3 sets of:
3 touch-and-go power snatches, heavy
100m sprint @ 95%
4:00 rest
3 sets of:4 touch-and-go power cleans, moderate
:30 AirDyne @ 97%
5:00 rest
3 sets of:
5 touch-and-go deadlifts, light/moderate
:40 row @ 100%
6:00 rest
complete @105
complete @135
complete @205
rows were 1:41, 1:44 (wtf?) and 1:40
Good day today, tried to keep all lifts fast and powerful. The snatches felt really good, I was trying to get more aggressive with my power snatch like Chelsea Kyle did when she was here. The run was a little slower than normal because it had just rained so all the gravel outside was slick and I didn't want to slip and fall but I was still trying to keep it at a relatively fast sprint. The most difficult part was the deadlifts right into the row, usually I don't do any lifts before my row sprints so I felt like my legs were giving out faster since I had to do deadlifts first. The row sprints were also making the deadlifts more difficult since I was fatigued.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
What I took away from the OPT Athlete Camp
James Fitzgerald came to CSC October 26-27 for an athlete camp. Over the weekend he discussed numerous topics from nutrition, to programming, to mental toughness, to the politics of CrossFit. He also had us do two workouts each day which tested us physically and mentally. I learned so much from him and learned a lot about myself over those two days, so I wanted to get all my thoughts organized and reflect on the camp. It is probably impossible for me to discuss EVERYTHING I learned because there was so much information, so here were some of my biggest takeaways from the weekend:
- My warm up needs to change entirely. Usually I would come in, hop on an airdyne for five minutes at a Z1 pace, roll with a lacrosse ball for awhile, stretch, more lacrosse ball, and then I would start my workout. Nothing in this warm up got my blood pumping or heart rate up AT ALL. James told us when we warm up, it should be spending short amounts of time on everything. Hop on a rower and row for 60 seconds, then get on an airdyne, then run around the gym. Leave the mobility shit at home. The warm up should get your heart rate up. Look at what the workout is and do stretches/movements that mimic the movements that are going to appear in your workout. This sounds obvious but I was not doing this at all before, I was doing the exact same warm up every day. I am interested to see how changing my warm up affects my performance in my workouts.
- It's really ok if you are breathing heavy during a workout. Anyone who works out with me in the gym knows that breathing is my weakest area. Workouts longer than ten minutes basically kill me, I do not have a good engine. Granted, it has definitely improved since Stephen started programming for me (row sprints, amiright?) but I just do not enjoy long metcon workouts where I know I will be breathing heavily through the whole thing. Usually when I start a workout that I know will take me 15-20 minutes, I panic once I realize I am out of breath. I think to myself "I'm ALREADY breathing hard? Jesus, it has only been one round and I have four more to go. I am so out of shape, I hate this". This was the case during the first workout on the second day, a 5 round workout of toes to bar, wall balls, and double unders. I burned through the first round and then freaked the fuck out because I was already out of breath and I knew I still had four more rounds to go. Side note: I did pace this workout incorrectly, and that is something I also need to work on. I went out way too fast and flamed out pretty quickly. Afterwards, I told James how I tend to beat myself up over breathing heavy. He basically said "you're working hard, you are working out, it is normal to be breathing heavy. What YOU have to do is just accept it" Accept the pain and move through it. My body is working hard, and I am breathing hard. This is nothing to freak out about and it does not mean I am out of shape. I accept the fact that I am breathing hard and I continue to move and work. Quick transitions, steady pace, I never stop moving. From now on I will not panic when I start breathing hard, I will accept it and keep working.
- If you're going to do competitions, learn to detach yourself from the results. Those of us who do competitions know that we do them for fun but we also want to do well. In February I did a competition at CrossFit Conjugate. The first two workouts were completely in my wheelhouse. First there was a clean ladder (YES) and second was burpee muscle ups. The third workout, however, was rowing, rope climbs, snatches, and pistols. At the time I was terrible at rowing and rope climbs, and had JUST learned how to do pistols a few days before the competition. Needless to say I did not do well and my score from the third workout dropped me to a 7th place finish overall. I looked at the 7th place finish and thought "I suck. 7th place? That's pathetic" instead of celebrating the fact that I had just cleaned 180 pounds which was a PR at the time, and didn't fail a single muscle up. I focused on the negative, not the positive. We tend to think the results of competitions define us, when in fact sometimes shit just doesn't go well and it's not in our wheelhouse. James talked about detaching yourself from results of competition, placing poorly does not mean you're a bad athlete, it does not mean you're not "fit", it does not mean you're a bad person. Maybe you just had a bad day, or maybe it opened your eyes to shit you need to work harder on. Either way, it's only a competition so don't let it affect your view of yourself. A poor performance does not define you, so if you're going to do competitions you need to learn to separate yourself from the results.
- You can train for sport or you can train for health. Training for sport means you have a specific goal, and you will do whatever it takes to reach that goal. It's the Rich Fronings, Sam Briggs, Jason Khalipas, Amanda Goodmans, the people who will quit their jobs, move across the country to train with people who will make them better, the people who will train four times a day, the people who live and breath this sport. They have their eye on a single goal and nothing else matters. Training for health is people like me, who do it for fun, do it to stay healthy, do it to improve skills and to be able to hold my own in competitions but that's about as far as it goes. I do it to learn about myself as an athlete, to become a better person, to compete, to learn new things, and to test myself. I have no aspirations to make the Games, or to make it to Regionals as an individual. I am only 23 years old and I have plenty of time to change my goals, but for right now my goal is to become a better overall athlete and to get strong. James basically said if you want it, you will do whatever it takes to get there. If that's not the way you think, then you're not doing it for sport, you're doing it for health. I think that was a hard pill for some people to swallow, but for me it just reaffirmed why I am doing this. I do it for me, I do it for fun, I do it to become better. I don't have dreams of making the podium, I just want to be happy with myself as an athlete and a person.
