Thursday, May 7, 2015


A. 1 power clean + 2 hang squat cleans + 1 front squat + 2 shoulder to overheads, build to a tough set
For 8:00
evens- 1 legless rope climb to 12'
odds- 12 wall balls, 14 to 10'
For 8:00
evens- 3-5 strict handstand push ups
odds- 4 box jump overs, 30"
5-4-3-2-1 for time:
bar muscle ups
30 unbroken double unders after each set

A. 175
5 HSPU each set
bar MUs unbroken

Mehhhhhh. I wasn't thrilled about where I ended up on the complex, I thought I would be around 180. 165 felt really easy, but once I started on 175 I was sloppy with my set up on the hang squat cleans. The shoulder to overhead were also shaky so Stephen told me to call it at 175. I definitely need to improve on longer complexes like this.

Legless rope climbs are so easy now! Once I started using the bicycle kick instead of kipping, it got so much easier and faster. Now I just need to work on actually touching the top. 

Strict handstand push ups were tougher than usual today. I was still able to get 5 every time but the last 2 reps were always a bit of a struggle. The 30" box wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, once I got over the initial fear of jumping up there it was actually pretty easy. 

I think the bar muscle up workout should have been much faster. I did all bar MUs unbroken and never tripped up on the double unders but I was resting too long before each set of MUs. Hands felt very raw by this point and it was getting difficult to hang on to the bar and get a large kip before each muscle up. 

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