Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
For max reps:
2:00 rope climbs
:60 rest
2:00 alternating pistols
:60 rest
2:00 double-unders
5 rounds for time of:
10 handstand push-ups
20 pull-ups
400m run
4 rope climbs
21 pistols
144 double unders
I really liked the first half of the workout, it was a good warm up. I figured I would get 4 rope climbs, I basically did one every :30. Pistols felt surprisingly good, they just need to be faster and I need to work on balance. I also had to re-do a few on my left leg because a few of them weren't low enough. The second half of the workout SUCKED. I did the first set of HSPUs unbroken but for all the other rounds I broke them up 5/3/2. Pull ups actually felt good today, I was able to butterfly all of them. I basically broke them up 10/10 every time except for the last round I had to go 5/5/5/5 because I was afraid my hands were going to tear. I felt awful on all the runs. I was out of breath by the 2nd round and it just got worse. I could barely breath on the runs, they were bad. Ughhhh I hate running so much. I'm glad I was able to do this under 30:00.
2:00 rope climbs
:60 rest
2:00 alternating pistols
:60 rest
2:00 double-unders
5 rounds for time of:
10 handstand push-ups
20 pull-ups
400m run
4 rope climbs
21 pistols
144 double unders
I really liked the first half of the workout, it was a good warm up. I figured I would get 4 rope climbs, I basically did one every :30. Pistols felt surprisingly good, they just need to be faster and I need to work on balance. I also had to re-do a few on my left leg because a few of them weren't low enough. The second half of the workout SUCKED. I did the first set of HSPUs unbroken but for all the other rounds I broke them up 5/3/2. Pull ups actually felt good today, I was able to butterfly all of them. I basically broke them up 10/10 every time except for the last round I had to go 5/5/5/5 because I was afraid my hands were going to tear. I felt awful on all the runs. I was out of breath by the 2nd round and it just got worse. I could barely breath on the runs, they were bad. Ughhhh I hate running so much. I'm glad I was able to do this under 30:00.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
A. Squat clean & jerk, build to a max
B. Hang power snatch, build to a 3RM
3 sets for times of:
10 back squats, 155
25 wall balls
750m row @ 2:05/500m
6:00 rest
A. 190 (clean & jerk PR+6. squat clean PR+15)
B. 105. Arms were not feeling great after the clean and jerks
I am SO excited about my 190 clean and jerk today. That was so awesome. I didn't think it would go that well since my jerks felt pretty bad last week but the heavier the weight got the better everything felt. I was happy I got up to 190, the squat clean felt really good. I think I could have cleaned 195 but I don't think I could have jerked it, my arms were pretty tired at that point. The hang snatches were basically laughable, my arms were extremely sore and everything felt pretty bad. I only got up to 105 which is not great but I didn't think I would be able to go any higher, my arms were hurting a lot. The wall ball/row workout sucked a lot, I was able to do all the back squats unbroken, and I probably broke up the wall balls too much. The row was a lot harder than I thought it would be, I was able to keep a 2:05 pace for the first round, but I totally lost it on the second round. 750 meters felt like it took FOREVER. The third round was about a 2:07 pace in the end which isn't too bad I guess but I still should have done better. I am looking forward to the OPTathlon next weekend, hoping to maybe PR my clean and jerk again!
B. Hang power snatch, build to a 3RM
3 sets for times of:
10 back squats, 155
25 wall balls
750m row @ 2:05/500m
6:00 rest
A. 190 (clean & jerk PR+6. squat clean PR+15)
B. 105. Arms were not feeling great after the clean and jerks
I am SO excited about my 190 clean and jerk today. That was so awesome. I didn't think it would go that well since my jerks felt pretty bad last week but the heavier the weight got the better everything felt. I was happy I got up to 190, the squat clean felt really good. I think I could have cleaned 195 but I don't think I could have jerked it, my arms were pretty tired at that point. The hang snatches were basically laughable, my arms were extremely sore and everything felt pretty bad. I only got up to 105 which is not great but I didn't think I would be able to go any higher, my arms were hurting a lot. The wall ball/row workout sucked a lot, I was able to do all the back squats unbroken, and I probably broke up the wall balls too much. The row was a lot harder than I thought it would be, I was able to keep a 2:05 pace for the first round, but I totally lost it on the second round. 750 meters felt like it took FOREVER. The third round was about a 2:07 pace in the end which isn't too bad I guess but I still should have done better. I am looking forward to the OPTathlon next weekend, hoping to maybe PR my clean and jerk again!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
35:00 Airdyne @Z1
A. Weighted ring dip, 5 x 1-2, 20X1; 2:30 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 9-12/arm as heavy as possible w/a little cheat; :30 rest between arms
For time:
50 walking lunge steps
2:00 rest
5 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
4 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
3 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
2 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
1 rope climb
2:00 rest
50 walking lunge steps
A. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
B. 55, 60, 70 (9)
AHHHHHH my arms. The dips felt really good today. The DB rows were better than last week, I also pushed the weight a bit on those. Mostly because I accidentally brought over the 70 pound DB instead of the 65 pound DB so then I was basically stuck with it but I'm glad I did it, those are definitely getting better. The rope climb/ handstand walk workout took too long. My rope climbs are slow, I was basically doing one every minute. It's not even really muscle fatigue, they just tire me out very quickly and I get out of breath easily on those. Also I feel like I am starting to get worse at rope climbs, I am using way too much of my arms and not enough legs. I think I was basically using all arms today on all the climbs. I need to go back and watch Carl Paoli's videos for a refresher. My descent is getting faster though. The handstand walks didn't go as well as I wanted, it was way more difficult after the rope climbs, my arms were blown up and it was hard to balance but I think it was decent. I'm glad I did it though because it's good for me to do handstand walk fatigued, usually I just do it during a warm up so it's a lot easier. If it ever comes up in a competition I need to be ready to do it when I'm tired. The last set of lunges were surprisingly tiring. Overall I just need to take shorter breaks between climbs.
