Thursday, July 31, 2014


45:00 @ easy pace:
750m row
15 AirDyne calories
200m jog

A. Power clean, build to a touch-and-go 2RM
3 sets for even times:
15 touch-and-go deadlifts, moderate
15 burpees, as fast as possible
2:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
7 glute-ham raises
14 reverse hypers or BB good mornings
:60 front leaning rest on ground


A. 195(PR+5)
DL @155


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch, 6 x 1 start light & adding each set; begin every 2:00
B. Back squat, 2-2-2-2, 20X1; 2:30 rest
C1. DB bench press, 3 x 4-5, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. 1-arm DB or KB row, 3 x 7-9, 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Strict toes-to-bar, 3 x 10; 2:00 rest
3 sets:
:21 AirDyne or row @ 99%
3:39 rest


A. 105-115-125-135-140(Fail on the HS)-140
B. 205-215-220-225
C1. 40-45-50
C2. 40-45-50
C3. complete

Saturday, July 26, 2014


60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
2 rope climbs

A. Squat clean, 9 x 1 @ 165; begin a set set every :60
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 12 x 1 @ 245; begin a set every :30
5 sets for even times:
5 shoulder-to-overhead, 115
10 CTB pull-ups
5 kipping handstand push-ups
:90 rest
3 sets:
:25 row @ 97%
3:00 rest
Not for time:
60 hollow rocks (forward & back = 1)


A. complete
B. complete
130 meters

Pretty happy with my training today. I wasn't sure how it would go since I hadn't worked out in a week but I think taking a week off was actually good. A lot of the soreness I was having in my forearms/wrist is gone and the pain in my butt/lower back is also gone as well. The squat cleans felt really fast and light.  My butterfly CTB pull ups are definitely getting easier, and HSPU were pretty fast and easy. Row sprints aren't as fast as they used to be. Overall a solid day of training. Glad to be back in the gym. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014


A. Push jerk, build quickly to a heavy single
6 sets for even times:
5 muscle-ups
10 wall balls
15 box step-up & step-downs, 20
2:00 rest
5 sets:
:30 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
4:30 rest

A. 190 (PR+5)
all muscle ups unbroken
complete with 70# on prowler

Really happy with my push jerk PR! It felt really easy actually. I think it's because I made larger jumps than usual so I wasn't as fatigued. I went 125-155-175-185-190. I went for 195 but failed. I think I could get it next time though. The muscle up workout was okay, I just wish muscle ups didn't make me so effing winded. I would do five in a row and come off the rings huffing and puffing. Wall balls and step ups were easy and recovery between rounds was pretty good as well. I just wish I was better at breathing during MUs. The MUs also felt more difficult than usual, the last two reps were always tough, I felt heavy today. Prowler didn't suck as bad today, I went with a lighter weight but I was able to sprint and stay moving the entire time as opposed to flaming out the last 10 seconds when I have 90# on there. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


For 45:00 @ Z1:
750m row
15 AirDyne calories
200m jog

A. Hang power clean, build to a touch-and-go 3RM
3 sets:
10 touch-and-go axle deadlifts, tough
:30 rest
20 burpees, as fast as possible
2:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
7 glute-ham raises
14 reverse hypers
:45 front leaning rest on rings


A. 175
complete, axle deadlifts @170

Today wasn't great, didn't feel focused, felt very tired and sluggish. I thought I might be able to get 180 on the hang cleans but when I went for 175 I could tell that was it. I wish hang cleans didn't hurt my thighs so much but I don't think there's anything I can do about that. The axle deadlift/burpee thing was cool, I probably could have gone a bit heavier on the deadlifts. The burpees were tiring, I was sucking wind pretty badly after each set. Breathing did not feel good today. On the plus side, planks are getting easier! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. Hang snatch gauntlet, 1 rep every :90 starting @ 125 and adding 5 every :90
B. Back squat, 3-3-3-3-3, 20X1; 2:30 rest
C1. DB bench press, 3 x 5-7, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 9-12, 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Knees-to-elbows, 3 x 16 unbroken; 2:00 rest
3 sets:
:18 AirDyne @ 99%
3:12 rest


A. 155 (PR+5)
B. 175-195-205-215-220
C1. 40-45-50 (5)
C2. 40-45-50
C3. complete

I'm so excited about my hang snatch PR! Stephen said I could either power snatch or squat snatch so I decided to squat snatch. I didn't have any misses which was good. The first few reps didn't feel great, I was catching everything on my toes until I got to 145. 150 and 155 actually felt really good and I was able to get under it pretty quickly. I attempted 160 but I could barely pull it. Hopefully I can get that soon though! Still kept it pretty light on the back squats until I can get in and see Pete. I figured out that if I keep my stance relatively wide during my back squats there isn't as much discomfort but I can definitely still feel it. I've been doing a lot more mobility which is also helping. DB bench press/rows were better than last week. KTE were pretty difficult, my grip was shot from all the DB stuff and also I forgot to shave my calluses so my hands hurt. Good day today.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


