Friday, October 31, 2014
A. Overhead squat, 4-4-4, 20X1; 2:00 rest
B. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough single
For 10:00:
Evens: 3-4 bar muscle-ups
Odds: 7 double KB thrusters, 35/hand
3 sets @ 100%:
:20 pull-ups
:25 burpees
:30 row
7:00 rest
A. 115-125-135
B. 205 (210 F)
Bar MUs- 4,4,4,3,4
I tested out a more narrow grip on the overhead squats to see if that would help with the wrist pain, and it seemed to work. I only felt slight discomfort on the last set but overall it was much better than last week. Split jerks were good, worked up to a relatively easy 205, went for 210 and knocked myself in the chin, AGAIN! What the heck. I have never done that ever and now I've done it twice in the past month. I'm not sure why that's happening. It wasn't as bad as last time and I wouldn't have made the jerk anyways because the bar path was going way out in front. But it hurt. I'm going to have Chelsea Kyle help me with that next time she comes here.
The EMOM was tougher than I thought it would be, those KB thrusters are no joke man. Bar MUs were easy and fast, got 4 every time except the fourth round, I caught myself really low on the third rep and knew I probably wouldn't be able to get another one. I was breathing pretty hard throughout the whole thing. I'm really happy with how much my bar muscle ups have improved. The last piece was mehhh. I'm usually pretty tired by this point. My hands hurt a lot so it was hard to hold on to the bar for the whole :20, I dropped off once during the second and third set but jumped right back up. Overall a good day.
I tested out a more narrow grip on the overhead squats to see if that would help with the wrist pain, and it seemed to work. I only felt slight discomfort on the last set but overall it was much better than last week. Split jerks were good, worked up to a relatively easy 205, went for 210 and knocked myself in the chin, AGAIN! What the heck. I have never done that ever and now I've done it twice in the past month. I'm not sure why that's happening. It wasn't as bad as last time and I wouldn't have made the jerk anyways because the bar path was going way out in front. But it hurt. I'm going to have Chelsea Kyle help me with that next time she comes here.
The EMOM was tougher than I thought it would be, those KB thrusters are no joke man. Bar MUs were easy and fast, got 4 every time except the fourth round, I caught myself really low on the third rep and knew I probably wouldn't be able to get another one. I was breathing pretty hard throughout the whole thing. I'm really happy with how much my bar muscle ups have improved. The last piece was mehhh. I'm usually pretty tired by this point. My hands hurt a lot so it was hard to hold on to the bar for the whole :20, I dropped off once during the second and third set but jumped right back up. Overall a good day.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
5-4-3-2-1 for time @ 80%:
Wall walks
Rope climbs
800m after completing rounds of 5, 4, 3, @ 2
A. Power clean, build quickly to a very heavy single
B. Power clean, 12 x 1 @ 90% of A; begin a set every :30
5 sets for even times:
10 glute-ham sit-ups
12 kettlebell swings, 53
14 box jumps w/step-down, 20
2:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
6-8 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
7-10 tough reverse hypers
max L-sit on parallettes
A. 195 (200 F)
B. complete @175
25# DB for GHR
55#/side for RH
AM session was tough. The wall walks and rope climbs were actually feeling really good, it was the row that was slowing me down, I couldn't seem to hold a decent pace.
Power cleans were feeling REAAAAAAAL heavy today. I caught 185 pretty low and caught 195 REALLY low. I went for 200 but I didn't even get past the pull. I actually wasn't too disappointed with that. I used to think that "build to a heavy single" meant try to match my PR or hit a PR. But I remember Stephen telling me that a heavy single is just what is feeling heavy for that day. I don't always have to hit a PR every time, every day is different and some days are better than others. So I was okay with working up to 195 for the day. The cleans at 175 were pretty easy, the first few were a little iffy because I wasn't driving my feet into the ground. I tried to picture Lauren Fisher and how her pulls off the ground are on the slower side but she really drives her feet into the ground then explodes on each lift. Once I started doing that, they got much better. It's all about the right set up and a good pull.
