Sunday, October 26, 2014


A. Overhead squat, 5-5-5, 20X1; 2:00 rest
B. Split jerk from behind the neck, 1-1-1-1-1 building; 2:00 rest
For 14:00:
Evens: 3 bar muscle-ups
Odds: 1/side tough 1-arm KB overhead squat
3 sets @ 100%:
:20 pull-ups
:20 box jumps & step-down, 20
:20 AirDyne
6:00 rest

A. 110-115-120
B. 145-165-175-180-185
60# KB 
all bar MUs unbroken
1 hour of oly technique work with Chelsea Kyle

Overhead squats and behind the neck jerks were tough today. My right wrist was in pretty bad shape. It started hurting on the overhead squats and only got worse during the jerks. 145 and 165 didn't bother it but then it really hurt on the rest of the sets. Not really sure what's going on, this is a recent thing and it only bothers me on overhead squats, I'm not sure if I need to move my hands or rotate them out more but I think I'm definitely doing something wrong. The EMOM was good, I used a 60# KB because of the wrist pain, didn't want to go any heavier. All bar muscle ups were unbroken, not as fast as two weeks ago though. The last piece was fine but my hands were wrecked by this point and it hurt to hold on to the bar. I've realized that I can't work out when there's no one in the gym. I was by myself for most of my training session and I just had no motivation. I actually focus a lot better when there are more people in the gym. Just a random realization I had today.

The oly clinic was good but frustrating. I worked on snatches and focused on keeping the bar close as I'm dropping underneath it. I just felt like every rep was the same and I wasn't improving. I kept falling forward on my toes. It just wasn't clicking for some reason. Hopefully next time is better. 

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