Friday, November 28, 2014
Gobblers and Gobblettes Recap
WOD #1- Squat clean speed ladder
Each person will have 2 minutes to complete the squat clean ladder. You will be working side by side along your partner. There will be 5 bars set-up. You must start at the first bar and cannot move onto the next bar until the previous one was successfully squat cleaned.
Men's Ladder: 185/205/225/250/275
Women's Ladder: 115/130/145/160/175
This was one of my favorite events of the day. I was looking forward to it because it had gone really well in practice and I always enjoy ladders. As we were warming up I started getting more nervous, I did a few cleans then we had a long standards meeting and I started getting cold. After the meeting I ran through the ladder once, and 175 felt extremely heavy. That's when I started freaking out a bit. I was worried that I would get to 175 and fail it. I'm not sure why I was so nervous all of a sudden. Once the event actually started, the adrenaline kicked in and everything was fine. It went exactly how it had gone in practice, I made it through two full times + 4 bars and 1 burpee. I got to the 160 bar with less time than I had in practice but I think that's because the bars were more spaced out at the competition, plus I was taking more time to set up on the heavier bars because I didn't want to fail anything. I was really happy with this. Jeff made it through one full time and then got a few more bars, I can't remember how many. Overall we were both really happy with how we did on this one!
Floater WOD- Thrusters and HSPU
This is a 2 minute workout to be done on your own at the Floater WOD Station.
1 Minute of Thrusters (135#/95#)
1 Minute of Handstand Push-Ups
Both the male and the female are working simultaneously.
This fucking sucked man. Jeff and I decided to do this right after the first workout so our shoulders would be recovered for the muscle ups. I was not nearly recovered enough from the squat clean ladder. I started with the thrusters and did a set of 16 pretty easily before I dropped the bar. I'm not exactly sure why I dropped it, I wasn't even that tired, I just felt like I should take a break. I regret that decision. When I picked up the bar again, it felt like it weighed 1000 pounds. I only got 4 more thrusters before time ran out. I only got 8 HSPU, those were terrible after the thrusters. My shoulders were smoked. Jeff CRUSHED the HSPU, he got 38. He definitely saved us on that. The floater WOD was more of an annoyance than anything, it wasn't well-organized and it was sort of chaotic.
WOD #2- Row, double unders, snatch
In 10 Minutes, complete the following:
750m Row Per Person/150 Double Unders Per Person
AMRAP Snatches (155/95#)
I had practiced this one before so I knew how it was going to feel. I started on the rower and Jeff started with double unders. I kept it at a 2:00-2:03 pace the whole time, he flew through his double unders and I was only at 450 meters when he finished, so I picked up the pace a little bit. Once we switched, it felt like it took me forever to finish the double unders. Jeff is a strong rower so I knew I would have to keep moving. I hit 70 in a row and then they were smaller sets after that. I was breathing pretty hard by this point and I was resting a lot. My shoulders were still pretty tired from the floater WOD. When we got to the snatches I think we had a little over 3:00. I hit 3 and then we just switched singles back and forth. There were a few times where I did 2 in a row to give Jeff a break. He killed it on this, he didn't struggle with the weight at all. I was breathing so hard on this, it was a bit surprising. In practice I wasn't nearly as tired. All the snatches felt really easy and it turns out we got 50 total! We were both pretty surprised, I had no idea where we were during the snatches and we both thought we were somewhere in the mid-30s. Jeff and I had great communication during this event, all he had to do was give me a look and I knew he needed me to do another rep so he could rest. I was very proud of us on this event.
In 6 Minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
3 Muscle Ups
9 Deadlifts (275/185#)
6 Muscle Ups
18 Deadlifts (275/185#)
9 Muscle Ups
27 Deadlifts (275/185#)
One person working at a time. The deadlifts are always triple the amount of muscle ups
2:00 transition
In 6 Minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
10 Pistol Squats
10 Toes-to-Bar
20 Pistol Squats
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Pistol Squats
30 Toes-to-Bar
40 Pistol Squats
40 Toes-to-Bar
etc, etc. etc
One person working at a time
The muscle up/deadlift workout went really well. Jeff started with muscle ups then we just alternated sets of 3 for the deadlifts the entire time. He did all the muscle ups for the set of 6 and then we started trading off sets of 3. My MUs felt AWESOME, stringing 3 together every time was extremely easy. I think our deadlifts could have been a little faster but other than that everything went smoothly. The only thing that was frustrating was how crowded it was. It was impossible to have a quick transition on the muscle ups because there were just people everywhere. I tried to sneak behind Jeff as he was doing MUs but I just had to stand out in front because there were judges and people deadlifting/doing muscle ups all over the place. At one point Jeff hopped up on the rings and there was a guy deadlifting RIGHT in front of him, to the point where Jeff couldn't even kip. I had to yell to the guys judge and tell them to move. It was definitely way too crowded during this event. Also, our judge was not the best. At one point during the set of 27 deadlifts Jeff asked our judge how many reps we had left and her response was "a lot". That was it. I was like, are you kidding me? It's your job to tell us how many we have left. Ugh. Other than that, the workout was fine, Jeff and I both did really well on the muscle ups!