35:00 Airdyne @Z1
A. Weighted ring dip, 5 x 1-2, 20X1; 2:30 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 9-12/arm as heavy as possible w/a little cheat; :30 rest between arms
For time:
50 walking lunge steps
2:00 rest
5 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
4 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
3 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
2 rope climbs
10m handstand walk
1 rope climb
2:00 rest
50 walking lunge steps
A. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
B. 55, 60, 70 (9)
AHHHHHH my arms. The dips felt really good today. The DB rows were better than last week, I also pushed the weight a bit on those. Mostly because I accidentally brought over the 70 pound DB instead of the 65 pound DB so then I was basically stuck with it but I'm glad I did it, those are definitely getting better. The rope climb/ handstand walk workout took too long. My rope climbs are slow, I was basically doing one every minute. It's not even really muscle fatigue, they just tire me out very quickly and I get out of breath easily on those. Also I feel like I am starting to get worse at rope climbs, I am using way too much of my arms and not enough legs. I think I was basically using all arms today on all the climbs. I need to go back and watch Carl Paoli's videos for a refresher. My descent is getting faster though. The handstand walks didn't go as well as I wanted, it was way more difficult after the rope climbs, my arms were blown up and it was hard to balance but I think it was decent. I'm glad I did it though because it's good for me to do handstand walk fatigued, usually I just do it during a warm up so it's a lot easier. If it ever comes up in a competition I need to be ready to do it when I'm tired. The last set of lunges were surprisingly tiring. Overall I just need to take shorter breaks between climbs.
Every 5:00 for 2 sets:
8 burpee box jumps, 20"
:15 AirDyne @ 97%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
10 heavy kettlebell swings
:25 run @ 97%
Every 7:00 for 2 sets:
:60 row @ 100%
complete with 70# kb
complete, 296/290 meters
Row sprints are the worst. I think I went out too slow on the first one, it still sucked a lot but I don't know if I went at 100%. Stephen told me to try and hold a 1:40 pace for the second one. I was able to hold it under 1:40 up through about :35 then it basically fell apart and I ended with a 1:43. Ughhh. My legs felt like they had stopped working. :60 sprints on the rower really do feel like they last forever. After the second one I went outside because I thought I might throw up. Luckily I didn't. It's coming though. Soon enough.
8 burpee box jumps, 20"
:15 AirDyne @ 97%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
10 heavy kettlebell swings
:25 run @ 97%
Every 7:00 for 2 sets:
:60 row @ 100%
complete with 70# kb
complete, 296/290 meters
Row sprints are the worst. I think I went out too slow on the first one, it still sucked a lot but I don't know if I went at 100%. Stephen told me to try and hold a 1:40 pace for the second one. I was able to hold it under 1:40 up through about :35 then it basically fell apart and I ended with a 1:43. Ughhh. My legs felt like they had stopped working. :60 sprints on the rower really do feel like they last forever. After the second one I went outside because I thought I might throw up. Luckily I didn't. It's coming though. Soon enough.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
A. Front squat clusters, 2 x; :30 rest between triples, 3:00 rest
B. Muscle-ups, 10:00 easy practice working on stringing together reps
For times (time each set of 5):
5 squat snatches, 95
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 105
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 115
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 125
A. 175, 180
B. complete. 4 attempts, strung 2 together each time.
Front squats felt good today, I was coming out of the bottom pretty quickly on each rep. 180 got a little iffy near the end on the third rep of each set but it was still relatively quick. The muscle ups went much better than last week! I tried four times and strung 2 together each time and they felt really easy! I think the trick is not hanging out in the top for very long, as soon as I was up I was already pushing myself back down. Jeff gave me some really good tips and they definitely helped. On my fourth attempt I tried to string three together but failed the third one. It was close though, so maybe next week! The snatches were.....mehhh. Not how I wanted them to go at all. The ones at 95 were actually the worst out of all of them, I don't know what was going on. I strung 3 together and then failed the next rep, then failed the next. WHAT. It definitely got in my head. It took me way too long to do 5 snatches at 95, I should have been able to do that in less than one minute. The snatches at 105 were pretty bad too, I think I failed one or two. I didn't have any misses at 115 and only had 2 misses at 125. The snatches at 125 actually felt the best out of everything, which is weird. My snatches have been very off the past week and it is frustrating me. I told Stephen I feel like I am starting to get "greedy" with my progress, meaning my snatches have gotten relatively good lately (up until this week) so now when I see a workout with snatches I think "I should do very well on this" then when things don't go according to plan I get very frustrated like "my snatches have been good lately, that means all of them should be good all the time from now on". I need to stop thinking this way and remember how much progress I have made. A few months ago I would not have been able to snatch 125# 5 times and I would not have been able to string muscle ups together. I always want to improve but I need to appreciate the progress I have already made. This is something I need to work on.
B. Muscle-ups, 10:00 easy practice working on stringing together reps
For times (time each set of 5):
