Saturday, May 31, 2014


60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
1 rope climb

A. Squat clean clusters, 7 x 1.1 tough; :10 rest between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 24 x 1 @ 215; begin a set every :20
C1. Push press, 3 x 4-5; :10 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 3 x 15; 2:00 rest
4 sets:
10m handstand walk
12 glute-ham sit-ups
rest as needed


A. 145-155-165-175-180-185-190
B. complete
C1. 110-115-125
C2. 15, 15, 10/5

Solid day of training. The squat cleans felt really good, I got up to 190 pretty easily, I think I could have gone heavier on the last set. Clean-grip deadlifts were good, the weight was a lot lighter than last week which was probably good since last weekend I was having that pain when I was deadlifting. Also I think I might be able to actually clean 215 relatively soon, the weight felt pretty light. I should have gone heavier on the push press, and CTB pull ups were good but made me surprisingly out of breath. I did the first two sets 15 unbroken and then broke them up 10/5 on the third set. Happy that these are coming along. 


A. Split jerk clusters from blocks, 6 x 1.1.1 @ 80-90% 1RM; :10 rest between singles, begin a cluster every 2:00

4 sets:
5 muscle-ups, open each set w/max unbroken, go for it and see what happens
16 front rack kettllebell walking lunges, 35/hand
400m run @ 90% aerobic
4:00 rest
4 sets:
:18 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
2:42 rest

A. 165-165-170-170-175-180
3:45- MUs 5 unbroken (PR+1)
4:10- MUs 5 unbroken
5:20- MUs 3/2
5:13- MUs 2/2/1
complete with 90# on prowler

Wow, today was awesome! I am so excited about my two sets of 5 unbroken muscle ups (video). My muscle ups have been feelings really good lately, I am really happy about the progress I am starting to make on those. I actually really like the MU/lunge/run combo, I just wish I was better at running. The muscle ups and lunges weren't bad at all, it was just the run that would kick my ass every time. Plus it was pretty humid which made it hard to catch my breath. But when it comes down to it, I am just a terrible runner. The prowler sprints sucked but weren't horrible. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014


For 35:00 @ Z1:
800m row
200m jog

A. Hang power clean, build to a touch-and-go 5RM
For time:
15 axle deadlifts, 180
15 bar-facing burpees
10 axle deadlifts, 200
15 bar-facing burpees
5 axle deadlifts, 220
15 bar-facing burpees
Not for time:
20 easy reverse hypers
:30/side plank
15 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank
10 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank

A. 170 (175 F on 3rd rep)
complete @10, 25, 45

Today was a good day. I was really happy with the 5RM TNG hang power clean, I didn't think I would get past 155 or 160. The weight was feeling really light today. 170 was actually pretty easy but as soon as I started doing 175 I knew I wouldn't be able to get all 5, I failed on the third rep. It also was pretty painful returning the bar to my legs every time due to the bruises and what not, but overall I'm really pleased with this. I am also really happy with the deadlift/burpee workout. I broke up the deadlifts 5/5/5, 4/3/2/1, 3/2. I never really stopped moving on the burpees which is good, the only break I really took was to put the weights on. I can tell my pacing is getting much better. 


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. Squat snatch from blocks (just above knees), build quickly to a max
B. Back squat, 2-2-1-1, 31X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 4-3-2-2, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 4 x 3-4 11X1 - be perfect on tempo, :01 hold w/bar touching abdomen; :60 rest
C3. Toes-to-bar, 4 x 13 unbroken; 2:00 rest


A. 145 (PR off the blocks+5)
B. 175-195-205-215
C1. 105-115-125-130
C2. 105-115-125-130
C3. complete

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


For time @ 90% effort:
10 skin-the-cats, slow and controlled
20 alternating Turkish get-ups, 45
150 double-unders, mandatory sets of 30 unbroken
5:00 rest
For time @ 90% effort:
10 bar muscle-ups
8 wall walks
6 rope climbs
30m handstand walk
800m sled drag, same weight as last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete with 100# on sled

