Wednesday, December 24, 2014


3 sets:
300m ski erg @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
400m run @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
500m row @90% aerobic
2:00 rest

A. Split jerk cluster from blocks, 3x1.1.1, :10 rest between singles; 2:00 rest
B. Power clean, build to a max for the day
C. Power clean, 12x1 @90% of B, begin a rep every :30
3 rounds for even times:
75 double unders
10 KB swings, 53
15 burpees
10 KB swings, 53
15 airdyne calories
3:00 rest
10:00 airdyne easy


A. 155-175-190
B. 195 (205 F)
C. complete @175

Solid day. Split jerks were feeling a bit heavy today but form is definitely much better, I'm punching underneath more and it's definitely making a difference, I didn't press out any reps. I was happy to get 190 for 3.

For some reason my power clean is stuck at 195. I have ended up at 195 for the past three weeks. It was extremely easy, last week I caught it pretty low but today I was catching it much higher. I went for 205 and barely got it past my thighs. What the heck. I power cleaned 210 at one point! I can't believe I'm saying this but I would much rather squat clean. WHO AM I. The cleans at 175 were easy. 

The three rounder was a real DOOZ. The double unders were unbroken the first two rounds. During the third round I tripped up on the 50th rep. EFF. That was annoying. KB swings were all unbroken and burpees were steady, although they felt really slow during the second round. I was pushing pretty hard on the airdyne, especially on the third round. I was breathing pretty hard throughout the whole thing but never felt like I was dying. Recovery was good between sets. I'm definitely getting tougher mentally during workouts like this. I don't stand around and rest anymore. I tell myself as soon as I touch the kettlebell I have to pick it up. On the burpees I just kept reaching towards the ground so I wouldn't rest at the top. My transitions all felt really solid on this. I'm very happy I was able to keep my times consistent. 

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