For 45:00 @ Z1:
750m row
15 AirDyne calories
200m jog

A. Power clean, build to a touch-and-go 5RM
B. Double overhand axle deadlift, 2-2-2-1-1-1; 2:30 rest
AMRAP in 4:00:
3 rounds not for time:
6 glute-ham raises
12 reverse hypers
:30/side plank


A. 175 (PR+5)
B. 140-150-160-165-170(f)-165
67 burpees

I'm happy with the power clean 5RM PR, although the 5th rep was very ugly, rounded back and all. Bleh. That's not cool. The axle deadlifts were tougher than last week, I was having trouble holding on to the bar. I'm very pleased with the burpees, I thought I was going to do relatively poorly on that. Before I started, Stephen told me I had to get at least 64 and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to, but I ended up getting 67. The first three minutes actually weren't too bad, the last minute sucked. But I was able to keep a steady pace the whole time. 


A. 1 hang snatch pull + 1 hang squat snatch, 1-1-1-1-1-1; begin a set every :90
B. Back squat, 1-1-1-1, 20X1; 3:00 rest
C1. DB bench press, 3 x 7-9, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 12-15, 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Knees-to-elbows, 3 x 15 unbroken; 2:00 rest
3 sets:
:15 AirDyne @ 99%
2:45 rest

A. 105-115-125-130-135-140-150 (PR+10)
B. 205-215-225-235
C1. 35-40-45(7)
C2. 35-40-45
C3. complete

Really happy with the hang snatch PR. After I finished with the pull/hang snatch piece I was feeling really good so I decided to go for a hang snatch PR. I hit 145 and then went for 150. So excited! I thought a 150 hang snatch was way in the distant future. I kept the back squats on the light side due to the same discomfort I've been feeling for a few weeks now. I'm going to see if I can get an appointment with Pete this week and hopefully he can help me. I forgot how much I dislike DB rows, and the DB bench press was really difficult. The KTE were harder than usual because my arms were fatigued from all the DB work. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


3 rounds for time @ 90%:
5 squat clean thrusters, 135
7 stone-over-shoulders, 95
9 burpee toes-to-bar
5:00 rest
3 rounds for time @ 90%:
4 rope climbs
12 tire flips w/jump in & out
800m sled drag, add a little from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete with 110 on sled

The first workout was very frustrating. Thrusters felt decent but stone to shoulder took forever, it felt like it weighed a ton. I was getting frustrated on burpee toes to bar because I feel like there's really not a good way to do those quickly, and I already knew I was going too slow to begin with. I was breathing pretty heavy the entire time, I don't think I warmed up properly for this. For some reason, I was just really angry the whole time I was doing this workout and I'm not sure why. I just knew it shouldn't be taking me this long but I wasn't moving any faster. I was also already thinking about how much the second piece was going to suck so mentally I had already removed myself from the first piece. After the first workout was over, I made a decision to try and change my attitude about the rope climbs for the second part. I just decided to do my best and try to push myself on rest between climbs. Overall I am actually pleased with my time on the second part, I know it's not great but my rope climbs felt much better than last week and I was trying to go again before I was ready. It was actually the tire flip with the jump that made this workout hard. Today was just an eye opening experience regarding how I look at my workouts. I went into today thinking "I'm terrible at rope climbs, the second piece is going to suck and take me forever" instead of thinking "this is what it is so I just have to do the work the best I can". The sled drag was good, definitely alternated between forward/backward a lot more on the second 400 but overall these are getting better.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
1 rope climb

A. Squat clean, build quickly to a max
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 12 x 1 @ 235; begin a set every :20
C1. Push press, 5 x 1-2; :10 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 5 x 12; 2:00 rest
Not for time:
50 hollow rocks (forward & back = 1)


A. 210 (PR+5)
B. complete
C1. 135-145-155-165(1)-165(1)
C2. complete

I am really pumped about the squat clean PR, especially since my squatting hasn't been going well lately due to discomfort in my lower back/butt. I used KT tape today (thanks Heather) and I think that helped. I hit 205 which tied my PR so I went up to 210 and got it! It actually felt pretty good. I went for 215 and got underneath it but couldn't stand it up. Oh well, next time. Everything else went well, CTB pull ups are still improving. First three sets were unbroken but the second two sets were 10/2 because I felt like I might tear. Solid day of training. 


A. Push jerk, build quickly to a 3RM
For time:
30 muscle-ups
5 sets:
:30 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
4:00 rest

A. 170 (175 for 1)
8:11 (PR+4:50)
complete with 90# on prowler

Great day!! I was happy with where I ended up on the push jerk. 175 was a PR for 1 and 170 was definitely a PR for 3. I was so excited about the 30 muscle ups for time, I shaved almost 5:00 off my previous time. I started with a set of 5, then did sets of 3 until the 16th rep, then did sets of 2 the rest of the time. Every muscle up felt really good, I never felt like I was going to fail. I am really happy with how my MUs have progressed. Prowler sprints were rough, the last two were pretty horrible. 

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