These were just a few of the many things James spoke about over the weekend, I learned so much from him and came away from the camp feeling excited and inspired. As a person, James is just so cool. He knows the science behind everything but is also able to get in touch with the emotional side of training. He is hilarious and has a lot of great stories, and I could listen to him talk for hours and hours. I really respect his honest outlook on everything, and I appreciate the fact that he does not sugar coat things or try to tell you what you want to hear. He is straight up, honest, and tells it like it is, and I respect that. I feel very lucky to have spent time with him over the weekend, getting to ask him whatever we wanted and pick his brain about basically everything. This athlete camp was incredible and so extremely beneficial in so many ways, I will never forget it!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
A. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, 12 x 1 @ 145; begin a set every :60
5 sets of:
15 double-unders
2 muscle-ups
15 double-unders
:60 rest
5 sets of:
3 overhead squats, 95 from the ground
5 kipping handstand push-ups
7 toes-to-bar
:60 rest
A. complete
complete, all rounds between 1:30-2:00
complete, all rounds between 1:00-1:30
Muscle ups were MUCH better today than last week. Today I just tried to not over think it and I got all the muscle ups! I was not able to string any together, which was a little frustrating because I feel like I am still taking two steps backwards, but it's better than failing all of them. During the third round I failed two in a row for some reason, I just wasn't really focusing. But those were the only misses I had, so I was very relieved. The overhead squat workout felt good, although I haven't done overhead squats in a really long time so those got a little iffy at times but everything else was good, handstand pushups were fast and toes to bar were easy.
5 sets of:
15 double-unders
2 muscle-ups
15 double-unders
:60 rest
5 sets of:
3 overhead squats, 95 from the ground
5 kipping handstand push-ups
7 toes-to-bar
:60 rest
A. complete
complete, all rounds between 1:30-2:00
complete, all rounds between 1:00-1:30
Muscle ups were MUCH better today than last week. Today I just tried to not over think it and I got all the muscle ups! I was not able to string any together, which was a little frustrating because I feel like I am still taking two steps backwards, but it's better than failing all of them. During the third round I failed two in a row for some reason, I just wasn't really focusing. But those were the only misses I had, so I was very relieved. The overhead squat workout felt good, although I haven't done overhead squats in a really long time so those got a little iffy at times but everything else was good, handstand pushups were fast and toes to bar were easy.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
OPT Athlete Camp Day 1
8:00 to establish a 1RM power clean
2:00 rest
8:00 AMRAP power cleans at 90%
rest a few hours
3 sets max effort:
250 row
10 KBS (53#)
10 burpee
10 KBS
10 burpee
10 KBS
250 row
250 row
10 KBS (53#)
10 burpee
10 KBS
10 burpee
10 KBS
250 row
12:00 rest
200 (PR+10)
2:00 rest
23 reps and 4 misses @180
Wow what an amazing day. I learned so much from James, he is so smart and fun to listen to, and really funny. He just knows so much about programming, nutrition, the way the body reacts during workouts, why things happen the way they do, etc. I learned a ton today and can't wait to learn even more tomorrow. Everything he says is so valuable and I'm really happy he came to CSC to do this athlete camp. The first workout today went really well, I did that one back in June so I already knew what to expect. I wasn't expecting to PR today, but I cleaned 185 and it felt good so I figured I would go for a PR. I went for 195 and got it, PR! That felt really good too so I went for got 200 and got it! Yay! I am so excited. I think I could have cleaned 205 but then the 8:00 was up. Next time! The next part was AMRAP power cleans in 8:00 at 90%. I cleaned 180 pounds 23 times and had 4 misses. I missed one clean in the middle and three at the end, I was trying to push it but was too fatigued to get tight in the set up. The second workout was FUCKING AWFUL. Oh my god. Holy shit. It was the closest I have come to throwing up after a workout, ever. I knew it was going to be bad but I didn't think I would be THAT fucked up after each round. Wow. I really did feel like I was pushing at max effort and my transitions were relatively quick so that's good. The KB swings were probably the easiest part, the burpees and rows sucked a lot. This workout was just terrible, I really felt like I was going to throw up after each round. I'm happy I was able to push through and finish. I am definitely going to work on getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and pushing through pain. As James said today, "You meet pain right in the eyes and say fuck you"
Thursday, October 24, 2013
A1. Close-grip bench press, 8-6-4; 2:00 rest
A2. COVP pull-ups, 3 x AMRAP (-1); 2:00 rest
@ an easy pace:
20 alternating DB snatches, 50
15 wall walks
10 rope climbs
A1. 95-105-115
A2. 15-14-12
Today was pretty relaxed. The COVP pull ups felt pretty good, it's too bad you can't really butterfly those, otherwise I think I would have gotten a lot more. The DB snatches were easy, so were the wall walks. I was moving kind of slow since it was at an easy pace. Rope climbs felt good but I was definitely resting way too long between each climb since it wasn't timed. But those are really improving. Afterwards I did some pistol practice, I wore my bees knees to test it out and they made such a difference! I was able to pop right out of the bottom of every pistol, I only failed one or two on the left leg because I lost my balance, not because I couldn't come up out of the bottom like last week. It was so awesome! I'm going to keep practicing them with the bees knees and then eventually practice them without because I don't want to have to always rely on them to do pistols, but for now they really help a lot.