The TTB/pistol WOD was a struggle for me. Our plan going in was Jeff would do 6 pistols and I would always do 4. My pistols were just not good at all during this workout. I was wearing my nanos and I just kept losing my balance on my left leg. The right leg was always fine but I would go to do a pistol on my left and I would just wobble for like four seconds before actually getting the rep. I never failed any, they were just extremely slow. I felt bad for slowing us down. We had a nice transition on the TTB, one of us would hop up and do 5-7 and then the next person would jump up from behind, so we were sort of just going in a circle. Jeff took over the majority of the pistols, by the end I was only doing 2 reps because they were just so slow. I felt really bad that he had to do so many, usually my pistols are really good. He killed it though, his pistols were super fast. This was the only workout where I was disappointed in my performance. But I was proud of Jeff for taking over on this one and smoking the pistols.
Overall, we got 13th place, which is a huge improvement from last year (21st place). I felt really good about our performance, Jeff and I always work really well together as a team and all the workouts were in our wheelhouse. I always have so much fun with Jeff, he is an amazing athlete and great partner. It was also really awesome having so many people from CSC compete, I was so proud of everyone. We really do have an excellent community at CSC and have so many talented individuals. It was a great day of competition and I can't wait to do it again next year!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
A. Thruster, 3-3-3 adding each set; 2:00 rest
B. Muscle ups, 2x max in :60; 3:00 rest
For 10:00
evens: 15 wall balls
odds: 7-10 toes-to-bar
3 sets:
:25 row @97%
3:35 rest
A. 115-125-135
B. 8, 8
complete, TTB 8,8,8,7,7
Thrusters weren't great, I don't think I warmed up enough. I don't do as well when I have to work out in the morning, I prefer the afternoon/evening. Oh well. The thrusters all felt easy coming out of the bottom but it was going back down that was the hard part. I also tweaked my back a little bit after the set of 125, the left side got really tight all of a sudden. I tweaked the same exact spot last month but it was on the right side. I rolled it out for a bit and it sort of went away, it didn't effect any of my other training. It's still a little sore but not as bad as before. Will definitely do a ton of mobility tomorrow.
I was a little disappointed with the muscle ups, they didn't feel as easy as usual. I hit 4, then 3, then 1. The second set was 4, 2, 2. I should be able to get more than 8 muscle ups in one minute. I was swinging all over the place, I haven't done that in awhile but it was happening today for some reason so that was making it more difficult to string them together. I think I need to take maybe one more second at the top before pushing away.
The EMOM was the best part of training, my breathing was excellent throughout the entire thing. Wall balls were very easy. Hit 8 toes to bar for the first three sets then 7 for the last two, it was a grip issue. But overall breathing was very good on this.
B. Muscle ups, 2x max in :60; 3:00 rest
For 10:00
evens: 15 wall balls
odds: 7-10 toes-to-bar
3 sets:
:25 row @97%
3:35 rest
A. 115-125-135
B. 8, 8
complete, TTB 8,8,8,7,7
Thrusters weren't great, I don't think I warmed up enough. I don't do as well when I have to work out in the morning, I prefer the afternoon/evening. Oh well. The thrusters all felt easy coming out of the bottom but it was going back down that was the hard part. I also tweaked my back a little bit after the set of 125, the left side got really tight all of a sudden. I tweaked the same exact spot last month but it was on the right side. I rolled it out for a bit and it sort of went away, it didn't effect any of my other training. It's still a little sore but not as bad as before. Will definitely do a ton of mobility tomorrow.
I was a little disappointed with the muscle ups, they didn't feel as easy as usual. I hit 4, then 3, then 1. The second set was 4, 2, 2. I should be able to get more than 8 muscle ups in one minute. I was swinging all over the place, I haven't done that in awhile but it was happening today for some reason so that was making it more difficult to string them together. I think I need to take maybe one more second at the top before pushing away.
The EMOM was the best part of training, my breathing was excellent throughout the entire thing. Wall balls were very easy. Hit 8 toes to bar for the first three sets then 7 for the last two, it was a grip issue. But overall breathing was very good on this.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
400m run@90% aerobic
2:00 rest
500m @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
A. Power clean, build very quickly to a tough double
AMRAP in 3:00
2 TNG power cleans @80-90% of A
3 sets @ increasing effort (75-85-95%)
15 glute-ham sit ups
15 kettlebell swings, 53
15 burpees
2:30 rest
10:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 185
8 sets @160
AM session was okay, I felt really heavy on the runs but my pace is definitely getting better.
I'm happy with where I ended up on the power clean, 185 is only 10 pounds under my 2RM PR. All the cleans felt really good today, 185 wasn't too hard, I just caught it a little low on the second rep so I called it. I also knew I had probably been going a bit too long and I was trying to stick to the "build quickly" part of the programming. But I think if I had more time I could have definitely hit 190, maybe 195. I was disappointed with the 3:00 AMRAP, I feel like I should have been able to get more than 8 sets in 3:00. I was breathing hard through the whole thing and I think that held me back a little, I never felt like I was in danger of failing any reps but I was resting between sets so I could catch my breath. It sort of felt like the CP battery test for the OPT tester, I knew I was never going to fail a clean but I was hesitant to pick up the bar because I was breathing hard. Definitely need to work on this.
The increasing effort piece was alright, I definitely took the 75% pretty easy. I think I took everything at the right pace. I am not a fan of GHD sit ups, those make me dizzy. KB swings were 10/5 during the first two sets then unbroken on the last set. Burpees felt slower than they have in awhile, not sure why. Didn't really feel "light" today. Meh. Tomorrow will be better!