The KB/box jump workout was tougher than I thought it would be. I was able to hold the same pace for the first four sets but on the fifth set my GHS and my box jumps slowed way down. Box jumps have become one of my least favorite movements. They always feel very awkward and inefficient. ("Are you sure YOU'RE not the one who is awkward and inefficient?" Stephen would say). hehehe. But yes. My short legs do me no favors on box jumps. I also felt really heavy during this, I'm going to play around with eating earlier on Wednesdays and see if that makes a difference.
L-sits were ehhhhh not great. My times were :25, :21, :27. I was actually sort of pleased with that because I have never been able to hold it longer than :10. But those times are still not good. Hopefully those will get better.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
A. Squat snatch, 1-1-1 heavy; 2:00 rest
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 4-6/leg, 30X0; :60 between legs
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 4-6/leg, 30X0; :60 between legs
C1. Close-grip bench press, 6-6-6, 20X1; :30 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 3 x 5-7, 20X1; :30 rest
C3. Farmer's walk, 3 x 30m tough; 2:00 rest
2 sets:
:75 AirDyne @ 97%
7:15 rest
A. 130-140-150
B. 45-50
C1. 110-115-120
C2. 125-135-145
C3. complete with 110#/side
Snatches are still feeling off. I am going through a phase where I have lost confidence in my ability to snatch. I think after I failed 165 a bunch of times I started over thinking everything. I'm definitely over thinking my set up, it feels different every time and it shouldn't be that way. I also keep landing way forward on my toes. 130 and 140 were alright, definitely could have been better. I was experimenting with snatching without my knee sleeves to see if that made a difference in my stability in the bottom of the squat but I went for 150 and my knees basically buckled underneath me and I failed the rep so errrr yeah had to pull the knee sleeves up for that one. I went for it again and failed because my set up sucked, I took no time to actually get tight in the bottom, I "gripped it and ripped it" basically and as soon as I pulled it off the ground I knew I wasn't going to make it. Went for it a third time and got it, it was actually better than 130 and 140. I'm not sure what's going on lately but it's just mental. I told Heather I used to enjoy snatching but now it just makes me sad because I feel like I'm getting worse at it. Just need to be patient and trust the process.
ANYWAYS. The rest of the session was solid. Bench press was much better than last week, I think 120 was pretty decent to hit for 6. Pendlay rows also felt easier than last week. Farmers carry wasn't bad, except I ripped my hand on the last one, OF COURSE. That's going to sting in the shower. Airdyne sprints were miserable as per ush. I was very glad I only had two instead of three, thank you Stephen for your kindness.
60:00 AirDyne @ Z1, off every 10:00 for 2 easy rounds of CTB "Cindy"
This was tough today, still very sore from the 20:00 piece on Saturday. Pull ups felt good but push ups were rough because of soreness in the arms from muscle ups. Squats felt really stiff, I need to start rolling out before I do this.
This was tough today, still very sore from the 20:00 piece on Saturday. Pull ups felt good but push ups were rough because of soreness in the arms from muscle ups. Squats felt really stiff, I need to start rolling out before I do this.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
A. Standing triple jump, 8:00 practice
B. Overhead shot toss, 8:00 practice
8:00 @ 70% of [5-10m handstand walk + 100m row]
4:00 rest
8:00 @ 70% of [200m run + 10 hand-release push-ups]
8 sets:
150m run @ 90% aerobic
:30 rest
A. complete
B. complete
Very glad today was on the lighter side, I am extremely sore from the workout yesterday. Arms are hurting from all those muscle ups. Standing triple jump practice went as expected, TURRIBLE. I am just not good at that. Shot toss practice got better as time went on, just had to remember the technique. Handstand walk was good, 10 meters every time. Hand release push ups hurt due to the soreness from muscle ups. The 150 meter runs were good, tried to keep the pace I would run for the OPTathlon.
