Sunday, November 29, 2015


3 rounds easy:
3:00 airdyne
3:00 row
30m moderate/tough offset carry (1-arm DB/KB overhead carry + 1-arm DB/KB Farmers walk) switch @20m
3:00 mobility

A. Snatch, 10:00 tech/speed work, your choice of variation but start with a few light snatch balances, load according to feel today, moderate/tough is ok is the shoulders say so...
B. Jerk balance, 5:00-8:00 light tech work
C. 1 clean pull + 5 clean-grip deadlifts (drop from top clean pull and then reset for the deadlifts) 6x1 @235, 2:00 rest
6 sets @high effort:
10' handstand walk
10 ski erg calories
:45 rest
200m run
:45 rest


A. complete up to 160
B. complete
C. complete

I didn't have to coach at CF Leb this morning so I slept in. Back to the normal schedule next week.

YES. I FINALLY SNATCHED 160 AGAIN! I am so psyched about this, I was not expecting to hit this number at all today. I thought I would work up to 135, 145 at the most. This was a huge confidence boost, especially since my Friday snatch sessions have been going really poorly the past few weeks. I think doing the light snatch balances helped a lot, I was really fast under the bar on every rep and this was the most aggressive I've been since I started snatching again. Every rep felt awesome and I had no misses. 160 was actually really easy, which gives me hope for a snatch PR soon. HUZZAH! THE DAY IS MINE.

Jerk balances were good, worked up to 125 on these. No pain in the shoulder. 

Clean pulls/deadlifts were SO. HEAVY. I hated life during this part. I have no idea why it was so easy last week and then this week it felt impossible. This was exhausting. 

I was breathing really hard during the aerobic piece, this was depressing. All handstand walks were unbroken. It's the ski erg that gets me, it felt like someone was sitting on my chest by the third round. This piece seemed to last forever.




6-8 sets easy of:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
2x[:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. Power snatch, build to a heavy single for the day
B. Snatch pull, 3x1 @190, 2:00 rest
C. 1-arm DB row w/straps, 3x4-7/arm, 10x0, :45 between arms
15:00 @80%
15 hand-release push ups
15 KB swings, 53
30 row calories

6 sets complete

A. 145 (150 Fx1)
B. complete
C. 45-50-55

Power snatches actually went very well today! I had no misses and worked up to 145 pretty easily (video). My technique on 140 and 145 definitely isn't the best, I can tell I'm starting to catch wide, but this is the most aggressive my turnover has been in weeks.

Snatch pulls were easy (video). 

DB rows were fine.

The 15:00 was surprisingly tiring, it was sort of hard to keep this at 80%. All KB swings were unbroken. 

Solid day overall! 


4 sets of:
6:00 bike easy
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice

A. Back squat w/chains, 3-3-2-2, 2:30 rest
B. Muscle ups, 8x2 unbroken, begin a set every :60
For 10:00
evens- 1 rope climb
odds- 6-8 alternating axle front rack reverse lunges, moderate
For 10:00
evens- 5 strict pull ups
odds- 16 fast alternating box step ups/step downs, 20
800m walk cool-down


A. 185-195-205-210
B. complete
110 for axle lunges

Back squats felt reallyyyyy heavy today, I'm not sure why. I did 205 for three reps last week and today I could barely squeak out two reps. I decided to go up to 210 and I was able to hit both reps but they weren't pretty. 

Muscle ups were very easy. 

Both EMOMs were fine, rope climbs were fast. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


30:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for :20-:30 tripod headstand hold

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward +10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Hang power clean, build quickly to a heavy single
C. Split jerk clusters, 4x1.1.1 starting moderate and adding if things are feeling solid, :10 between singles, 2:30 rest
5 rounds for time:
49 double unders
7 deadlifts, 175
3 rounds not for time:
8-10 moderate bent-over DB reverse flies
12 moderate reverse hypers


A. complete
B. 200
C. 125-135-145-155
8# for DB flies
65#/side for RH

Doing the bear crawl with the weight on my back was tougher than I thought it would be but it definitely forced me to keep my back flat and my hips low. 