5 squat snatches, 95
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 105
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 115
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 125
A. 175, 180
B. complete. 4 attempts, strung 2 together each time.
Front squats felt good today, I was coming out of the bottom pretty quickly on each rep. 180 got a little iffy near the end on the third rep of each set but it was still relatively quick. The muscle ups went much better than last week! I tried four times and strung 2 together each time and they felt really easy! I think the trick is not hanging out in the top for very long, as soon as I was up I was already pushing myself back down. Jeff gave me some really good tips and they definitely helped. On my fourth attempt I tried to string three together but failed the third one. It was close though, so maybe next week! The snatches were.....mehhh. Not how I wanted them to go at all. The ones at 95 were actually the worst out of all of them, I don't know what was going on. I strung 3 together and then failed the next rep, then failed the next. WHAT. It definitely got in my head. It took me way too long to do 5 snatches at 95, I should have been able to do that in less than one minute. The snatches at 105 were pretty bad too, I think I failed one or two. I didn't have any misses at 115 and only had 2 misses at 125. The snatches at 125 actually felt the best out of everything, which is weird. My snatches have been very off the past week and it is frustrating me. I told Stephen I feel like I am starting to get "greedy" with my progress, meaning my snatches have gotten relatively good lately (up until this week) so now when I see a workout with snatches I think "I should do very well on this" then when things don't go according to plan I get very frustrated like "my snatches have been good lately, that means all of them should be good all the time from now on". I need to stop thinking this way and remember how much progress I have made. A few months ago I would not have been able to snatch 125# 5 times and I would not have been able to string muscle ups together. I always want to improve but I need to appreciate the progress I have already made. This is something I need to work on.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
3 sets not for time:
3 rope climbs
:45-:60 L-sit
10-20m handstand walk
40 CTB pull-ups
30 handstand push-ups
20 power snatches, 115
30 handstand push-ups
40 CTB pull-ups
Yikes. My arms hurt. The rope climbs definitely made my forearms more sore than they already were. I was nervous about doing CLB because I wasn't sure how the 115# snatches were going to go. I think I went too slow on the first CTBs and HSPUs. The CTBs were broken up into sets of 5, I wasn't really in a rush because I knew I still had to do the snatches so I didn't want to kill myself but I think I rested too long between sets. The HSPUs were in sets of 5 at first and then 3s. I made it to the snatches 10:00 in and I was there for awhile. I got all the snatches though and I was really happy about that, I only failed one snatch. They actually felt pretty good, I didn't feel like I was having to press them up at all, they just took me forever, I think I was resting too long between singles because I didn't want to fail any. When I got back to the HSPUs they took awhile, my arms were so tired by that point. The second part of the CTBs were done in all sets of 4, luckily I didn't rip my hands which is good. Overall I'm happy with how this went, I'm happy I got all the snatches at 115 and my HSPUs are definitely getting better.
3 rope climbs
:45-:60 L-sit
10-20m handstand walk
40 CTB pull-ups
30 handstand push-ups
20 power snatches, 115
30 handstand push-ups
40 CTB pull-ups
Yikes. My arms hurt. The rope climbs definitely made my forearms more sore than they already were. I was nervous about doing CLB because I wasn't sure how the 115# snatches were going to go. I think I went too slow on the first CTBs and HSPUs. The CTBs were broken up into sets of 5, I wasn't really in a rush because I knew I still had to do the snatches so I didn't want to kill myself but I think I rested too long between sets. The HSPUs were in sets of 5 at first and then 3s. I made it to the snatches 10:00 in and I was there for awhile. I got all the snatches though and I was really happy about that, I only failed one snatch. They actually felt pretty good, I didn't feel like I was having to press them up at all, they just took me forever, I think I was resting too long between singles because I didn't want to fail any. When I got back to the HSPUs they took awhile, my arms were so tired by that point. The second part of the CTBs were done in all sets of 4, luckily I didn't rip my hands which is good. Overall I'm happy with how this went, I'm happy I got all the snatches at 115 and my HSPUs are definitely getting better.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
A. Clean & jerk, build to a max
B. Squat snatch from low blocks, build to quickly to a heavy single
2 sets for times of:
15 back squats, 135
30 wall balls
800m run
8:00 rest
A. 180
B. 125 (130 Fx3)
8:00 rest
Nothing felt good today. I felt very stiff and sore, even after I had warmed up for awhile. I was really hoping to PR my clean and jerk today but that didn't happen. The cleans were slow and a lot harder than last week. All the jerks felt like shit, I was pressing most of them out. At one point I failed a clean at 180, I tried it again and failed the jerk. The third time I got the clean AND the jerk but it just didn't feel good at all. I was pretty disappointed, I really wanted to get up to 190 today. The snatches were pretty bad too, I was dropping underneath quickly but I was catching it forward on almost every rep. Argggg. I didn't get as high as I wanted on the snatches either. All the lifting was so frustrating today. The back squat/wall ball workout went a little better than I thought it would, all the back squats were unbroken. I broke up the first round of wall balls 13/8/9 and the second round 12/5/5/5/3. The second set was pretty tough, the ball was all over the place. The runs weren't as bad as I thought they would be. The second round was definitely slower than the first round because the wall balls took me a lot longer. I did not feel great today, I wish the lifting would have gone better.
B. Squat snatch from low blocks, build to quickly to a heavy single
2 sets for times of:
15 back squats, 135
30 wall balls
800m run
8:00 rest
A. 180
B. 125 (130 Fx3)
8:00 rest
Nothing felt good today. I felt very stiff and sore, even after I had warmed up for awhile. I was really hoping to PR my clean and jerk today but that didn't happen. The cleans were slow and a lot harder than last week. All the jerks felt like shit, I was pressing most of them out. At one point I failed a clean at 180, I tried it again and failed the jerk. The third time I got the clean AND the jerk but it just didn't feel good at all. I was pretty disappointed, I really wanted to get up to 190 today. The snatches were pretty bad too, I was dropping underneath quickly but I was catching it forward on almost every rep. Argggg. I didn't get as high as I wanted on the snatches either. All the lifting was so frustrating today. The back squat/wall ball workout went a little better than I thought it would, all the back squats were unbroken. I broke up the first round of wall balls 13/8/9 and the second round 12/5/5/5/3. The second set was pretty tough, the ball was all over the place. The runs weren't as bad as I thought they would be. The second round was definitely slower than the first round because the wall balls took me a lot longer. I did not feel great today, I wish the lifting would have gone better.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
35:00 airdyne @Z1
A. Ring dip, 5 x 2-3, 20X1; 2:30 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 12-15/arm heavy w/a little cheat; :30 rest between arms
For time:
100 double-unders
2:00 rest
30m yoke walk, heavy
10 rope climbs
30m yoke walk, heavy
10 wall walks
30m yoke walk, heavy
2:00 rest
100 double-unders
A. complete, 3 each time
B. 25-45-55(12)
40# on yolk=205#
I'm glad I had some dips programmed today, I have been meaning to work on those in case they come up in the competition in November. It turns out I was going way too light on the DB rows, I started out with a 25# DB because I thought it was heavy haha but it turns out I was going too light, and I was just being a baby about it because I'm not great at DB rows. Stephen told me to do the next set at 45 and that was what I should have started at. Now I definitely have a better understanding of where I need to be for next time! The yolk workout was actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I have never done the yolk before so it was a little awkward at first but I got used to it, it was fun. The rope climbs took me the longest and I knew that would happen. The first 6 felt pretty good but the more fatigued I got, the more I started pulling with just my arms instead of using my legs as well, which is weird because I feel like it should be the other way around. I wish I was faster at rope climbs, they just make me winded so I usually end up resting a lot between each climb. Definitely need to work on those. I think I did the wall walks at a good pace, overall I felt like I was moving at a decent speed throughout the whole workout, the rope climbs just slowed me down. I'm happy with how it went though, but my forearms are definitely sore!
