For time @ 90% effort:
10 skin-the-cats, slow and controlled
20 alternating Turkish get-ups, 45
150 double-unders, mandatory sets of 30 unbroken
5:00 rest
For time @ 90% effort:
10 bar muscle-ups
8 wall walks
6 rope climbs
30m handstand walk
800m sled drag, same weight as last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout
800m sled drag, same weight as last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout
complete with 100# on sled
Eeeeesh. Today was fun but a little rough. I feel like both workouts took me way too long. I imagine telling Stephen my times on these and him going "eeeeeyeeewwwwww" because it probably shouldn't have taken me that long. On the first one, it was the TGU. I think it took me at least 10 or 11 minutes to do all 20, those were a bit heavy. The double unders were good but I probably rested too long between sets of 30. On the second one, I hadn't done bar muscle ups in probably four months so I did one every :30 because I can't remember how to string them together, but I didn't have any misses and I was happy to be doing bar MU again because those are fun. Wall walks were done in 2:00. Rope climbs were 1 every minute, my shoulders and arms were pretty tired by this point. By the time I got to the handstand walk, I could barely do it. I probably went 5-7 meters at a time, which is way worse than usual. My shoulders were toasted so I couldn't really hold myself up. The sled drag surprisingly wasn't that bad, the first 400 felt good, the second 400 had a few more breaks but overall I think this is getting better.
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