Hang power cleans were fine up to 200, then things went downhill real quickly. I failed my first two attempts. I fell forward on the first one and I caught the second one but I caught it really low on my chest and I tipped forward. I was pretty angry. I went for it a third time and got it but it was so ugly, for some reason my hands were unevenly placed on the bar and my right hand was really close to the center of the bar. When I caught it I was completely tilted to the right side. It was horrific. I just wasn't dropping low enough under the bar. I was pretty frustrated because I can't remember the last time I failed a hang clean at 200. I did this weight for a double last week! Not cool. If I don't have cleans then I HAVE NOTHING. Alright that's a bit dramatic. But I was very frustrated with this.

Split jerks were okay, definitely better than last week. Still feeling a bit heavy overhead but overall much better. I was able to work up to 155, for some reason I wasn't punching underneath the bar as low as I normally do. My knee was kind of sore so I'm not sure if I was subconsciously trying to protect it? Or if I was just being lazy? Either way these could have been much more aggressive. 

Since my lifting portion did not go very well I was already pretty annoyed by the time I got to the deadlift piece. I wanted to crush this because I needed something to go well today. I just pretended I was doing this in a competition. Everything was unbroken except for one trip on the last set of double unders (gah!) but I thought my transitions were pretty fast between the rope and bar. I have no idea if this is a decent time? My goal was to get under 4:00. I was a little frustrated about the trip up in the final round but I recovered quickly. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Long, unplugged hike

90 min of climbing at Climb Time 

Heather invited me to go rock climbing with a group of people from her lab and it was a blast! I hadn't done anything like this before. I was a little nervous at first, we didn't use any harness, we were "bouldering" which means climbing with no harness or ropes. It took some getting used to but I made it to the top after a few tries! Luckily there were mats we could fall on if necessary (and it was very necessary). The people from Heather's lab were really cool and helpful, it was a fun doing something outside my comfort zone. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015


5:00-8:00 pistol/handstand walk practice
A. Squat clean, build to a heavy single in only 3 attempts above 145
B. Front squat, 10-8-6, 40x1; 2:30 rest
5 sets:
3-5 weighted glute-ham raises, 20x1
:30 rest
6 strict pull ups
:30 rest
Not for time:
800m sled drag

A. 170-200-215
B. 145-165-175
complete w/25#
complete w/90# on sled

Handstand walk and pistol practice was kind of a bust, there were so many people on both sides it was tough to go more than 8-10m. Shoulders felt great though! Pistols were okay, I need to work on not letting my knees go in. 

Much better day than yesterday. Building to a tough squat clean in only three attempts after 145 was interesting. I started with 170 and it was really easy so I jumped to 200 (thanks for the push Heather) and that was very easy as well. I decided to go to 215 and I made it but it was UGLY. After I stood it up I literally said "that was the ugliest clean I've ever done" because my feet went really wide and my back was rounded. Bleckkk. (video of all three lifts). On another note, I am pretty happy that I can work up to 215 in so few attempts. It definitely didn't feel great but Stephen said it's good that I'm consistently hitting cleans over 205. 

Front squats were tough, the high reps mixed with the slow decent was rough. 

Strict pull ups were good.

Sled drag was fine, my legs were sore from the front squats but I was able to stay moving the whole time. I missed my sled drag buddies though! 


3 rounds easy of:
3:00 airdyne
3:00 row
30m moderate/tough offset carry (1-arm DB/KB overhead carry + 1-arm DB/KB farmers walk) switch @20m
3:00 mobility work of choice

A. Snatch, 10:00 technique/speed work, your choice of variation- load according to feel today, moderate/tough is okay if the shoulders say so...
B. Jerk Balance, 5:00-8:00 light tech work
C. 1 clean pull + 5 clean-grip deadlifts (drop from top of clean pull and then reset for the deadlifts) 5x1 @235, 2:00 rest
5 sets @high effort
4 wall walks
12 ski erg calories
:60 rest
300m run
:60 rest


A. complete up to 135 from the hang
B. complete up to 125
C. complete

Today was not good at all. I came into the gym feeling so heavy and gross. I weighed myself and I'm at 149, which is the heaviest I've been since the Open. I'm frustrated with myself because I've been too lazy about my food intake/measuring the past few weeks and I can definitely feel it. I don't like feeling uncomfortable in my clothes and I could feel the extra weight while I was running today. Officially dialing my diet all the way in. 