35:00 airdyne @Z1
A. Ring dip, 5 x 2-3, 20X1; 2:30 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 12-15/arm heavy w/a little cheat; :30 rest between arms
For time:
100 double-unders
2:00 rest
30m yoke walk, heavy
10 rope climbs
30m yoke walk, heavy
10 wall walks
30m yoke walk, heavy
2:00 rest
100 double-unders
A. complete, 3 each time
B. 25-45-55(12)
40# on yolk=205#
I'm glad I had some dips programmed today, I have been meaning to work on those in case they come up in the competition in November. It turns out I was going way too light on the DB rows, I started out with a 25# DB because I thought it was heavy haha but it turns out I was going too light, and I was just being a baby about it because I'm not great at DB rows. Stephen told me to do the next set at 45 and that was what I should have started at. Now I definitely have a better understanding of where I need to be for next time! The yolk workout was actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I have never done the yolk before so it was a little awkward at first but I got used to it, it was fun. The rope climbs took me the longest and I knew that would happen. The first 6 felt pretty good but the more fatigued I got, the more I started pulling with just my arms instead of using my legs as well, which is weird because I feel like it should be the other way around. I wish I was faster at rope climbs, they just make me winded so I usually end up resting a lot between each climb. Definitely need to work on those. I think I did the wall walks at a good pace, overall I felt like I was moving at a decent speed throughout the whole workout, the rope climbs just slowed me down. I'm happy with how it went though, but my forearms are definitely sore!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Every 5:00 for 2 sets:
6 alternating DB snatches, heavy and fast
6 burpees, as fast as possible
:15 AirDyne @ 95%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
7 tough touch-and-go power cleans
:25 run @ 97%
Every 7:00 for 2 sets:
:55 row @ 100%
6 alternating DB snatches, heavy and fast
6 burpees, as fast as possible
:15 AirDyne @ 95%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
7 tough touch-and-go power cleans
:25 run @ 97%
Every 7:00 for 2 sets:
:55 row @ 100%
complete with 50# DB
complete @140#
complete, 296/282 meters
Definitely should have gone heavier on the DB, the last time I did an DB snatches was when we were training for regionals and 50# felt heavy then but today it felt pretty light. I should have gone heavier on the cleans too, I think I should have done at least 145 or maybe even 150. The row sprints were rough as usual, I definitely dropped off more this week on the second row than previous weeks. On the second row I felt like I was going as fast as I could but I knew I was still going pretty slow, I felt like I had nothing left in my legs. It was rough. Row sprints are not fun.
A. Front squat clusters, 2 x 4.4.4; :30 rest between 4s, 3:00 rest
B. Muscle-ups, 10:00 easy practice, work on stringing together reps
For reps:
4:00 of [2 squat snatches @ 115 + 4 muscle-ups]
4:00 rest
4:00 of [2 squat snatches @ 115 + 6 toes-to-bar]
A. 165 for first set, 170 for the second set
B. complete. Strung 2 together on the first try then all singles after that
2 snatches + 3 muscle ups
4:00 rest (which actually turned into 6:00 rest...)
3 rounds + 1 snatch
Bahhhh. Today was so disappointing. The front squats went well, I'm glad Stephen pushed me to do higher weight on those, originally I was going to do 155 but he told me to go 165 then 170 and I'm happy I did. I thought the muscle ups were going to be better, I strung two together on the first try but then couldn't string any more together after that. Ugh. I've been watching a lot of videos and I know what I need to do but it's hard to actually do it. I will just have to keep working on those. The snatch/muscle up workout was really disappointing. I thought I was going to do better on the snatches since I have been doing really well on those lately, but that was not the case. For some reason the thought of doing 115# snatches in a workout really freaked me out and I think it got in my head. I got the first rep no problem, then failed the second one. Tried for a third, failed that one too. That really fucked with my head. I got the next attempt but just barely. I went on to the muscle ups but failed the first attempt (WHAT) but I think it's because I had my wrist wraps on. I took them off and was able to get three muscle ups before the 4:00 was up. Ughhh. Not how I wanted that to go down. I was hoping to get at least one full round. The next part went better, I was able to get 3 rounds plus one snatch, although my snatches still didn't feel great. I did not feel like I was dropping under the bar quickly at all. They just felt so off. Today was frustrating.
B. Muscle-ups, 10:00 easy practice, work on stringing together reps
For reps:
4:00 of [2 squat snatches @ 115 + 4 muscle-ups]
4:00 rest
4:00 of [2 squat snatches @ 115 + 6 toes-to-bar]
A. 165 for first set, 170 for the second set
B. complete. Strung 2 together on the first try then all singles after that
2 snatches + 3 muscle ups
4:00 rest (which actually turned into 6:00 rest...)