Eeeeesh. Today was fun but a little rough. I feel like both workouts took me way too long. I imagine telling Stephen my times on these and him going "eeeeeyeeewwwwww" because it probably shouldn't have taken me that long. On the first one, it was the TGU. I think it took me at least 10 or 11 minutes to do all 20, those were a bit heavy. The double unders were good but I probably rested too long between sets of 30. On the second one, I hadn't done bar muscle ups in probably four months so I did one every :30 because I can't remember how to string them together, but I didn't have any misses and I was happy to be doing bar MU again because those are fun.  Wall walks were done in 2:00. Rope climbs were 1 every minute, my shoulders and arms were pretty tired by this point. By the time I got to the handstand walk, I could barely do it. I probably went 5-7 meters at a time, which is way worse than usual. My shoulders were toasted so I couldn't really hold myself up. The sled drag surprisingly wasn't that bad, the first 400 felt good, the second 400 had a few more breaks but overall I think this is getting better. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014


60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
1 rope climb

A. Squat clean clusters, 5 x 2.2 tough; :10 rest between doubles, 2:00 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 24 x 1 @ 255; begin a set every :30
C. Weighted ring dip, build to a max
For time:
50 CTB pull-ups
3 sets:
10m handstand walk
15 glute-ham sit-ups
rest as needed


A. 135-145-155-165-170
B. complete
C. 203 (153 BW+ 50#) (PR+5)

Today was a long day. The squat cleans felt really good, I was happy to get up to 170 for the last set. Clean grip deadlifts were slightly uncomfortable, when I do deadlifts I I feel soreness in my lower back/butt. It's weird. I don't feel it on anything else except for deadlifts, I noticed it on Wednesday too but it wasn't as bad as it was today. It doesn't really hurt, it just feels very sore. I notice it when I drive my feet into the ground as I'm pulling the bar off the ground. I think I just need to spend more time rolling out that area. I was pleased with the ring dip, happy to get a PR on that. The 50 CTB pull ups were mehhhhh. I wasn't too happy with that. I did the first 10 unbroken then did them in sets of 5. I was doing butterfly for all of them but I think I was resting too long between sets. The handstand walk/GHD thing was fine, my handstand walk is getting so much better. GHDs make me very dizzy. Overall a pretty solid training day. 

Friday, May 23, 2014


A. Split jerk clusters from blocks, 9 x 1.1 @ 80-90% 1RM; :10 rest between singles, begin a cluster every :90
3 sets:
6 muscle-ups, open each set w/max unbroken, go for it and see what happens
20 front rack kettllebell walking lunges, 35/hand
400m run @ 90% aerobic
4:00 rest
4 sets:
:15 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
2:15 rest

A. 165-165-170-170-175-175-180-180-185
5:15-MUs 3-2-1
5:31- MUs 4(PR!)-2
5:41- MUs 3-2-1

Today was awesome. Everything felt really good, I had way more energy today than I did last Thursday. I think it's because I changed up my diet over the last week and also have been trying to be more conscious about planning when I should eat before training, I think that made a difference. Split jerks went much better this week, last week I felt so shitty I stayed at 165 for every set, this week I was able to add weight every 2 sets and get up to 185. The muscle up workout went really well, my muscle ups felt so easy! I was able to string together 4 in the second set, woohoo! That's the most I've ever strung together so that was really cool. The lunges were tough but not too terrible, much better than the lunges with a bar. The only thing that really slowed down was the run, I am still pretty bad at running. The prowler sprints were hard but not as bad as I remember them. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


For 30:00 @ Z1:
800m row
200m jog


A. Power clean, build to a touch-and-go 5RM
EMOM for 14:00:
1 heavy ass axle deadlift
5 bar-facing burpees
Not for time:
20 easy reverse hypers
:30/side plank
15 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank
10 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank


A. 170 (PR+5. Got 175 for 4 but failed the last rep)
complete @250
was not able to complete due to time, had to go teach a class