A2. COVP pull-ups, 3 x AMRAP (-1); 2:00 rest
@ an easy pace:
20 alternating DB snatches, 50
15 wall walks
10 rope climbs
A1. 95-105-115
A2. 15-14-12
Today was pretty relaxed. The COVP pull ups felt pretty good, it's too bad you can't really butterfly those, otherwise I think I would have gotten a lot more. The DB snatches were easy, so were the wall walks. I was moving kind of slow since it was at an easy pace. Rope climbs felt good but I was definitely resting way too long between each climb since it wasn't timed. But those are really improving. Afterwards I did some pistol practice, I wore my bees knees to test it out and they made such a difference! I was able to pop right out of the bottom of every pistol, I only failed one or two on the left leg because I lost my balance, not because I couldn't come up out of the bottom like last week. It was so awesome! I'm going to keep practicing them with the bees knees and then eventually practice them without because I don't want to have to always rely on them to do pistols, but for now they really help a lot.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
2 sets of:
3 touch-and-go deadlifts, 225-255
100m sprint @ 95%
4:00 rest
2 sets of:
5 burpees, as fast as possible
:30 AirDyne @ 95%
5:00 rest
1 set of:
:55 row @ 100%
complete @255
Not much to say about today. Deadlifts felt good, they still don't feel very heavy which is a good sign. I was happy to only have 1 row sprint, and it went relatively well although I was way more tired than I was last week after the first one but I'm happy I was able to keep the pace under 1:40. My head was not in training today, I felt very out of it. I did not have fun training today or yesterday. I think I am in a funk.
3 touch-and-go deadlifts, 225-255
100m sprint @ 95%
4:00 rest
2 sets of:
5 burpees, as fast as possible
:30 AirDyne @ 95%
5:00 rest
1 set of:
:55 row @ 100%
complete @255
Not much to say about today. Deadlifts felt good, they still don't feel very heavy which is a good sign. I was happy to only have 1 row sprint, and it went relatively well although I was way more tired than I was last week after the first one but I'm happy I was able to keep the pace under 1:40. My head was not in training today, I felt very out of it. I did not have fun training today or yesterday. I think I am in a funk.
A. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, 10 x 1 @ 140; begin a set every :60
B. Muscle-ups, 5 x 2 unbroken; rest as needed
5 rounds for time:
3 hang power snatches, 105
7 toes-to-bar
A. complete
B. Fail. Only got 1 muscle up today. Something was very off.
What. the. fuck. I can't remember the last time I have failed that many muscle ups. I only got ONE muscle up today. One! What the hell? I failed my first attempt and shook it off because I was just warming up. I got the next one, went for a second but failed. Then I couldn't get another one after that. For some reason I was moving very slowly and my aggressive turn over was not there. I have no idea why that happened. It was extremely frustrating and I thought I was going to cry or punch something haha. I think I tried 7 or 8 attempts and failed all of them. It was very confusing, especially since I just did muscle ups last week, and the week before that, and the week before that. I guess it was just an off day, but it definitely got in my head. When that happens I tend to freak myself out and think like "what if I never get another muscle up ever again" even though that is very irrational. So so so frustrating. The snatch/TTB workout went a lot better than I thought, first three rounds of snatches were unbroken, last two rounds were singles. All toes to bar were unbroken and felt better than they have in awhile. So I guess the day wasn't a total failure. Arggg.
B. Muscle-ups, 5 x 2 unbroken; rest as needed
5 rounds for time:
3 hang power snatches, 105
7 toes-to-bar
A. complete
B. Fail. Only got 1 muscle up today. Something was very off.
What. the. fuck. I can't remember the last time I have failed that many muscle ups. I only got ONE muscle up today. One! What the hell? I failed my first attempt and shook it off because I was just warming up. I got the next one, went for a second but failed. Then I couldn't get another one after that. For some reason I was moving very slowly and my aggressive turn over was not there. I have no idea why that happened. It was extremely frustrating and I thought I was going to cry or punch something haha. I think I tried 7 or 8 attempts and failed all of them. It was very confusing, especially since I just did muscle ups last week, and the week before that, and the week before that. I guess it was just an off day, but it definitely got in my head. When that happens I tend to freak myself out and think like "what if I never get another muscle up ever again" even though that is very irrational. So so so frustrating. The snatch/TTB workout went a lot better than I thought, first three rounds of snatches were unbroken, last two rounds were singles. All toes to bar were unbroken and felt better than they have in awhile. So I guess the day wasn't a total failure. Arggg.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
10 sets of:
200m run @ 90% (goal is same pace/set)
:60 rest
10:00 @ 80% of [3 wall walks + 10 box jump/step-overs to 20" + 3 strict pull-ups + 10 heavy kettlebell swings]
complete. Runs between :39-:46
The 200 meter runs were way harder than I thought they would be. I used to run sprints in track so I figured it wouldn't be that bad but it was tough. I think I went out too fast on the first couple. I tried not to slow down my pace at all but it got pretty hard. My legs were really tired and I felt really heavy. Blah. Luckily I had Cody running with me so he pushed me to run harder. I basically had nothing left for the second part, I was moving pretty slow.