5-7 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
25m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
2:00 row
3/side light Turkish get-ups
A. Squat clean, 8 x 1 @ 185; begin a set every :60
B1. Snatch pull clusters, 3 x 1.1 starting @ 165 & adding 5 each set; :20 between singles, :90 rest
B2. Handstand push-ups, 3 x 10 unbroken; :90 rest
3 rounds for time w/20:00 cap:
9 muscle-ups
27 wall balls, 14 to 9
20 toes-to-bar
14 deadlifts, 155
6 rounds complete
25# KB
A. complete
B1. complete
B2. complete
2 rounds + 18 TTB
Definitely did not warm up enough for the squat cleans, they didn't start feeling good until halfway through. I failed the first one because I was sloppy with my set up. Snatch pulls are getting better. HSPU felt great today, they were fast and easy. The 20:00 piece was tough, I haven't done a workout that long in awhile. The first two rounds actually went pretty well but I struggled in the third round. Muscle ups were 5/2/2, then 3/3/3, then 2/2/2/2/1. Tried to keep the toes to bar in sets of 5 but they fell to singles in the last round. Deadlifts were always 6/4/4 and felt easy. I was definitely breathing hard right away, doing large sets of muscle ups and wall ball always tires me out. I was sort of disappointed with my performance on this, I feel like I just gave up in the third round. I think I actually could have finished the workout under the time cap if I would have pushed myself. Once I got to the wall ball, I was breaking it up way too much. I do much better if I have someone telling me to pick up the ball or telling me when to go, especially at the tail end of a workout. Once I got to the toes to bar I should have tried harder to get those done and get to the deadlifts but I just sort of gave up. I would like to re-test this in a few months, I think I can finish it.
A. Overhead squat, 5-5-5, 20X1; 2:00 rest
B. Split jerk from behind the neck, 1-1-1-1-1 building; 2:00 rest
For 14:00:
Evens: 3 bar muscle-ups
Odds: 1/side tough 1-arm KB overhead squat
3 sets @ 100%:
:20 pull-ups
:20 box jumps & step-down, 20
:20 AirDyne
6:00 rest
A. 110-115-120
B. 145-165-175-180-185
60# KB
all bar MUs unbroken
1 hour of oly technique work with Chelsea Kyle
Overhead squats and behind the neck jerks were tough today. My right wrist was in pretty bad shape. It started hurting on the overhead squats and only got worse during the jerks. 145 and 165 didn't bother it but then it really hurt on the rest of the sets. Not really sure what's going on, this is a recent thing and it only bothers me on overhead squats, I'm not sure if I need to move my hands or rotate them out more but I think I'm definitely doing something wrong. The EMOM was good, I used a 60# KB because of the wrist pain, didn't want to go any heavier. All bar muscle ups were unbroken, not as fast as two weeks ago though. The last piece was fine but my hands were wrecked by this point and it hurt to hold on to the bar. I've realized that I can't work out when there's no one in the gym. I was by myself for most of my training session and I just had no motivation. I actually focus a lot better when there are more people in the gym. Just a random realization I had today.
The oly clinic was good but frustrating. I worked on snatches and focused on keeping the bar close as I'm dropping underneath it. I just felt like every rep was the same and I wasn't improving. I kept falling forward on my toes. It just wasn't clicking for some reason. Hopefully next time is better.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
3 rounds for time @ 80-90% effort:
1000m row
5 wall walks
4 rope climbs
A. Power clean, build quickly to a very heavy single
B. Power clean, 10 x 1 @ 90% of A; begin a set every :30
7 sets for even times:
7 glute-ham sit-ups
8 burpees
9 kettlebell swings, 53
:90 rest
3 rounds not for time:
6-8 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
15 moderate reverse hypers
:30 hollow rock
A. 210 (PR+5)
B. complete @190
20# DB for GHS
35#/side on RH
I enjoyed the AM session more than last week, it's less daunting when everything is broken into rounds instead of having to do it all at once. Rows were 4:41, 4:44, and 4:44. When I sat down on the rower to start the third round I was on pace to be done at 30:00 but the rope climbs slowed down at the end. Too much standing around again. The ascent is easy but the descent is what uses up all my energy. Wall walks were easy and fast.