I am really happy with the 5RM power clean. My old PR was 165 so I went for 170. On the first attempt I failed the 5th rep so I decided to go for it again. Josh told me to rest longer while the bar is on my shoulders each time instead of rushing through it and that definitely helped a lot, I was able to get 170 for 5. Video is here. I went for 175 for 5 but failed the 5th rep, dammit. I was happy to get it for 4 though, I think if I hadn't have just done two attempts at 170 I could have gotten it. The axle/burpee EMOM was WAY harder than I thought it would be. It took me about :30 to complete both the deadlift and the burpees, I was trying to do the burpees as fast as possible. About halfway through I was having trouble catching my breath, I'm not sure if it was the humidity or that I was just tired, but I didn't expect the EMOM to be that difficult. It was fun though, I like any type of axle work. I wasn't able to do the reverse hypers and planks, I had to leave sooner than normal to go teach a class at the other gym, I accidentally spent more time on the cleans than planned.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. Squat snatch from blocks (upper thigh), build quickly to a max
B. Back squat, 3-2-1, 31X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 6-4-2-2, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Axle Pendlay rows, 4 x 3-4 11X1 - be perfect on tempo, :01 hold w/bar touching abdomen; :60 rest
D. Strict toes-to-bar, 5 x 10 unbroken; rest as needed


A. 140
B. 225-230-235
C1. 100-105-115-125
C2. 105-110-115-120
D. complete

I was really happy with the snatch, I think that might be a PR off the blocks. I failed 140 twice because I fell forward a little bit but I got it on the third try. Back squats and bench press felt good. The axle pendlay row was a little awkward at first but I got the hang of it after the first set. Strict toes to bar are getting easier. 

Monday, May 19, 2014


3 sets not for time:
3 dead hang to inverted, :03 pause @ top & bottom
15-20m handstand walk
60 double-unders
12:00 @ 90% of [1 rope climb + 4 alternating Turkish get-ups @ 53 + 7 wall balls, 20 to 10']
400m sled drag, add weight from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete, the struggle was real on those TGU
complete @100# on sled 


60:00 @ easy pace:
25 AirDyne cals
1 rope climb
25 row cals
:60 front leaning rest on ground

A. Squat clean clusters, 4 x 1.1.1 tough; :10 rest between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 22 x 1 @ 255; begin a set every :30
C1. Weighted ring dips, 6 x 1-2, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 6 x 7 unbroken; :60 rest
3 sets:
10m handstand walk
15 glute-ham sit-ups
rest as needed


A. 155-165-175-180
B. complete
C1. 17-20-22.5-25-30(1)-30
C2. complete

Thursday, May 15, 2014


A. Split jerk clusters from blocks, 7 x 1.1 @ 80-90% 1RM; :10 rest between singles, begin a cluster every :90
3 sets:
5 muscle-ups, open each set w/max unbroken, go for it and see what happens
20 front rack walking lunge steps
400m run @ 90% aerobic
4:00 rest
5 sets:
:15 AirDyne @ 99%
2:15 rest

A. 165
5:30, MUS 3-1-1
5:14, MUs 3-1-1
5:41, MUs 2-1-1-1

Training was rough today. I had no energy and everything felt bad. The jerks felt very heavy, I thought I would be able to add weight every few sets but I stuck with 165. Muscle ups were tough as well. My breathing wasn't good and I felt pretty tired the entire time. Blahhh. Not sure why today was such an off training day. 


For 30:00 @ Z1:
1000m row
200m jog

A. Hang power clean, build to a 2RM
EMOM for 12:00:
1 heavy ass axle deadlift
5 bar-facing burpees
Not for time:
20 easy reverse hypers
:30/side plank
15 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank
10 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank


A. 180 (got 185 for the first rep, failed the second)

complete @230
complete, 10-25-45

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. 1 high-hang squat snatch + 1 squat snatch (drop & quick reset between), build quickly to a max
B. Back squat, 4-3-2, 31X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 8-6-4-4, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Pendlay rows, 4 x 3-4 11X1 - be perfect on tempo, :01 hold w/bar touching abdomen; :60 rest
D. Strict toes-to-bar, 4 x 10 unbroken; rest as needed


A. 140 (Hang snatch PR+10)
B. 200-220-230
C1. 95-105-110-115
C2. 105-110-115-120
D. complete

Monday, May 12, 2014


3 sets not for time:
3 skin the cats, slow and controlled
6 alternating Turkish get-ups, moderate
50 unbroken double-unders
10:00 @ 90% of [2 rope climbs + 10 wall balls @ 20 to 10' + 50m Farmer's walk]
400m sled drag, add weight from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete. 35, 40, 45 for TGU
complete @95