Snatches did not go well at all, this only added to my bad mood. I decided to squat snatch from the hang today because I need to work on my speed under the bar since the first pull isn't the issue. The weight continued to feel like shit overhead and I was slow under the bar every time (video). I failed 135 twice before I finally made it on the third try. This is the worst. Austin had to talk me off the ledge a little bit because I was really frustrated. I just have to trust that these will get better. 

Clean pulls/deadlifts were easy, 235 is getting higher each week, although I definitely rounded my back on one of the sets. Deadlifts were easily unbroken. 

My breathing was really good on the aerobic piece but I was way too distracted with how heavy I felt. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015


30:00 mobility 


I was looking through old CrossFit pictures today and found these gems:

My technique in this picture literally makes me want to puke

Grip too close? Check.
Feet too wide? You bet!
Back rounded? Of course
Absolutely no use of my legs? You know it bro


6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 FLR on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
2x [:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. Power snatch clusters, 5x1.1 starting @105 and adding a bit from there, :10 between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Snatch pull, 5x1 @185; :90 rest
C. 1-arm DB row w/straps, 3x5-8/arm, 10x1, :45 between arms
For time:
60 burpee box jumps, complete 6 kettlebell swings @53 @the top of every minute
3 rounds easy:
250m row
50 double unders

6 sets complete

A. 105-115-120-125-135
B. complete
C. 40-45-50

Mehhhhhh. Snatches continue to feel heavy overhead . This is annoying. The pull is so easy but being aggressive with it overhead is still not where I want it to be. All my reps today were so slow and not aggressive in the turnover at all, I don't think I was happy with a single rep today (video). I talked to Mark about it and he said it took him awhile to get back into the groove of snatching after he took time off for his back, so that made me feel a bit better. All I'm saying is, a 135 power snatch shouldn't feel heavy. 

Snatch pulls, on the other hand, were really easy (video). 

1-arm DB rows were fine. 

The burpee/KB piece was really hard, I was dreading this all day. It was tough because there would be a few seconds before each minute when I wasn't sure if I could get in a whole BBJ before the top of the minute. I thought I did a good job of keeping my transitions fast, I didn't really pause between the burpees and KB. I just slowed down on burpees. It's hard for me to keep a good rhythm on BBJ if they're not box jump overs, doing a burpee directly in front of the box is sort of awkward. I could tell during the third minute I was already slowing down. There was also some confusion about my time, I sort of stopped counting after awhile because Mark was counting for me but then I think one of us got mixed up? When I stopped Mark said my time was 6:22 but that would have been way too fast, so Stephen said it was probably closer to 7:22, which makes a lot more sense. I'm not really sure what happened. Oh well. Either way it was very painful and I wasn't happy with my performance. I didn't dig in hard enough to push the burpees. Transitions were good but the speed wasn't where it needed to be. 


4 sets of:
6:00 bike easy
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice

A. Back squat w/chains, 4-4-3-3; 2:30 
B. Muscle ups, 5:00-8:00 easy practice
For 8:00
evens- 5 strict pull ups
odds- 6-8 alternating axle front rack reverse lunges, moderate
For 8:00
evens- 1 rope climb
odds- 16 fast alternating box step ups/step downs, 20
Not for time:
800m walk cool-down


A. 175-185-195-205(these numbers don't include the chains, not sure if I'm supposed to clarify that)
B. complete
complete w/110#

Today was pretty good! The chains weren't nearly as weird as last week, I'm getting used to them. The only iffy set was the last one at 205, the first two reps were solid but the third rep was UGLY, I could tell my back was rounded on the way up. 

Muscle up practice was fine, no pain in the shoulder. I did a few easy triples on both bar and rings. 

I really enjoyed both EMOMs. Strict pull ups were okay, they feel weaker now that I'm using my lats instead of traps but I know I'm just trying to re-train myself to do everything correctly and certain movements are going to feel a bit off. Rope climbs were good, Austin said they looked fast. 

Cool-down walk was complete with my buddy Austin. Overall a very nice day. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


30:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for :20-:30 tripod headstand hold

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 5x10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/flat back; :90 rest
B. Hang power clean, build quickly to a 2RM
C. Split jerk clusters, 3x1. light/moderate, :10 between singles, 2:30 rest
AMRAP in 9:00
60 row calories
30 burpees
max ski erg calories in remaining time
3 rounds not for time:
10 bent over DB reverse flies, light
15 light reverse hypers


A. complete
B. 200 (PR+5)
C. 95-115-125
29 calories
8# DB for reverse flies
45#/side for RH

I enjoyed the tripod hold, this was cool. 

