5:00 swim easy
8 sets:
50m swim
:60 rest
5:00 swim easy
This was a lot harder than I anticipated, that extra 25m with no rest is pretty tiring.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
30:00 assault bike @Z1
3 sets not for time:
10m forward bear crawl
10m reverse bear crawl
-both movements slow and controlled w/low hips and short steps w/hands and feet
Every :60 for 28:00 (7 sets of each)
1st: 1 squat snatch
2nd: 1 squat clean
3rd: 250m row
4th: rest
Not for time:
150m indoor sandbag bear hug carry, 100
snatch: 105-115-1125-135-145-145-145
clean: 125-155-165-175-185-195-205
Fun day!
I really enjoyed the EMOM, it was actually harder than I thought it would be. I thought I would have more time to change weights between lifts but I ended up being rushed most of the time. Snatches were okay, I would have liked to go higher than 145 but I failed one of the reps behind me so I decided to just stay there for the remaining sets. Cleans were feeling great today, I was happy to hit 205 at the end of a long workout.
The sandbag bear hug carry was cool, these sandbags are neat! Afterwards I messed around with the middle sandbag (165 I think Stephen said?) and I was able to pick it up a few times (after many failed attempts). I would like to eventually be able to shoulder this.
30:00 assault bike @Z1
3 sets not for time:
10m forward bear crawl
10m reverse bear crawl
-both movements slow and controlled w/low hips and short steps w/hands and feet
Every :60 for 28:00 (7 sets of each)
1st: 1 squat snatch
2nd: 1 squat clean
3rd: 250m row
4th: rest
Not for time:
150m indoor sandbag bear hug carry, 100
snatch: 105-115-1125-135-145-145-145
clean: 125-155-165-175-185-195-205
Fun day!
I really enjoyed the EMOM, it was actually harder than I thought it would be. I thought I would have more time to change weights between lifts but I ended up being rushed most of the time. Snatches were okay, I would have liked to go higher than 145 but I failed one of the reps behind me so I decided to just stay there for the remaining sets. Cleans were feeling great today, I was happy to hit 205 at the end of a long workout.
The sandbag bear hug carry was cool, these sandbags are neat! Afterwards I messed around with the middle sandbag (165 I think Stephen said?) and I was able to pick it up a few times (after many failed attempts). I would like to eventually be able to shoulder this.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
8 sets:
500m row @2:02.0-2:02.9/500m
2:00 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5) note the decreased rest
3 rounds for movement quality
5 wall walks
5 dragon flags
A. Halting snatch-grip deadlift (:02 pause 1" off ground, complete lift, :03 descent) 6x1 starting @90% snatch max and building from there as long as the pause is perfect, begin a rep every :90
B. 1-arm DB overhead carry, 5x30m/side; :60 rest between sides
5 rounds easy
50 double unders
10 assault bike calories
:60 rest
3 sets not for time:
4-8 unweighted glute-ham raises
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 155-165-175-185-195-205
B. 30-40-50-60-70
Balza rehab
8 sets:
500m row @2:02.0-2:02.9/500m
2:00 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5) note the decreased rest
3 rounds for movement quality
5 wall walks
5 dragon flags
A. Halting snatch-grip deadlift (:02 pause 1" off ground, complete lift, :03 descent) 6x1 starting @90% snatch max and building from there as long as the pause is perfect, begin a rep every :90
B. 1-arm DB overhead carry, 5x30m/side; :60 rest between sides
5 rounds easy
50 double unders
10 assault bike calories
:60 rest
3 sets not for time:
4-8 unweighted glute-ham raises
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 155-165-175-185-195-205
B. 30-40-50-60-70
Balza rehab
Thursday, September 22, 2016
A. Front squat from the ground (squat clean counts as first rep) 2-2-2-2-2-2 building; begin a set every 2:00
5 sets:
15 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10'- note the extra foot
:10 rest
max (-1) unbroken toes to bar
2:30 rest
3 sets not for time:
2 rope climbs
30m unweighted walking lunges
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 125-145-165-185-200-210
Balza rehab
Happy to hit 210 on the front squats from the ground, these felt good today.
Wall balls went really well, these are getting a bit easier. Toes to bar were decent, I still think I should be stringing together more than 12-14. I'm also starting to get a cold and I could tell I wasn't recovering as quickly between sets.
5 sets:
15 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10'- note the extra foot
:10 rest
max (-1) unbroken toes to bar
2:30 rest
3 sets not for time:
2 rope climbs
30m unweighted walking lunges
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 125-145-165-185-200-210
Balza rehab
Happy to hit 210 on the front squats from the ground, these felt good today.
Wall balls went really well, these are getting a bit easier. Toes to bar were decent, I still think I should be stringing together more than 12-14. I'm also starting to get a cold and I could tell I wasn't recovering as quickly between sets.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Long, unplugged hike
Wasn't able to get in a hike today, I had a two hour coach meeting in the morning and then had to write programming before I met up with the McCauley sisters for Eli's and gelato.
