2 sets:
300m ski erg @90% aerobic
:60 rest
20 airdyne calories @90% aerobic
:60 rest
500m row @90% aerobic
:60 rest
20 airdyne calories @90% aerobic
:60 rest
:60 freestanding handstand hold attempts
A. Split jerk, build very quickly to a tough single
B. Hang power clean, build very quickly to a heavy single
AMRAP in :20
Hang power cleans, 155
Pro day sprint deadlift (you'll have to go 2x25m out and back)
Begin at bar, sprint 50m, sprint back to bar, 10 DL @225
10:00 airdyne @Z1
A. 195 (200 F)
B. 180
6 hang cleans unbroken
misunderstood the directions for this and only ran 50m total before I did the deadlifts, errrrr oops
Freestanding handstand holds were alright today, all my attempts during the first round were really solid but they sort of fell apart during the second round.
Split jerks felt reaaaaaaal heavy today. I worked up to 195 and it was actually easier than the rep at 185 so I went for 200 but failed it. I can't believe I jerked 215 at one point. The weight was feeling heavy today.
I got a little worried when I started doing the hang power cleans, I sort of forgot how to do them. That sounds dumb but when I first picked up the bar I was like "wait, how do I usually do these?" I haven't done heavy hang power cleans in a few months and it took me a few reps to get the hang of it. It actually got easier as the weight got heavier. I worked up to 180, I put 185 on the bar and picked it up but didn't even try to clean it because it felt extremely heavy for some reason. 180 is 10 pounds under my 1RM hang power clean so that's not too bad, especially since I haven't done these in awhile.
I wasn't sure how the hang cleans at 155 would go since it's been awhile since I've done heavy TNG hang power cleans but they weren't too bad! I was able to get 6 reps, I definitely had time for one more. I did the 6th rep with about 4 seconds left but I rested too long in the hang position so I didn't attempt a 7th rep. I think at Pro Day I'll definitely be able to get 7 or 8 for sure. I'm happy with how good these felt.
I was annoyed at myself for doing the sprint deadlift workout wrong, the directions were sort of confusing (from the Grid description, not from Stephen). I just didn't really read it clearly. It wasn't until after I had done it that Stephen told me I should have sprinted a total of 100 meters, not 50. DAMMIT. Oh well. I thought it still went well, I always enjoy sprinting. I broke up the deadlifts 5/3/2, those were heavy. Stephen told me I'm going to have to do them unbroken at Pro Day, he is definitely right. I'm just going to have to grind them out. I was a little peeved I did the workout wrong but Heather said "Better to mess them up now than at Pro Day" and she has a good point. Now I know how to go about both of these tests at Pro Day and I know I can do better than I did today.
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Got an invite to the LA Pro Day, that's pretty neat! |
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