Really happy about the power clean PR, it has been a long time since I hit a PR on that. Cleans were feeling really good today. I went from 195 to 205 and got that relatively easily so I decided to go for 210. I caught it REAL wide, yeeeewwwww. I don't think I have ever caught a clean that wide before. I'm not sure why I did that because 205 looked pretty good. I need to be confident in just dropping under it lower. The feeling of regret starting creeping in once I realized I would have to power clean 190 every :30 for 10 sets. OOPS. Oh well. I hit every clean, no misses, and they actually felt pretty good. There were just 2 or 3 that I caught a little funny but I'm happy I'm able to clean 190 ten times with no misses and relatively good form. GHS/burpee workout went really well. GHS are getting a lot faster and I tried to keep the transitions smooth and short. Breathing and recovery was good on this until the last set. Solid day.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
A. Squat snatch, 10:00 tech work @ heavy loads
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 6-8/leg, 30X0; :60 between legs
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 6-8/leg, 30X0; :60 between legs
C1. Close-grip bench press, 8-8-8, 20X1; :30 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 3 x 7-9, 20X1; :30 rest
C3. Farmer's walk, 3 x 50m tough; 2:00 rest
3 sets:
:70 AirDyne @ 97%
7:00 rest
A. complete @125, 135, 145
B. 40- 45 (6)
C1. 105-110-115
C2. 105-115-125
C3. complete with 100#/hand
Snatches were alright today, for some reason my set up was off, I felt like I was doing something different every time. Speed under the bar was good but I went forward on a few reps. I only failed one rep at 145 because my set up was sloppy and I didn't get tight enough. I just need to lift with PATIENCE. I'm glad Chelsea is coming this week so I can get in some oly tech work with her. I think next time I'm going to try snatching without my knee sleeves and see if that makes a difference in my balance and stability at the bottom. Split squats were really tough today, didn't have a lot of energy for those. Bench press was.....mehhhh. I haven't benched in awhile so I wasn't sure how it would go. I hit 115 on the third set, I'm not sure if I've ever done that for 8 reps. Did the 100# things for the farmers walk, I'm glad Heather pushed me to go heavier on that. This was our conversation:
me: What should I use for a tough 50 meter farmers walk?
Heather: 100 pounds
me: I meant for me, not you
Heather: 100 pounds
me: I feel like that's too heavy
Heather: Let me put it this way. 70 pound kettlebell is too light. Dumbbells are too awkward and hard to carry. So you're left with 100 pounds.
Heather: yes
It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I had only used 100 pounds once before but this time it was much easier. Airdyne sprints actually went pretty well. I felt consistent through each one. They were still very terrible and long and I felt like my legs were on fire but my aerobic recovery is getting better between sets.
Monday, October 20, 2014
60:00 AirDyne @ Z1, off every 10:00 for 2 easy rounds of CTB "Cindy"
also did some freestanding handstand work and bar MUs
good to be back in the gym with my pals
also did some freestanding handstand work and bar MUs
good to be back in the gym with my pals
Sunday, October 19, 2014
A. Overhead squat, 5 x 1, 21X1; 2:00 rest
B. Split jerk, 1-1-1-1-1-1 building to a max for the day; begin every 2:00
For 12:00:
Evens: 3 bar muscle-ups
Odds: 1/side tough 1-arm KB overhead squat
3 sets @ 100%:
:20 pull-ups
:20 burpees
:20 AirDyne calories
6:00 rest
A. 135-145-155-165-175
B. 165-175-185-195-205 (F, knocked myself in the chin)- 205 (F)- 205
complete w/ 60# KB
all bar MUs unbroken
Errrrrrr. Today was a weird training day. OHS were better this week until 175, that was really tough. The behind the neck jerk is no problem at all, but I've noticed that when I'm going down in the squat my right wrist feels really weak and it's hard for me to hold the bar overhead for more than a few seconds. It's hard to believe I actually did 185 rather easily at one point. OHS have always been one of my biggest weaknesses but I need to keep working on them because I want to be able to get 165-175 overhead in a snatch. Not sure why my right wrist has been giving me problems lately. The split jerks did not go as well as I wanted. I'm trying to get used to using the competition plates and mentally they just feel heavier. Every jerk felt heavy today. Then I clocked myself in the chin with 205 which was weird because I have never done that before on a split jerk. That actually hurt pretty badly