10 sets of:
200m run @ 90% (goal is same pace/set)
:60 rest
10:00 @ 80% of [3 wall walks + 10 box jump/step-overs to 20" + 3 strict pull-ups + 10 heavy kettlebell swings]
complete. Runs between :39-:46
The 200 meter runs were way harder than I thought they would be. I used to run sprints in track so I figured it wouldn't be that bad but it was tough. I think I went out too fast on the first couple. I tried not to slow down my pace at all but it got pretty hard. My legs were really tired and I felt really heavy. Blah. Luckily I had Cody running with me so he pushed me to run harder. I basically had nothing left for the second part, I was moving pretty slow.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
A. Squat clean & jerk, build to a max
B. Hang power snatch, build quickly to a heavy double
4 sets for times:
3 clean & jerks, 70% of A
20 wall balls
600m row @ 2:05/500m
6:00 rest
A. 195 (PR+5)
cleaned 200 (squat clean PR+10) but failed the jerk
B. 115
clean and jerks@135
Wow what an awesome morning. I am so pumped about my clean and jerk PR and my squat clean PR! Wow wow wow. I wore bees knees today to test them out and they definitely help, it was a lot easier to pop out of the squat. All the cleans felt really good but some of the jerks felt like I was pressing them out. I knew I was going to be able to clean 195 but wasn't sure if I was going to be able to jerk it, but I did! PR! Then I went for 200 and cleaned it but couldn't jerk it. The jerk barely went anywhere. I will definitely get it next time, the jerk at 195 was relatively easy. I think I just freaked myself out thinking about jerking 200 pounds. But I am still really happy that I cleaned it! I think I could have even cleaned 205. YAY. The hang snatches went about as I expected, I figured I would end up around 115. The row/wall ball workout actually went well, although I'm not sure why my times were all over the place. The clean and jerks were easy, wall balls felt good, and the all the rows actually felt good too. My pulls were pretty consistent and I was able to hold a good pace the whole time. I'm just not sure why my times were so up and down. Oh well. I can tell my rowing is definitely improved. Great day!!!
B. Hang power snatch, build quickly to a heavy double
4 sets for times:
3 clean & jerks, 70% of A
20 wall balls
600m row @ 2:05/500m
6:00 rest
A. 195 (PR+5)
cleaned 200 (squat clean PR+10) but failed the jerk
B. 115
clean and jerks
Wow what an awesome morning. I am so pumped about my clean and jerk PR and my squat clean PR! Wow wow wow. I wore bees knees today to test them out and they definitely help, it was a lot easier to pop out of the squat. All the cleans felt really good but some of the jerks felt like I was pressing them out. I knew I was going to be able to clean 195 but wasn't sure if I was going to be able to jerk it, but I did! PR! Then I went for 200 and cleaned it but couldn't jerk it. The jerk barely went anywhere. I will definitely get it next time, the jerk at 195 was relatively easy. I think I just freaked myself out thinking about jerking 200 pounds. But I am still really happy that I cleaned it! I think I could have even cleaned 205. YAY. The hang snatches went about as I expected, I figured I would end up around 115. The row/wall ball workout actually went well, although I'm not sure why my times were all over the place. The clean and jerks were easy, wall balls felt good, and the all the rows actually felt good too. My pulls were pretty consistent and I was able to hold a good pace the whole time. I'm just not sure why my times were so up and down. Oh well. I can tell my rowing is definitely improved. Great day!!!
Friday, October 18, 2013
A1. Close-grip bench press, 10-8-6; 2:00 rest
A2. CTB pull-ups, 3 x AMRAP (-1); 2:00 rest
For time:
10m handstand walk
20 pistols
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
5 rope climbs
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
20 pistols
10m handstand walk
A1. 85-95-105
A2. 10-9-10
Pistols were a major fail today. Left leg was assisted on the pistols after awhile, was able to finish the first set but on the second set I got up to 12 and just couldn't do any more on the left leg so Stephen let me finish them on the right. Very frustrating and took forever. Both handstand walks were unbroken which was cool. Would like to try this one again.
EFFFFF. Today was not good. Bench press was decent, and I would have liked to get more CTB pull ups. I really need to learn how to butterfly those so I can do way more of them. I feel like I should be able to do more than 10 CTBs at a time though. The second half SUCKED. Fucking pistol squats. I did the first handstand walk unbroken which was cool then I got to the pistol squats and it was a major fail. I was able to get all of them easily on the right leg but I wasn't really going low enough on the left. Then when I tried to go lower I was failing, so eventually I started using a 10# plate to help and I was able to finish the first round of pistols but they were slow as shit. The farmers walk was fast, and the rope climbs were probably the fastest I have ever done them. Once I got back to the pistols everything fell apart. I was failing multiple reps on the left leg, I was getting a few but then would fail a few. It was so frustrating, especially since I just did pistols a few weeks ago and they were fine. EFF. Eventually I got to the 12th rep and just could not get any more on the left leg, my leg was tired from all the attempts and it was just getting worse so Stephen let me finish the rest of the pistols on the right leg. I did the second handstand walk unbroken too. But the pistols overall just sucked and were extremely frustrating. I don't think I warmed up enough for those, and I don't practice them enough. I need to take it upon myself to do extra skill work every day. Also I am not used to doing them in my regular shoes, I always do them in my olympic shoes but I didn't wear olympic shoes due to the rope climbs, which is my fault because i should be practicing them in my nanos as well. I'm going to start working on them every day. Arggggg.
