets, these started out really well but got tough by the last two sets. Handstand push ups were all unbroken and very easy, same with KB. The ski erg is what made it difficult in the end. My lower back was also blown up after this was over, I guess from the kettlebell? I have no idea.
5 sets of:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. Back squat, 2-2-1-1, build to a heavy (not max) single
AMRAP in 4:00
Strict pull ups, must return to dead hang each rep even if doing singles
Every :60 for 10 sets:
10 unbroken wall balls, 14 to 9'
2000m row @Z1
A. 245-255-265-270
36 @146 BW
Today was pretty good! I was sort of hoping for a back squat PR today since back squats have been going so well lately, but as soon as I started warming up I knew it wasn't the day for a 285 back squat. My legs were still so sore and tired from the competition. 245 and 255 went up pretty easily but 265 was tough for a single. I went to 270 and it was definitely hard. I was bummed but I knew going in there would be a strong possibility my squats would feel like shit today. NAILED IT. I'll get it next week.
The strict pull ups were okay, I guess 36 is a decent score? Meh. I could do better. I opened with a set of 8 (classic) then went down to sets of 4, then 2-3, then singles by the end. I was trying not to take TOO much rest between sets but there definitely came a point when I had to rest for a bit so I didn't fail any. I feel like I should be able to get at least 40 on this, ten strict pull ups every minute doesn't seem out of reach.
The wall balls were SO EASY. OMG. GUYS, THE 9 FOOT TARGET IS SO LOW. This was a real treat, thanks Stephen. I did 100 wall balls and I didn't even feel tired at the end.
Cool-down row was great, my rowing is getting back to where it used to be. Huzzah!
5 sets of:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest
A. Back squat, 2-2-1-1, build to a heavy (not max) single
AMRAP in 4:00
Strict pull ups, must return to dead hang each rep even if doing singles
Every :60 for 10 sets:
10 unbroken wall balls, 14 to 9'
2000m row @Z1
A. 245-255-265-270
36 @146 BW
Today was pretty good! I was sort of hoping for a back squat PR today since back squats have been going so well lately, but as soon as I started warming up I knew it wasn't the day for a 285 back squat. My legs were still so sore and tired from the competition. 245 and 255 went up pretty easily but 265 was tough for a single. I went to 270 and it was definitely hard. I was bummed but I knew going in there would be a strong possibility my squats would feel like shit today. NAILED IT. I'll get it next week.
The strict pull ups were okay, I guess 36 is a decent score? Meh. I could do better. I opened with a set of 8 (classic) then went down to sets of 4, then 2-3, then singles by the end. I was trying not to take TOO much rest between sets but there definitely came a point when I had to rest for a bit so I didn't fail any. I feel like I should be able to get at least 40 on this, ten strict pull ups every minute doesn't seem out of reach.
The wall balls were SO EASY. OMG. GUYS, THE 9 FOOT TARGET IS SO LOW. This was a real treat, thanks Stephen. I did 100 wall balls and I didn't even feel tired at the end.
Cool-down row was great, my rowing is getting back to where it used to be. Huzzah!
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m for 10 burpees
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Power clean, build quickly to a single @80-90% 1RM
5 rounds:
3:00 assault bike @high aerobic effort
3:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
8-12 revere hypers
:30/side plank
2:30 anterior loaded banded march (bear hug a med ball @chest)
A. complete
B. 185
I was still really fatigued from the Barbell Blitz. My Z1 session was agonizing, it took me a long time to amp myself up to do a burpee because everything is so sore.
Power clean was fine, definitely better than Friday.
Assault bike was actually tougher than I thought it would be, three minutes goes real slow on that thing.
I was extremely tired today. It was my first day coaching at the new gym, it's always exhausting starting a new job and getting used to a new schedule. I'm definitely excited though, this new gym is going to be awesome.
5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m for 10 burpees
A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Power clean, build quickly to a single @80-90% 1RM
5 rounds:
3:00 assault bike @high aerobic effort
3:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
8-12 revere hypers
:30/side plank
2:30 anterior loaded banded march (bear hug a med ball @chest)
A. complete
B. 185
I was still really fatigued from the Barbell Blitz. My Z1 session was agonizing, it took me a long time to amp myself up to do a burpee because everything is so sore.
Power clean was fine, definitely better than Friday.
Assault bike was actually tougher than I thought it would be, three minutes goes real slow on that thing.
I was extremely tired today. It was my first day coaching at the new gym, it's always exhausting starting a new job and getting used to a new schedule. I'm definitely excited though, this new gym is going to be awesome.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Barbell Blitz (A very short recap)
Best moment: Power snatching 160, therefore clearing the ladder and hitting a PR power snatch at the same time. Also, it was awesome doing this with Megan.
Worst moment: Fucking thrusters, man. I felt so awful during this part and I didn't hold up my end for my teammates. I wasn't supposed to do any less than five reps but by the end I was down to sets of four. This was terrible. I tried to make up for it on the cycle speed during the deadlifts. This workout was horrible.
Best communication with a teammate: KB snatch/pistol squat workout with Brandie. I thought we did a really good job of moving quickly, transitioning, and talking to each other throughout the entire six minutes. We would always give each other plenty of notice when we were about to pass off the KB or pistols and we were always talking about how many reps we were going to do, how many we had left, etc.
Worst communication with a teammate: N/A, because all my teammates are fit as hell and we work really well together. TRICKED YA.
Closing thoughts:
- They need to hold this in a different venue. It was impossible for spectators to see anything and the teams were extremely crowded during the workouts. Just bust out some extra scratch and rent out a bigger venue.
- I really liked all the events of this competition (except for the thrusters)
- Overall a very good day of competition. Disappointed with a few different things here and there (my lack of hustle on thrusters, slow cycle time during the STO/BBJ workout) but also really happy with a lot of things (160 snatch, bar muscle ups, pistols). It was a really fun day with an awesome team and I'm very proud of us.
Time to get ready for The Open.
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