and I had a headache the rest of the training session. I went for 205 again but I failed it because I was scared of hitting myself in the chin. I tried AGAIN and got it. I would have liked to get to 210 or even 215 but hitting myself in the chin sort of threw things off. The EMOM went really well, it was really the only solid part of my training session. Bar muscle ups were the fastest they have ever been, those are getting so much better. KB OHS are also getting better, Stephen told me to try the 60# KB and it actually wasn't too bad. The last piece was tough, I was pretty tired by this point. Butterfly pull ups felt really good but I had to come off the bar during the last set because my hands felt like they were going to tear. The first two sets weren't horrible but I was dead on the last set.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
For time @ 80-90% effort:
3600m row
12 wall walks
9 rope climbs
A. Power clean, build quickly to a very heavy single
B. Power clean, 8 x 1 @ 90% of A; begin a set every :30
5 sets for even times:
8 glute-ham sit-ups
16 box jump + step-down, 20
8 kettlebell swings, 53
:90 rest
3 rounds not for time:
8 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
15 moderate reverse hypers
:30 L-sit accumulation
A. complete @200 (205 Fx1)
B. complete @180
15# for GHR
35#/side for RH
AM sessions are starting to get a bitter tougher, which I like. I think my time should have been a bit faster on this. I did the row in 17:10. Wall walks were done in a little more than 2:00, then rope climbs were basically one every minute. I wasn't trying to do them that way but I think that's how it ended up. I just have a problem with jumping right back up after a rope climb, it's always been an issue. I do one rope climb and then just stand there. In my mind I'm thinking "you should probably be going right about now" and then I'm like "but I don't want to" and then I just rest more. It's a real problem.
PM session was much better than yesterday. I'm happy where I ended up on the power clean, although I think 205 is becoming more of a mental issue than anything else. 200 was extremely easy, and I definitely pulled 205 high enough but for some reason I'm afraid to get under it. I'm glad that I'm able to power clean 200 pounds on a regular basis though, that's a good sign. Just need to get more aggressive on 205. The power cleans at 180 were super easy and felt very light. The box jump workout went really well, my GHD sit ups are getting much faster. I was a little confused as to why my times were getting faster each time, I think I went too slow on the box jumps during the first round then fell into more of a rhythm on the other sets. Breathing was good and transitions were fast. Glute ham raises are getting better!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
A. Squat snatch, 10:00 tech work from blocks (mid-shins)
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 8-10/leg, 30X0; :60 between legs
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 8-10/leg, 30X0; :60 between legs
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x 20; :30 rest
C2. Feet-elevated ring row, 3 x 5-7, 20X1; :30 rest
C3. 1-arm Farmer's walk, 3 x 25m/arm moderate; :60 rest
3 sets:
:65 AirDyne @ 97%
6:30 rest
A. complete, worked up to 155. (165 Fx2)
B. 35, 40
C1. complete
C2. complete, 7 each time
C3. complete with 70# KB
Today was really frustrating. I was pretty mad at myself after the snatch portion because I basically wasted the technique practice to try and get a PR. I was basically working up to a heavy single instead of actually spending time working on technique, I was too preoccupied with trying to get to 165. I hit 155 really easily, went up to 160 and failed because I fell forward but the pull felt really light so I just decided to go for 165. I snatched it, stood up with it, I was trying to stabilize it and it just fell behind me. It was the weirdest thing. As I was standing up with it, there was a split second where I couldn't see, and then my arms felt very weak and I just couldn't stabilize it at the top so I dropped it behind me. Afterwards I felt sort of lethargic and out of it for the rest of my training session. I'm not sure what happened. I was angry at myself for not spending time on the things I SHOULD have been working on, like getting aggressive with my arm turnover at the bottom of the snatch, something I should have been doing with 135 and 145 and not going any higher. Instead, I had it in my head that I was going to snatch 165 that day and I failed because I ignored my technique work that I was supposed to be doing. Learned my lesson and will do better from now on.
