7-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 FLR
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
:60 single unders
A. Overhead squat, 2-2-1-1, 20x1; 2:00 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 3x3-4/side, 20x1; :60 between sides
C1. Barbell farmers walk (both arms) 2x20-25m; :60 rest
C2. Bear crawl, 2x15' forward + 15' reverse; :60 rest
3 sets:
:35 prowler sprint w/straight arms, outside loaded for very fast foot turnover
3 rounds not for time:
4-8 weighted glute-ham raises, 20x1
5 freestanding handstand push ups
10-12 unbroken toes to bar
7 sets complete
A. 155-155(switched to nanos)-160-170
B. 60-65-70(3)
C1. 65#/side both sets
C2. complete
complete with 40# on prowler
12# for GHR
TTB were between 4-7, could not get it together after prowler sprints
AM session started off slow and stiff but warmed up and felt better after a few sets.
PM session was the worst. It was so hot. This was how I felt during my entire PM session:
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I'm gonna be honest, I was in a terrible mood today because of the heat and humidity. Everything felt 100 times more difficult. I know there's nothing I can do about it and I was being a huge baby but that's just how it went today.
I started my overhead squats in lifting shoes with no knee sleeves. I didn't even bother putting on my knee sleeves because it was so humid and I figured I wouldn't be able to even pull them up. I did my first set at 155 and realized I did in fact need knee sleeves. I went to the back room and untied my lifting shoes, and somehow the laces on one of them ended up in a huge knot. I was too annoyed to try and untie it so I just switched to my nanos for the last three sets. It actually wasn't bad at all, I don't think I've ever done heavy overhead squats in nanos but I didn't mind it.
DB row was fine.
The first set of the double barbell carry went really well, I wasn't sure how heavy to go so I just put 30# on each bar to test it out. I ended up just doing that weight for my first set and I was able to do it easily without the bars tipping or becoming unbalanced. I added 10# on each side for the second set and all of it went to hell. I attempted to pick up the bars four times and couldn't do it, it seemed like no matter where I put my hands it was still unbalanced. After the fourth attempt I was like
I dropped back down to 55# per side and was able to carry it easily. Merrrrr.
Prowler sprints were pretty terrible, :35 is a very long time. As soon as I took all the equipment outside, it started pouring rain. I actually didn't mind at first, it felt really nice and it definitely cooled things off outside. However, by the second set it was raining pretty hard so I left the prowler outside and rested inside. By the third set the rain had stopped but I was pushing the prowler through huge puddles which made it a little more difficult, but it didn't really matter because it would have been difficult regardless. These were pretty tough.
The not for time stuff.....ehhhhh. Here's what happened. I felt nauseous after the prowler sprints and it never went away. The freestanding HSPU were really difficult after the prowler sprints, and I wasn't able to get more than 7 toes to bar. I had to drop off the bar because I had no energy and felt nauseous. This was just a bad showing all around, I felt terrible after the prowler sprints and felt drained from the heat. Heather even told me I looked terrible. Today was not the best.
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