A2. CTB pull-ups, 3 x AMRAP (-1); 2:00 rest
For time:
10m handstand walk
20 pistols
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
5 rope climbs
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
20 pistols
10m handstand walk
A1. 85-95-105
A2. 10-9-10
Pistols were a major fail today. Left leg was assisted on the pistols after awhile, was able to finish the first set but on the second set I got up to 12 and just couldn't do any more on the left leg so Stephen let me finish them on the right. Very frustrating and took forever. Both handstand walks were unbroken which was cool. Would like to try this one again.
EFFFFF. Today was not good. Bench press was decent, and I would have liked to get more CTB pull ups. I really need to learn how to butterfly those so I can do way more of them. I feel like I should be able to do more than 10 CTBs at a time though. The second half SUCKED. Fucking pistol squats. I did the first handstand walk unbroken which was cool then I got to the pistol squats and it was a major fail. I was able to get all of them easily on the right leg but I wasn't really going low enough on the left. Then when I tried to go lower I was failing, so eventually I started using a 10# plate to help and I was able to finish the first round of pistols but they were slow as shit. The farmers walk was fast, and the rope climbs were probably the fastest I have ever done them. Once I got back to the pistols everything fell apart. I was failing multiple reps on the left leg, I was getting a few but then would fail a few. It was so frustrating, especially since I just did pistols a few weeks ago and they were fine. EFF. Eventually I got to the 12th rep and just could not get any more on the left leg, my leg was tired from all the attempts and it was just getting worse so Stephen let me finish the rest of the pistols on the right leg. I did the second handstand walk unbroken too. But the pistols overall just sucked and were extremely frustrating. I don't think I warmed up enough for those, and I don't practice them enough. I need to take it upon myself to do extra skill work every day. Also I am not used to doing them in my regular shoes, I always do them in my olympic shoes but I didn't wear olympic shoes due to the rope climbs, which is my fault because i should be practicing them in my nanos as well. I'm going to start working on them every day. Arggggg.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
2 sets of:
4 touch-and-go deadlifts, 205-245
100m sprint @ 95%
4:00 rest
2 sets of:
:40 AirDyne @ 95%
5:00 rest
3 sets of:
:50 row @ 100%
6:00 rest
complete @245
249m/1:40.4, 248m/1:40.8, 246m/1:41.6
Good day today, deadlifts felt really easy. I am glad to be doing deadlifts again, I enjoy those a lot. The row sprints were not as painful as last week (still painful though) but I noticed I am starting to recover a lot faster than I was a few weeks ago. The first one was a bit slower than the first one last week, but the third one was faster than the third one last week which is good, not as big of a drop off. Definite improvement!
4 touch-and-go deadlifts, 205-245
100m sprint @ 95%
4:00 rest
2 sets of:
:40 AirDyne @ 95%
5:00 rest
3 sets of:
:50 row @ 100%
6:00 rest
complete @245
249m/1:40.4, 248m/1:40.8, 246m/1:41.6
Good day today, deadlifts felt really easy. I am glad to be doing deadlifts again, I enjoy those a lot. The row sprints were not as painful as last week (still painful though) but I noticed I am starting to recover a lot faster than I was a few weeks ago. The first one was a bit slower than the first one last week, but the third one was faster than the third one last week which is good, not as big of a drop off. Definite improvement!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
A. Front squat, build to a 1RM
B. Squat snatch cluster, build to a heavy 1.1.1 w/:10 between singles
For time:
7 squat snatches, 95
3 muscle-ups
5 squat snatches, 95
3 muscle-ups
3 squat snatches, 95
3 muscle-ups
A. 215 (PR+5) (225F)
B. complete @125
Really happy with the front squat PR. 215 felt really good, I tried for 225 but as soon as I got down in the squat I knew I wasn't going to be able to stand it up. I think I could definitely get 220 next time though. Snatches were nice and fast today, I'm becoming more consistent with dropping quickly under the bar. The snatch/muscle up workout was a little disappointing, the snatches felt really good but the muscle ups were not great. After the first set of snatches I failed the first muscle up. That got in my head a bit. I thought I would be able to string some together but all of them ended up being singles and I failed at least one muscle up per round. Ughhh. Physically they felt better than last week coming out of the dip, I just wasn't being aggressive enough in my turnover. I'm not sure if it's because my shoulders were tired from the snatches or if I'm not used to doing muscle ups fatigued or what but they were disappointing today. Mehhhh.
B. Squat snatch cluster, build to a heavy 1.1.1 w/:10 between singles
For time:
7 squat snatches, 95
3 muscle-ups
5 squat snatches, 95
3 muscle-ups
3 squat snatches, 95
3 muscle-ups
A. 215 (PR+5) (225F)
B. complete @125
Really happy with the front squat PR. 215 felt really good, I tried for 225 but as soon as I got down in the squat I knew I wasn't going to be able to stand it up. I think I could definitely get 220 next time though. Snatches were nice and fast today, I'm becoming more consistent with dropping quickly under the bar. The snatch/muscle up workout was a little disappointing, the snatches felt really good but the muscle ups were not great. After the first set of snatches I failed the first muscle up. That got in my head a bit. I thought I would be able to string some together but all of them ended up being singles and I failed at least one muscle up per round. Ughhh. Physically they felt better than last week coming out of the dip, I just wasn't being aggressive enough in my turnover. I'm not sure if it's because my shoulders were tired from the snatches or if I'm not used to doing muscle ups fatigued or what but they were disappointing today. Mehhhh.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
35:00 airdyne @Z1
A. Weighted ring dip, build to a 1RM
B. Strict pull-ups, 4 x AMRAP; begin a set every 2:00
For time:
10 rope climbs
400m Farmer's walk, 53/hand
10 wall walks
complete, 186 cals
1 hour of olympic work with Chelsea Kyle
A. 40#
B. 9, 7, 7, 5
The olympic seminar with Chelsea from Columbus Weightlifting was really cool, I learned I need to work on my setup position in the snatch and drop my hips lower, and stay tighter through the whole lift. I also need to work on being more explosive and aggressive with the bar. The rest of the stuff went pretty well, the strict pull ups were harder than I thought they would be. I would bang out like 5 easily and then struggle to get the last couple reps. The rope climb workout was good because I did really well on the rope climbs, I am not great at doing multiple climbs in a row and I assumed it was going to take me at least 10 minutes to do the climbs but Stephen said I would get under 7:00. I was taking a lot less rest between climbs and trying to use my legs more. They felt really good, the slowest part is the descent. I was able to do them in about 6:50 which is a large improvement for me. I thought I was going to be able to do the farmers walk pretty quickly because 53 in each hand is not that heavy but holy shit my forearms were on fire from the climbs, I put the kettlebells down way more than I should have. Once I got back from the walk I was able to bang out the wall walks relatively quicky. Forearms were blown up after this one.