The rest of the training session was alright. Ring push ups are definitely getting faster and easier. Ring rows weren't bad at all. Airdyne sprints were terrible as per usual, 65 seconds is a long time.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
8:00 @ 70% of [1 freestanding handstand push-up + 10 pulls on the rower]
4:00 rest
8:00 @ 70% of [200m run + 7 burpee toes-to-bar]
4:00 rest
For time:
9 CTB pull-ups
9 snatches, 85
7 bar muscle-ups
7 snatches, 95
5 ring muscle-ups
5 snatches, 105
400m sled drag, tough grind
complete with 190# on sled
First two pieces went really well. Freestanding HSPU were easy, no misses. Burpee toes to bar are definitely not my favorite thing but they're getting better. I was pretty disappointed with the snatch workout. I went into it thinking "I'll just do everything unbroken and do this in less than 5:00. Boom, easy, done" and errrrrrr that was NOT the case. A classic McCarty misjudgment. The snatches were shockingly difficult. I realized I have not done any light power snatch work in a long time. I had to break up 85 into 5 and 4, 95 was 4 and 3, and 105 was 2,2,1. WHAT the heck. I should have been able to do all of those unbroken. I was feeling really exhausted and my muscles were tired. CTB pull ups were unbroken but bar MUs were 3/2/2. I was tired on those too, I was catching myself a lot lower than usual, normally I get my hips right up to the bar and don't have to do much of a press out at the top but I was catching more on my stomach so I was having to push myself up. Arggggg. Why. The ring muscle ups were 3/2, by this point I was just confused as to why everything felt so terrible. I don't think I ate enough the day before since I was at the gym from 8-1:00 and then had to work from 3:00-10:00. Blah. Definitely disappointed with this. The sled drag was a lot harder than last week, I think I'm going to stay at 190 for the next few weeks. My legs were still pretty sore from the sled sprints on Saturday. Overall not the best training day.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
5-7 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
25m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
2:00 row
3/side light Turkish get-ups
A. Squat clean & jerk gauntlet, 1 rep every :90 starting 85 and adding 20 every :90
B. 1 segmented snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull, 4 x 1.1 starting @ 165 & adding 5 each set; :20 between singles, 3:00 rest
C. Handstand push-ups, 3 x AMRAP unbroken; 3:00 rest
3 sets for even times:
500m row
10 toes-to-bar
50 double-unders
2:30 rest
5 sets:
50m sled sprint outdoors, 135 on sled
3:00 walk rest
Hollow hold, accumulate 120 seconds; break & rest as needed to ensure quality positions
5 rounds complete with 25# KB
A. 205 (PR+5)
B. complete
C. 18-16-13
all double unders unbroken
I am really excited about the 205 clean and jerk! I was hoping to PR today. The clean and jerk gauntlet was really cool, and since it went up by 20 pounds each time I wasn't too fatigued since I only did 7 total sets. The clean at 205 was a bit slow on the way up but not too bad, I think I definitely could have cleaned at least 210. The jerk felt super easy. Woohoo! Snatch grip deadlifts felt really light. The pull was a little better but still awkward, I have never been good at those. Handstand push ups were a little disappointing. The first 12 reps are always really easy and then all of a sudden the shoulder fatigue sets in. I really dropped off on the last set. Sled sprints were horrible. 135 was so hard. The first two weren't bad but then things just went downhill. Recovery was pretty bad and by the end I could barely run because my legs were so sore. It basically felt like I was at the end of a long prowler sprint. Hollow hold is getting better.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
A. Overhead squat, 5 x 1, 31X1; 2:00 rest
B. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough single
For 10:00:
Evens: 2-3 bar muscle-ups
Odds: 1/side tough 1-arm KB overhead squat
4 sets:
:30 row @ absolute max effort
:30 rest
A. 125-135-145-160-170
B. complete @205
complete with 53# KB
3 MUs each time
154 meters
Really solid training day. Overhead squats were much better today, I tried to focus on staying really tight on the way down and was less shaky. Split jerks felt awesome, I worked up to 205 pretty easily. I put 215 on the bar and unracked it but it just felt really heavy and I knew I wasn't going to be able to get it so I just put it back down without even trying to jerk it. I think if I had done less reps before, I might have been able to get it. But I'm really happy that 205 was relatively easy. The EMOM was really fun. I have never done 1 arm KB OHS before, they got easier as the EMOM went on. My right arm was tougher than my left, I kept going up on my toes a little bit. Bar MUs were extremely easy, I got 3 each time. I am really happy with how those are progressing. The row sprints SUCKED SO MUCH. That hurt a lot. I haven't been in that kind of pain after a workout in quite awhile. I'm glad Stephen was there to help push me through. My hand slipped off the handle on the fourth sprint so I lost a little bit of time on that but other than that I was pleased with how this went.
