Tuesday, December 1, 2015


30:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for :20-:30 tripod headstand hold

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips; :60 rest
B. Hang power clean, build to a heavy triple
C. Split jerk clusters, 5x1.1 starting moderate and adding if things are feeling solid, :10 between singles, 2:00 rest
3 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts, 195
15m prowler push, tough indoors
75 double unders
15m prowler push, tough indoors
3 rounds not for time:
6-8 moderate bent over DB reverse flies
7-10 moderate reverse hypers


A. complete
B. 200 (PR+5)
C. 115-115-125-135-145
180# on prowler
DNS, too fucked up from prowler workout

What a day. 

Very happy with the 3RM hang power clean PR, these were feeling great today (video). Once I got the first rep I knew I would be able to hit the other two. It wasn't the prettiest set but it also wasn't very difficult. I'm shocked at the difference from last week, today these were so easy and last week I could barely hit 200 for one rep. Lifting is weird. 

Split jerk clusters were okay, I stayed at 115 for two sets because the first set wasn't very crisp and I wanted to clean up my technique before I moved on. I probably should have ended a bit heavier on these. 

The prowler workout was just terrible. I don't think I've felt that bad after a workout since 15.5. Seriously. I can't really even describe how bad this workout was. I honestly didn't think it was going to be this horrible, I figured I would do all the double unders unbroken (CLASSIC) and knew I would probably have to break up the deadlifts at some point. Stephen told me to put 180# on the prowler so that's what I used. The first set of deadlifts were unbroken but after the first prowler push I knew I was in trouble. Double unders were 65/10 or something like that for the first set, then broken up a lot more on the second and third round. I think I maybe did 30/30/15 for both sets? Deadlifts were unbroken on the first set and then 5/5. The prowler push was awful. It was so heavy, it fatigued my legs instantly and I couldn't breathe. It also took me forever just to turn it around. Both Heather and my dad said they were tempted to turn it for me at one point because I was struggling so badly. I just remember standing around a lot during the workout. This workout made me sad and angry at life. So many emotions. I'm just rambling now. But this was seriously awful, and I don't even think my time was very good. 

I didn't do the not for time stuff, I was too messed up from the workout. It took me forever to recover from this and it completely wiped me out, I was exhausted while I was coaching classes. I know I have DNS on at least one part for the last three days but I promise I'm not trying to cut corners on my programming. Sometimes I just need to catch up on sleep. Or sit in a chair and try not to vomit. 

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