Saturday, February 7, 2015


5-7 rounds @ easy pace
:60 airdyne 
20m/side 1-arm farmers walk, 70
:60 row
2/side turkish get ups
:60 FLR on ground

A. 1 squat snatch + 4 overhead squats, 5x1 light/moderate without moving feet, begin a set every :90
B. Back squat, 3x4-6, 22x1; 3:00 rest
6:00 @70% of [1 rope climb + 10 hand release push ups + 10 alternating pistols]
3:00 rest
6:00 @70% of [7 burpees + 5 toes to bar + 3 CTB pull ups + 1 bar muscle up)
3:00 rest
6:00 @70% of [15 row cals + :30 front leaning rest on rings]

5 rounds complete, 35# KB for TGU

A. 85-95-105-115-125
B. 155-175-195(4)

Good day today. The snatch/overhead squat was definitely interesting, it made me very aware of where my feet were landing in the snatch since I wasn't allowed to move them for the overhead squats. My feet are landing farther apart than I would like, I'm definitely going to have to work on this. I liked this complex. Snatches felt good and overhead squats were the best they have been in a long time. 

It was nice to back squat again! I haven't done that in months. The tempo got a bit spicy, especially the 2 seconds in the bottom, but I didn't feel any pain in my SI joint which is a good sign!

The three 6:00 pieces were all really cool. Rope climbs are getting better. I'm also trying to work on doing pistols without holding my other foot on the way down. It's so much more efficient to not have to hold my foot. I was able to do it every time, they were still a bit slow but they're getting there. After I master this, the next step will be doing pistols with no knee sleeves. I don't want to have to rely on my lifting shoes and knee sleeves to do pistols anymore. 

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