Thursday, February 28, 2013


A. Hang power snatch from below the knee 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
B. Push jerk; 5 reps on the min for 10 min 
18 min amrap:
18 kbs (1.5 pood)
18 hand release burpees
18 toes to bar
18 box jumps 20" (step down)

A. 65-75-85-95-100-105
B. complete @ 95#
3 rounds + 15 KB

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


5 rounds for time:

100 meter farmer carry (70# in each hand)
5 wall walks
30 airdyne calories


Not much to say about today other than I felt great. I was really happy with my transitions and I felt like I wasn't stopping to rest. Before I started this workout I thought it was going to take me at least 45 minutes so I was very pleased with the time I got. I felt really good the whole time and I was able to push it relatively hard on the airdyne for the last round. I love good training days!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


A. Squat clean; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min (increase weight per set, only last 3 tough)
B. 30 muscle ups for time (5 thrusters on the top of each minute 65#)
50 front squat for time 135#
(must perform 20 unbroken double unders on the top of each minute)

A. 105-115-125-135-145-155
B. put a 10 minute time cap on this. 11 muscle ups total 
12:56. All double unders unbroken

Today was a great training day. I tried to remember all the tips Mark gave me when I was doing my cleans. The muscle up/thruster workout was alright, I would have liked to get more muscle ups but the thrusters were really tiring and I wasn't able to string any muscle ups together. This is definitely something I am going to need to work on, since one of my goals this year is to be able to string together at least 5 muscle ups! I thought the front squat/double under workout wouldn't be as bad as the thruster/muscle ups, but it was TERRIBLE. It was very demoralizing because after a few minutes I was only able to get 3-4 front squats per minute. The double unders were really tiring and near the end I think I was shouting profanities because I just wanted it to be over. The good thing is I was able to do all the double unders unbroken. Overall it was a good day of training 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


5 rounds NFT:

10 wall ball
20 double unders
10 toes to bar
10 burpee pull ups

goal was quick transitions and minimal rest. The burpee pull ups got surprisingly tiring but it was a good workout. After that was the olympic lifting clinic with Mark Cannella. It was really cool getting to work with him and he definitely gave me some helpful tips regarding my snatch and clean and jerk. He pointed out that I am really tensing up my shoulders when I go to set up for a snatch or clean. He said weightlifting is all about being relaxed, and that really made me think. I have never thought of weightlifting as being relaxing at all, I am always thinking "tight, everything needs to be tight" but he said it's all about being relaxed and he was right. When I didn't tense up my shoulders I noticed a big difference in my execution of the snatch. He was a really cool guy and hopefully I'll get to work with him again.
It was great working with Mark!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


A. Power clean and push jerk; build to a max
B. PC + PJ; 30 reps for time (95#)
15 min amrap:
15 ohs (65#)
15 CTB chin ups
30 double unders
30 hand release push ups

A. 155
B. 3:30
30 push ups short of 3 rounds

Training did not feel good today. The clean were feeling extremely heavy, 155 is usually not hard for me to clean but today it didn't feel good. Since I am used to the technique of the split jerk, doing a power clean and push jerk was a little awkward but I'm pleased where I ended up. The 30 clean and push jerks for time felt alright but I was really winded right away. Definitely something to work on. The 15 min amrap wasn't that great, I remember just standing around a lot and resting. I need to work on minimizing my rest time and quicker transitions. Overall today wasn't the greatest training day, but that's how it goes. Some days are better than others. Tomorrow is an olympic lifting clinic so that should be pretty sweet. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


A. Clean grip deadlift, build to a 3RM touch and go
B. Power snatch, 3-2-1, rest 3:00
power snatch (85 pounds)
bar facing burpees

A. 255
B. 85, 95, 105

the snatches during the WOD felt surprisingly good, and I was pleased I wasn't stopping to rest as much as I usually do. I think I am getting better about mental toughness. The 3RM deadlifts also felt really good, I was able to do 3 reps at 255 without much struggle at all. Definitely happy with how today went!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


AMRAP in 90 minutes:

1300 meter row
200 meter farmer carry (1.5 pood in each hand)
15 wall walks
42 double unders

4 rounds+ row, carry, and 5 wall walks

This didn't feel good, I didn't know how to really pace it since it was such a long amount of time. The farmers carry was definitely the hardest part but I was pleased that I didn't have problems with the lungs, it was mostly muscle fatigue

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