Wasn't able to get in a hike today, I had a two hour coach meeting in the morning and then had to write programming before I met up with the McCauley sisters for Eli's and gelato.
A. 10:00 triple under and freestanding handstand push up practice- alternate between the two, nothing fatiguing.
B. Power clean from blocks (upper thigh), build to a heavy single in 10:00 (clock starts once you load the bar above 125)
C. DB seesaw press (non-working arm stays at lockout), 3x6-8 total, 21x1; 2:00 rest
For time w/partner, trade off as needed w/only 1 working at a time:
80 DB ground-to-overhead or med ball to shoulders
100 row calories
120 burpees
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. complete, only one good set of 6 FSHSPU, shoulder fatigued
B. 155
C. 25-35-40(6)
15:41 w/Kellie
we both used 75# medball
3 sets:
:15 L-sit
ring dip practice, strict and kipping
Shoulders were tired today, I couldn't string together more than a few FSHSPU. I hit six in a row on my final set and called it.
The power cleans off the blocks were really frustrating, this is just a very awkward height. I couldn't get any power from my legs. I caught 155 really low, basically right at parallel. I went for 165 but I could barely pull it.
The partner workout with Kellie was cool, I thought this was going to be much worse. We traded singles on the medball to shoulder, split up the row cals in five sets of 20, and traded sets of ten on the burpees. I'm really going to miss her when she goes back to California!
I decided to work on L-sits and ring dips for my bis, tris and abs because they're two of my weakest movements, especially L-sits. I practiced both strict and kipping ring dips. I watched a video on Camille's instagram about kipping dips but I still couldn't quite figure it out. I'm going to keep working on these, you never know when they'll show up.
B. Power clean from blocks (upper thigh), build to a heavy single in 10:00 (clock starts once you load the bar above 125)
C. DB seesaw press (non-working arm stays at lockout), 3x6-8 total, 21x1; 2:00 rest
For time w/partner, trade off as needed w/only 1 working at a time:
80 DB ground-to-overhead or med ball to shoulders
100 row calories
120 burpees
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. complete, only one good set of 6 FSHSPU, shoulder fatigued
B. 155
C. 25-35-40(6)
15:41 w/Kellie
we both used 75# medball
3 sets:
:15 L-sit
ring dip practice, strict and kipping
Shoulders were tired today, I couldn't string together more than a few FSHSPU. I hit six in a row on my final set and called it.
The power cleans off the blocks were really frustrating, this is just a very awkward height. I couldn't get any power from my legs. I caught 155 really low, basically right at parallel. I went for 165 but I could barely pull it.
The partner workout with Kellie was cool, I thought this was going to be much worse. We traded singles on the medball to shoulder, split up the row cals in five sets of 20, and traded sets of ten on the burpees. I'm really going to miss her when she goes back to California!
I decided to work on L-sits and ring dips for my bis, tris and abs because they're two of my weakest movements, especially L-sits. I practiced both strict and kipping ring dips. I watched a video on Camille's instagram about kipping dips but I still couldn't quite figure it out. I'm going to keep working on these, you never know when they'll show up.
A. Squat snatch, 6x1 @80-90% 1RM
B. Back squat, 5-5-5 @175, should feel like a nice little deload; 2:30 rest
For time (w/comp group)
5 bear complex, 85
20 CTB pull ups
4 bear complex
15 CTB pull ups
3 bear complex
10 CTB pull ups
2 bear complex
5 CTB pull ups
1 bear complex
Not for time:
200m 1-arm Farmers walk, 70, switch sides as needed
A. 130-130-140-140-150-150
B. complete
Fun day!
Snatches were okay today, I failed one rep at 140 (behind). No misses other than that.
Back squats were easy, I like deloads!
The comp group workout was really cool, I think I did really well on this. I did all singles for the bear complex because I wanted to save most of my energy/grip for the CTB pull ups. I thought my transitions were good between movements. I liked working out with Conner and Annie, it's nice to have people pushing me since I work out by myself the rest of the week.
Guilted Annie into doing the farmers walk with me, CLASSIC!
B. Back squat, 5-5-5 @175, should feel like a nice little deload; 2:30 rest
For time (w/comp group)
5 bear complex, 85
20 CTB pull ups
4 bear complex
15 CTB pull ups
3 bear complex
10 CTB pull ups
2 bear complex
5 CTB pull ups
1 bear complex
Not for time:
200m 1-arm Farmers walk, 70, switch sides as needed
A. 130-130-140-140-150-150
B. complete
Fun day!
Snatches were okay today, I failed one rep at 140 (behind). No misses other than that.
Back squats were easy, I like deloads!
