6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 FLR on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
2x[:10 double unders + :20 single unders]
A. Snatch pull, 4x1@180; :90 rest
B. Deadlifts, 5x9 tough and go @165, begin a set every :60
C. 1-arm DB row w/straps, 7-10/arm, 21x1; :45 between arms
5 sets @high effort:
10 burpees
200m run
30 double unders
1500m row cool down
switched this out for the same AM session as yesterday (bike/mobility)
A. complete
B. complete
C. 35-35-35
I did the same AM session as yesterday (bike/mobility) because I really wanted to keep working on the shit Balza gave me (sorry Stevo, hope that's cool) since I had an appointment with him today.
The snatch pulls are making me very happy. Once I get my shoulder shit together and I can go overhead again, I'll be very excited to get back to snatching. The pulls are feeling really easy, 180 was shockingly high every time.
Deadlifts were so easy. I used to not really care for deadlifts but I am starting to enjoy them now. I guess that's what happens when you're limited to like four movements, eventually you have to start liking one of them. It's kind of like how the bachelorette works- you put a chick in a room with a couple guys and eventually she's going to start thinking she loves one of them, because he's a little better than all the rest of the guys. That's how deadlifts are to me right now.
I enjoyed the 1-arm DB rows with straps (thanks Heather for showing me how to use these). I stuck with 35 for each set even though I got 10 reps every time, I really wanted to make sure I was engaging my lats and not shrugging with my traps.
Burpee/run piece was okay, although I feel like my aerobic capacity has gone to shit as of late. I was extremely winded by the second set. Burpees were fast but I felt very heavy on the runs. Tripped up on double unders on the first and fifth set but sets 2-4 were unbroken. I feel out of shape.
I saw Balza today, he said he can tell I'm definitely making progress but I still need to learn how to control everything instead of letting my traps do all the work. I need to work on pushing my shoulder blades back and down and engaging my lats instead of letting my traps shrug up. He said he could tell I've been doing all his exercises every day and that there's definitely a lot of progress being made, so that's good. I'm getting very antsy to get back to doing things overhead but I also don't want to revert back to my bad habits. I just have to stay the course. Even though I feel like a weak, soft, chubby slob right now, I know things will be better in a few weeks. I just keep telling myself how much easier muscle ups and snatches will feel.
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