3 rounds + 1 snatch
Bahhhh. Today was so disappointing. The front squats went well, I'm glad Stephen pushed me to do higher weight on those, originally I was going to do 155 but he told me to go 165 then 170 and I'm happy I did. I thought the muscle ups were going to be better, I strung two together on the first try but then couldn't string any more together after that. Ugh. I've been watching a lot of videos and I know what I need to do but it's hard to actually do it. I will just have to keep working on those. The snatch/muscle up workout was really disappointing. I thought I was going to do better on the snatches since I have been doing really well on those lately, but that was not the case. For some reason the thought of doing 115# snatches in a workout really freaked me out and I think it got in my head. I got the first rep no problem, then failed the second one. Tried for a third, failed that one too. That really fucked with my head. I got the next attempt but just barely. I went on to the muscle ups but failed the first attempt (WHAT) but I think it's because I had my wrist wraps on. I took them off and was able to get three muscle ups before the 4:00 was up. Ughhh. Not how I wanted that to go down. I was hoping to get at least one full round. The next part went better, I was able to get 3 rounds plus one snatch, although my snatches still didn't feel great. I did not feel like I was dropping under the bar quickly at all. They just felt so off. Today was frustrating.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
3 sets not for time:
2-3 rope climbs starting from an L-sit position
4-6 dragon flags
10-15m handstand walk or 20-30 shoulder taps from top of wall walk
AMRAP in 4:00:
10 handstand push-ups
15 box jumps, 20
20 shoulder-to-overhead, 105
25 pull-ups
30 double-unders
4:00 rest
AMRAP in 6:00:
same as above
4:00 rest
AMRAP in 8:00:
same as above
complete, did handstand walk
HSPU, Box Jumps, STO
4:00 rest
HSPU, BJ, STO, 22 pull ups
1 full round
WHAT. I was not expecting today to be so difficult at all. The warm up was actually pretty tough by itself, the rope climbs from the L-sit were really tough on my arms but I got better at it by the end. Also Dragon flags are hard. I was glad I had some handstand walk, I haven't done that in awhile so it was good to practice that. The actual workout was TOUGH. I knew I wasn't going to get a full round in the first 4:00, but I thought I would at least make it to the pull ups. The shoulder to overhead were so much harder than I thought they would be, 105 felt very heavy. I'm not sure if it's because I did so many jerks yesterday or if my shoulders were just burned out from the rope climbs and HSPU but they were very tough. The second round was a little better, I made it to the pull up bar and was able to do 22 pull ups, and actually my butterfly pull ups felt great today, I was really happy with that. The third round was rough, I had to break up the HSPUs into 7/2/1, then the shoulder to overhead were just as many as I could do at a time, it was usually about 4-5. My arms were so tired at that point. I made it through everything so I got one full round before time ran out. I was a little discouraged at how heavy the weight felt, I thought I was going to be able to burn through the STO a lot faster. Definitely in need of a rest day. It was a fun day in the gym with Heather, Kathryn, Pat, Justin and Stephen!
2-3 rope climbs starting from an L-sit position
4-6 dragon flags
10-15m handstand walk or 20-30 shoulder taps from top of wall walk
AMRAP in 4:00:
10 handstand push-ups
15 box jumps, 20
20 shoulder-to-overhead, 105
25 pull-ups
30 double-unders
4:00 rest
AMRAP in 6:00:
same as above
4:00 rest
AMRAP in 8:00:
same as above
complete, did handstand walk
HSPU, Box Jumps, STO
4:00 rest
HSPU, BJ, STO, 22 pull ups
1 full round
WHAT. I was not expecting today to be so difficult at all. The warm up was actually pretty tough by itself, the rope climbs from the L-sit were really tough on my arms but I got better at it by the end. Also Dragon flags are hard. I was glad I had some handstand walk, I haven't done that in awhile so it was good to practice that. The actual workout was TOUGH. I knew I wasn't going to get a full round in the first 4:00, but I thought I would at least make it to the pull ups. The shoulder to overhead were so much harder than I thought they would be, 105 felt very heavy. I'm not sure if it's because I did so many jerks yesterday or if my shoulders were just burned out from the rope climbs and HSPU but they were very tough. The second round was a little better, I made it to the pull up bar and was able to do 22 pull ups, and actually my butterfly pull ups felt great today, I was really happy with that. The third round was rough, I had to break up the HSPUs into 7/2/1, then the shoulder to overhead were just as many as I could do at a time, it was usually about 4-5. My arms were so tired at that point. I made it through everything so I got one full round before time ran out. I was a little discouraged at how heavy the weight felt, I thought I was going to be able to burn through the STO a lot faster. Definitely in need of a rest day. It was a fun day in the gym with Heather, Kathryn, Pat, Justin and Stephen!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
A. Indy North clean & jerk ladder:
Ladder starts at 105# and goes up 10#. Every minute on the minute perform 3 clean and jerks with progressively heavy weight. At 155# the reps go down to 2 reps and the weight increases by 5# each time.