The comp group workout was really cool, I think I did really well on this. I did all singles for the bear complex because I wanted to save most of my energy/grip for the CTB pull ups. I thought my transitions were good between movements. I liked working out with Conner and Annie, it's nice to have people pushing me since I work out by myself the rest of the week.
Guilted Annie into doing the farmers walk with me, CLASSIC!
Friday, September 16, 2016
5:00 swim easy
20 sets:
25m swim
:30 rest
5:00 swim easy
I really enjoy my Thursday swim sessions, definitely starting to get more comfortable in the water.
20 sets:
25m swim
:30 rest
5:00 swim easy
I really enjoy my Thursday swim sessions, definitely starting to get more comfortable in the water.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
30:00 assault bike @Z2
A1. Bird dogs, 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
A2. Dead bug (out in the open, no hands pressed into wall) 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
For 10:00- 1 bar:
evens: 2 squat snatches, 110
odds: 2 squat cleans, 160
10:00 @80%
200m ski erg
20 alternating box step ups/step downs, 24"
5:00 rest
10:00 @80%
.4 mile assault bike
40 double unders
A1. complete
A2. complete
Today was much better, not sure what the deal was yesterday.
The snatch and clean EMOM was a lot easier than last week, mostly because I had one less rep each minute. Snatches felt really solid today.
The two pieces at 80% were good, I enjoyed both of these.
30:00 assault bike @Z2
A1. Bird dogs, 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
A2. Dead bug (out in the open, no hands pressed into wall) 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
For 10:00- 1 bar:
evens: 2 squat snatches, 110
odds: 2 squat cleans, 160
10:00 @80%
200m ski erg
20 alternating box step ups/step downs, 24"
5:00 rest
10:00 @80%
.4 mile assault bike
40 double unders
A1. complete
A2. complete
Today was much better, not sure what the deal was yesterday.
The snatch and clean EMOM was a lot easier than last week, mostly because I had one less rep each minute. Snatches felt really solid today.
The two pieces at 80% were good, I enjoyed both of these.
8 sets:
500m row @2:00.0-2:00.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds for movement quality:
2x [5m handstand walk + 1 freestanding handstand push up]
5 dragon flags, slow descent
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
3 touch and go power cleans, 155
2 touch and go power cleans, 165
1 power clean, 175
3 rounds for time:
.4 mile assault bike
20 push ups
10 medball to shoulder
3 sets not for time:
9-12 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery
70#/side for RH
DNS- ran out of time before coaching
Had to skip my AM session this morning because I ended up taking Pat to Glenn's office for some tooth surgery. I had to get my morning classes covered and didn't have any time to do anything. Ugh. I will make these up next week.
I came into my PM session really tired. I'm not sure if it's because my normal routine was thrown off or what, but I was feeling very drained.
Handstand walks were not great today, I had trouble steadying myself above the ab mat each time. I kept walking past it and would have to hold it for awhile until I could get myself in the right position over the ab mat (thanks freestanding handstand practice!) and I also failed a few FSHSPU, I had to do a forward roll two different times (thanks forward roll practice!). This just didn't feel good today.
Cleans were easy.
The assault bike/push up workout was rough, I felt like garbage. My legs and arms were just dead. I thought I would be able to at least break up the push ups in sets of 10 each set but I was breaking them up a LOT. I actually wanted to quit halfway through because I was pissed off about how shitty I was feeling. Zero energy today.
8 sets:
500m row @2:00.0-2:00.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds for movement quality:
2x [5m handstand walk + 1 freestanding handstand push up]
5 dragon flags, slow descent
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
3 touch and go power cleans, 155
2 touch and go power cleans, 165
1 power clean, 175
3 rounds for time:
.4 mile assault bike
20 push ups
10 medball to shoulder
3 sets not for time:
9-12 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery
70#/side for RH
DNS- ran out of time before coaching
Had to skip my AM session this morning because I ended up taking Pat to Glenn's office for some tooth surgery. I had to get my morning classes covered and didn't have any time to do anything. Ugh. I will make these up next week.
I came into my PM session really tired. I'm not sure if it's because my normal routine was thrown off or what, but I was feeling very drained.
Handstand walks were not great today, I had trouble steadying myself above the ab mat each time. I kept walking past it and would have to hold it for awhile until I could get myself in the right position over the ab mat (thanks freestanding handstand practice!) and I also failed a few FSHSPU, I had to do a forward roll two different times (thanks forward roll practice!). This just didn't feel good today.
Cleans were easy.
The assault bike/push up workout was rough, I felt like garbage. My legs and arms were just dead. I thought I would be able to at least break up the push ups in sets of 10 each set but I was breaking them up a LOT. I actually wanted to quit halfway through because I was pissed off about how shitty I was feeling. Zero energy today.