Saturday, May 10, 2014


60:00 AirDyne @ Z1, off bike every 6:00 for 6 wall balls @ 20 + 3 burpees

A. Squat clean clusters, 5 x 1.1 tough; :10 rest between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 18 x 1 @ 245-275; begin a set every :30
C1. Weighted ring dips, 5 x 2-3, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 5 x 8 unbroken; :60 rest
3 sets:
3 wall walks
:40 unbroken FLR on rings
rest as needed


A. 155-165-175-180-185
B. complete @255
C1. 15, 17, 20,22,25
C2. complete


3 sets:
3 burpee muscle-ups
200m run @ 90% aerobic
2:00 rest
3 sets:
20 alternating front rack step-up, 14"
250m row @ 90% aerobic
2:00 rest
5 sets:
:12 AirDyne @ 100%
1:48 rest

complete with 105


A. Power clean, build to a touch-and-go 3RM
For 22:00:
Evens: 2-3 axel deadlifts, 160-200
Odds: 6 bar-facing burpees
Not for time:
20 easy reverse hypers
:30/side plank
15 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank
10 tougher reverse hypers
:30/side plank

A. 175
complete @200

video for 3RM clean

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. 3-position squat snatch (high-hang, mid-thigh, just below knees), build to a max
B. Back squat, 5-4-3, 31X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 8-8-6-6, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Pendlay rows, 4 x 4-5, 11X1 - be perfect on tempo, :01 hold w/bar touching abdomen; :60 rest
D. Strict toes-to-bar, 4 x 8 unbroken; rest as needed


A. 120 (125 F on hang just below knees, tried again and failed the hang from mid-thigh)
B. 175-200-225
C1. 95-100-105-110
C2. 95-100-105-110
D. complete

Sunday, May 4, 2014


3 sets not for time:
3 dead hang to inverted
10 alternating pistols
35 unbroken double-unders
10:00 @ 90% of [2 rope climbs + 15m heavy Farmer's walk + 4 wall walks + 15m heavy Farmer's walk]
400m sled drag, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete with 70# for farmers walk
complete with 90# on sled

Saturday, May 3, 2014


60:00 AirDyne @ Z1, off bike every 10:00 for 10 wall balls @ 20

A. Squat clean, 10 x 1 all moderate/tough; begin a set every :60
B. Clean-grip deadlift clusters, 3 x; :10 rest between reps, 2:00 rest
C1. Weighted ring dips, 5 x 3-4, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 5 x 7-9 unbroken; :60 rest
D. FLR on rings, accumulate 120 total seconds; break and rest as needed to ensure perfect positions throughout


A. 155-165-175-180-185-190-190-190-195-195
B. 235-245-255
C1. 20, 22,25,25,25(2)
C2. 9,9,7,7,7
D. complete

Everything felt good today. I was happy with the squat cleans, those were really easy and fast. I was pleased to clean 195 twice since it's only 10 pounds away from my PR, I'm hoping that means I'll be able to PR my squat clean pretty soon. I wasn't really sure where to start with the clean grip deadlifts but they were alright, I probably could have gone a bit heavier on the last set. Weighted ring dips were meh. I feel like I should have been able to go higher than 25# but they were tough, especially with a tempo. CTB pull ups felt awesome, I was able to butterfly for every set. I broke up the FLR in sets of :30. Solid day of training. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014


3 sets:
2-3 unbroken muscle-ups
200m run @ 90% aerobic
2:00 rest
3 sets:
16 front rack walking lunge steps
250m row @ 90% aerobic
2:00 rest
5 sets:
:10 AirDyne @ 100%
1:50 rest

2 MUs each time
95# for the lunges

Muscle ups were tough today, turnover was slow and not as aggressive as usual. The walking lunges felt really good as well as the AD sprints, aerobically I felt awesome today. 


5000m row @ Z1

A. Hang power clean, build to a 5RM
For 20:00:
Evens: 2-3 axel deadlifts, 160-200
Odds: 10 burpees
3 sets not for time:
15 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank

complete. 24:01.2

A. 165 (170 for two reps)
complete @180

Z1 row felt awesome, I definitely enjoyed it more than the airdyne. I was pleased with the hang power clean although I would have liked to get 170 but I couldn't hold on to the bar for more than 2 reps. The axel deadlifts were cool since I have never done those before and they were actually a lot harder than I expected. Burpees felt really good today, they were all around :25. I am getting better at planks but still pretty terrible at them. 

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