400m run@90% aerobic
2:00 rest
500m @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
A. Power clean, build very quickly to a tough double
AMRAP in 3:00
2 TNG power cleans @80-90% of A
3 sets @ increasing effort (75-85-95%)
15 glute-ham sit ups
15 kettlebell swings, 53
15 burpees
2:30 rest
10:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 185
8 sets @160
AM session was okay, I felt really heavy on the runs but my pace is definitely getting better.
I'm happy with where I ended up on the power clean, 185 is only 10 pounds under my 2RM PR. All the cleans felt really good today, 185 wasn't too hard, I just caught it a little low on the second rep so I called it. I also knew I had probably been going a bit too long and I was trying to stick to the "build quickly" part of the programming. But I think if I had more time I could have definitely hit 190, maybe 195. I was disappointed with the 3:00 AMRAP, I feel like I should have been able to get more than 8 sets in 3:00. I was breathing hard through the whole thing and I think that held me back a little, I never felt like I was in danger of failing any reps but I was resting between sets so I could catch my breath. It sort of felt like the CP battery test for the OPT tester, I knew I was never going to fail a clean but I was hesitant to pick up the bar because I was breathing hard. Definitely need to work on this.
The increasing effort piece was alright, I definitely took the 75% pretty easy. I think I took everything at the right pace. I am not a fan of GHD sit ups, those make me dizzy. KB swings were 10/5 during the first two sets then unbroken on the last set. Burpees felt slower than they have in awhile, not sure why. Didn't really feel "light" today. Meh. Tomorrow will be better!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
A. Squat snatch from high hang (no blocks), build quickly to a tough double
B1. Close-grip bench press, 2-2-1, 20x1; 60 rest
B2. Axle pendlay row, 3x4-6, 20x1; 60 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
10 sets:
:10 airdyne hard
:50 airdyne easy
5:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 140
B1. 130-135-140
B2. 110-120(4)-120
Snatching felt GREAT today! Slowly but surely it is getting better. I was not expecting to end up at 140 for a double, I thought I would get somewhere around 125-130. The weight felt light every time, the only thing holding me back is the return to the hang for the second snatch. There's really no easy way to do it when the weight starts getting heavy. During my set at 140 I hit the first snatch easily, returned it to the hang position and lost my grip. I had to completely re-grip and I didn't think I would make the lift but I was able to hit it anyways. George also gave me a tip that really helped, he said when I bring the bar to the hang, bend my knees first and then lower the bar. It actually made a difference and made the lift easier. Very happy with my snatches lately!
Bench press did not go as well as I wanted. I was hoping to hit a PR of 150 but when I was warming up I knew that wasn't going to happen. 125 felt heavy and it was a struggle to hit 135 for a second rep. I went to 140 for 1 and got it pretty easily but I don't think I would have been able to get 145. A little frustrating but just didn't have much energy for these. Not sure if I'm still a little fatigued from the competition or what. Oh well, next time.
Definitely nice to have a bit of a deload week after the competition, I'm savoring it because I know open prep is coming...
B1. Close-grip bench press, 2-2-1, 20x1; 60 rest
B2. Axle pendlay row, 3x4-6, 20x1; 60 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
10 sets:
:10 airdyne hard
:50 airdyne easy
5:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 140
B1. 130-135-140
B2. 110-120(4)-120
Snatching felt GREAT today! Slowly but surely it is getting better. I was not expecting to end up at 140 for a double, I thought I would get somewhere around 125-130. The weight felt light every time, the only thing holding me back is the return to the hang for the second snatch. There's really no easy way to do it when the weight starts getting heavy. During my set at 140 I hit the first snatch easily, returned it to the hang position and lost my grip. I had to completely re-grip and I didn't think I would make the lift but I was able to hit it anyways. George also gave me a tip that really helped, he said when I bring the bar to the hang, bend my knees first and then lower the bar. It actually made a difference and made the lift easier. Very happy with my snatches lately!
Bench press did not go as well as I wanted. I was hoping to hit a PR of 150 but when I was warming up I knew that wasn't going to happen. 125 felt heavy and it was a struggle to hit 135 for a second rep. I went to 140 for 1 and got it pretty easily but I don't think I would have been able to get 145. A little frustrating but just didn't have much energy for these. Not sure if I'm still a little fatigued from the competition or what. Oh well, next time.
Definitely nice to have a bit of a deload week after the competition, I'm savoring it because I know open prep is coming...
Monday, November 24, 2014
15 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
10 sets:
150m run @90% aerobic
15 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
Today was rough, I was extremely tired from the competition. My legs, SI joint, and lower back were very tired and sore. Airdyne was fine. The running's like, you know that scene from Forrest Gump where he's a kid and has the braces on his legs, and he starts running and he is sort of just hobbling back and forth for awhile before the braces bust off? That's how I felt/looked like while I was running, since my legs were so tired.
Gobblers and Gobblettes competition was awesome, will write a recap when I have more time...
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
10 sets:
150m run @90% aerobic
15 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
Today was rough, I was extremely tired from the competition. My legs, SI joint, and lower back were very tired and sore. Airdyne was fine. The running's like, you know that scene from Forrest Gump where he's a kid and has the braces on his legs, and he starts running and he is sort of just hobbling back and forth for awhile before the braces bust off? That's how I felt/looked like while I was running, since my legs were so tired.