B. Squat snatch from high blocks, build quickly to a heavy single
3 sets of:
10 back squats @ 135
20 wall balls
400m run @ 90%
3:00 rest
A. 184 (clean and jerk PR+6. Also 14# more than when I did the ladder at the Indy competition in January)
B. 135 (140 Fx5)
also did some pistol work but my legs were not having it
Wow what an awesome day. I was really excited to do the clean and jerk ladder from the indy competition, it was my favorite event so I was looking forward to repeating it. It was definitely more tiring this time around since I had to change my own weights, at the Indy competition all the bars were already set up so I had more time to rest. I was definitely fatigued a lot quicker this time since i was constantly putting weight on the bar. I got up to 170 and that felt really good, that's where I ended up in January at the competition. I did 174 twice then 179 twice and got it, that was already a clean and jerk PR for me so I was happy with that. Then I went for 184 and got it! Another PR! I only had to do that one once. By that point I was fucking exhausted so I didn't try to go for 189. I am SO HAPPY with how that went, I didn't think I would get that high on the ladder. Definitely very tiring but very fun. The snatch off the blocks went really well today too, I am definitely getting better at quickly dropping under the bar. I got up to 135 pretty easily, I was very surprised by that because I was so tired from the clean and jerk ladder. I went for 140 but failed five times. I was getting under the bar but kept falling forward. On the fourth attempt I thought I had it but then I lost it and I rocketed back against the wall. Oh well, I'm happy I can work up to 135 relatively quickly now! The backsquat workout went well, did all the backsquats unbroken and broke up the wall balls 12/8, 13/7, 10/5/5. My legs were fucking shot by this point so all those squats were tough but it was a good workout. Heather and I stayed around and worked on some skill stuff, I tried doing some pistols but my legs were just not having it. I can do pistols on the right leg but for some reason can't do them on the left. Definitely something I'm going to need to fix before the Covington competition in November. Overall a great day!!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
A. Shoulder press, 5 x 3-5; 2:00 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 15-20/arm heavy w/a little cheat; :30 rest between arms
B. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 15-20/arm heavy w/a little cheat; :30 rest between arms
For time:
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
10 wall walks
50m KB front rack walking lunge, 35/hand
10 wall walks
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
Front leaning rest on rings, accumulate 210 seconds
A. 75-80-85-90-95
B. 25-30-35
Holy shit, I am sore and tired. I'm happy with how the shoulder press went, I'm surprised I was able to press 95# five times because I think my 1RM press is 100 or 105. The 1-arm DB row was tougher than I thought it would be, I haven't done dumbbell work in awhile. The farmers walk/wall walk workout was really tough and took me a lot longer than I thought it would. I did the first farmer's walk in about a minute, knocked out the first set of wall walks, then the walking lunges took awhile. I didn't have to put them down as much as I thought I would but I was still resting too much. The second set of wall walks took forever, by that point I was breathing heavy and my arms were really tired so those took a long time. I was able to finish the last farmers walk relatively quickly but the whole workout still took a lot longer than I thought it would. I was also supposed to do a 35:00 Z1 airdyne this morning but I slept through my alarm, oops. It has been a tough couple of weeks and I feel a little beat up. Glad tomorrow is just a Z1 airdyne.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Every 5:00 for 2 sets:
7 Russian kettlebell swings, 70
7 burpees, as fast as possible
:15 AirDyne @ 95%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
7 touch-and-go clean & jerk
:25 run @ 97%
Every 7:00 for 2 sets:
:50 row @ 100%
complete @115
complete, 268/263 meters
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
A. Front squat clusters, 3 x 3.3.3; :30 between triples, 3:00 rest
B. Muscle-up practice, 10 x 2 (go for the second unbroken rep every set); begin a set every :60
3 sets for times:
18 thrusters, 70
18 pull-ups
2:00 rest
A. complete @165
B. complete, was not able to string any together. The last few attempts were close-ish
1:46, 2:12, 2:30
Everything felt tough today. I think it was from the heat, or maybe still being sore from Sunday but everything was hard. I think I went too heavy on the front squats, the first two reps of each set were good but then I would struggle with the third rep. I probably should have gone with 155 or 160, oh well. The muscle ups actually felt pretty good, I was able to get all of them. I was supposed to try and get two in a row each time but it wasn't happening. I'm dropping straight down instead of pushing back so I'm not able to get in the right position to get a second one. The last couple tries were closer than the first 5 so that's good I guess, just making slow progress. The thruster/pull up workout SUCKED so much. The thrusters felt extremely heavy and I had to break them up 14/4 the second round and 11/5/2 the third round. WHAT. It should not have been that bad because it was only 70# but they seemed so heavy. The pull ups were bad too, I was having trouble catching my breath (more trouble than usual anyways) and I broke up the pull ups more than I would have liked. They were mostly all butterfly which was good but I was still breaking them up too much. I just couldn't breathe, I think it was the heat, I had no energy at all. It sucked. Blehhh.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
On a running clock:
@ 00:00: 2400m run for time
@ 16:00: 1600m run for time
@ 28:00: 800m run for time
This was terrible. I hated it so much. I am a really bad runner and this was definitely not in my wheelhouse at all. It was a bit stressful because I wanted to make sure I went fast enough so I had a bit of rest before each run, but that really didn't happen. The 2400 meters took me 15:35 so I basically had no rest before the mile started. I ended up walking the first 100 meters so I could catch my breath. The mile was definitely the worst part, it felt like it took forever. I had a bit more rest after that before the 800, and the 800 felt the best for sure. I think it's because in my mind I knew I was going to be finished soon so I pushed harder because I wanted it to be over. The whole thing was just bad, I felt awful during all the runs. I wish I was a better runner and that these types of workouts weren't so difficult for me. My quads were smoked from "Karen" yesterday so that added to the unpleasantness. Overall it was a discouraging day, hopefully one day I will actually enjoy running distances longer than 200 meters. On the plus side, it was cool to go to my old high school where I used to run track (sprints, not long distance, obviously).
@ 00:00: 2400m run for time
@ 16:00: 1600m run for time
@ 28:00: 800m run for time
This was terrible. I hated it so much. I am a really bad runner and this was definitely not in my wheelhouse at all. It was a bit stressful because I wanted to make sure I went fast enough so I had a bit of rest before each run, but that really didn't happen. The 2400 meters took me 15:35 so I basically had no rest before the mile started. I ended up walking the first 100 meters so I could catch my breath. The mile was definitely the worst part, it felt like it took forever. I had a bit more rest after that before the 800, and the 800 felt the best for sure. I think it's because in my mind I knew I was going to be finished soon so I pushed harder because I wanted it to be over. The whole thing was just bad, I felt awful during all the runs. I wish I was a better runner and that these types of workouts weren't so difficult for me. My quads were smoked from "Karen" yesterday so that added to the unpleasantness. Overall it was a discouraging day, hopefully one day I will actually enjoy running distances longer than 200 meters. On the plus side, it was cool to go to my old high school where I used to run track (sprints, not long distance, obviously).