A. Front squat from the ground (squat clean counts as first rep) 3-3-3-3-3 building, begin a set every 3:00
B. Standing hand over hang sled pull (lats doing most of the work, tough load that can still be predominantly upper-body movement) 4x15m a bit heavier than last week, begin a set every :90
4 sets:
20 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 9'
:10 rest
max (-1) unbroken toes to bar
3:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 135-155-175-195-205
B. complete w/85#
subbed 15 GHD sit ups per round
Balza rehab
Happy with the front squats from the ground, 205 was my goal. It definitely wasn't my best clean, it pulled me a bit forward and I had to take a second to reset before the front squats.
The sled pull wasn't bad, this mostly just hurts my hands when I pull the strap. Also, as I was doing this, I noticed my right lat was getting really aggravated. It was already sore when I started warming up but as I kept doing the sled pull it started feeling pretty pissed off. I must have tweaked something on Saturday during all the pull ups?
Wall balls were MUCH easier than last week, I hit 20 easily each set and last week I was really struggling with 25. I subbed 15 GHD sit ups instead of the toes to bar because it hurt to hang from the bar.
B. Standing hand over hang sled pull (lats doing most of the work, tough load that can still be predominantly upper-body movement) 4x15m a bit heavier than last week, begin a set every :90
4 sets:
20 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 9'
:10 rest
max (-1) unbroken toes to bar
3:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 135-155-175-195-205
B. complete w/85#
subbed 15 GHD sit ups per round
Balza rehab
Happy with the front squats from the ground, 205 was my goal. It definitely wasn't my best clean, it pulled me a bit forward and I had to take a second to reset before the front squats.
The sled pull wasn't bad, this mostly just hurts my hands when I pull the strap. Also, as I was doing this, I noticed my right lat was getting really aggravated. It was already sore when I started warming up but as I kept doing the sled pull it started feeling pretty pissed off. I must have tweaked something on Saturday during all the pull ups?
Wall balls were MUCH easier than last week, I hit 20 easily each set and last week I was really struggling with 25. I subbed 15 GHD sit ups instead of the toes to bar because it hurt to hang from the bar.
10:00 triple under and freestanding handstand push up practice- alternate between the two, nothing fatiguing
A. Squat clean from the blocks (upper thigh), build to a heavy single in 10:00 (clock starts when you load the bar above 125)
B. DB see-saw press (non-working arm stays at lock out) 3x8-10; 2:00 rest
For max total reps w/a partner, split all work as desired w/only 1 working at a time:
10:00 of (1200m run + max pull-ups in remaining time)
2:00 rest
10:00 of (1600/1200m row + max wall balls in remaining time)
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 165
B. 20-25-35
complete w/Conner
144 pull ups
128 wall balls with 20/30#
The height on the blocks was awkward, it was tough for me to clean from here. It was almost too high to really drive with my legs so I felt like I was just pulling with my arms the entire time.
The partner workout with Conner was fun, I never get to train with him so this was a real treat. We split up the run into sets of 150m. Pull ups were randomly traded back and forth, he was doing strict and I was doing butterfly. I started out with sets of ten but my reps dropped a little as we kept going. We did pull ups for a really long time. Row was broken up 400/300/400/300. Conner did a large set of wall balls to start and then we traded sets of 10-12. These got really tough and we were also using heavy wall balls. It was cool working out with Conner, Stevo, and Kelsey. I always enjoy partner workouts!
A. Squat clean from the blocks (upper thigh), build to a heavy single in 10:00 (clock starts when you load the bar above 125)
B. DB see-saw press (non-working arm stays at lock out) 3x8-10; 2:00 rest
For max total reps w/a partner, split all work as desired w/only 1 working at a time:
10:00 of (1200m run + max pull-ups in remaining time)
2:00 rest
10:00 of (1600/1200m row + max wall balls in remaining time)
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 165
B. 20-25-35
complete w/Conner
144 pull ups
128 wall balls with 20/30#
The height on the blocks was awkward, it was tough for me to clean from here. It was almost too high to really drive with my legs so I felt like I was just pulling with my arms the entire time.
The partner workout with Conner was fun, I never get to train with him so this was a real treat. We split up the run into sets of 150m. Pull ups were randomly traded back and forth, he was doing strict and I was doing butterfly. I started out with sets of ten but my reps dropped a little as we kept going. We did pull ups for a really long time. Row was broken up 400/300/400/300. Conner did a large set of wall balls to start and then we traded sets of 10-12. These got really tough and we were also using heavy wall balls. It was cool working out with Conner, Stevo, and Kelsey. I always enjoy partner workouts!
Monday, September 12, 2016
40:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 6 alternating 1-arm DB snatches, moderate/tough
A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a tough single
B. Back squat, build quickly to a tough single
5 sets:
1-2-3-4 of [strict handstand push ups + power cleans @125]
:60 rest
200m run
:60 rest
Not for time:
400m 1-arm farmers walk, 53
switch sides as needed
A. 155 (165 Fx5)
B. 260
Another good day! Minus the multiple snatch PR fails. WHY.