Gobblers and Gobblettes competition was awesome, will write a recap when I have more time...
Friday, November 21, 2014
A. Squat clean, build very quickly to 175
B. Overhead squat, tough single
For 10:00
evens: 4-6 alternating pistols
odds: 5-7 toes-to-bar
2:00 row @near-max effort
A. complete
B. 165
complete, 547 meters
Solid training day. I worked up to 175 much faster than last week, I didn't really take any rest between sets. I just loaded the bar and went. Everything felt really easy, a slight discomfort in the SI joint but I saw Pete today so I should be good to go for tomorrow.
Overhead squats were better than they have been in awhile. I went 125, 135, 145, 155 and all of them were really easy, no pain in my wrist and I felt stable in the bottom. The jerk behind the neck was also no problem. 165 was the only one that wasn't 100%, for some reason the jerk was shaky but other than that it was good. Glad these are getting better.
EMOM was good, 6 pistols and 7 TTB each time. Feeling ready for the competition.
The row was tough but I'm happy with my number, +40 meters from last week.
B. Overhead squat, tough single
For 10:00
evens: 4-6 alternating pistols
odds: 5-7 toes-to-bar
2:00 row @near-max effort
A. complete
B. 165
complete, 547 meters
Solid training day. I worked up to 175 much faster than last week, I didn't really take any rest between sets. I just loaded the bar and went. Everything felt really easy, a slight discomfort in the SI joint but I saw Pete today so I should be good to go for tomorrow.
Overhead squats were better than they have been in awhile. I went 125, 135, 145, 155 and all of them were really easy, no pain in my wrist and I felt stable in the bottom. The jerk behind the neck was also no problem. 165 was the only one that wasn't 100%, for some reason the jerk was shaky but other than that it was good. Glad these are getting better.
EMOM was good, 6 pistols and 7 TTB each time. Feeling ready for the competition.
The row was tough but I'm happy with my number, +40 meters from last week.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
3000m row @Z1
10:00 muscle up and touch and go deadlift @185 practice-no fatigue here, just get a feel for the transitions
For time:
750m row
150 double unders
10 power snatches, 95
10 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
complete, MUs in sets of 3, deadlifts in sets of 6
Muscle ups felt really easy, all sets of 3. I am trying a new thing where I sort of let go and re-grip quickly at the top of each muscle up, I realized it helps me pull my elbows back and get into the dip position easier. Deadlifts were in sets of 6, didn't want to push anything too hard but they didn't feel that heavy. I was having a slight discomfort in my SI joint during the deadlifts but nothing serious. I think Jeff and I will do very well on this event.
I'm pleased with the row/snatch workout. I kept the row between 2:00-2:03 pace the entire time, confident I will be able to do this Saturday. The hardest part was actually the double unders, my shoulders were smoked. Not sure if it's from doing muscle ups before this but they were way harder than last week. I hit 60 in a row, then they were smaller sets after that. Snatches were all singles but no rest between reps. I wish I would have used the competition plates, my bar was bouncing all over the place and I probably could have shaved a few seconds off if I would have used the other plates. Oh well. Happy with this and I think Jeff and I should be fine on this event as well!
Airdyne was good, although I think I should have recovered a bit more from the snatch workout before I did this. My legs were still really tired and my breathing was pretty heavy the whole time.
3000m row @Z1
10:00 muscle up and touch and go deadlift @185 practice-no fatigue here, just get a feel for the transitions
For time:
750m row
150 double unders
10 power snatches, 95
10 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
complete, MUs in sets of 3, deadlifts in sets of 6
Muscle ups felt really easy, all sets of 3. I am trying a new thing where I sort of let go and re-grip quickly at the top of each muscle up, I realized it helps me pull my elbows back and get into the dip position easier. Deadlifts were in sets of 6, didn't want to push anything too hard but they didn't feel that heavy. I was having a slight discomfort in my SI joint during the deadlifts but nothing serious. I think Jeff and I will do very well on this event.
I'm pleased with the row/snatch workout. I kept the row between 2:00-2:03 pace the entire time, confident I will be able to do this Saturday. The hardest part was actually the double unders, my shoulders were smoked. Not sure if it's from doing muscle ups before this but they were way harder than last week. I hit 60 in a row, then they were smaller sets after that. Snatches were all singles but no rest between reps. I wish I would have used the competition plates, my bar was bouncing all over the place and I probably could have shaved a few seconds off if I would have used the other plates. Oh well. Happy with this and I think Jeff and I should be fine on this event as well!
Airdyne was good, although I think I should have recovered a bit more from the snatch workout before I did this. My legs were still really tired and my breathing was pretty heavy the whole time.
A. Squat snatch from high hang (no blocks), build to a tough triple
B1. Close-grip bench press, 2-2-2, 20x1; :30 rest
B2. Pendlay row, 3x1-2, 20x1; :30 rest
B3. Farmers walk, 3x10m tough, 2:00 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
3 sets:
:35 airdyne @97%
4:30 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 120
B1. 130-135-140
B2. 150-155-165
B3. 140#/side for first set, dropped to 125#/side for second & third set due to tweak in neck
Snatching was better than it has been in weeks. Last week I worked up to 105 for a double, this week I was able to hit 120 for a triple. I was trying not to over-think everything so much and focused on getting tight before my pull. I actually think I could have hit 125, the weight never felt heavy, I stopped because it was getting tiring returning it to the hang every time. I think if I would have started heavier I would have been able to get 125. I'll remember that for next time. Really happy with this.