35:00 airdyne @Z1
A. Weighted ring dip, build to a 1RM
B. Strict pull-ups, 4 x AMRAP; begin a set every 2:00
For time:
10 rope climbs
400m Farmer's walk, 53/hand
10 wall walks
complete, 186 cals
1 hour of olympic work with Chelsea Kyle
A. 40#
B. 9, 7, 7, 5
The olympic seminar with Chelsea from Columbus Weightlifting was really cool, I learned I need to work on my setup position in the snatch and drop my hips lower, and stay tighter through the whole lift. I also need to work on being more explosive and aggressive with the bar. The rest of the stuff went pretty well, the strict pull ups were harder than I thought they would be. I would bang out like 5 easily and then struggle to get the last couple reps. The rope climb workout was good because I did really well on the rope climbs, I am not great at doing multiple climbs in a row and I assumed it was going to take me at least 10 minutes to do the climbs but Stephen said I would get under 7:00. I was taking a lot less rest between climbs and trying to use my legs more. They felt really good, the slowest part is the descent. I was able to do them in about 6:50 which is a large improvement for me. I thought I was going to be able to do the farmers walk pretty quickly because 53 in each hand is not that heavy but holy shit my forearms were on fire from the climbs, I put the kettlebells down way more than I should have. Once I got back from the walk I was able to bang out the wall walks relatively quicky. Forearms were blown up after this one.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
2 sets of:
7 touch-and-go deadlifts, 185-225
100m spint @ 90%
4:00 rest
2 sets of:
:40 AirDyne @ 95%
5:00 rest
3 sets of:
:50 row @ 100%
6:00 rest
complete @225
Good day today. Deadlifts felt nice and easy. The airdyne wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The row sprints went surprisingly well today. I just tried to keep it at 1:40 the whole time and was able to hang on to that pace for the first two sprints. I lost it a little bit on the third one but overall this was a large improvement from the previous week, last week my pace on the third sprint was 1:51. I feel like I redeemed myself a bit from my atrocious performance yesterday.
7 touch-and-go deadlifts, 185-225
100m spint @ 90%
4:00 rest
2 sets of:
:40 AirDyne @ 95%
5:00 rest
3 sets of:
:50 row @ 100%
6:00 rest
complete @225
Good day today. Deadlifts felt nice and easy. The airdyne wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The row sprints went surprisingly well today. I just tried to keep it at 1:40 the whole time and was able to hang on to that pace for the first two sprints. I lost it a little bit on the third one but overall this was a large improvement from the previous week, last week my pace on the third sprint was 1:51. I feel like I redeemed myself a bit from my atrocious performance yesterday.
A. Front squat, build to a 2RM
B. Squat snatch, build quickly to a single @ 125
AMRAP in 12:00:
2 unbroken muscle-ups
30 unbroken double-unders
A. 195
B. complete
4 rounds
Front squats felt heavier than last week, I was hoping to get up to 200 for a double but 195 was a struggle so I stopped there. Snatches felt really really good today, I was dropping under the bar quickly and every rep felt the same, even 125 so that's good. The muscle up/double under workout was such a disappointment. I went in really confident because I was able to get 6 sets of 2 MUs last week in 10 minutes so I thought I would be able to get at least 6 rounds on this. But right from the start my muscle ups felt like shit, I don't know if I didn't warm up enough or what was going on, but I felt like I weighed 1000 pounds. I was catching myself super low in the dip, lower than I have ever caught myself on muscle ups. I got through 3 rounds and then did 1 muscle up and failed the second so I couldn't move on to the double unders. I strung two together barely. When I went back for the 5th round I did 1 MU but failed the second. Then I tried again and failed the FIRST muscle up. What the fuck. Then I got another muscle up but couldn't string another one together and then time ran out. I was so disappointed with this because every muscle up felt terrible and I was doing so well last week.
