For time @ 95% effort:
5 squat clean thrusters, 135
10 stone-over-shoulder, 95
15 burpee toes-to-bar
5:00 rest
3 rounds @ 95% effort:
5 wall walks
200m sandbag run, 60
800m sled drag @ 90, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout
800m sled drag @ 90, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout
Holy shit. I felt terrible today. I know it was fatigue from 8 hours of driving the day before combined with not eating enough food and not getting enough water. I felt so shitty. The first piece wasn't too bad, squat clean thrusters were one at a time but I tried to just pick up the bar right away. I probably rested too much between each stone to shoulder. Burpee toes to bar were kind of cool, I had never done those before. The wall walk/sandbag run piece felt terrible. My breathing was bad and I felt like I was going to throw up on every run. WHAT the heck. The workout wasn't even that bad, I was just so tired from the day before. The best part of the day was actually the sled drag. Whaaa? Yes. 90 pounds felt like a dream! I was able to keep moving steadily the entire time and my breathing was actually pretty good during that. I wish every sled drag could be 90 pounds. But I learned my lesson, I am never driving that much in one day ever again.
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