Bench press was good, I hit 140 for a double which is 5 pounds below my max. The second rep was a bit of a struggle but not too bad, I think I could definitely get 145 for a single and hopefully 150 soon.
I think I was a little too enthusiastic on the farmers walk this week. Last week I did 130#/side and it really wasn't that bad so I jumped to 140#/side. Errrrr, it was pretty tough. Carrying it isn't the hard part, it's picking it up off the ground. I did 140 for the first set but as I was setting down the things (I still don't know what they are called) I felt something tweak in the right side of my neck. It wasn't anything major and it went away after a few minutes but it was enough to make me take some weight off. I went down to 125. Definitely not going to mess with anything right before a competition.
B1. Close-grip bench press, 2-2-2, 20x1; :30 rest
B2. Pendlay row, 3x1-2, 20x1; :30 rest
B3. Farmers walk, 3x10m tough, 2:00 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
3 sets:
:35 airdyne @97%
4:30 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 120
B1. 130-135-140
B2. 150-155-165
B3. 140#/side for first set, dropped to 125#/side for second & third set due to tweak in neck
Snatching was better than it has been in weeks. Last week I worked up to 105 for a double, this week I was able to hit 120 for a triple. I was trying not to over-think everything so much and focused on getting tight before my pull. I actually think I could have hit 125, the weight never felt heavy, I stopped because it was getting tiring returning it to the hang every time. I think if I would have started heavier I would have been able to get 125. I'll remember that for next time. Really happy with this.
Bench press was good, I hit 140 for a double which is 5 pounds below my max. The second rep was a bit of a struggle but not too bad, I think I could definitely get 145 for a single and hopefully 150 soon.
I think I was a little too enthusiastic on the farmers walk this week. Last week I did 130#/side and it really wasn't that bad so I jumped to 140#/side. Errrrr, it was pretty tough. Carrying it isn't the hard part, it's picking it up off the ground. I did 140 for the first set but as I was setting down the things (I still don't know what they are called) I felt something tweak in the right side of my neck. It wasn't anything major and it went away after a few minutes but it was enough to make me take some weight off. I went down to 125. Definitely not going to mess with anything right before a competition.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
15 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
10 sets:
150m run @90% aerobic
15 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
Glad to have a day on the light side, my body was feeling pretty tired from this week, especially yesterday. Airdyne was good, breathing was excellent on those. I felt really heavy during the runs, not sure why. Breathing was good on those too. Overall a solid day of aerobic work.
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
10 sets:
150m run @90% aerobic
15 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
Glad to have a day on the light side, my body was feeling pretty tired from this week, especially yesterday. Airdyne was good, breathing was excellent on those. I felt really heavy during the runs, not sure why. Breathing was good on those too. Overall a solid day of aerobic work.
5-7 rounds @ easy pace:
:90 airdyne
25m farmers walk, 70/hand
:90 row
3/side KB windmills
:40 FLR on ground
A. speed squat clean ladder from gobblers
B. snatch pull cluster, 4x1.1 starting at 165 & adding 10 to each set; 2:00 rest
AMRAP in 3:00
3 muscle ups
9 deadlifts, 185
2:00 rest
AMRAP in 3:00
10 alternating pistols
10 toes to bar
Not for time:
400m sled drag, heavy grind outside
5 rounds complete, 25# KB for windmills
A. complete, same score as last time
B. 145-155-160-165 (went lighter due to SI joint pain)
2 rounds + 3 MUs and 2 DL
2 rounds + 2 pistols
complete with 135# on sled
Squat clean speed ladder went well, I got the same score as last time. For some reason it felt harder this time than it did the first time. My legs were more fatigued and I kept catching every lift on my toes. Also, 160 and 175 weren't nearly as easy to stand up as they were the first time. Not really sure, maybe I didn't warm up enough? I got to 175 with more time to spare than last time but I still wasn't able to pull it. It's a bit frustrating but I just didn't have it in me. I don't know if I'll be able to get it at the comp, it just feels so heavy the third time around. Argggg. We'll have to wait and see how it goes. I'm glad I'm consistent on this though, I know at the comp I'll be able to get through almost 3 full times.
I went lighter on the snatch pulls, started at 145 and ended at 165. I originally had 165 on the bar and pulled it once but my SI joint lit UP. It was already pretty sore from the speed ladder (that happened last week as well) and as soon as I did one heavy snatch pull I could feel it. Once I took it down to lighter weights it really didn't bother me.
I was a little disappointed in the 2 AMRAPS. Muscle ups felt easy but deadlifts got pretty tough on the second round. Hoping I will be able to grind it out better at the comp. I figured the pistol/toes to bar piece wasn't going to be that good, I haven't done pistols in awhile. I was a little nervous to do them on my right leg on account of my SI joint/butt problems but I didn't feel anything at all! So that's good. Pistols were pretty slow, I did them in my nanos and I usually wear my lifters but I don't want to wear my lifters during the comp. I didn't fail any, they were just a lot slower than usual. I am going to practice a few every day while wearing my nanos so by Saturday I can crank them out a lot faster.