B. Squat snatch, build quickly to a single @ 125
AMRAP in 12:00:
2 unbroken muscle-ups
30 unbroken double-unders
A. 195
B. complete
4 rounds
Front squats felt heavier than last week, I was hoping to get up to 200 for a double but 195 was a struggle so I stopped there. Snatches felt really really good today, I was dropping under the bar quickly and every rep felt the same, even 125 so that's good. The muscle up/double under workout was such a disappointment. I went in really confident because I was able to get 6 sets of 2 MUs last week in 10 minutes so I thought I would be able to get at least 6 rounds on this. But right from the start my muscle ups felt like shit, I don't know if I didn't warm up enough or what was going on, but I felt like I weighed 1000 pounds. I was catching myself super low in the dip, lower than I have ever caught myself on muscle ups. I got through 3 rounds and then did 1 muscle up and failed the second so I couldn't move on to the double unders. I strung two together barely. When I went back for the 5th round I did 1 MU but failed the second. Then I tried again and failed the FIRST muscle up. What the fuck. Then I got another muscle up but couldn't string another one together and then time ran out. I was so disappointed with this because every muscle up felt terrible and I was doing so well last week.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
weight: 154
Event 1: Clean and Overhead in 10 min
last year: 170
this year: 190
Very happy with this. I started with 170, then went to 180, then 190. The jerk on 190 was rough, I basically pressed it up, I didn't push myself under the bar enough. I tried for 195 with about 10 seconds left but I failed the clean. I think I would have been able to stand up with it if I had more time to rest.
Event 2: Standing Triple Jump
last year: 16′ 11″
this year: 18'6"
Pleased with a PR on this, still need to get better at the correct technique
Event 3: Row Repeats (500 m row, rest 90 sec, 500 m row)
last year: 1:55.7, 2:3.3
this year: 1:47.6, 1:57.9
REALLY HAPPY with this. I was not looking forward to this at all because row sprints are terrible but I was hoping to improve on this since I have been doing so much rowing lately. The first 500 felt pretty bad but I was able to hold a good pace, the second 500 SUCKED and I definitely slowed down but was still able to push through. Definitely the worst part of the day but pleased with the improvement from last year.
Event 4:
25 DU's
25 Power snatch-65#
25 burpees
25 DU's
This was a little deceiving, I broke up the snatches 9/8/5/3, definitely got tough on the shoulders near the end. I felt like I was able to keep a steady pace on the burpees which is good but tripped up on the double unders at the end.
Event 5: Reverse Shot Put Toss - 16# men, 8# women
last year: 28'1"
this year: 27'4"
I am not good at this.
Event 6: 3000 m run
last year: 18:53
this year: 17:36
WHAT. I am so happy about this. I was hoping to PR this today. I was a little worried because a few weeks ago when we had to run at the track, it was terrible and I felt like shit the whole time I was running so I was nervous that it wouldn't go well today. I was able to keep a pretty good pace the first couple laps, then when I started getting tired I would slow down on the curves and pick up the pace on the straightaways. I really didn't feel that bad at all, and I was able to pick it up the last 100 meters. Last year the run felt like it took FOREVER but today it went relatively quickly. Also we had great running weather, it was cloudy and cool. I am pleasantly surprised at how well this went.
Overall, today was awesome, I had a lot of fun with Megan, Stephen, Justin, Jeff, Lee, Pat, and Cody. I liked that the group was a lot smaller than last year, it was chill and relaxed and really fun. Great day!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
A. Squat clean & jerk, build to your anticipated opener
3 sets of:
:30 row @ OPTathlon pace
2:30 rest
10:00 AirDyne @ Z1
A. 170
162/1:46.3, 142/1:45.6, 143/1:44.8
Squat cleans didn't feel as good as last week but they got better as the weight got heavier. All the jerks felt really good though. I think 170 will be a good opener tomorrow, I am hoping to get up to 190 or maybe even 195, a PR would be awesome. The rows were good, I went a little too fast on the third one but overall was able to keep a steady pace for all three. I am looking forward to the OPTathlon tomorrow and interested to see the progress I have made from last year.
3 sets of:
:30 row @ OPTathlon pace
2:30 rest
10:00 AirDyne @ Z1
A. 170
162/1:46.3, 142/1:45.6, 143/1:44.8
Squat cleans didn't feel as good as last week but they got better as the weight got heavier. All the jerks felt really good though. I think 170 will be a good opener tomorrow, I am hoping to get up to 190 or maybe even 195, a PR would be awesome. The rows were good, I went a little too fast on the third one but overall was able to keep a steady pace for all three. I am looking forward to the OPTathlon tomorrow and interested to see the progress I have made from last year.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
35:00 airdyne @Z1
A1. Weighted ring dip, 3-2-1, 20X1; :60 rest
A2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 7-9/arm as heavy as possible; no rest between arms, :60 rest
For time:
20m handstand walk
25 toes-to-bar
30 pistols
25 CTB pull-ups
20m handstand walk
A1. 25-30-35
A2. 70-75-80 (7. had to break up the set on the L arm because I was having trouble gripping the DB)
Accidentally fucked up the A1/A2 part of my workout, I did all of A1 and then all of A2 instead of going back and forth. Get it together McCarty. Dips felt harder than last week, it was tougher coming out of the bottom of the dip. DB rows are definitely getting better, although I had to break up the set of 7 with 80# on the left arm because I literally couldn't hold on to the DB, it kept slipping out of my hand. The last part of my workout was really fun, I enjoyed this one. Handstand walk was probably the best it has been, I did the first 10m unbroken, then almost had the second 10m unbroken on the way back. Toes to bar felt a little off, I haven't done those in awhile so I was breaking them up more than I would have liked. The pistols were definitely the slowest part, I have to really focus in order to keep my balance, especially on the left leg. I had to re-do a few because I fell over. CTB pull ups felt good, I broke those up mostly in sets of 5. The handstand walk at the end was good, for being fatigued I made it almost the whole 10m on the way down, same on the way back. Very pleased with that.