I tried not to come into my training session with the specific goal of hitting a snatch PR because I know "build to a heavy single" doesn't mean "build to a max." I was just going to go by feel. Everything through 155 was so easy, I didn't have any misses and I worked up to it really quickly. I went for 167 (a two pound PR....but still) and thought I had it on the first attempt, but I slowly lost it behind me in the bottom. I tried again two more times and failed in front. Conner told me to keep trying because it looked like I was about to hit it so I tried again and failed in front. Then Conner told me to try speeding up my pull off the ground with the goal to fail behind me, not in front. On the fifth attempt I pulled the bar off the ground a bit more aggressively and failed behind. I called it after that. This was really frustrating because the weight never felt heavy, I just kept losing it behind me in the bottom. I'M NEVER GOING TO PR MY SNATCH AGAIN. That's probably not true but it would be nice to hit one pretty soon, I haven't hit a snatch PR in almost two years.
Back squats felt really good today, I probably could have gone a bit heavier than 260 but it was a bit slow out of the bottom so I stopped.
The HSPU/clean workout was AWESOME, this was totally in my wheelhouse. I crushed this. Strict handstand push ups were unbroken every set. Power cleans were quick singles and very easy. The run felt great and my breathing was good throughout the whole workout. My transitions were fast between HSPU and power cleans. This was just a great workout for me. I really enjoyed working out with Annie, I enjoy being synced up with the comp group every so often.
40:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 6 alternating 1-arm DB snatches, moderate/tough
A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a tough single
B. Back squat, build quickly to a tough single
5 sets:
1-2-3-4 of [strict handstand push ups + power cleans @125]
:60 rest
200m run
:60 rest
Not for time:
400m 1-arm farmers walk, 53
switch sides as needed
A. 155 (165 Fx5)
B. 260
Another good day! Minus the multiple snatch PR fails. WHY.
I tried not to come into my training session with the specific goal of hitting a snatch PR because I know "build to a heavy single" doesn't mean "build to a max." I was just going to go by feel. Everything through 155 was so easy, I didn't have any misses and I worked up to it really quickly. I went for 167 (a two pound PR....but still) and thought I had it on the first attempt, but I slowly lost it behind me in the bottom. I tried again two more times and failed in front. Conner told me to keep trying because it looked like I was about to hit it so I tried again and failed in front. Then Conner told me to try speeding up my pull off the ground with the goal to fail behind me, not in front. On the fifth attempt I pulled the bar off the ground a bit more aggressively and failed behind. I called it after that. This was really frustrating because the weight never felt heavy, I just kept losing it behind me in the bottom. I'M NEVER GOING TO PR MY SNATCH AGAIN. That's probably not true but it would be nice to hit one pretty soon, I haven't hit a snatch PR in almost two years.
Back squats felt really good today, I probably could have gone a bit heavier than 260 but it was a bit slow out of the bottom so I stopped.
The HSPU/clean workout was AWESOME, this was totally in my wheelhouse. I crushed this. Strict handstand push ups were unbroken every set. Power cleans were quick singles and very easy. The run felt great and my breathing was good throughout the whole workout. My transitions were fast between HSPU and power cleans. This was just a great workout for me. I really enjoyed working out with Annie, I enjoy being synced up with the comp group every so often.
5:00 swim easy
16 sets:
25m swin
:30 rest
5:00 swim easy
30:00 assault bike @Z2
A1. Bird dogs, 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug, 5x10 alternating (no hands in wall this week); :30 rest
For 10:00
evens: 3 squat snatches, 105
odds: 3 squat cleans, 155
10:00 @80%
3 ring muscle ups
6 burpees
9 glute-ham sit ups
27 double unders
10:00 @80%
3 bar muscle ups
200m run
A1. complete
A2. complete
Today was fun! I am really enjoying all my programming right now.
The snatch/clean EMOM was rough, this was harder than I thought it would be. My legs were totally dead after this was over, I couldn't pull off my shoes and knee sleeves fast enough.
I enjoyed both ten minute pieces. Ring muscle ups were caught with (mostly) straight arms. Bar muscle ups were all unbroken, I basically felt like I was running the entire time during this workout.
30:00 assault bike @Z2
A1. Bird dogs, 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug, 5x10 alternating (no hands in wall this week); :30 rest
For 10:00
evens: 3 squat snatches, 105
odds: 3 squat cleans, 155
10:00 @80%
3 ring muscle ups
6 burpees
9 glute-ham sit ups
27 double unders
10:00 @80%
3 bar muscle ups
200m run
A1. complete
A2. complete
Today was fun! I am really enjoying all my programming right now.