Sled drag wasn't as hard as last time, legs were definitely tired though.
5-7 rounds @ easy pace:
:90 airdyne
25m farmers walk, 70/hand
:90 row
3/side KB windmills
:40 FLR on ground
A. speed squat clean ladder from gobblers
B. snatch pull cluster, 4x1.1 starting at 165 & adding 10 to each set; 2:00 rest
AMRAP in 3:00
3 muscle ups
9 deadlifts, 185
2:00 rest
AMRAP in 3:00
10 alternating pistols
10 toes to bar
Not for time:
400m sled drag, heavy grind outside
5 rounds complete, 25# KB for windmills
A. complete, same score as last time
B. 145-155-160-165 (went lighter due to SI joint pain)
2 rounds + 3 MUs and 2 DL
2 rounds + 2 pistols
complete with 135# on sled
Squat clean speed ladder went well, I got the same score as last time. For some reason it felt harder this time than it did the first time. My legs were more fatigued and I kept catching every lift on my toes. Also, 160 and 175 weren't nearly as easy to stand up as they were the first time. Not really sure, maybe I didn't warm up enough? I got to 175 with more time to spare than last time but I still wasn't able to pull it. It's a bit frustrating but I just didn't have it in me. I don't know if I'll be able to get it at the comp, it just feels so heavy the third time around. Argggg. We'll have to wait and see how it goes. I'm glad I'm consistent on this though, I know at the comp I'll be able to get through almost 3 full times.
I went lighter on the snatch pulls, started at 145 and ended at 165. I originally had 165 on the bar and pulled it once but my SI joint lit UP. It was already pretty sore from the speed ladder (that happened last week as well) and as soon as I did one heavy snatch pull I could feel it. Once I took it down to lighter weights it really didn't bother me.
I was a little disappointed in the 2 AMRAPS. Muscle ups felt easy but deadlifts got pretty tough on the second round. Hoping I will be able to grind it out better at the comp. I figured the pistol/toes to bar piece wasn't going to be that good, I haven't done pistols in awhile. I was a little nervous to do them on my right leg on account of my SI joint/butt problems but I didn't feel anything at all! So that's good. Pistols were pretty slow, I did them in my nanos and I usually wear my lifters but I don't want to wear my lifters during the comp. I didn't fail any, they were just a lot slower than usual. I am going to practice a few every day while wearing my nanos so by Saturday I can crank them out a lot faster.
Sled drag wasn't as hard as last time, legs were definitely tired though.
A. Squat clean, build very quickly to 175
B. Overhead squat, 2-2-2, 20x1; 2:00 rest
For reps/calories:
:60 thrusters, 95
:60 handstand push ups
8:00 rest
:60 handstand push ups
:60 thrusters, 95
8:00 rest
2:00 row @ high effort
A. complete
B. 135-140-145
14 thrusters/8 HSPU
16 HSPU/8 thrusters
507 meters
1 hour of olympic lifting technique work with Chelsea Kyle
Squat cleans were really easy today, went 125-155-175 and all of them felt the same. Overhead squats were not as good as last week, was having some slight discomfort in my left quad on the way down which is weird because that has never happened before. I just didn't feel as stable on these as last week.
The thruster/HSPU piece was pretty tough. It was definitely way harder starting with thrusters and going into the HSPU second, my shoulders were fried. I think during the competition I can get more thrusters, I didn't have a lot of energy going into this. I think it would probably be best for Jeff to start with thrusters at the comp because he'll still be able to knock out a decent amount of HSPU under fatigue.
The lifting clinic with Chelsea was helpful as always. I worked on split jerk, I wanted to find out why I keep hitting myself in the chin every time I do split jerks off the blocks recently. She said it was because I wasn't setting up with the weight shifted back into my heels, so I was leaning forward which caused my body to be more out in front, therefore I was hitting myself in the chin. I worked on trying to drive a lot more with my legs out of the jerk and apparently I was doing this weird thing once I racked the bar where I would lock and unlock my knees a bunch of times before I actually jerked. I never noticed it before. She told me to lock my knees and then short dip and drive. I felt a lot better after working with her. Chelsea is the best!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
3 sets:
400m run @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
500m row @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
A. Power cleans, 2x:30 @70% 1RM (all singles- drop and reset); 3:00 rest
AMRAP in 10:00 (with Heather if you're in at the same time):
750m row
150 double unders
max power snatches, 95
3 rounds not for time:
7-10 weighted glute-ham raises, 20x1
15 tough reverse hypers
max L-sit on parallettes
A. 7, 8 @150#
38 snatches total
30# DB for GHR
55#/side for RH
L-sits were :30, :27, :26
Today was fun. Power cleans felt really easy, the :30 flew by. The partner workout with Heather was awesome, I thought we did really well. I started on the row and she started with double unders. Stephen told us to try to keep the row around a 2:00 pace, that definitely got a bit tough near the end. I think I ended up around a 2:03. Double unders were broken up on purpose because I was tired from the row. I think I broke about 4 different times. I had about a minute rest before we started the snatches but I know during the comp I probably won't have that much rest time since guys tend to row faster than females. The power snatches felt VERY light. I hit 2 right away and then they were all singles after that. I never felt like I was in danger of failure and never really had to stop and take a breath. Heather and I did a good job of staying close to the bar and rolling it towards the other person after each rep. It's always fun working out with my bud!