35:00 airdyne @Z1
A1. Weighted ring dip, 3-2-1, 20X1; :60 rest
A2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 7-9/arm as heavy as possible; no rest between arms, :60 rest
For time:
20m handstand walk
25 toes-to-bar
30 pistols
25 CTB pull-ups
20m handstand walk
A1. 25-30-35
A2. 70-75-80 (7. had to break up the set on the L arm because I was having trouble gripping the DB)
Accidentally fucked up the A1/A2 part of my workout, I did all of A1 and then all of A2 instead of going back and forth. Get it together McCarty. Dips felt harder than last week, it was tougher coming out of the bottom of the dip. DB rows are definitely getting better, although I had to break up the set of 7 with 80# on the left arm because I literally couldn't hold on to the DB, it kept slipping out of my hand. The last part of my workout was really fun, I enjoyed this one. Handstand walk was probably the best it has been, I did the first 10m unbroken, then almost had the second 10m unbroken on the way back. Toes to bar felt a little off, I haven't done those in awhile so I was breaking them up more than I would have liked. The pistols were definitely the slowest part, I have to really focus in order to keep my balance, especially on the left leg. I had to re-do a few because I fell over. CTB pull ups felt good, I broke those up mostly in sets of 5. The handstand walk at the end was good, for being fatigued I made it almost the whole 10m on the way down, same on the way back. Very pleased with that.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
3 sets of:
5 touch-and-go deadlifts, 185-225
:30 AirDyne @ 97%
5:00 rest
3 sets of:
:50 row @ 100%
6:00 rest
complete, deadlifts @225
248/1:40, 246/1:41, 224/1:51. Really fell off on the third one
I was happy to do some deadlifts today, I haven't done those in awhile. The TNG at 225 felt really good. The row sprints sucked as usual, but not as much as last week. The :50 seemed to go much faster than the :60 sprints last week. The first one actually wasn't bad at all, the second one hurt and the third one SUCKED. I basically fell apart on the third sprint, my pace was way too slow by the end but I felt like I was doing all I could do. I can tell my recovery is getting better though, they didn't seem to kill me as bad as the other sprints in the past few weeks. I still felt puke-y after the third one though. Stephen told me I didn't look as close to death as last week so that's a good sign. Improvement! Although I don't think I will ever like rowing.
5 touch-and-go deadlifts, 185-225
:30 AirDyne @ 97%
5:00 rest
3 sets of:
:50 row @ 100%
6:00 rest
complete, deadlifts @225
248/1:40, 246/1:41, 224/1:51. Really fell off on the third one
I was happy to do some deadlifts today, I haven't done those in awhile. The TNG at 225 felt really good. The row sprints sucked as usual, but not as much as last week. The :50 seemed to go much faster than the :60 sprints last week. The first one actually wasn't bad at all, the second one hurt and the third one SUCKED. I basically fell apart on the third sprint, my pace was way too slow by the end but I felt like I was doing all I could do. I can tell my recovery is getting better though, they didn't seem to kill me as bad as the other sprints in the past few weeks. I still felt puke-y after the third one though. Stephen told me I didn't look as close to death as last week so that's a good sign. Improvement! Although I don't think I will ever like rowing.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
A. Front squat, build to a 3RM
AMRAP in 10:00:
2 unbroken muscle-ups
For time:
9 squat snatches, 85
50 double-unders
7 squat snatches, 95
40 double-unders
5 squat snatches, 105
30 double-unders
3 squat snatches, 115
20 double-unders
1 squat snatches, 125
10 double-unders
A. 190
6 sets, strung 2 together each time, no misses
Front squats felt heavy today. 3RM stuff is hard to judge because there is basically one shot, I didn't think I would be able to do more than one attempt. I worked up to 190 and it felt pretty heavy, I didn't think I would be able to go any heavier but I'm not 100% sure. The muscle ups felt awesome today! I am getting a lot more comfortable stringing them together, I didn't have any misses, they are getting a lot smoother and faster. Yay! Hopefully I'll be able to string three together soon. The snatch/double under workout was good and bad. All the snatches felt great, I was getting under the bar pretty quickly and this was the best it has felt in two weeks. I didn't fail any snatches so that's good. I was just so out of breath the whole time, after I did the 9 snatches at 85# I was already breathing really heavy, I was actually a little shocked I was out of breath so quickly. I shouldn't be tired that quickly at such a light weight. I'm happy the snatches felt really good though.
AMRAP in 10:00:
2 unbroken muscle-ups
For time:
9 squat snatches, 85
50 double-unders
7 squat snatches, 95
40 double-unders
5 squat snatches, 105
30 double-unders
3 squat snatches, 115
20 double-unders
1 squat snatches, 125
10 double-unders
A. 190
6 sets, strung 2 together each time, no misses
Front squats felt heavy today. 3RM stuff is hard to judge because there is basically one shot, I didn't think I would be able to do more than one attempt. I worked up to 190 and it felt pretty heavy, I didn't think I would be able to go any heavier but I'm not 100% sure. The muscle ups felt awesome today! I am getting a lot more comfortable stringing them together, I didn't have any misses, they are getting a lot smoother and faster. Yay! Hopefully I'll be able to string three together soon. The snatch/double under workout was good and bad. All the snatches felt great, I was getting under the bar pretty quickly and this was the best it has felt in two weeks. I didn't fail any snatches so that's good. I was just so out of breath the whole time, after I did the 9 snatches at 85# I was already breathing really heavy, I was actually a little shocked I was out of breath so quickly. I shouldn't be tired that quickly at such a light weight. I'm happy the snatches felt really good though.
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