The snatch/clean EMOM was rough, this was harder than I thought it would be. My legs were totally dead after this was over, I couldn't pull off my shoes and knee sleeves fast enough.
I enjoyed both ten minute pieces. Ring muscle ups were caught with (mostly) straight arms. Bar muscle ups were all unbroken, I basically felt like I was running the entire time during this workout.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
8 sets:
500m row @2:01.0-2:01.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds for movement quality:
2x[5m handstand walk + 1 freestanding handstand push up]
5 dragon flags, slow descent
5 sets for quality reps:
:60 touch and go power clean doubles at 165
2:00 rest
5 sets for even times:
12 perfect push ups
8 medball to shoulder, 75
.4 mile assault bike
3 sets not for time:
10-15 light reverse hypers
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery
45#/side for RH
DNS- not enough time before coaching
Solid day, very happy with everything.
The handstand walk/FSHSPU was awesome! I did the first two rounds five meters at a time but on the third round I decided to do the full ten meters with both FSHSPU. I did it! Neat. I would like to keep doing more stuff like this, it's fun.
I really had no idea what to expect for the touch and go power cleans. 165 is just heavy enough to get fatiguing after awhile. I ended up doing three sets of doubles every time. I definitely couldn't have done any more, especially during the last few sets. My grip was starting to get tired and my legs were also getting fatigued. I think all my reps were pretty crisp and I never had any fails. I'll cycle a heavy barbell over a super light barbell any day.
I thought the push up/medball workout went well. I did all the push ups unbroken which actually kind of surprised me, usually I end up breaking those up after awhile. Held 60-62 RPM on the assault bike. I'm not sure why my first round is so slow...
8 sets:
500m row @2:01.0-2:01.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds for movement quality:
2x[5m handstand walk + 1 freestanding handstand push up]
5 dragon flags, slow descent
5 sets for quality reps:
:60 touch and go power clean doubles at 165
2:00 rest
5 sets for even times:
12 perfect push ups
8 medball to shoulder, 75
.4 mile assault bike
3 sets not for time:
10-15 light reverse hypers
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery
45#/side for RH
DNS- not enough time before coaching
Solid day, very happy with everything.
The handstand walk/FSHSPU was awesome! I did the first two rounds five meters at a time but on the third round I decided to do the full ten meters with both FSHSPU. I did it! Neat. I would like to keep doing more stuff like this, it's fun.
I really had no idea what to expect for the touch and go power cleans. 165 is just heavy enough to get fatiguing after awhile. I ended up doing three sets of doubles every time. I definitely couldn't have done any more, especially during the last few sets. My grip was starting to get tired and my legs were also getting fatigued. I think all my reps were pretty crisp and I never had any fails. I'll cycle a heavy barbell over a super light barbell any day.
I thought the push up/medball workout went well. I did all the push ups unbroken which actually kind of surprised me, usually I end up breaking those up after awhile. Held 60-62 RPM on the assault bike. I'm not sure why my first round is so slow...
A. Front squat from the ground (squat clean counts as first rep) 5-5-5-5-5 building, begin a set every 3:00
B. Standing hand over hand sled pull (lats doing most of the work, tough load that can still be a predominantly upper body movement) 3x30m; begin a set ever 2:00
3 sets:
25 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 9'
:10 rest
max(-1) unbroken toes to bar
4:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 125-145-165-185-200
B. complete w/70# on sled
Balza rehab
I was happy with the front squats from the ground, my goal was 200. I failed the squat clean twice, I lost the first one forward and my foot slipped during the pull on the second attempt. I cleaned it pretty easily on the third try and the front squats were tough but I was never close to failing.
The sled pull was definitely tough, it mostly just hurt my hands to pull the strap. I tried to do this perfectly, engaging my lats but not using my hips or legs. I think I did pretty well? I was definitely only using my upper body.
Wall balls/toes to bar weren't great today. I'm not a fan of the heavy wall balls, my forearms were blown up by the time I got to the toes to bar. This was mostly just a grip issue but I feel like I should be able to do more than thirteen toes to bar at once.
B. Standing hand over hand sled pull (lats doing most of the work, tough load that can still be a predominantly upper body movement) 3x30m; begin a set ever 2:00
3 sets:
25 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 9'
:10 rest
max(-1) unbroken toes to bar
4:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 125-145-165-185-200
B. complete w/70# on sled
Balza rehab
I was happy with the front squats from the ground, my goal was 200. I failed the squat clean twice, I lost the first one forward and my foot slipped during the pull on the second attempt. I cleaned it pretty easily on the third try and the front squats were tough but I was never close to failing.
The sled pull was definitely tough, it mostly just hurt my hands to pull the strap. I tried to do this perfectly, engaging my lats but not using my hips or legs. I think I did pretty well? I was definitely only using my upper body.
