Thursday, November 20, 2014


3000m row @Z1

10:00 muscle up and touch and go deadlift @185 practice-no fatigue here, just get a feel for the transitions
For time:
750m row
150 double unders
10 power snatches, 95
10 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%


complete, MUs in sets of 3, deadlifts in sets of 6

Muscle ups felt really easy, all sets of 3. I am trying a new thing where I sort of let go and re-grip quickly at the top of each muscle up, I realized it helps me pull my elbows back and get into the dip position easier. Deadlifts were in sets of 6, didn't want to push anything too hard but they didn't feel that heavy. I was having a slight discomfort in my SI joint during the deadlifts but nothing serious. I think Jeff and I will do very well on this event.

I'm pleased with the row/snatch workout. I kept the row between 2:00-2:03 pace the entire time, confident I will be able to do this Saturday. The hardest part was actually the double unders, my shoulders were smoked. Not sure if it's from doing muscle ups before this but they were way harder than last week. I hit 60 in a row, then they were smaller sets after that. Snatches were all singles but no rest between reps. I wish I would have used the competition plates, my bar was bouncing all over the place and I probably could have shaved a few seconds off if I would have used the other plates. Oh well. Happy with this and I think Jeff and I should be fine on this event as well!

Airdyne was good, although I think I should have recovered a bit more from the snatch workout before I did this. My legs were still really tired and my breathing was pretty heavy the whole time.

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