For time @ 80-90% effort
3000m row
35 glute-ham sit-ups
100m bear crawl
A. Power clean, 10 x 1 starting light & building; begin a set every :60
5 sets for even times:
10 burpees w/no jump or clap @ top, just stand tall
12 box jump w/step-down, 24
14 kettlebell swings, 35
:90 rest
3 rounds not for time:
4-5 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
15 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
A. 125-135-145-155-165-175-185-195-205(F)-200
20# DB for GHS
35#/side on RH
Mehhhh. AM session felt harder than it should have. I did the row in 14:08, my legs were burning when I was done. The GHD sit ups were way slower than last week, I had a headache and I was just moving slow. Bear crawl was also tougher than last week, my legs were just really tired the entire time.
I was happy where I ended up on the power cleans although I would have liked to clean 205 or 210. I haven't hit a PR on my power clean in a really long time. They all felt really easy and fast up until 195, I caught that one a bit low. I went for 205 and failed it, I fell too far forward. I went down to 200 and got it, although I caught it pretty low and it felt like it took awhile to stand it up all the way. I think I need to practice catching my power cleans a bit lower in general, especially when they start getting heavier, I need to work on getting under the bar more and meeting it in the middle. The burpee/box jump piece was alright, the burpees and KB swings were super easy, it was the box jumps that slowed down. My legs were burning the whole time, I'm not sure what was going on today. Also 24 in box jumps are just tough for me in general, being short and all. My side planks have definitely improved. I remember when I first started doing them I was wobbling all over the place. Today I didn't even start to get shaky until about :10 left.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
A. Squat snatch, 10:00 tech work from blocks (just below knees)
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 10-12, 30X0; :60 between legs
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 10-12, 30X0; :60 between legs
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x 18; :30 rest
C2. DB power row, 3 x 2-3/arm, 20X0; :10 between arms, :30
C3. Yoke carry, 3 x 10-15m moderate; :60 rest
3 sets:
:60 AirDyne @ 97%
6:00 rest
A. complete, worked up to 155
B. 30-35 (10)
C1. complete
C2. 65-70-75
C3. complete with 160# on yoke
Snatches felt great today. I worked up to 155 very quickly, didn't have any misses. I had about 1 minute left so I decided to just go for 165. I thought I had it but the SAME thing happened from two weeks ago, I caught it in the bottom and then just fell backwards and the bar went out in front. The pull felt great and I really thought I was going to get it but NOPE. I tried for it again and wasn't nearly as close, bar went out in front again. I'm getting frustrated because I have caught 165 in the bottom twice now and have failed the same way both times. I don't think I'm being aggressive enough with my arm turnover, I need to really punch my arms up and stay tight in the bottom. Argggg. I will get it soon. Overall though I'm really pleased with how fast the snatches were today. I forgot how hard split squats are, OUCH man. I was able to do 12 each leg with 30 pounds but only got 10 per leg with 35. A lot of the problem was my grip, my forearms were blowing up while I was holding on to the DB. Ring push ups felt super easy. Yoke was a little off at first, I kept getting underneath it too far to one side so it was unbalanced for the first two sets but third set was fine. First two airdyne sprints went well but dropped off a bit on the third. SI Joint is feeling decent, a little sore after today.
Monday, October 6, 2014
8:00 @ 75% of [max freestanding handstand hold + 10 pulls on the rower]
4:00 rest
8:00 @ 85% of [200m run + 10 burpees]
4:00 rest
For time:
30 box step-up & step-downs, 20
10 muscle-ups
30 box step-up & step-downs, 20
400m sled drag, tough grind
complete with 180# on sled
Ehhhh wasn't super pleased with my training today. I was getting frustrated on the handstand hold, I can handstand walk forever but I was having a lot of trouble just holding the handstand. I definitely need to work on that more. My muscle ups were really tough today, not very smooth, my elbows felt like they were going out and I felt like I didn't have control of the rings. I did 5/3/2 but they weren't pretty. Sled drag actually went really well, 180 was not very hard so I will definitely go heavier next week.
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