Wall balls/toes to bar weren't great today. I'm not a fan of the heavy wall balls, my forearms were blown up by the time I got to the toes to bar. This was mostly just a grip issue but I feel like I should be able to do more than thirteen toes to bar at once.
5 rounds for reps- score as lowest round of burpees + lowest round of calories
:60 burpees- no jump/clap, just stand tall @top
:60 rest
:60 row calories
:60 rest
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
20/18=38 (lowest score)
:60 burpees- no jump/clap, just stand tall @top
:60 rest
:60 row calories
:60 rest
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
20/18=38 (lowest score)
Ben Bergeron comp training
A. Front squat, 8x3 @75%
B. Power clean, 5x2 @80%
3 rounds for time:
10 CTB pull ups
10 power cleans, 95
10 front squats
10 jerks, 95
4 rounds for time:
16 assault bike calories
8 freestanding handstand push ups
8 medball to shoulder, 75
A. complete @185
B. complete @175, done cluster style (1.1) instead of touch and go
Alright. Let me just say this. Today wasn't fun and I didn't enjoy it (except for the very last part).
Addison had asked me to come down to TCCF Friday evening to train with her and some other girls. I assumed I would be doing my own programming since she always does her own programming when she comes here, but she said the other girls were excited to have me work out with them so I figured it wouldn't hurt to stray from my programming for one day. Then Addison bailed at the last minute and I was left with this dumb programming instead of my awesome Friday programming. LESSON LEARNED. This was just way too much volume for my liking and most of it just seemed dumb. I basically pouted the entire time I was training today.
Anyways. Front squats weren't bad at all, they actually got easier with each set.
Power cleans were okay, my lower back kind of lit up during this for some reason.
The CTB/barbell piece was originally supposed to be FIVE ROUNDS. Luckily Stephen cut it down to three. And it still sucked! CTB pull ups were unbroken for the first two sets and then sort of fell apart in the third round because my grip was shot. I really don't care for light barbell cycling because my grip always falls apart. I felt like I was standing around a lot during this workout.
The only part of my training I enjoyed today was the assault bike piece, it was pretty fun. Stephen let me do freestanding handstand push ups and they went really well! I did eight unbroken the last round which is definitely a PR. I thought I moved really well through this workout.
Never straying from my programming again, I didn't care for the Ben Bergeron comp stuff. Way too much volume.
A. Front squat, 8x3 @75%
B. Power clean, 5x2 @80%
3 rounds for time:
10 CTB pull ups
10 power cleans, 95
10 front squats
10 jerks, 95
4 rounds for time:
16 assault bike calories
8 freestanding handstand push ups
8 medball to shoulder, 75
A. complete @185
B. complete @175, done cluster style (1.1) instead of touch and go
Alright. Let me just say this. Today wasn't fun and I didn't enjoy it (except for the very last part).
Addison had asked me to come down to TCCF Friday evening to train with her and some other girls. I assumed I would be doing my own programming since she always does her own programming when she comes here, but she said the other girls were excited to have me work out with them so I figured it wouldn't hurt to stray from my programming for one day. Then Addison bailed at the last minute and I was left with this dumb programming instead of my awesome Friday programming. LESSON LEARNED. This was just way too much volume for my liking and most of it just seemed dumb. I basically pouted the entire time I was training today.
Anyways. Front squats weren't bad at all, they actually got easier with each set.
Power cleans were okay, my lower back kind of lit up during this for some reason.
The CTB/barbell piece was originally supposed to be FIVE ROUNDS. Luckily Stephen cut it down to three. And it still sucked! CTB pull ups were unbroken for the first two sets and then sort of fell apart in the third round because my grip was shot. I really don't care for light barbell cycling because my grip always falls apart. I felt like I was standing around a lot during this workout.
The only part of my training I enjoyed today was the assault bike piece, it was pretty fun. Stephen let me do freestanding handstand push ups and they went really well! I did eight unbroken the last round which is definitely a PR. I thought I moved really well through this workout.
Never straying from my programming again, I didn't care for the Ben Bergeron comp stuff. Way too much volume.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
45:00 assault bike @Z2
A1. Bird dogs, 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug, 5x10 alternating (no hands on wall this week); :30 rest
For 10:00
evens: 2-3 squat snatches, 70-80% max
odds: 2-3 squat cleans, 70-80% max
For 10:00
evens: 2-3 ring muscle ups
odds: 2-3 bar muscle ups
For 10:00
evens: :30 row @high aerobic effort
odds: :30 assault bike @high aerobic effort
30:00 airdyne @Z2
A1. complete
A2. complete
snatch- 125 (2 each set)
clean- 175 (2 each set)
I'm now coaching the 7:00 AM class at MSC so I basically lost an hour and a half of training time during the morning on Wednesdays. I was doing my Z2 assault bike at CFC but now I have to do my Wed AM sessions at MSC and they only have airdynes. I just tried to go at the same pace as usual, it definitely felt like Z2. I also only have 30:00 between classes now as opposed to a three hour break like I used to have.
