Each person will have 2 minutes to complete the squat clean ladder. You will be working side by side along your partner. There will be 5 bars set-up. You must start at the first bar and cannot move onto the next bar until the previous one was successfully squat cleaned.
Men's Ladder: 185/205/225/250/275
Women's Ladder: 115/130/145/160/175
This was one of my favorite events of the day. I was looking forward to it because it had gone really well in practice and I always enjoy ladders. As we were warming up I started getting more nervous, I did a few cleans then we had a long standards meeting and I started getting cold. After the meeting I ran through the ladder once, and 175 felt extremely heavy. That's when I started freaking out a bit. I was worried that I would get to 175 and fail it. I'm not sure why I was so nervous all of a sudden. Once the event actually started, the adrenaline kicked in and everything was fine. It went exactly how it had gone in practice, I made it through two full times + 4 bars and 1 burpee. I got to the 160 bar with less time than I had in practice but I think that's because the bars were more spaced out at the competition, plus I was taking more time to set up on the heavier bars because I didn't want to fail anything. I was really happy with this. Jeff made it through one full time and then got a few more bars, I can't remember how many. Overall we were both really happy with how we did on this one!
Floater WOD- Thrusters and HSPU
This is a 2 minute workout to be done on your own at the Floater WOD Station.
1 Minute of Thrusters (135#/95#)
1 Minute of Handstand Push-Ups
Both the male and the female are working simultaneously.
This fucking sucked man. Jeff and I decided to do this right after the first workout so our shoulders would be recovered for the muscle ups. I was not nearly recovered enough from the squat clean ladder. I started with the thrusters and did a set of 16 pretty easily before I dropped the bar. I'm not exactly sure why I dropped it, I wasn't even that tired, I just felt like I should take a break. I regret that decision. When I picked up the bar again, it felt like it weighed 1000 pounds. I only got 4 more thrusters before time ran out. I only got 8 HSPU, those were terrible after the thrusters. My shoulders were smoked. Jeff CRUSHED the HSPU, he got 38. He definitely saved us on that. The floater WOD was more of an annoyance than anything, it wasn't well-organized and it was sort of chaotic.
WOD #2- Row, double unders, snatch
In 10 Minutes, complete the following:
750m Row Per Person/150 Double Unders Per Person
AMRAP Snatches (155/95#)
I had practiced this one before so I knew how it was going to feel. I started on the rower and Jeff started with double unders. I kept it at a 2:00-2:03 pace the whole time, he flew through his double unders and I was only at 450 meters when he finished, so I picked up the pace a little bit. Once we switched, it felt like it took me forever to finish the double unders. Jeff is a strong rower so I knew I would have to keep moving. I hit 70 in a row and then they were smaller sets after that. I was breathing pretty hard by this point and I was resting a lot. My shoulders were still pretty tired from the floater WOD. When we got to the snatches I think we had a little over 3:00. I hit 3 and then we just switched singles back and forth. There were a few times where I did 2 in a row to give Jeff a break. He killed it on this, he didn't struggle with the weight at all. I was breathing so hard on this, it was a bit surprising. In practice I wasn't nearly as tired. All the snatches felt really easy and it turns out we got 50 total! We were both pretty surprised, I had no idea where we were during the snatches and we both thought we were somewhere in the mid-30s. Jeff and I had great communication during this event, all he had to do was give me a look and I knew he needed me to do another rep so he could rest. I was very proud of us on this event.
In 6 Minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
3 Muscle Ups
9 Deadlifts (275/185#)
6 Muscle Ups
18 Deadlifts (275/185#)
9 Muscle Ups
27 Deadlifts (275/185#)
One person working at a time. The deadlifts are always triple the amount of muscle ups
2:00 transition
In 6 Minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
10 Pistol Squats
10 Toes-to-Bar
20 Pistol Squats
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Pistol Squats
30 Toes-to-Bar
40 Pistol Squats
40 Toes-to-Bar
etc, etc. etc
One person working at a time
The muscle up/deadlift workout went really well. Jeff started with muscle ups then we just alternated sets of 3 for the deadlifts the entire time. He did all the muscle ups for the set of 6 and then we started trading off sets of 3. My MUs felt AWESOME, stringing 3 together every time was extremely easy. I think our deadlifts could have been a little faster but other than that everything went smoothly. The only thing that was frustrating was how crowded it was. It was impossible to have a quick transition on the muscle ups because there were just people everywhere. I tried to sneak behind Jeff as he was doing MUs but I just had to stand out in front because there were judges and people deadlifting/doing muscle ups all over the place. At one point Jeff hopped up on the rings and there was a guy deadlifting RIGHT in front of him, to the point where Jeff couldn't even kip. I had to yell to the guys judge and tell them to move. It was definitely way too crowded during this event. Also, our judge was not the best. At one point during the set of 27 deadlifts Jeff asked our judge how many reps we had left and her response was "a lot". That was it. I was like, are you kidding me? It's your job to tell us how many we have left. Ugh. Other than that, the workout was fine, Jeff and I both did really well on the muscle ups!
The TTB/pistol WOD was a struggle for me. Our plan going in was Jeff would do 6 pistols and I would always do 4. My pistols were just not good at all during this workout. I was wearing my nanos and I just kept losing my balance on my left leg. The right leg was always fine but I would go to do a pistol on my left and I would just wobble for like four seconds before actually getting the rep. I never failed any, they were just extremely slow. I felt bad for slowing us down. We had a nice transition on the TTB, one of us would hop up and do 5-7 and then the next person would jump up from behind, so we were sort of just going in a circle. Jeff took over the majority of the pistols, by the end I was only doing 2 reps because they were just so slow. I felt really bad that he had to do so many, usually my pistols are really good. He killed it though, his pistols were super fast. This was the only workout where I was disappointed in my performance. But I was proud of Jeff for taking over on this one and smoking the pistols.
Overall, we got 13th place, which is a huge improvement from last year (21st place). I felt really good about our performance, Jeff and I always work really well together as a team and all the workouts were in our wheelhouse. I always have so much fun with Jeff, he is an amazing athlete and great partner. It was also really awesome having so many people from CSC compete, I was so proud of everyone. We really do have an excellent community at CSC and have so many talented individuals. It was a great day of competition and I can't wait to do it again next year!
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