For time @ 95% effort:
10 thrusters, 135
10 rope climbs
10 wall walks
5:00 rest
For time @ 95% effort:
200m sandbag carry, 60
10 burpee bar muscle-ups
100m Farmer's walk, 75/hand
800m sled drag, add a little from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout
800m sled drag, add a little from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout
complete @105
Ehhhh. Today was pretty tiring. I really enjoyed both pieces, I still think they took me too long. For some reason I thought I would be able to do the thrusters in sets of 2.....da fuck? Why I thought that, I have no idea. I did them all singles, it took me about 2:00. Those were fun though, I really like heavy thrusters. The rope climbs.....errrrrrr. I thought I was resting less between each climb but it still took me around 8:00 to do them. My technique going up is getting back to where it was but it's coming down that uses all my energy. I tried to do the wall walks as fast as possible but my shoulders were pretty tired by this point. The second piece wasn't as tough, although I wasn't sure if I was supposed to walk or run with the sandbag so I sort of did a half walk/trot. I didn't fail any burpee bar muscle ups, although it was a little awkward having to do the burpee then climbing up on the box and then doing the bar muscle up, I wish I was tall enough to just jump directly to the bar. The farmers carry was probably the worst part, I was using dumbbells and those things are very hard to carry. I had to set them down every 25 meters which wasted a lot of time. By the time I got to the sled drag I was pretty wiped, and it felt like it weighed 700 pounds. I stopped way more than I should have. I just read over this entire post and I feel like it looks as if I'm complaining a lot. But in reality I really enjoyed both workouts, I just wish I had done better on them.
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