Thursday, October 16, 2014


For time @ 80-90% effort:
3600m row
12 wall walks
9 rope climbs

A. Power clean, build quickly to a very heavy single
B. Power clean, 8 x 1 @ 90% of A; begin a set every :30
5 sets for even times:
8 glute-ham sit-ups
16 box jump + step-down, 20
8 kettlebell swings, 53
:90 rest
3 rounds not for time:
8 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
15 moderate reverse hypers
:30 L-sit accumulation


A. complete @200 (205 Fx1)
B. complete @180
15# for GHR
35#/side for RH

AM sessions are starting to get a bitter tougher, which I like. I think my time should have been a bit faster on this. I did the row in 17:10. Wall walks were done in a little more than 2:00, then rope climbs were basically one every minute. I wasn't trying to do them that way but I think that's how it ended up. I just have a problem with jumping right back up after a rope climb, it's always been an issue. I do one rope climb and then just stand there. In my mind I'm thinking "you should probably be going right about now" and then I'm like "but I don't want to" and then I just rest more. It's a real problem.

PM session was much better than yesterday. I'm happy where I ended up on the power clean, although I think 205 is becoming more of a mental issue than anything else. 200 was extremely easy, and I definitely pulled 205 high enough but for some reason I'm afraid to get under it. I'm glad that I'm able to power clean 200 pounds on a regular basis though, that's a good sign. Just need to get more aggressive on 205. The power cleans at 180 were super easy and felt very light. The box jump workout went really well, my GHD sit ups are getting much faster. I was a little confused as to why my times were getting faster each time, I think I went too slow on the box jumps during the first round then fell into more of a rhythm on the other sets. Breathing was good and transitions were fast. Glute ham raises are getting better!

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