Not for time stuff was alright, Stephen told me I need to fix my form on the GHR. I will definitely need to drop down in weight on that until I can correct it but I'm glad I know. The L-sits were better than last time so that's good!
3 sets:
400m run @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
500m row @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
A. Power cleans, 2x:30 @70% 1RM (all singles- drop and reset); 3:00 rest
AMRAP in 10:00 (with Heather if you're in at the same time):
750m row
150 double unders
max power snatches, 95
3 rounds not for time:
7-10 weighted glute-ham raises, 20x1
15 tough reverse hypers
max L-sit on parallettes
A. 7, 8 @150#
38 snatches total
30# DB for GHR
55#/side for RH
L-sits were :30, :27, :26
Today was fun. Power cleans felt really easy, the :30 flew by. The partner workout with Heather was awesome, I thought we did really well. I started on the row and she started with double unders. Stephen told us to try to keep the row around a 2:00 pace, that definitely got a bit tough near the end. I think I ended up around a 2:03. Double unders were broken up on purpose because I was tired from the row. I think I broke about 4 different times. I had about a minute rest before we started the snatches but I know during the comp I probably won't have that much rest time since guys tend to row faster than females. The power snatches felt VERY light. I hit 2 right away and then they were all singles after that. I never felt like I was in danger of failure and never really had to stop and take a breath. Heather and I did a good job of staying close to the bar and rolling it towards the other person after each rep. It's always fun working out with my bud!
Not for time stuff was alright, Stephen told me I need to fix my form on the GHR. I will definitely need to drop down in weight on that until I can correct it but I'm glad I know. The L-sits were better than last time so that's good!
A. Squat snatch from high hang (no blocks), 10:00 tech work w/doubles and triples
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 1xmax/leg @ 50/hand, 30x0; rest as needed between legs
C1. Close-grip bench press, 3-3-3, 20x1; :30 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 3x2-3, 20x1; :30 rest
C3. Farmer's walk, 3x10-15m tough; 2:00 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
3 sets:
:30 airdyne @97%
4:00 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
A. complete @ 85, 95, 105
B. 6/R, 6/L
C1. 125-130-135
C2. 145-150-155
C3. complete with 130#/side
Snatches were better than last week, I haven't done them from a hang in awhile but they felt good. It was nice to go back to working with lighter weight and focus on technique. My speed under the bar was good, still trying to work on staying back on my heels for every rep. When I was working at 105 I fell on my butt after the second rep, that was weird. I think I just over-corrected. DB split squats were tough today, I think I should have been able to get more than 6 but my legs were really tired on these.
I'm really happy with how my bench press is improving. I was able to get 135 for 3 reps, that's only 10 pounds under my current 1RM, and they went up pretty easily. Farmer's walk was pretty tough, the hardest part is actually standing up with the weight but then walking with it isn't that bad. I think I might be getting close to my max on that.
Airdyne was good. Overall a solid day.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
11/9/2014-OPTathlon events 5-6
Event 5: Reverse Shot Put Toss - 16# men, 8# women
last year: 27'4"
this year: 29'10"
Errrrr, where did this come from? I was shocked at how well this went. The two weeks leading up to the OPTathlon, my practice on this was so bad. I'm pretty sure I was barely clearing 20'. On Sunday Heather and I went to the UC campus. I took my first attempt on this and hit 29'10". Heather and I were both shocked. My second and third attempt were not nearly as close. But I'll take it!
Errrrr, where did this come from? I was shocked at how well this went. The two weeks leading up to the OPTathlon, my practice on this was so bad. I'm pretty sure I was barely clearing 20'. On Sunday Heather and I went to the UC campus. I took my first attempt on this and hit 29'10". Heather and I were both shocked. My second and third attempt were not nearly as close. But I'll take it!
Event 6: 3000 m run
last year: 17:36
this year: 18:09
I'm a bit disappointed with this, I thought I would have improved my time from last year. I think part of it had to do with the fact that I did it the day after all the other events and didn't have the same energy I did last year when I did everything in one day and got to do it with the whole group instead of by myself. Also, right before I ran, my ipod broke so I had no way to keep track of my time as I was running. Not that I'm trying to make excuses, but it was hard not knowing exactly where I was. I thought I was moving pretty well through the whole run, my first two laps were pretty fast but then my third lap slowed down. As I passed Heather she said "you're going to have to pick it up if you want to PR" and I was like WHAT?! I thought I was moving pretty quickly. I passed her again and she said "you're going to have to go faster". I thought I picked up the pace but errrr I guess not. My breathing was good, it was my legs that were really tired throughout the whole run. I was able to sprint the last 150 meters but I still fell short of my time last year. I'm okay with it though, I think if I did it with the group and did it on the same day as all the other events I would have been closer to my previous time. But I think in general my running has improved, my breathing has definitely gotten better, I just need to work on pacing and having proper running form. I think I might try to get with Luke a few times so he can work with me on that.
Overall, I'm really happy with how the OPTathlon went this year. I'm glad I was able to hit an easy 200 pound clean and jerk, and I'm really pleased with my rows more than anything. I think my mental toughness is definitely getting better as well, I'm able to tell myself to just keep going and accept the pain. I also noticed my recovery between events is much faster, I didn't feel as worn out and beaten up between events, so that's a good sign. I thought it was a great day. It's always fun getting to do these events with all my favorite people! Next year I definitely won't break it up into two days, that's for sure.
