Tuesday, July 14, 2015


14 sets:
:30 airdyne @weird speedometer pace
:30 airdyne @50%
4 rounds:
:10-:15/side 1-arm passive hang from bar
15m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry, 60
14 sets:
:30 airdyne @weird speedometer pace
:30 airdyne @50%

A. Split jerk from blocks, build quickly to a heavy single
B. Power clean, build quickly to a heavy single
C. Behind the neck shoulder press, 3x6-8, 21x1; 2:00 rest
For time:
50 hang power cleans, 85
3 burpees every :30, including @ the start
800m walk cool down


A. 195 (205 Fx2)
B. 205 (210 F)
C. 70-75(6)- 75(6)
5 total sets of burpees

What a day. 

I haven't done heavy split jerks from the blocks for a very long time, I was glad to get back to this. It was fun doing this with Heather, I wouldn't mind if our programming synced up every now and then. 195 was pretty easy and crisp, 205 was out in front both times. The bar felt really heavy on my shoulders and I think I psyched myself out before I even attempted the jerk. 

Power cleans were okay, I hit 205 but 210 was basically a pull. Meh. 

Behind the neck shoulder press was hard today.

I really enjoyed the hang clean piece, I tried not to let the burpees slow down but the fifth set was definitely slower than the first. 

I also really enjoyed the walk cool down.

My mind was not in training today at all, I was completely distracted the entire time. In the past few days there have been some very sudden and stressful changes that have taken place at the other gym where I'm coaching, and today was a pretty bad day. 

I coach 99% of the morning classes at that gym, and I have formed relationships with the athletes. I've been coaching some of them since I first started back in November 2013, and I really care about their progress and happiness. Some of these people are now threatening to leave the gym due to the changes that have been made recently, and it makes me very sad. I feel like all their progress is potentially being thrown out the window and I've been trying my best to voice my concerns but it's becoming clear to me that there is probably nothing I can do about it. 

I love coaching, training, and programming. I think it is the best job and I really believe at this point in my life it is what I'm supposed to be doing. I thought this coaching job would be a solid, sure thing in my life and now I don't know what my future is with that gym. This is a very scary thought, as I do not handle change well and I would be extremely sad if I didn't get to see these people every day. Right now I don't really know what's going to happen. That's life though, nothing is a sure thing. Everything can be completely fine one day and then completely change in a period of a few hours. I know I don't have control over everything and I can only worry about the things I CAN control. I know whatever happens, I'll work very hard to continue supporting myself by doing what I love. I'll make it happen one way or another. 

Sometimes shit really sucks but then I have to remember that there were other points in my life when shit was going really poorly and I never thought it would end, but it always gets better. I tend to take bad situations to the extreme degree, so when something goes wrong I think "this is it, this is my life now. It will never get better and I'll never be happy and I'll be sad for the rest of my life" and then I figure out a way to make it work and then the storm eventually passes and things are fine. So I just have to remind myself that even though this seems like the worst thing in the world right now, it will give way to a better situation at some point. 

Life, am I right?

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