5-4-3-2-1 for time @ 80%:
Wall walks
Rope climbs
800m after completing rounds of 5, 4, 3, @ 2
A. Power clean, build quickly to a very heavy single
B. Power clean, 12 x 1 @ 90% of A; begin a set every :30
5 sets for even times:
10 glute-ham sit-ups
12 kettlebell swings, 53
14 box jumps w/step-down, 20
2:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
6-8 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
7-10 tough reverse hypers
max L-sit on parallettes
A. 195 (200 F)
B. complete @175
25# DB for GHR
55#/side for RH
AM session was tough. The wall walks and rope climbs were actually feeling really good, it was the row that was slowing me down, I couldn't seem to hold a decent pace.
Power cleans were feeling REAAAAAAAL heavy today. I caught 185 pretty low and caught 195 REALLY low. I went for 200 but I didn't even get past the pull. I actually wasn't too disappointed with that. I used to think that "build to a heavy single" meant try to match my PR or hit a PR. But I remember Stephen telling me that a heavy single is just what is feeling heavy for that day. I don't always have to hit a PR every time, every day is different and some days are better than others. So I was okay with working up to 195 for the day. The cleans at 175 were pretty easy, the first few were a little iffy because I wasn't driving my feet into the ground. I tried to picture Lauren Fisher and how her pulls off the ground are on the slower side but she really drives her feet into the ground then explodes on each lift. Once I started doing that, they got much better. It's all about the right set up and a good pull.
The KB/box jump workout was tougher than I thought it would be. I was able to hold the same pace for the first four sets but on the fifth set my GHS and my box jumps slowed way down. Box jumps have become one of my least favorite movements. They always feel very awkward and inefficient. ("Are you sure YOU'RE not the one who is awkward and inefficient?" Stephen would say). hehehe. But yes. My short legs do me no favors on box jumps. I also felt really heavy during this, I'm going to play around with eating earlier on Wednesdays and see if that makes a difference.
L-sits were ehhhhh not great. My times were :25, :21, :27. I was actually sort of pleased with that because I have never been able to hold it longer than :10. But those times are still not good. Hopefully those will get better.
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