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Loveland High School track! |
Saturday, September 7, 2013
A. Squat snatch, build to a heavy single in 10:00
B. Clean & jerk, 7 x 2 @ 155; begin a set every 2:00
AMRAP in 12:00:
150 wall balls, 14 to 9'
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups
A. 140 (PR+5)
B. complete
240 reps
Today started out really awesome and ended really poorly. I was not expecting to PR my snatch today because I didn't think I could work up to it in 10 minutes, but I actually think the short time frame was better for me. Usually when I work up to a max, I do one lift, sit for a few minutes, do another lift, sit, lift, sit, it usually takes me around an hour. Today since I only had 10 minutes I was doing one rep about every 2 minutes so I didn't have much time to over think anything, I would just put weight on and lift. Every rep felt really good and I was dropping right into a squat, it felt so much better than last week. I got up to 140 with about one minute left and got it! It felt really good too. I thought I wasn't going to make it because I felt it go behind me but I was able to correct it in the bottom of the squat and stand up with it. I'm really happy, a few months ago I would never have dreamed of snatching 140. The clean and jerks felt pretty tough today, I'm not sure why. I don't think I was getting tight enough in my set up. Then came 13.3 and that was just....terrible. I knew I wasn't going to be able to breathe well since I have a cold but I didn't think it would go THIS badly. I did all the wall balls in sets of 10 and they all felt good but I think I was resting too long between sets. By the time I got to the double unders I had basically given up mentally. I broke up the double unders way too much because I was out of breath. I got to the muscle ups with about :45 left and had 2 attempts and failed both. I was extremely disappointed in this, especially since my wall balls and muscle ups have been so much better lately, and during the open I got 3 MUs. Disappointing. Hopefully I'll be able to try it again.
B. Clean & jerk, 7 x 2 @ 155; begin a set every 2:00
AMRAP in 12:00:
150 wall balls, 14 to 9'
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups
A. 140 (PR+5)
B. complete
240 reps
Today started out really awesome and ended really poorly. I was not expecting to PR my snatch today because I didn't think I could work up to it in 10 minutes, but I actually think the short time frame was better for me. Usually when I work up to a max, I do one lift, sit for a few minutes, do another lift, sit, lift, sit, it usually takes me around an hour. Today since I only had 10 minutes I was doing one rep about every 2 minutes so I didn't have much time to over think anything, I would just put weight on and lift. Every rep felt really good and I was dropping right into a squat, it felt so much better than last week. I got up to 140 with about one minute left and got it! It felt really good too. I thought I wasn't going to make it because I felt it go behind me but I was able to correct it in the bottom of the squat and stand up with it. I'm really happy, a few months ago I would never have dreamed of snatching 140. The clean and jerks felt pretty tough today, I'm not sure why. I don't think I was getting tight enough in my set up. Then came 13.3 and that was just....terrible. I knew I wasn't going to be able to breathe well since I have a cold but I didn't think it would go THIS badly. I did all the wall balls in sets of 10 and they all felt good but I think I was resting too long between sets. By the time I got to the double unders I had basically given up mentally. I broke up the double unders way too much because I was out of breath. I got to the muscle ups with about :45 left and had 2 attempts and failed both. I was extremely disappointed in this, especially since my wall balls and muscle ups have been so much better lately, and during the open I got 3 MUs. Disappointing. Hopefully I'll be able to try it again.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
35:00 Z1 airdyne
A. Shoulder press, 4 x 5-7; 2:00 rest
B. Weighted pull-up, build to a 1RM
For reps:
2:00 wall walks
:60 rest
2:00 rope climbs
:60 rest
2:00 25m DB Farmer's walks, 75/hand
Front leaning rest on rings, accumulate 180 seconds
A. 65-75-80-85(6)
B. 60# (PR+5)
10 wall walks
3 rope climbs
28 meters total. errr. this was a lot harder than I thought it would be
I'm happy I PRed my weighted pull up, those felt really good today. 60# was a struggle but I got it. The second half of the workout was tougher than I thought it was going to be. The wall walks smoked my arms so when I got to the rope climbs I didn't have much left. Also I noticed my ascent up the rope is quick but my descent is extremely slow and inefficient. That is definitely something I need to work on. The db farmers walk was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. The first time I tried to pick up the dumbbells I made it about 5 steps before i had to set them down. They are just so big and awkward to carry. Angel gave me a tip about keeping my chest up so I did that and was able to carry them the rest of the way, but by the time 2:00 was up I had barely turned around. Now I'll know better for next time. The front leaning rest went as well as I expected, I broke it up into sets of :30 with 1:00 rest in between.
35:00 Z1 airdyne
A. Shoulder press, 4 x 5-7; 2:00 rest
B. Weighted pull-up, build to a 1RM
For reps:
2:00 wall walks
:60 rest
2:00 rope climbs
:60 rest
2:00 25m DB Farmer's walks, 75/hand
Front leaning rest on rings, accumulate 180 seconds
A. 65-75-80-85(6)
B. 60# (PR+5)
10 wall walks
3 rope climbs
28 meters total. errr. this was a lot harder than I thought it would be
I'm happy I PRed my weighted pull up, those felt really good today. 60# was a struggle but I got it. The second half of the workout was tougher than I thought it was going to be. The wall walks smoked my arms so when I got to the rope climbs I didn't have much left. Also I noticed my ascent up the rope is quick but my descent is extremely slow and inefficient. That is definitely something I need to work on. The db farmers walk was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. The first time I tried to pick up the dumbbells I made it about 5 steps before i had to set them down. They are just so big and awkward to carry. Angel gave me a tip about keeping my chest up so I did that and was able to carry them the rest of the way, but by the time 2:00 was up I had barely turned around. Now I'll know better for next time. The front leaning rest went as well as I expected, I broke it up into sets of :30 with 1:00 rest in between.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Every 5:00 for 2 sets:
7 touch-and-go power snatches, 75
7 burpees, as fast as possible
:15 AirDyne @ 100%
Every 5:30 for 2 sets:
10 no-push-up burpee box jumps, 14"
:20 run @ 100%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
:45 row @ 100%
complete. 244/243 meters
7 touch-and-go power snatches, 75
7 burpees, as fast as possible
:15 AirDyne @ 100%
Every 5:30 for 2 sets:
10 no-push-up burpee box jumps, 14"
:20 run @ 100%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
:45 row @ 100%
complete. 244/243 meters
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A. Front squat clusters, 3 x; :30 between doubles, 3:00 rest
For completed reps:
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
5:00 rest
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
AMRAP in 8:00:
5 hang power cleans, 135
10 toes-to-bar
A. Complete @ 170
5:00 rest
6 rounds
Everything felt great today. I finally got all the muscle ups! I am so happy about that. They felt really good on Sunday so I figured they would go pretty well today too but I didn't expect to get all of them. I am really happy with the progress I have made on MUs in the past few weeks, now I am confident that I can get muscle ups without a false grip. The AMRAP went well, all hang cleans were unbroken except the last round, I dropped it after the third one because I lost my grip. All the toes to bar were broken up into sets of 5 except for the last two rounds they were sets of 4/3/3 because I could not hang on to the bar, my grip was shot at that point, and the last few reps of my last round were singles. Overall I am pleased with how it went, I'm happy the cleans felt good. Good day today! I am very happy with how my training is going right now.