Super happy to finally hit 200 for a 2RM hang power clean! These felt like shit as I was warming up, I don't know why. I was catching all of them really low with wide feet. I never do that. I don't get it. I did not think I would be able to hit 200 today but I decided to go for it anyways. The first rep was tough but the second rep was easy (video). I talked to Stephen about this later on and he said I'm holding the bar at the top too long. I need to just pick it up and go instead of hanging out at the top for three seconds before I clean it. I definitely agree. Very happy with this!

Split jerks were decent, I can tell I'm still trying to protect my left shoulder "just in case" because I could feel myself sort of tilting more to the right. It didn't hurt, I can just tell I'm still trying to be cautious about it. 

The row/burpee piece SUCKED. It sucked real bad. I finished the row in 3:48 and then went way too slow on the burpees. I noticed my burpees are much more consistent and steady when I'm jumping over something, I'm able to keep a much better pace than when I'm just doing regular burpees. I can't remember when exactly I got to the ski erg and I have no idea if 29 cals is a decent score? I was going as hard as I could, the ski erg portion is a blur to me. I felt pretty terrible when this was over. 


Long, unplugged hike

DNS, slept in and then had to go teach a trumpet lesson. Then it was time for FRIENDSGIVING 2015. 

I love my friends. 


A. Front squat, build to a max for the day
For reps:
:30 squat cleans, 85
2:00 rest
:60 squat cleans, 125
2:00 rest
:90 squat cleans, 155
2:00 rest
2:00 squat cleans, 185
3 sets:
3-5 weighted glute-ham raises, 20x1
:60 rest
8 strict pull ups
:60 rest
Not for time:
800m sled drag, moderate

A. 245 (PR+10)
complete w/20# DB
complete w/90# on sled

HUZZAH! Today was awesome. 

I was definitely not expecting to hit 245 today, that was a pleasant surprise (video). I knew I wanted to at least get 240 because I've failed it the past three attempts and I was determined. I got a bit worried as I was warming up, the first few reps felt heavier than usual so I wasn't sure how everything was going to play out. Once I got to 200 I just made 10 pound jumps until I got to 240. It went up pretty easily so I went for 245 and got it! Sweet. But could I just point out how wide my feet are? Jesus. Have they always been like this when I squat? I need to fix that ASAP, I was pretty shocked when I saw that on the video. 

The squat clean workout was much harder than I had anticipated. I did all the reps at 85 touch and go, these probably could have been cycled a bit faster. 125 was quick singles. I started getting nervous during the reps at 155. The last few reps were felt really heavy and I knew I still had to clean 185. My lower back was getting tired and my legs were starting to get really fatigued. The first few reps at 185 were okay, definitely slower out of the bottom than usual. The last three reps all felt like a max. At one point I wasn't even sure if I was going to stand one of them up. This hurt so much. I couldn't get my knee sleeves and shoes off fast enough after this was over. 

Strict pull ups are getting much easier, still trying to focus on using my lats. 

Sled drag was rough this week, my legs were trashed by the time I had to do this. Luckily my buddy Heather joined me. Overall a solid day! 


3 rounds easy of:
3:00 airdyne
3:00 row
3:00 mobility work of choice
30m moderate/tough offset carry (1-arm DB/KB overhead carry + 1-arm DB/KB Farmers walk) switch @20m

A. Snatch, 10:00 tech/speed work, your choice of variation-load according to feel today, moderate/tough is ok if the shoulders say so...
B. Jerk balance, 5:00-8:00 light tech work
C. 1 clean pull + 3 clean-grip deadlifts (drop from top of clean pull and then reset for the deadlifts) 3x1 @235; 2:00 rest
15:00 @70% 
2 deadhang to inverted
200m run
4 wall walks
250m row

25:00 airdyne @Z1 

A. complete up to 125
B. complete up to 95
C. complete

Mehhh today was okay. Snatches are still feeling weirdly heavy overhead, there's no pain in my shoulder but the weight just isn't as easy overhead as it used to be. These were all over the place today so I didn't go past 125 because I wanted to make sure my form wasn't turning to shit. While I was resting I watched some of my earlier attempts and noticed my chest was completely down in the set up. I really tried to keep my chest nice and high on the last two reps and I think it definitely made a difference (video).  