I'm a bit disappointed with this, I thought I would have improved my time from last year. I think part of it had to do with the fact that I did it the day after all the other events and didn't have the same energy I did last year when I did everything in one day and got to do it with the whole group instead of by myself. Also, right before I ran, my ipod broke so I had no way to keep track of my time as I was running. Not that I'm trying to make excuses, but it was hard not knowing exactly where I was. I thought I was moving pretty well through the whole run, my first two laps were pretty fast but then my third lap slowed down. As I passed Heather she said "you're going to have to pick it up if you want to PR" and I was like WHAT?! I thought I was moving pretty quickly. I passed her again and she said "you're going to have to go faster". I thought I picked up the pace but errrr I guess not. My breathing was good, it was my legs that were really tired throughout the whole run. I was able to sprint the last 150 meters but I still fell short of my time last year. I'm okay with it though, I think if I did it with the group and did it on the same day as all the other events I would have been closer to my previous time. But I think in general my running has improved, my breathing has definitely gotten better, I just need to work on pacing and having proper running form. I think I might try to get with Luke a few times so he can work with me on that.
Overall, I'm really happy with how the OPTathlon went this year. I'm glad I was able to hit an easy 200 pound clean and jerk, and I'm really pleased with my rows more than anything. I think my mental toughness is definitely getting better as well, I'm able to tell myself to just keep going and accept the pain. I also noticed my recovery between events is much faster, I didn't feel as worn out and beaten up between events, so that's a good sign. I thought it was a great day. It's always fun getting to do these events with all my favorite people! Next year I definitely won't break it up into two days, that's for sure.
11/8/2014-OPTathlon events 1-4
last year weight: 154 pounds
this year: 149 pounds
^definitely happy with this. I have leaned out, lost some fat and put on muscle over the past year, more specifically the past 5 months or so. I feel so much better on gymnastics and body weight movements but have continued to maintain my strength. I think I have finally found a diet that works for me and I'm really happy with where I'm at right now.
Event 1: Clean and Overhead in 10 min
this year: 149 pounds
^definitely happy with this. I have leaned out, lost some fat and put on muscle over the past year, more specifically the past 5 months or so. I feel so much better on gymnastics and body weight movements but have continued to maintain my strength. I think I have finally found a diet that works for me and I'm really happy with where I'm at right now.
Event 1: Clean and Overhead in 10 min
last year: 190
this year: 200
I started at 180, I probably should have started at 185 but I wanted to make sure I at least hit 200. I went 180, 190, 200 easily. I cleaned 205 and that was easy as well but failed the jerk. I think by this point I was too fatigued to get it over head but I'm happy that the clean was good since it's only 5 pounds under my current PR. I think I would have made the jerk if I had more time.
I started at 180, I probably should have started at 185 but I wanted to make sure I at least hit 200. I went 180, 190, 200 easily. I cleaned 205 and that was easy as well but failed the jerk. I think by this point I was too fatigued to get it over head but I'm happy that the clean was good since it's only 5 pounds under my current PR. I think I would have made the jerk if I had more time.
Event 2: Standing Triple Jump
last year: 18'6"
this year: 18'
I'll take it. I'm not a jumper alright!
I'll take it. I'm not a jumper alright!
Event 3: Row Repeats (500 m row, rest 90 sec, 500 m row)
last year: 1:47.6, 1:57.9
this year: 1:48, 1:49
I think this is the event I'm most pleased with overall. My first row was faster last year but I was able to maintain the pace for the second row this time instead of having a huge drop off. I'm more proud of my mental toughness on this more than anything else. During the last 200 meters of the second row I really wanted to slow down but I told myself just keep going. Really happy with this!!
I think this is the event I'm most pleased with overall. My first row was faster last year but I was able to maintain the pace for the second row this time instead of having a huge drop off. I'm more proud of my mental toughness on this more than anything else. During the last 200 meters of the second row I really wanted to slow down but I told myself just keep going. Really happy with this!!
Event 4:
For time:
21 power snatches (65)
9 burpees over the bar
15 clean and jerks
9 burpees over bar
9 thrusters
9 burpees over bar
Mehhhh. I was a little disappointed with my time on this. I was hoping to get under 5:00. I was very fatigued and sore during this entire workout and my breathing was pretty shitty as well. I broke up the snatches 8/7/6, clean and jerks were 5/5/5 and thrusters were unbroken. It was shocking how difficult the clean and jerks were, by this point I was breathing really hard, my grip was tired and my legs were on fire. I think I could have shaved off a few seconds if I didn't rest so long between sets of clean and jerks. My burpees were also slower than I would have liked. I was just extremely worn out during this workout. If a workout like this comes up in the open I need to be able to smash it.
Mehhhh. I was a little disappointed with my time on this. I was hoping to get under 5:00. I was very fatigued and sore during this entire workout and my breathing was pretty shitty as well. I broke up the snatches 8/7/6, clean and jerks were 5/5/5 and thrusters were unbroken. It was shocking how difficult the clean and jerks were, by this point I was breathing really hard, my grip was tired and my legs were on fire. I think I could have shaved off a few seconds if I didn't rest so long between sets of clean and jerks. My burpees were also slower than I would have liked. I was just extremely worn out during this workout. If a workout like this comes up in the open I need to be able to smash it.
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