Let me just say this. The snatch/clean EMOM sucked. OMG. I really underestimated this. First of all I should note that I came into my PM session completely exhausted. I had been going non-stop since 5:30 AM and I was pretty drained by the time I got to the gym. I really just wanted to skip training and take a nap. As I was warming up for snatches I really didn't think I would be able to snatch above 95 because I was feeling so tired but I was able to warm up to 125 so I decided to go with that for the EMOM. I didn't really warm up for cleans, I cleaned 125 once and that was it. Snatches felt good, cleans felt terrible. My legs were so dead. This piece was actually pretty tough, I underestimated how heavy these would start to get. My lower back was also starting to get blown up a little bit due to taking the weight on/off each minute. Stephen gave me some good advice and told me to just put the weights on over the clips so I wouldn't waste as much time. This workout ended up being pretty hard. Ten snatches at 125 and ten cleans at 175 in ten minutes. RIP my legs.
Muscle ups were easy today. I caught the last set of ring muscle ups on straight arms just to see if I still could. I might start messing around with this again.
Very tired today.
45:00 assault bike @Z2
A1. Bird dogs, 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug, 5x10 alternating (no hands on wall this week); :30 rest
For 10:00
evens: 2-3 squat snatches, 70-80% max
odds: 2-3 squat cleans, 70-80% max
For 10:00
evens: 2-3 ring muscle ups
odds: 2-3 bar muscle ups
For 10:00
evens: :30 row @high aerobic effort
odds: :30 assault bike @high aerobic effort
30:00 airdyne @Z2
A1. complete
A2. complete
snatch- 125 (2 each set)
clean- 175 (2 each set)
I'm now coaching the 7:00 AM class at MSC so I basically lost an hour and a half of training time during the morning on Wednesdays. I was doing my Z2 assault bike at CFC but now I have to do my Wed AM sessions at MSC and they only have airdynes. I just tried to go at the same pace as usual, it definitely felt like Z2. I also only have 30:00 between classes now as opposed to a three hour break like I used to have.
Let me just say this. The snatch/clean EMOM sucked. OMG. I really underestimated this. First of all I should note that I came into my PM session completely exhausted. I had been going non-stop since 5:30 AM and I was pretty drained by the time I got to the gym. I really just wanted to skip training and take a nap. As I was warming up for snatches I really didn't think I would be able to snatch above 95 because I was feeling so tired but I was able to warm up to 125 so I decided to go with that for the EMOM. I didn't really warm up for cleans, I cleaned 125 once and that was it. Snatches felt good, cleans felt terrible. My legs were so dead. This piece was actually pretty tough, I underestimated how heavy these would start to get. My lower back was also starting to get blown up a little bit due to taking the weight on/off each minute. Stephen gave me some good advice and told me to just put the weights on over the clips so I wouldn't waste as much time. This workout ended up being pretty hard. Ten snatches at 125 and ten cleans at 175 in ten minutes. RIP my legs.
Muscle ups were easy today. I caught the last set of ring muscle ups on straight arms just to see if I still could. I might start messing around with this again.
Very tired today.
8 sets:
500m row @2:02.0-2:02.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds not for time:
15m handstand walk
5 dragon flags, slow descent
A. Power clean, 3-3-3-3-3 moderate touch and go, begin a set every 2:00
4 sets for even times:
.5 mile assault bike
10 medball to shoulders, 75
15 burpees
4:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 125-145-165-185-190(PR+5)
Balza rehab
Very happy with the 3RM touch and go power clean PR, I wasn't really shooting for a PR today but everything was feeling good so I decided to go for it.
The assault bike/medball workout sucked. I tried to hold between 60-62 RPM on the assault bike and then go right into the medball. I think the only thing that really slowed down each set was my rest between medball reps, I kept the assault bike at the same pace and all my burpees were pretty steady. Another muggy day in the gym, another day of not being able to breathe.
8 sets:
500m row @2:02.0-2:02.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)
3 rounds not for time:
15m handstand walk
5 dragon flags, slow descent
A. Power clean, 3-3-3-3-3 moderate touch and go, begin a set every 2:00
4 sets for even times:
.5 mile assault bike
10 medball to shoulders, 75
15 burpees
4:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 125-145-165-185-190(PR+5)
Balza rehab
Very happy with the 3RM touch and go power clean PR, I wasn't really shooting for a PR today but everything was feeling good so I decided to go for it.
The assault bike/medball workout sucked. I tried to hold between 60-62 RPM on the assault bike and then go right into the medball. I think the only thing that really slowed down each set was my rest between medball reps, I kept the assault bike at the same pace and all my burpees were pretty steady. Another muggy day in the gym, another day of not being able to breathe.
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