Jerk balances were fine, no pain at all. 

Clean pulls went pretty well, 235 is getting a bit higher these days. The deadlifts were easy, no problem doing all three as quick touch and go reps. 

I really enjoyed the 15:00 piece at 70%, I was able to stay moving the entire time and the weather was really nice for running. 

I also worked on some muscle ups after my other training was completed. I did a few sets of three bar muscle ups, then did a few sets of two ring muscle ups. Huzzah! These were okay, not as strong as they were but I think they'll get better over the next few weeks. I also had Austin teach me how to catch muscle ups with straight arms at the top (video). These are definitely a bit awkward, especially stringing them together, but I'm going to continue to work on them because I think they will definitely save time and fatigue during workouts. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015




6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
2x[:10 double unders +:20 single unders]

A. Power snatch clusters, 4x1.1.1 @105, :10 between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Snatch pull, 3x1 @185; :90 rest
C. 1-arm DB row w/straps, 3x3-4/arm, 21x1; :45 between arms
6 sets @high effort:
8 russian kettlebell swings, 70
8 burpees
:60 rest
200m run
30 double unders
:60 rest
Not for time:
2000m row cool-down

6 sets complete

A. complete
B. complete
C. 55-60-65 (4R/3L)

Meh today was okay. Power snatches were kind of frustrating, I can tell I'm still adjusting to putting weight overhead and it's annoying. I felt very slow under the bar and not aggressive at all (video). I just want the weight to be easy again! 

Snatch pulls were decent, they got relatively high today (video). 

DB rows were fine, I only did three reps on the left arm during the last set because the tempo was becoming compromised. 

The 6 sets were okay, better than last week because I only had to run 200m today hehe. I tried to keep the burpees fast and steady. I was still breathing really hard on this, I can't tell if I should be recovering faster during the rest? I tripped up once on double unders during the first set but they were all unbroken after that. 

Also, I was starving during training today. This is the first time since Mike gave me my new macros that I've been hungry in the middle of training. I mean, I was SO HUNGRY. It was terrible. I talked to Heather and I'm going to try and make some more changes in my food, replacing things like quest bars with deli meat and rice. I'm eating enough calories but some of the food I'm eating isn't filling and that's part of the problem. I'm going to start doing this next week and see how it goes. 

Frustrating last couple of days, especially since Monday's training went so well. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


4 sets of:
6:00 bike easy
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice

A. Back squat w/chains, 5-5-5-5 start moderate by feel and add a bit, last set should be tough but not a true grind; 2:30 rest, get in a rope climb after each set
For 15:00
1st: 5 strict pull ups- these don't have to be unbroken, just be sure to return to a dead hang to complete each rep
2nd: :20 axle front rack hold (bar starts on floor), 150
3rd: 14 fast alternating box step ups/step downs, 20
800m cool down walk


A. 125-145-165-180
axle hold was 130-140-140-140-140 with two fails at 150. I hate everything.


Back squats with the chains were definitely tough in a different way. It's a hassle just getting those things set up. Shout out to Michael, Jessie, and Heather for helping me set them up and get them to the correct height. The only thing I really dislike about the chains is the unsteady feeling I have as I'm unracking the bar, the chains cause it to sort of sway back and forth and I don't like that. The last set was definitely tough. Also, I completely forgot to do a rope climb after each set. I even wrote it in my notebook word for word, I just totally forgot, like an idiot. Sorry Stephen. It only gets worse from here. 

The EMOM was terrible. I didn't warm up enough for the axle cleans, I hit 130 and then just went straight to 150 and assumed I would be able to clean it since I did it last week so easily. NOPE. I failed the first rep and it was a bad fail, the axle came crashing into my left arm and sort of bent back my wrist. I dropped to 130 and stayed there for two sets because my confidence was totally shaken at that point. Then I went to 140 for the next two sets but it was difficult to even clean THAT weight. Jesus. I went up to 150 on the last set and failed it twice. The second attempt was basically just a pull. This was the worst. Also, I accidentally used a 24" box instead of a 20" box. I never mess up this much, I don't know what was wrong with me today. I will triple check my programming from now on. Today was just not good at all. 


30:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for :20-:30 tripod hold

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow & deliberate w/flat back, :90 rest
B. Hang power clean, build quickly to a 3RM
For time:
900m row
30 burpees over the erg
900m row
4 rounds not for time:
10 lat band pull downs
6- heavy reverse hypers

complete, except completely forgot the tripod hold. My apologies. 

A. complete
B. 190 (PR+5)
purple band
105#/side for RH

I totally forgot to add the tripod hold this morning. I'm so used to doing just 30:00 with no breaks on Mondays so I didn't even really double check my programming. Oops. 

I was really happy with the 3RM hang power clean, especially because they weren't feeling great today. I caught a few of them pretty low on my chest, I hate that. I hit 185 which ties my PR and decided to see if I could get 190. The first rep is always the hardest, the second and third reps were easy. PR! 

I'm going to be honest, I almost puked on the row/burpee piece. Was this supposed to be that terrible? Both rows were completed in 3:42.5 at a 2:03 pace. The burpees were steady the whole way through, I was pretty proud of that. I thought I was going to vomit on the second row, it felt like someone was sitting right on my chest the entire time. This one hurt. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Long, unplugged hike

45:00 complete @Ault Park with Heather and Emily 


A. Front squat, 2-2-1-1-1, 20x1; 2:30
B. Squat cleans, 9x1 @175 and adding if feeling strong, begin a set every :60
C1. Weighted glute-ham raises, 3x4-7, 20x1; :60 rest
C2. Strict pull-up, 3x6 singles (return to dead hang and come off bar after each rep), :60 rest
Not for time:
800m sled drag, moderate

A. 200-210-220-230-240(F)
B. 175-175-185-185-195-195-200-205-210
C1. complete w/15#
C2. complete
complete w/90# on sled

I was a bit disappointed with my front squats, I was really hoping to hit 240 today. 230 was sort of slow on the way up so I wasn't 100% sure I would hit 240 but I went for it anyways. I actually thought I had it, it was super light coming off the rack and when I was coming out of the bottom I really thought I was going to stand it up. But then I got stuck in that "spot" and I dumped it. I'm not sure if I should have fought for a few more seconds? Merrrrr. I feel like I'm never going to hit this. 

The squat cleans were decent, they actually got better as they got heavier. My legs were really tired already, the reps at 175, 185, and 195 were surprisingly tough. I actually didn't think I would hit anything over 200 because my legs felt like shit. I worked up to 200 and it wasn't terrible so I went to 205. It was actually pretty easy so I went to 210 and it was the best rep out of all of them. Weird. 

Strict pull ups were a bit better than last week, really trying to focus on using my lats and not my traps on these. 

Sled drag was completed with Heather and Emily, so that was very pleasant. 


3 rounds easy of:
3:00 airdyne
3:00 row
3:00 mobility work of choice
30m moderate/tough offset carry (1-arm DB/KB overhead carry + 1-arm DB/KB farmers walk) switch @20m

A. Snatch, 10:00 tech/speed work, your choice of variation- load according to feel today, moderate/tough is okay if the shoulders say so...
B. Clean pulls, 5x1 @240; 2:00 rest
C. Dead-hang to inverted on rings, accumulate 6 singles w/:02 pause @top, rest as needed to ensure quality
6 sets for even times:
3 wall walks
15 row calories
:90 walk rest
1600m run @Z1

35/70 for offset carry

A. complete up to 135
B. complete
C. complete

Pretty solid day!

Snatches went pretty well today, I worked up to 135 easily (video), although it definitely felt weak overhead. The pull was light but I could tell I'm not as stable overhead as I used to be, the second rep at 135 was shaky coming out of the bottom. It's frustrating that 135 is heavy overhead but I know it will get better over the next few weeks. I also think the pull into the bottom of the squat was slower than normal, my speed isn't where it was before. I'll have to just keep working on it. 

Clean pulls were real heavy today, none of them got very high (video) and I could tell I was rounding my back on most of them. 

Dead hang to inverted were fine, no problems here. 