For completed reps:
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
5:00 rest
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
AMRAP in 8:00:
5 hang power cleans, 135
10 toes-to-bar
A. Complete @ 170
5:00 rest
6 rounds
Everything felt great today. I finally got all the muscle ups! I am so happy about that. They felt really good on Sunday so I figured they would go pretty well today too but I didn't expect to get all of them. I am really happy with the progress I have made on MUs in the past few weeks, now I am confident that I can get muscle ups without a false grip. The AMRAP went well, all hang cleans were unbroken except the last round, I dropped it after the third one because I lost my grip. All the toes to bar were broken up into sets of 5 except for the last two rounds they were sets of 4/3/3 because I could not hang on to the bar, my grip was shot at that point, and the last few reps of my last round were singles. Overall I am pleased with how it went, I'm happy the cleans felt good. Good day today! I am very happy with how my training is going right now.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
3 sets NOT for time:
10-12 CTB pull-ups
:30-:60 L-sit
20-30 shoulder taps from top of wall walk
2 sets for time:
8 muscle-ups
15 snatches, 95
20 toes-to-bars
25 handstand push-ups
30 wall ball shots, 20
35 kettlebell swings, 53
40 double-unders
8:00 rest
8:00 rest
Wow. Today was.....hard. Going into this workout, I wasn't sure how well I was going to do. My main concern was the muscle ups, considering my non false grip MUs have been hit or miss lately. I was afraid that I would be stuck on the rings failing a bunch of reps. I was pretty nervous before we started because I just wanted to get through everything. It actually went a lot better than I thought it would. I got all the muscle ups and they felt great, I was so happy about that! The snatches were good, I broke them up into singles but none of them felt heavy. Toes to bar were interesting...I had to break them up into sets of 5 the first round and sets of 4 the second round because I could feel my hands ripping so I had to come off the bar sooner than I would have liked. The handstand push ups were pretty tough...I have definitely gotten worse at those for sure. By the time I got to those, my arms and shoulders were already shot from the muscle ups and snatches. I basically had to do those 5 at a time until the last few were in sets of 2s and 3s. Ugh. They actually felt better the second time around, as did the wall balls. I wasn't sure how those were going to go because I have never used a 20# ball to do wall balls but it actually wasn't terrible. I have been doing so many WB lately I am basically numb to them at this point. They felt a lot easier the second time around. The KB swings sucked, it took me a lot longer to do them the second time. It was one of those workouts where during the first round I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it through a second round of everything. I just wanted to get all the muscle ups and get everything done. I am really happy with how I did, I got all the muscle ups, no fails, and I'm just proud I finished this workout and was able to push through. It was fun getting to work out with the invictus people too, it felt like we were all in it as a group and pushing each other. Really happy with how this went today.
10-12 CTB pull-ups
:30-:60 L-sit
20-30 shoulder taps from top of wall walk
2 sets for time:
8 muscle-ups
15 snatches, 95
20 toes-to-bars
25 handstand push-ups
30 wall ball shots, 20
35 kettlebell swings, 53
40 double-unders
8:00 rest
8:00 rest
Wow. Today was.....hard. Going into this workout, I wasn't sure how well I was going to do. My main concern was the muscle ups, considering my non false grip MUs have been hit or miss lately. I was afraid that I would be stuck on the rings failing a bunch of reps. I was pretty nervous before we started because I just wanted to get through everything. It actually went a lot better than I thought it would. I got all the muscle ups and they felt great, I was so happy about that! The snatches were good, I broke them up into singles but none of them felt heavy. Toes to bar were interesting...I had to break them up into sets of 5 the first round and sets of 4 the second round because I could feel my hands ripping so I had to come off the bar sooner than I would have liked. The handstand push ups were pretty tough...I have definitely gotten worse at those for sure. By the time I got to those, my arms and shoulders were already shot from the muscle ups and snatches. I basically had to do those 5 at a time until the last few were in sets of 2s and 3s. Ugh. They actually felt better the second time around, as did the wall balls. I wasn't sure how those were going to go because I have never used a 20# ball to do wall balls but it actually wasn't terrible. I have been doing so many WB lately I am basically numb to them at this point. They felt a lot easier the second time around. The KB swings sucked, it took me a lot longer to do them the second time. It was one of those workouts where during the first round I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it through a second round of everything. I just wanted to get all the muscle ups and get everything done. I am really happy with how I did, I got all the muscle ups, no fails, and I'm just proud I finished this workout and was able to push through. It was fun getting to work out with the invictus people too, it felt like we were all in it as a group and pushing each other. Really happy with how this went today.
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