5-7 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
25m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
2:00 row
3/side light Turkish get-ups
A. Squat clean & jerk gauntlet, 1 rep every :90 starting 85 and adding 20 every :90
B. 1 segmented snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull, 4 x 1.1 starting @ 165 & adding 5 each set; :20 between singles, 3:00 rest
C. Handstand push-ups, 3 x AMRAP unbroken; 3:00 rest
3 sets for even times:
500m row
10 toes-to-bar
50 double-unders
2:30 rest
5 sets:
50m sled sprint outdoors, 135 on sled
3:00 walk rest
Hollow hold, accumulate 120 seconds; break & rest as needed to ensure quality positions
5 rounds complete with 25# KB
A. 205 (PR+5)
B. complete
C. 18-16-13
all double unders unbroken
I am really excited about the 205 clean and jerk! I was hoping to PR today. The clean and jerk gauntlet was really cool, and since it went up by 20 pounds each time I wasn't too fatigued since I only did 7 total sets. The clean at 205 was a bit slow on the way up but not too bad, I think I definitely could have cleaned at least 210. The jerk felt super easy. Woohoo! Snatch grip deadlifts felt really light. The pull was a little better but still awkward, I have never been good at those. Handstand push ups were a little disappointing. The first 12 reps are always really easy and then all of a sudden the shoulder fatigue sets in. I really dropped off on the last set. Sled sprints were horrible. 135 was so hard. The first two weren't bad but then things just went downhill. Recovery was pretty bad and by the end I could barely run because my legs were so sore. It basically felt like I was at the end of a long prowler sprint. Hollow hold is getting better.
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