The wall walk/row piece went pretty well, my times differed a bit only because of my transition from the wall to the rower. On some of the sets it took me a few seconds to get my feet strapped in. Overall I thought this went pretty well, I'm getting much better at keeping my rows consistent and really pushing it even though I'm tired. 

Z1 run wasn't as good as last week, I didn't stretch my calves/ankles/hamstrings enough before I started. For some reason my ankles have been really tight lately, not sure why. 

Also did a few sets of bar muscle ups after my training was done, no problems at all! I hit three easy sets of three and had no pain in my shoulder. This is a relief. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015




6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 FLR on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
2x[:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. Power snatch clusters, 3x1.1.1 @60-65% 1RM, :10 between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Snatch pull, 4x1 @185; :90 rest
C. 1-arm DB row w/straps, 3x3-5/arm, 21x1; :45 between arms
5 sets @high effort:
9 kettlebell swings, 53
36 double unders
:60 rest
10 hand-release push ups
300m run
:60 rest
Not for time:
2000m row cool-down

6 sets complete

A. complete @100
B. complete
C. 50-55-60

Power snatches were okay, they got better as I went along. The first few reps were slow as hell. I just don't care for power snatching anymore. No pain in the shoulder though so two thumbs up for that. 

Snatch pulls weren't as good as last time, they weren't getting very high (video), I don't think I warmed up enough for these. 

The KB/run workout got pretty hard at the end, the running kills me every time. For some reason 300m is always rough for me. KB swings were fine, no pain in my shoulder on these. Double unders were unbroken every round except for that last set, I tripped up on 34. DAMMIT. HR push ups were easy. Runs were hard. I was breathing really hard after the first two sets. 

I didn't do the row cool-down, I started class for Austin then got distracted and then I had to leave to go coach class. Sorry Stevo! 


4 sets of:
6:00 bike easy
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice

A. Back squat, 1-1-1-1-1 building so that only last set is near-maximal; 2:30
B. DB pull-overs, 4x4-7; :90 rest
For 15:00
1st: 3-5 strict pull ups
2nd: 12 fast alternating box step ups/step downs, 24
3rd: :20 axle front rack hold (bar starts on floor) start @130
800m walk cool-down


A. 225-235-245-255-265
B. 20-25-30-35
axle: 140-150-150-150-150

Mehhhhh. Back squats continue to feel terrible and heavy. Not sure what the deal is. 265 was definitely near-maximal, it was real slow on the way up. I can't believe I back squatted 280 at one point. 

DB pull-overs were good.

The EMOM was decent. Strict pull ups felt pretty weak, normally I would be able to knock out five really easily BUT I am trying to use the correct muscles now so I got 3-4 every time. Step ups were awkward as usual. The axle holds were good, I didn't have any misses on the cleans. I started at 140 and then stuck with 150 the rest of the time, I don't think I would have been able to clean any more than that. 

Austin joined me on my cool down walk so that was a real treat. 


30:00 airdyne @Z1

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/flat back; :90 rest
B. Hang power clean, 2-2-1-1-1-1, begin a set every :90
5 rounds for calories/reps:
:60 row
:60 burpees over erg
:60 rest
3 rounds not for time:
10 lat band pull downs
6-9 heavy reverse hypers


A. complete
B. 170-180-190-195-200-210(PR+5)
16 cals/12 burpees
purple band
100#/side for RH

Today was really solid!

I was really happy with the hang power clean PR (video), I was definitely not expecting it at all today, my hang power cleans felt like total shit. Last week I wrote about how I wasn't sure if I was doing the first rep from the hang correctly and today I was really overthinking it. I would pick up the bar and then hold it for way too long, then I would barely use my legs to get under it. I somehow worked up to 200 and didn't think there was any way I would be able to do more. Then my inner voice that sounded a lot like Alex said "fuck it, just go for 210" because I already know I can most likely hit 205, so why not just go for the PR? I've become a bit more aggressive about that kind of thing lately. I went for 210 and got it! It was actually one of the best reps of the day. I was very happy about this, I feel like that's a pretty solid hang power clean PR for a female. Although I won't really be satisfied until I can get it up past 215 hehe. 

The row/burpee workout sucked pretty hard. The first three sets were decent but the last two sets were not pretty. I've never done burpees over the rower before and these were very awkward. I pushed the row a lot on the last two sets to make sure I stayed consistent. I was breathing real hard when this was over. 

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